Nadeen Talking March

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Listen to me Talking!

Nadeen, you have a calm and quiet disposition. You often feel much more comfortable talking
when you are one on one with a teacher at the end of the day or with smaller groups of children.
Although you are calm & quiet you have a determined way of letting us know what you want or
need, you have the language you need, but you choose not to use it sometimes. Recently I have
noticed that you are becoming more confident and braver when communicating with us. You will
now speak out. You will tell teachers (insistently!) you want a swing, and chat away happily with
play situations.
Today I sat with you and you initiated naming all the animals in the book followed by the sounds
they make. You definitely knew all the words and sounds you needed, you are in deed getting
more confident with language. I began adding in descriptive words, big, little, tiny, large, colours,
counting. You happily repeated after me “one green
tractor” “five tiny little chicks” you even noticed differ-
ences in the book some chicks were yellow and some
were black.
Nadeen I love how you used the resources around
you to concrete what you already knew, you showed
me what your interest within the book was, then you
took notice of the language I used to describe what
you were seeing.
Again in an experience in the sandpit, you were clearly able to show
what you wanted me to contribute and what you didn't, (I was not to
touch your cake!) instead you wanted me to describe what I saw
you doing and objects around you, shape, colours, counting, actions
etc. you repeated after me words describing what you were doing
push down, gently tip out, stir, pour, fill, little triangle decorations etc.
Nadeen again you needed confirmation of the language you already
have to build your confidence in describing what was happening.

I’m so proud of you Nadeen! You know what you need to build your
confidence in a group situation with language, I hope that being with
me hearing the words I used helps you to confirm your own lan-
guage and understanding. We want to hear what you know and
what you think Nadeen! I love that my involvement in your experi-
ence was totally guided by you , you showed what level of engage-
ment you wanted, and by doing so I knew where your
focus was for your learning. Nadeen, you already
have that language and you know the words, you are
learning how to put them together and practicing
speaking within a group, to build your confidence. I
love that you were sustained and focussed, and you
encouraged me to stay with you, this told me that you
wanted my input. Thanks Nadeen, I enjoyed this time
with you too! Love Teacher Liz March 2019

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