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Course Code:

Module 1 GE 6107 Credit Unit(s): 3

3rd TRIMESTER, SY 2018-2019
Lectures Unit (s): 1.5 Lab Unit (s): 0
Course Title: THE STUDY OF PHILOSOPHY Date Issued: Page 1 of 2

Different branches of Philosophy (Epistemology, Metaphysics, Aesthetics, Cosmology, Social and

Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Man, Logic, Ethics)

Epistemology – a branch of philosophy that addresses the philosophical problems surrounding the
theory of knowledge.

Metaphysics – a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of ultimate reality.

ontology, which deals with the question of how many fundamentally distinct sorts of entities compose
the universe.

metaphysics proper, which is concerned with describing the most general traits of reality.

Aesthetics – a branch of philosophy concerned with the essence and perception of beauty and ugliness.

Cosmology – a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of the universe as a whole, including its
past and its future.

Social and Political Philosophy – a branch of philosophy primarily concerned with the nature of
legitimate authority, the nature of society, and the relation between the individual, the community, and
the state.

Philosophy of Man – the study of all aspects of human life and culture.

Etymologically, philosophy is derived from two Greek words, philia meaning “love” or “friendship” and
Sophia meaning “wisdom” .

Love is an urge, or a drive of the will towards a particular object.

Wisdom means the good exercise or application of knowledge.

Logic – commonly known as the art and science of correct thinking. It is a study that deals with the
principles of valid reasoning and argument.

Ethics – is the normative science of the conduct of human being living in societies; a science which
judges the conduct to be right or wrong, to be good or bad.

Etymologically, ethics is derived from the Greek word ethicos, or that which pertains to ethos the
English translation of which is “custom” or “character.”

Morality of human acts means the goodness or badness, the rightness or wrongness or the acceptability
or unacceptability of human acts.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Joseph Noel A. De Leon, MA, RPm. Prof. Maria Rhodora S. Salazar

Faculty – College of Arts and Sciences Dean – College of Arts and Sciences
Course Code:
Module 1 GE 6107 Credit Unit(s): 3
3rd TRIMESTER, SY 2018-2019
Lectures Unit (s): 1.5 Lab Unit (s): 0
Course Title: THE STUDY OF PHILOSOPHY Date Issued: Page 2 of 2

Division of Ethics

General Ethics presents truths about human acts, and from these truths deduce the general principles
of morality.

Special Ethics is applied ethics. It applies to the principles of general ethics in different departments of
human activity, individual and social.

Importance of Ethics

1. Ethics means living in proper way and it is in the development of a good moral character and virtues
that man finds perfection and understands his purpose of existence.

2. Everybody aims to have peace and harmony among all people, which is indeed the common interest
of the people and the government.

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and cognitive (mental) processes.

Sociology is the scientific study of society and culture

Economics is the proper allocation and efficient use of available sources for the maximum satisfaction of
human wants.

Political Science is the study of state and government.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Joseph Noel A. De Leon, MA, RPm. Prof. Maria Rhodora S. Salazar

Faculty – College of Arts and Sciences Dean – College of Arts and Sciences

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