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Put the Title of the

Lesson Here
A technology integration lesson plan for xth Grade (Put Subject Here)

Designed by

Put names and E-mails of group members Here

Insert a graphic representing the content here

| Summary | Objectives| Duration | Type | Technology Integration | Procedures | Evaluation

| Materials Needed |

Lesson Summary

Describe what this lesson is about, what activity/activities will do, and
purposes of the lesson.


List what students will be able to do at the end of this lesson in measurable

Content Standard

Identify state or national standards addressed


Describe briefly how many classes this lesson will need.

Lesson Type

Are students working individually, in groups, or others? (Note: centers are

commonly used in lower grades)

Technology Integration

Describe what type of technology you will integrate. Is the technology being
used as a teacher demo (A demonstration tool used by the teacher) or
student user (Student as user of technology)? If the technology being used
is as a student user, will you need to teach the technology skills? If so,
please provide a tutorial or link to existing online tutorial.

Instructional Procedures

Describe the instructional steps that will be taken to implement the lesson
by each day. This section should provide detailed, step-by-step procedures
on how to instruct the lesson and achieve the lesson objectives that you
have stated above. Usually, there are three main stages. 1) Gain attention.
Consider these questions…How will you introduce the lesson to the students?
How will you get students' attention and motivate them in order to hold their
attention? 2) Present material. What actual instructional techniques you will
use and what specific things/activities students will do during the lesson?
You must provide sufficient detail so that even a novice teacher can teach
the lesson successfully. 3) Closure or conclusion. How you will bring closure
to the lesson?

Use a numbered or bulleted list to describe the instructional procedures.


Describe what student products or performances you'll be looking at and

how they'll be evaluated. Remember, this should be tightly related to the
objectives you stated above.

Materials Needed

Describe what's needed to implement this lesson. Some of the possibilities:

 Class sets of books, worksheets, handouts, etc
 Internet access
 Specific software (how many copies?)
 Specific hardware (what kind? How many?)
 Specific reference material in the classroom or school library
 Video or audio materials

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