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e mmm ass ARCHITECTURAL SHEET METAL MANUAL aan a oF 3 THIRD EDITION, 1979 el. | | a _ | _ I =] c I LL SHEET METAL AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS [ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ING el , Er r c | waa Z BS: i i z ARCHITECTURAL SHEET METAL MANUAL (@SMAcNa 879 gn reseved [SHEET METAL AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS! NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC 12224 Oi Courthouse Road Tysons Comer Vienna, Vig 2180 Pntedin he USA FIRST EDITION uno, 165 SECOND EDTON— Way, 1968 HARD EDITION Augus, 1979 10M Second Ping — Apa 188 1 “Those Standards were developed using elable engineering principles ané research avaiable plus consutation wt, and iormaton obtained rom, manufacturers, user, testing laboratories and others having specialized expoience. ‘Morar sabjcttocevision a further experience andinvesigaton may show s necessary or desirable, Consrucion dnd products which comaly wth these Standare wil ot nacessarly be accepable f, when examined and tested ‘fay ae found havo oer features which impair tha result contemplated by these requirements. The Sheet Metal tnd Air Conditioning Contractors’ Netonal Aseecaion assumes no responsibly and aooepts no lity fo the sPoseaton of the prinapies or techniques contained in tis manual. Athores considering adoption ofthese ‘Randards should revow al Federal, Stata, eal and coatac\ requations appeabe to specific instlaions FOREWORD ‘This third edition ofthe manwal has been prepared to provide architects and specifiers with a continuingly reliable reference forthe proper design and installation of architectural sheet metal ‘Compared to the former edition, many changes in fastening methods, support methods and metal forming style have taken place. The drawing details and text material reflect the experience and knovledge of nationally respected sheet metal contractors, The information here has been selected from hundreds of drawings, chars, tables and recommendations examined by the committee Several alternative methods of design and installation have been shown for many items in the ‘manual. This has been dane to give the architect choice in the application and to reflect area practices and varying climatic conditions throughout the country. Not all Ical area practices are slscussed or illustrated. Deviations from these recommendations may be permissible, depending ‘upon verification of satisfactory service under conditions other than those contemplated by the content ofthis manual. Careful examination ofthe information herein and local climatic conditions will enable the architect to select the proper detail for practically any architectural sheet metal requirement. However, architects are encouraged to consult local sheet metal contractors aboutany application of architectural sheet metal. Local sheet metal contractors can make suggestions on choice of metals, the relative economies of different techniques, et, and can otherwise share their ‘experience with designers, Itis suggested that the architect use this manual asa guide in determin- Ing items to be included in the architectural sheet metal section of the specifications. Direct reference to this mania by plate number is encouraged. The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors! National Association expresses its ap- _precation to the committees and to the numerous architects, sheet metal contractors, journeymen sheet metal workers and manufacturers who have contributed their ime, knowledge andl experi- ence in the development ofthis edition and the former editions. SHEE METAL AND Aix Conommosine CConTRActORs’ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, INC. ARCHITECTURAL SHEET METAL COMMITTEE FOR THE THIRD EDITION Jans E. Mora WausaM K, Enmvcxe ‘Verwon Larson Jou H. Sraarron Lro W. Zavvi, J, CHAIRMAN ‘Clovis Henney (OTHER CONTRIBUTORS Waa Kouriorr ‘CARROLL L. GRooMEs Davi B. Wace Groxce K. BuRaus (COMMITTEE FOR THE FIRST AND ‘SECOND EDITIONS anny H. ESieNsHa0, J (CLYDE M. Barnes oe Ages Calorie Raum A. NicHoLas aaa i, Mise Lzo W. Zanes, Je, CHARMAN Ems Ciy Ma Crows Hevory TABLE OF CONTENTS DRAINAGE, Design of Roof Drainage Systems Design Ateas for Pitched Roofs Rainfall Data and Drainage Factors GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS Dimensions of Standard Downspouts Rectangular Gutter Width for Roof Area Half Round Gutter Selection Rectangular Gutter Design Recommended Minimum Gages for Gutter Rectangular Type Gutter Styles Half Round & Ogee Gutter Maximum Distance Between Expansion Joints and Downspout in Feet for Built-In Gutter Built-In Gutter Design Water Diverter Design. Allowances for Gutter Expansion Lap Type Gutter Expansion Joint Butt Type Gutter Expansion Joint Built-In Gutter Expansion Joint Built-In Gutter Expansion Joint, At Wall Built-In Expansion Joint, Heavy Gage Gutter Combination Scupper and Gutter Recommended Sizes—Gutter Brackets or Straps Hanging Gutter Installations, General Hanging Gutter Installations, Bracket Support Hanging Gutter Installations, Spike Support Hanging Gutter Installations, Strap Support Hanging Gutter Installations, Heavy Gutter Hanging Gutter Installations, Sloped Roof Hanging Gutter Installations, Sloped Roof Hanging Gutter Installations, Sloped Roof Hanging Gutter Installations, Half Round Built-In Gutter Installations Gutter Accessories, Screens and Outlets Water Diverter Installation Conductor Heads, Typical Scupper, Design and Installation Roof Sumps, Formed Chart 1 har2 Charts Chart Chart 5 Plate 1 Chart 6 Plate 2 Plate Chart? Plate Plate 5 Plate 6 Plate Plate 8 Plate 9 Plate 10 Plate 11 Plate 12 Charts Plate 13, Plate 14 Plate 15 Plate 16 Plate 17 Plate 18 Plate 19 Plate 20 Plate 21 Plate 22 Plate 23 Plate 24 Plate 25, Plate 26 Plate 27, 4 = : oT? a a 3 — 4 L Z d a | : ox 4 c 2 -t E -I FE ore S “LE 3B Ee 7 7 a 2 x % i m Pu 3 in: = a5 a me | 6 ff) a IE @ : ) 2 I x rq 5 c 5 os 7 [ 3 Il ee mm Lt TABLE OF CONTENTS Scupper, Through Fascia with Conductor Head Scupper, Design and Installation Scupper, Overflow Type, Design and Installation Dimensions and Minimum Gages of Standard Downspouts Downspouts, Manufactured Downspouts, Shop Fabricated Downspouts, Hanger Design Downspouts, Hanger Design Splash Pan GRAVEL STOP—FASCIA Recommended Minimum Gages Gravel Stop— Fascia Formed Gravel, Stop— Fascia, Design Data Formed Stop—Fascia, System— Typical Profiles Formed Stop—Fasca, Joint Systems Formed Stop—Fascia, Installation Formed Stop—Fascia, Soffit Installation Formed Stop—Fascia, Installation Porcelain Enamel Gravel Stop —Fascia, Installation Extruded Gravel Stop —Fascia System, Typical Profiles Extruded Gravel Stop—Fasca, Joints & Comers Extruded Gravel Stop—Fascia, Installations FLASHING Through Wall Flashing, Installation, General ‘Through Wall Flashing, Installation ‘Through Wall Flashing, Installation, At Coping ‘Counter Flashing Systems, Installation ‘Counter Flashing Systems, Installation ‘Counter Flashing Systems, Installation ‘Counter Flashing Systems, Installation Base & Counter Flashing Systems, Installation Valley Flashings, Installation Valley Flashings, Installation Hip & Ridge Flashing, Ridge Flashing At Mansard Roof Roof Penetration Flashing, Pipes oof Penetration Flashing, Pipes Roof Penetration Flashing, Structural Steel Plate 28 Plate 29 Plate 30 Chart Plate 31 Plate 32 Plate 33, Plate 4 Plate 35 Chart 10 Plate 36 Plate 37 Plate 38 Plate 39 Plate 40, Plate 41 Plate 42 Plate 43 Plate 44 Plate 45, Plate 45, Plate 47 Plate 48, Plate 49 Plate 50 Plate 51 Plate 52 Plate 53, Plate 54 Plate 55 Plate 56 Plate 57 Plate 58, Plate 59 Plate 60 61 @ 6 6 @ 6 m 2 B SeRgeeyyy aos x 103 105 107 109 m 13 15 17 ng cry 23 25

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