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Cynthia Teague

Kellie Barker
Andrea Kontgis
Bridget Angus
Group 3

1. As we discussed our guesses for the overall sample we figured out that some of us love
the red and green and it always seems that there are never enough of them in a bag, so for
our guess we were thinking there were about 15% red, 15% green, and about 23% each
for purple, yellow and orange. Some of the others in our group guessed that there would
be an equal proportion of all the colors, so 20% red, 20% green, 20% orange, 20% yellow
and 20% purple, as you would think that they would have a method in place to make sure
that every bag had the same amount of every color. However after calculating the total in
the class sample we found that 18.53% were green, 19.75% were red, 20.59% were
purple, 20.31% were red, and 20.81% were yellow. So after looking at these numbers it
looks like our guess that there are less red and green skittles in a bag is actually wrong,
and the other half of our guess is closer to the actual sample, that there are equal amounts
of each color in each bag.
3. The class data is not a random sample since the bags of skittles were only purchased in
the state of Utah and not all over the country/world. We concluded that the sample was
convenient since it came from our class and it was an attainable sample. We also
concluded that the population is the 2.17 oz. bag of skittles because the bags of skittles
were purchased at different locations at the convenience of each person in our class.

Furthermore, as we analyzed the data we discussed the minimum and maximum

values of the data, which were 40 and 65. We found that 40 would be an outlier since the
average was 58.64, and only one person had less than 50 skittles in their bag, so this was
either an error on their part or they really did get a package that only had 40 skittles,
which tells me that they might have gotten the wrong size bag. We also found that,
although there were less green skittles in the overall sample, it is not a huge difference
compared to the other colors. Also as we examine the histogram we can see that the
distribution is uniform

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