Bridget Angus

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Bridget Angus

Math 1040 Spring 2019


Group project reflection

During this project I learned how to apply what I have been learning in this class, for example, I had a hard

time with the confidence intervals and when applied to the project I was able to grasp this concept. The format of

having a complete online class format did make it very difficult to get organized as well as work with others that

failed to do their end of the work. I could not work with them face to face and most of what we did was over email

and text message. With those challenges, I was able to work with a couple of people in the group and we were able

to complete the project.

If I had anything to change about his project, it would be to give examples for the expected out comes. If I

had those available to me I may have been able to figure out how to do the histogram and box plot. I did enjoy doing

this project but did not enjoy those I worked with I think that out of the 5 people assigned to the group only 3 of us

did the assigned work.

Within this class, the mathematical statics I have learned really do not apply to other classes I am taking. I

am currently in the Nursing program and the only way this will apply to other classes is if I end up going into my

career as a research nurse. I ended up doing most of the calculations for the first and last parts of the project. I did

have the other people in my group double check my work, the only parts I did not do were the histogram and box

plot, as I could not figure how to do those.

This project did not impact the way I think about real-world statistics applications, however the class itself

it did open my eyes as to how research studies work. This class has helped me understand why in study that the size

of the sample of the population matters so greatly. As a nurse I will not be applying this information, but I will need

to be able to explain how the research behind medication trial work to patient.

Going into this class I was nervous about the mathematic behind statics and was worried that I would not

be able to understand or do the work needed for this class, but I was surprised that it is easier then expected. The

format that the information that was given to me did make it easier for me to get through the parts that I could

understand and do. The online lectures that I have done, did help guide me through.

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