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Bridget Angus

Math 1040


A confidence interval is used to express a degree of uncertainty when dealing with simple statics. The
general and purpose of a confidence interval it to allow a bigger portion of random sampling, it also
adds a range that the probability of the true sample value fall in within +/- margin of error. If the we use
the same sampling process, then the same number of samples taken then the results should fall within
the parameters of the confidence interval. When looking the result of a given sample, and you can see
that there is no way to change the result no matter what variables you have left, you can confidently say
what the true proportion with that population would be. An example would be, looking at a high school
population of 5924 people, and you have found that 1233 of them are musicians, then you can
confidently say that the school has a majority population of musicians. The interval would be (.196, .224)
contain the true population proportion of musicians. This would be found to be 99%.

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