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Grade 7 Drama 

Orientation Class 
Miss Morrison 
Stage 1: Desired Results 
General Learning Outcome(s)  To acquire knowledge of self and others through
participation in and reflection on dramatic experience

Specific Learning Outcome(s)  - Extend the ability to think imaginatively and

- Strengthen powers of concentration
- Demonstrate awareness of personal and shared

Learning Objective(s)   - Know everyone’s name

(after this lesson students will be able to)  - Know everyone’s birthday month
- Participate in class and work as a team
- Communicate with each other without using

Outcomes from (2013) Ministerial  Demonstrate good communication skills and the
Order  ability to work cooperatively with others
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence 
Summative  Students will receive a Formative  Students participating in
Assessment  10/10 (Mastery) If they Assessment  each and every activity
are able to say
everyone's name and
birthday month

Tech to  N/A Resources to  Teacher Resource Manual DRAMA
do  Bring/Resources Used  Junior High School. 1989 Alberta
Education ISBN
Stage 3: Learning Experience 
Time (45mins)  Content/Description  Notes 

6-9mins Greetings/Objective/C Introduce myself: “Hello, My name is_____________,

hit-Chat You can call me Mr/Mrs/Ms I am a student teacher
from the University of Lethbridge, i’m going to be
here for the next few weeks teaching your class
some awesome things about Drama. We’re going be
using our bodies and our voices to be expressive,
creative, tell stories and so much more.

Explain 1st and Most important rule to you

- Respect works both ways, In order for us to
learn from and with each other, create a safe
environment and have fun we need to
respect one another
- I’ll respect you if you respect me

Introduce Check-in Routine

- My heart is …...
- My head is …….
- My body is …..
Objective: ​Today by the end of this class you will
know everyone in this rooms name and the month
they were born in

Grab a chair and make a circle

(Chit-Chat if students seem a bit nervous)
- We’re going to go around the circle and I
want you to tell me your name and
something that is your favorite
- Favorite Food
- Favorite Movie
- Favorite Book
- Favorite Color
- Favorite Holiday
- Favorite Season

8mins Activity 1 - Teacher starts by stepping forward and

Name Gesture saying their name with an action. Then steps
back and students repeat the name the
- Go around circle
- Once everyone has gone, now tell students
that they need to repeat the name and the
action of the person before them and then
they do their own

I would say Sheadene and then wiggle my fingers as
my action, the person after me would say my name,
wiggle their fingers, say their name and then do
their action
Let students know they JUST have to do the
action and say the name of the person right
before them

Activity 2 Step 1:
10mins Neighbor Game
Have students turn to the people on both sides them
and ask their names

Let students know you are going to call on them

Step 2:
Ask who are your neighbors?

Do this 4 times

Step 3:
Have students stand up and switch places

Now tell students to get 2 peoples name on both

sides of them

Repeat Step 2 and Step 3

Now tell students to get 3 peoples name on both

sides of them

Repeat Step 2 and 3

If students are doing really good have them get
4,5, 6 (if you’re feeling challenging), names on
both sides of them

Repeat Step 2 and 3

Have students in partners say everyone’s name in

the room

2mins Ways to Communicate Before the game starts, brainstorm ways the
without Talking students can communicate with one another
without using their voices.

Ask for examples/Provide examples

- Using fingers
- Mouthing words
- Using sounds with other body parts
(clapping, stomping, etc.)

13mins Activity 3 Let students know you’re giving them only 10

Birthday Line-up mins to do activity

- Tell students they need to line up according

to their birthdays without talking.
- The line will start with January and ends in
- Students should try to line up in order by
month and day.
- When they have finished the birthday line
up, starting with January, ask students to say
the month and day in which they were born.
Use 3 mins to discuss what worked and what
didn’t work with this activity

3mins Closure What did we learn today that we will most likely
be using in Drama (Other than everyone’s name
and birthday)
- Communication without talking
- Work as a team
- A bit of memorization
- Concentration/Focus
Student Differentiation  N/A

Reflection/Follow Up  - Go over students names and next class try and order them
in a straight line for a game (potentially) based on their

Grade 7 Drama 
Orientation Class 
Miss Morrison 
Stage 1: Desired Results 
General Learning Outcome(s)  - To acquire knowledge of self and others through
participation in and reflection on dramatic
- To develop competency in communication skills
through participation in and exploration of
various dramatic disciplines
- To develop an appreciation for drama and
theatre as a process and art form

Specific Learning Outcome(s)  - Participate positively in classroom activities

- Work cooperatively and productively with all
members of the class in pairs, small groups and
large groups
- Support positively the work of others
- Meet deadlines and follow through on individual
and group commitments
- Offer and accept constructive criticism, given
specific guidelines, with a desire to improve
- Move in a variety of ways (Movement)
Learning Objective(s)   - For students to successfully create a tableau with
(after this lesson students will be able to)  sequences
- For students to critique one another

Outcomes from (2013) Ministerial  Demonstrate good communication skills and ability
Order  to work cooperatively with others
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence 
Summative  Rubric for Theme Formative  N/A
Assessment  Tableaux with Narrator Assessment 

Tech to  N/A Resources to  N/A
do  Bring 
Stage 3: Learning Experience 
Time (45mins)  Content/Description  Notes 

6 mins Check-In/Review - Routine Check-in

- My heart is
- My head is
- My body is
- Review Tableau and Sequencing
- Show students Rubric and tell them
EXACTLY​ what they have to do to get full

20 mins Theme Tableaux - Give students work period for (23 mins)
with Narrator - Put students in groups of 5 or 6
- Walk around and check on students
during this time
- Offer help if needed

19 mins Show Tableaux with - Hand out 2 Stars and 1 wish Peer
Narrator Scenes feedback sheet

*If we have extra

Student Differentiation  N/A

Reflection/Follow Up 

Resources Used 

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