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Introduction to Scene Work Lesson Plan 

Grade 6 Drama 
Miss. Morrison 
Stage 1: Desired Results 
General Learning Outcome(s)  To develop competency in communication skills through
participation in and exploration of various dramatic

Specific Learning Outcome(s)  Speech

(Level II)
- Use volume, articulation and projection to
achieve clarity
- Demonstrate effects of intonation, rate, pause
and phrasing on the meaning of words
- Use voice to communicate mood and emotion
(Level III)
- Use movement and gesture to clarify and
enhance speech and character

Level (I)
- Demonstrate the ability to be still
- Demonstrate appropriate rehearsal behaviors
and routines
- Make logical choices within the boundaries of
situation and character

Level (II)
- Use the body and body language to enhance
- Demonstrate economy in movement and speech
- Use voice variety to enhance a character
- Sustain a character throughout an exercise or
- Demonstrate understanding of focus and the
process of sharing, giving and taking

Learning Objective(s)   Students will be able to demonstrate an opening

(after this lesson students will be able to)  scene/tableau and a Classical Readers Theatre curtain
call for their ​One Orphan Boy’s Extraordinary Tale of
Survival and Adventure ​Scenes

Outcomes from (2013) Ministerial  - Demonstrate good communication skills and the
Order  ability to work cooperatively with others
- Create opportunities through play and
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence 
Summative  Formative Assessment  Participation
Assessment  (All students will show their
opening tableau and curtain
call for their scene)
Tech to  N/A Resources to  ​ ne Orphan Boy’s
do  Bring  Extraordinary Tale of Survival
and Adventure ​Script
Stage 3: Learning Experience 
Time (44mins)  Content/Description  Notes 

8:45-8:54 Greetings/Attendance Introduce myself (3 things)

(7mins) / Announcements - Miss M or Miss Morrison
- Born and Raised in Calgary
- University of Lethbridge Student Teacher, I
specialize in Drama Education

Explain your 1st and Most important rule

- Respect is a HUGE thing for me!!! In order for
us to learn from and with each other, create a
safe environment and have fun we need to
respect one another
- I’ve already seen how good you all are at
accepting each other and each others stories, so
let's keep that and always keep in mind how
important it is to be a generous audience
- Remember what Mr. D said yesterday a
Good Audience member knows that
- It’s for you, but not about you

Question of The Day

- Tell me something you like that starts with the
same letter of your first name
- Example, My name is Miss Morrison and I
like Music

- Mr.D will open up the document on his
computer for you

8:54-8:59 Quick Review of Review/Discussion/Transition from Readers

(5mins) Readers Theatre Theatre

- How were we telling our story with the script

prior to today?
- We had the narrations
- We would change our voices
- We would walk in and sit down
- We would bow and exit
- How did we know how the characters were
- The narrations
- How did we know what was happening?

8:59-9:07 Introduction to Scenic Now instead of telling me the story, you’re going to
(8mins) Work show it to me

Prompt Question(s) ​Allow for students to answer

- How might we be able to do that?
- For example, How am I going to know
that Hugo and his father are sitting
inside their cosy home, admiring a
mechanical man?
- *Answer I am looking for*
Hugo and his dad will be
sitting on stage laid back,
relaxed, looking at something
(the stool) on the table

*Specific answers I am looking for*

- Facial expressions
- Scene 2 (N2): Claude takes Hugo to a
hidden apartment inside the Paris
train station. It’s dark and musty
- Literally doing what it says
- Scene 4 (N3): Hugo buries his face in
his hands
- Reacting through your body
- Scene 4 (N1): Suddenly the machine
starts moving again.

Tell students to get into there Scene Companies and sit

in a campfire circle
- Make groups based on number of actors in the
- Use the students you take out of original
groups as a new group to double a scene

9:07-9:18 Assignment Have students turn to the board to see the structure of
(11mins) the scene work and what you’re looking for:

On Board*

- Title Tableau
- You will walk in, stand neutral
and then melt into your tableau
for your opening scene and then
have someone state your title
(​Example; ​Hugo Scene 4
- Show them an example of the entrance

Audience will Applaud*

- Teacher will cue*

Scene (Acting)
- I need to see certain things that we
worked on in Classical Readers Theatre
(Projection, Intonation, Articulation,
Pauses) as well as Cheating out, Levels,
Awareness of the Audience (NO BTA)
Cheating Out
- When an actor "​cheats out​," they position
themselves towards the audience, they share
their bodies and voices so that audiences can
see and hear them better​.
- To "​Cheat Out​" ​means​ that the performer
readjusts his or her body with an audience in
- Example: Scene 7
- When George is telling Jeanne,
Isabelle and Hugo about his life

- L ​ evels​ can be used to show status - ​meaning
the power or authority one character has over
- The lower the status and the level, the less
power the character has
- Example: Scene 7
- When the investigator is grabbing Hugo
is he going to be at a low level, medium
level or high level? Where is Hugo going
to be? Low, Medium or High?

Awareness of the Audience

- Make sure the audience can see you and your
company members at all times
- Remember not to talk with your back to the
audience (BTA)

Curtain Call
- Freeze (Wait about 5 seconds)
- Stand up
- Classic Readers Theatre Curtain Call
- Neutral
- Bow
- Turn
- Walk-out

9:18-9:29 Work on More time for this can be allocated

(11mins - Entrances/Opening
or more) Scene and Curtain Call *Cut introduction short and go through question of
the day super fast if need be OR cut Review short*
Student Differentiation  N/A

Reflection/Follow Up  - Next class have students meet in their groups right after
attendance, run through Entrance/Opening Scene and
Curtain Call
- Show to class and then move forward

Resources Used 

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