Properties The Molar Masses of H Analysis From The Energy Balance Relation

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13-72 Heat is transferred to a gas mixture contained in a piston cylinder device. The initial state and the final temperature
are given. The heat transfer is to be determined for the ideal gas and non-ideal gas cases.
Properties The molar masses of H2 and N2 are 2.0, and 28.0 kg/kmol. (Table A-1).
Analysis From the energy balance relation,
E in  E out  E
Qin  Wb,out  U 6 kg H2

Qin  H  H H 2  H N 2  N H 2 h2  h1 H 2

 N N 2 h2  h1 N 2
21 kg N2
5 MPa
since Wb and U combine into H for quasi-equilibrium constant pressure processes 160 K
mH 2 6 kg
NH2    3 kmol
MH 2 2 kg / kmol
mN 2 21 kg
NN2    0.75 kmol
MN 2 28 kg / kmol

(a) Assuming ideal gas behavior, the inlet and exit enthalpies of H2 and N2 are determined from the ideal gas tables to be

H2 : h1  h@160 K  4,535.4 kJ / kmol, h2  h@ 200 K  5,669.2 kJ / kmol

N2 : h1  h@160 K  4,648 kJ / kmol, h2  h@ 200 K  5,810 kJ / kmol

Thus, Qideal  3  5,669.2  4,535.4   0.75  5,810  4,648  4273 kJ

(b) Using Amagat's law and the generalized enthalpy departure chart, the enthalpy change of each gas is determined to be

Tm,1 160 
T R1 ,H 2    4.805 
Tcr,H 2 33.3 
 Z h1  0
Pm 5 
H 2: PR1 ,H 2  PR2 ,H 2    3.846  (Fig. A-29)
Pcr,H 2 1.30 Zh  0
Tm , 2  2
200 
T R2 ,H 2    6.006
Tcr,H 2 33.3 

Thus H2 can be treated as an ideal gas during this process.

Tm,1 160 
T R1 , N 2    1.27 
Tcr, N 2 126.2 
 Z h1  1.3
Pm 5 
N 2: PR1 , N 2  PR2 , N 2    1.47  (Fig. A-29)
Pcr, N 2 3.39  Z h  0.7
Tm , 2  2
200 
T R2 , N 2    1.58
Tcr, N 2 126.2 


h2  h1 H  h2  h1 H ,ideal  5,669.2  4,535.4  1,133.8kJ/kmol

2 2

h2  h1 N 2
  
 Ru Tcr Z h1  Z h2  h2  h1 ideal
 (8.314kPa  m 3 /kmol  K)(126.2K)(1.3  0.7)  (5,810  4,648)kJ/kmol  1,791.5kJ/kmol

Qin  3 kmol1,133.8 kJ/kmol  0.75 kmol1,791.5 kJ/kmol  4745 kJ

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