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on joining the Juice PLUS+ lifestyle change!

Your shakes have been ordered and should arrive in 7-10 days.
Whilst you’re waiting for your shakes and /or capsules to arrive,
you should detox using the suggested meal plan provided
further down in this information sheet.

02 Contents
03 Juice Plus Products
05 The Nutrition Plan
06 - First 14 days
07 - How much to eat / drink
08 - Elimination List
10 - Shopping List
12 - Recipes
16 Portion Sizes
17 Cheats!
18 2 x Week Meal plans
20 Mind Set and Goal Setting
20 - The What?
21 - The Why?
22 - Know the Cost
23 - Pay the price!

Juice PLUS+ capsules

Take 2 of each capsule variety each

day with a large glass of water.

Do this every day, and you’ll be

surprised at how soon taking them
will become part of your daily habit.
Think of this as treating yourself
to nature’s full health programme,
every day!

Juice PLUS+ complete Shakes

Once your shakes arrive you can

choose how many meals you would
like to replace from the following.
You can:

Replace 2 meals for 45 days

Replace 1 meal for 90 days
Replace 2 meals for 30 days and one meal for 30 days

Alternatively, you can mix and match

to suit your day to day living.

To make the shakes

Use a scoop of shake

with 250ml of a milk
alternative such as rice
milk, almond milk or
hazelnut milk.

Although it doesn’t say to use

a milk alternative on the tin,
this has been tried and tested
and works amazingly well!
Some people find the official
recommendation of a full scoop
of the product makes the shake
too thick and prefer to use just
over half of the provided scoop
(up to the line). It really is a
personal choice.

For best results...

I recommend that you
blend your shakes in
a blender, but you can
also blend them using
a “shaker”, which can
be found in most big

The Nutrition Plan

The Nutrition plan is simple

Stick to it and you will achieve amazing

Nutrition is KING. Whilst a great

training session or programme can be
awesome, it doesn’t make up for poor
nutrition! Seventy percent of the results
our customers get are achieved from
having cleaned up their nutrition.
That’s a fact!

To follow, are the things I’d recommend

you cut out whilst you’re on the Juice
PLUS+ programme for incredible

It may seem odd to cut out these things

but, believe me, it will have a massive
impact on your body fat, quality of
your sleep, your energy, mental
clarity and even your skin and hair!

The First 14 Days

For maximum results, it’s going to take 14 days to

“cleanse” your fat stores.

This is a MUST DO and here’s why:

The term ‘YOU ARE

to be a popular saying
amongst anyone interested
in nutrition.

However, it’s important to

consider whether it’s what we

eat that makes us overweight
or whether it’s the way we

tolerate these foods that can
make us bloated, fatigued
and often miserable.

The human body, when overwhelmed There is however a downside, as one of

with toxins will “dump” any toxic my clients recently found out when he
substances within the adipose tissue eliminated coffee from his diet. Coffee is a
stores (body fat) in order to reduce their toxin and our bodies become addicted to.
circulation throughout the body.
When we eliminate it we go cold turkey and
When there are no longer toxins suffer all the things addicts do – however,
entering the body those toxins will be the symptoms you may experience will be
expelled along with the fat (and excess short term but the long term effects will be
water) that’s storing them... worth it!

In other words, rid your body of

toxins and lose stubborn fat.
You should drink at least 1 litre
of clean filtered water or bottled
mineral water for every 50lbs of

This will help FLUSH OUT THE

TOXINS as they’re released from your
fat stores and reduce the negative
effect of toxin release.

Aim to drink 3 LITRES OF WATER

a day. In addition this will aid weight
reduction and prevent energy


Eat freely from

wholesome, nutritious YOU SHOULD AIM TO HAVE:
foods that aren’t on the
(1-2 meals of which will be replaced
by a shake or bar depending on
what you are trying to achieve)

(as per the allowed food list /
suggested snacks)

IMPORTANT: DON’T COUNT CALORIES, reduce portions or allow yourself to get too hungry.
This is counter productive as you will end up eating whatever you can lay your hands on!

As part of your plan
you should eliminate

Alcohol: Alcohol is a toxin. As such your body has to work extremely hard
to detoxify your system placing stress upon your liver, kidneys and adrenal
glands. On a molecular level, alcohol is a potent sugar that triggers insulin
secretion, blood sugar imbalance and increased body fat storage.

Caffeine: Caffeine first overexcites and then later

wears out the body’s energy producing glands. This
leads to massive energy fluctuations and the subsequent
need for sugary foods.

Wheat and Gluten: This includes bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits, soups and
sauces (which often contain gluten as a thickener). For many, wheat and gluten
products are simply indigestible or place stress on the digestive system leading to
a sluggish metabolism and intolerances. In addition, modern wheat, especially after
processing is barely distinguishable from simple sugar, leading to all of the same

Processed Foods: This includes anything containing

an E Number, unpronounceable names, pre-cooked,
pre-packed or long life. These products flood the body
with toxins it simply can’t cope with.

Sugar: This includes white, brown, beet, molasses, honey,

processed fructose, maltose, dextrose and corn sugar. All sugar
creates an insulin response. The simpler the makeup of the sugar,
the more rapid and aggressive the insulin response.

As part of your plan
you should eliminate

Sugar substitutes and sweeteners: I would recommend avoiding

them entirely as there are reports that they are linked to conditions such as
multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, spasms, shooting pains, numbness, cramps,
headaches, joint pain, dizziness and numerous other medical problems.

Dairy: Other than eggs, butter and full fat live yoghurt you should try and avoid
dairy. This includes milk, cream, low fat yoghurt, spreadable butter. This is
because most dairy produce is heavily processed and uses pasteurisation and
homogenisation in order to maintain its shelf life. Unfortunately, these processes
kill off all of the enzymes required to properly digest them, meaning that your body
has to work overtime to digest them. This is a major cause of food intolerance.

Corn and Corn Products: This includes sweet corn, corn on the
cob, corn flour, and popcorn. Reports show that 25 different toxin produc-
ing fungi have been found in corn products: that’s 25 different types of

Peanuts and peanut products, peanut

butter: 26 different toxin producing fungi have
been found in these: that’s 26 different types of

Tap Water: If you want to get healthy and lean, you MUST avoid tap water.
Over 350 chemicals have been found in UK tap water. Tap water can displace
iodine from your thyroid, causing problems both with health and body fat levels.
It’s worth buying a water filter jug or opting for bottled mineral water.


(Everything except corn / sweetcorn)

Kale, Lettuce, Rocket, Spinach,

Sprouts, Bean sprouts, Watercress,
Asparagus, Peas, Broccoli, Cabbage

Onion, Radish, Artichoke, Olives,

Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery,
Cucumber, Parsnip, Peppers, Quinoa (a ‘super food’ used in the
Mushrooms, Fresh beetroot, Tomato, same way as rice)
Water Chestnuts, Pumpkin, Fennel, Basmati Rice, Brown Rice,
Garlic, Beans, Avocado Wild Rice, Spelt, Rice Noodles,
Lentils, Pulses, Sweet Potato,
Tomatoes (Fresh and tinned)

Fruit: Apples, Blackberries, Blueberries,

Coconut, Papaya, Pear, Mango, Lime, Lemon,
(Twice a week maximum for cheese)
Grapefruit, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries,
Water Melon, Banana, Oranges
Chicken Eggs (white or yolk)
Duck Eggs (white or yolk)


(Everything lean except pork / ham from a
Feta Cheese, Goats Cheese
Hallomi (if not made with cows milk)
Full fat hard butter (not spreadable)

Beef: Heart, Kidney, Liver, Steak,

Lean mince
Venison Sesame Oil
Lamb Almond Oil
Chicken Coconut
Duck Oil Evening
Pheasant primrose Oil
Turkey Fish Oil
Fish: Mackerel, Salmon, Sardine, Olive Oil
Anchovy, Seabass, Catfish, Cod, Extra Virgin
Crayfish, Halibut, Herring, Octopus,
Prawns / Shrimps, Scallop, Snapper, Olive Oil
Trout, Clam, Crab, Lobster, Shark, Fry Lite
Squid, Swordfish, Tuna

Garlic, Ginger, Horseradish, Paprika, Oregano, Wasabi, Parsley,
Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Saffron, Sea Salt, Thyme, Nutmeg, Cumin,
Turmeric, Black Pepper, Kallo stock / Gravy
Almond Flour, Rice Flour

Recommended: 2 snacks a day
Crudité s and humus, tinned tuna (in spring
water or brine) with sliced tomato and
Nuts and seeds, Nakd bar (Wheat, gluten
and dairy free ones, 1 per snack)
Fruit (max 2 pieces per day)
Oat cakes (3 per snack) with humus and
cucumber, 2 x rice cakes with whole earth
peanut butter
2 boiled eggs
2 plain rice cakes with tuna / whole earth
peanut butter / avocado... etc


(All non dairy) Water - try adding
Rice milk, Almond cucumber, lemon
milk, Coconut milk, or melon to flavour
Unsweetened Soya your water
milk, Hazelnut milk Green Tea, Herbal
Teas, Vegetable

Chicken Pizza
• 4 Chicken breasts
• 1 tube tomato puree
• 1/2 cup chopped peppers
• 1/2 cup onion
• 1/4 cup goats cheese

1. Butterfly cut the chicken breasts and flatten them out
2. Cover with tomato puree
3. Sprinkle peppers and onion over the top
4. Place on a baking tray in a pre-heated oven at 200*C for 15 minutes
5. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with goats cheese
6. Place them back in the oven for 5 minutes

Stuffed Peppers
• 2 chopped onions
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• 1 cup chopped tomatoes
• 1 cup chopped peppers
• 1 cup of shredded kale
• 4 tbsp lemon juice
• 4 peppers
1. Heat oil in a pan 3 minutes
2. Pre-heat the oven on a medium to high heat
3. Add all the other ingredients except the whole peppers and
cook on a medium heat for 5 minutes
4. Cut the tops off and de-seed the whole peppers
5. Stuff them with the mixture from the pan
6. Place them in a deep dish with boiling water in the bottom
7. Cover with foil and cook for 20 minutes
8. Can be served hot or cold

Banana Omelette
• 1 chopped banana
• 3 whole eggs
• 2 tbsp cinnamon
• 1 tbsp olive oil

1. Heat the oil in pan on a medium heat then add the chopped banana,
heat until they soften
2. While the banana is warming, beat the eggs in a bowl
3. Pour the eggs over the banana
4. When the omelette is almost cooked, sprinkle the cinnamon over the top

Takeaway Style Kebabs

• 1 whole egg
• 1/2 tsp black pepper
• 1 tsp garlic powder
• 1/2 tsp sea salt
• 1/2 tsp chilli powder
• 1 pound of minced beef
• 1 tbsp chives
Method: • 4 tbsp full fat Greek yogurt

1. Knead in a mixing bowl the minced beef, egg (beaten), black pepper, sea
salt, chilli powder and 1/2 tsp garlic powder
2. Place it on a baking tray and cook in a pre-heated oven for 1 hour 20
3. Turn half way through so that it browns evenly
4. Mix the yogurt, chives and 1/2 tsp garlic powder to form a garlic dip
5. Once cooked thoroughly, slice it very thinly and serve with a side salad and
the dip

Garlic dip
• 2 egg yolks
• 3/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/2 teaspoon powdered mustard
• Pinch cayenne pepper
• 4 -5 teaspoons lemon juice
• 1-1/2 cups olive oil
• 4 teaspoon hot water

1. Beat yolks, salt, mustard, pepper, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice in a bowl until
thick and pale yellow. (Note: if using electric mixer, beat at medium speed)
2. Add about 1/4 cup oil, drop by drop, beating vigorously all the while
3. Beat in 1 teaspoon each lemon juice and hot water
4. Add another 1/4 cup oil, a few drops at a time, beating vigorously all the
5. Beat in another teaspoon of lemon juice and water
6. Add 1/2 cup oil in a very fine steady stream, beating constantly, then mix in
remaining lemon juice and water, slowly beat in remaining oil. If you like thin
mayonnaise add a little additional hot water. Cover and refrigerate until
needed. Do not keep longer than 1 week
Yields 1 - 1/2 cups

Homemade Coleslaw
• Small white cabbage
• 2 carrots
• 4 spring onions
• 2 generous tbsp of mayonnaise
• Black pepper
• Pinch of mixed herbs
1. Finely chop the cabbage and spring onions and grate the carrots
2. Bind the raw ingredients together with the mayonnaise. Add the black
pepper and a pinch of mixed herbs and mix together
3. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve

Curried Squash
• 1 medium onion
• 1/2 can almond milk
• 3 cloves garlic chopped
• 1 chilli pepper (de-seeded & diced)
• 1 tbsp ginger
• 1 tsp ground cumin
• 1/2 tsp cinnamon
• 1 tsp sea salt
• 1/2 tsp coriander
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• 4 cups chopped tomatoes
• 4 cups butternut squash, peeled & diced
• 2 cups lentils. cooked
• 2 cups spinach
• 1 cup green peas
Method: • 3 tbsp mint

1. Blend onion, almond milk, garlic, chilli, ginger, 2 cups of tomatoes, cumin,
cinnamon, turmeric and coriander with 3 tbsp water to make a paste
2. Heat the oil in a pan, add the paste and cook for 5-10 minutes
3. Add the remaining tomatoes and butternut squash and cook on a medium heat
for 20 minutes until the squash softens
4. Mix in the lentils and spinach and cook for a further 5 minutes
5. Remove from the heat and add the mint before serving

Healthy Breakfast Ingredients:

• 1/4 cup walnuts
• 1/4 cup pecans
• 2 tbsp ground flax seeds
• 1 tsp cinnamon
• 1 pinch ginger
• 1 pinch nutmeg
• 1 tbsp almond butter
• 1 mashed banana
• 3 whole eggs
• 1/4 - 1/2 cup almond milk
Method: •

2 tsp pumpkin seeds
1 handful of berries
1. Blend walnuts, pecans, flax seed and spices in a food processor to make
a grain like consistancy and set aside
2. Whisk the eggs and almond milk together then blend with the mashed banana
and almond butter
3. Stir in the nut and spice mixture and warm on stove until it reaches your
desired consistancy
4. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds and berries on top and add further almond milk


For portion sizes, the palm

of your hand is a good
example of how much of meat
and carbohydrate you should
Another trick of how to
achieve portion control is to fill
half of your lunch and dinner
plate with salad or vegetables,
a quarter with lean protein and
a quarter with carbohydrates.

See the table for
nasty content in
Try to stay in the

Only after the first 14 days!

Want To Eat Your Favourite Foods and Still Drop Fat?

Introducing the Baby Cheat and the Daddy Cheat

After the first 14 days you can have 1 ‘Baby Cheat’ and 1 ‘Daddy
Cheat’ each week.

Another great tip is, prior to both your Baby and Daddy Cheat
make sure you take your fish oil capsules and drink ½ a litre of
water…this will act as damage limitation!


Is a small/snack sized Is a bigger cheat meal which
cheat which you have to will take you 45 minutes to eat,
take 15 minutes to eat, once a week.
once a week. Make it a
Again, don’t waste this cheat
really good quality baby
on any old rubbish! Make sure
cheat. whatever your choice is, make it
a good quality food.

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Chicken stir fry: mange
Salad: Spinach, tout, peppers, bean
Carrot sticks with
Raspberries with hummus, pear and 10
grated carrot, sprouts, curly kale
pine nuts and walnuts,
MONDAY almonds, sprinkled
tomatoes, peppers 2 x green tea,
and grapes with (handy tip: make an
2 x herbal teas,
with cinnamon extra portion for your
lemon juice lunch tomorrow)
3 x 1 litre of water

Roasted vegetables & Handful of

3 Whole egg Chicken stir fry: hummus dip: courgette, blueberries and
omelette with Mangtout, carrot, cherry tomatoes, almonds, carrot stick
TUESDAY peppers and peppers, bean
peppers with hummus,
(handy tip: make an 2 x green tea,
spinach sprouts, curly kale extra portion for your 2 x herbal teas
lunch tomorrow) 3 x 1 litre of water
Fruit salad:
Bowl of mixed nuts Roasted vegetables Chicken pizza with
mango, melon &
and berries with a parsnip chips
& hummus dip: strawberries,
teaspoon of Greek
WEDNESDAY yogurt or quinoa and
courgette, carrot,
(handy tip: make an
3 oatcakes,
cherry tomatoes, extra portion for your 2 x green tea,
rice milk with nuts
peppers 2 x herbal teas,
and seeds lunch tomorrow)
3 x 1 litre of water
Homemade vegetable
Bowl of mixed nuts and soup: leek, carrot, Coconut cubes, raw
berries with a teaspoon butternut squash, lentils sugar snap peas,
Chicken pizza with
THURSDAY of Greek yogurt or
parsnips chips
2 x green tea,
quinoa and rice milk (make an extra portion 2 x herbal teas
with nuts and seeds and take it to work for 3 x 1 litre of water
your lunch tomorrow)

Carrot sticks and

Bowl of mixed nuts and Homemade
berries with a teaspoon vegetable soup:
Takeaway style 2 x green tea,
FRIDAY of Greek yogurt or leek, carrot,
kebab 2 x herbal teas,
quinoa and rice milk butternut squash,
with nuts and seeds 3 x 1 litre of water

Handful of blueberries
Peppers stuffed with and walnuts, raw sugar
Vegetable stir fry with brown rice, tuna, snap peas
SATURDAY Banana omelette rice noodles chopped tomatoes 2 x green tea,
and peas 2 x herbal teas
3 x 1 litre of water

Apple and hummus,

Raspberry, 3 oatcakes,
blueberry and Roast chicken and Homemade 2 x green tea,
SUNDAY blackberry vegetables vegetable soup 2 x herbal teas,
3 x 1 litre of water

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks
Roasted vegetables
Blueberries, Homemade (peppers, mushrooms, Coconut cubes, raw
leeks, courgettes, sugar snap peas,
strawberries and vegetable soup
MONDAY full fat natural (take to work in a
turnip) with hummus 2 x green tea,
(make an extra portion 2 x herbal teas
yogurt flask) and have for your lunch 3 x 1 litre of water

Takeaway style
Roasted vegetables Chopped strawberries
3 Whole egg kebab (make an and a handful of
omelette with extra portion and walnuts, tin tuna,
TUESDAY peppers and
mushrooms, leeks,
take it to work 2 x green tea,
courgettes, turnip) 2 x herbal teas
spinach for your lunch
with hummus 3 x 1 litre of water
Grilled turkey strips
Siced peppers and
with green salad
hummus chopped
Raspberries and (spinach/watercress/
strawberries and a
Takeaway style rocket) and homemade
WEDNESDAY pine nuts sprinkled
kebabs coleslaw (make an extra
handful of walnuts
with cinnamon 2 x green tea,
portion and take it to
2 x herbal teas
work for your lunch
3 x 1 litre of water

Grilled turkey Parsnip chips with

Blueberries, strips with green 3 rice cakes, sliced
homemade mayonnaise
pepper and hummus,
strawberries and salad (spinach/ and side salad (make an
THURSDAY full fat natural watercress/rocket extra portion and take
2 x green tea,
2 x herbal teas
it to work for your lunch
yogurt and homemade 3 x 1 litre of water
Blackberries and
Parsnip chips Chicken pizza with almonds, raw carrot
Poached egg with and celery,
with homemade baked aubergine
FRIDAY tomatoes and
mayonnaise and skins and homemade
2 x green tea,
mushroom 2 x herbal teas,
side salad mayonnaise 3 x 1 litre of water

Chicken stirfry: Celery sticks,

mange tout, blueberries and full fat
greek yogurt,
SATURDAY Banana omelette peppers, Curried squash 2 x green tea,
beansprouts, curly 2 x herbal teas,
kale 3 x 1 litre of water

You’re almost ready to go and get on the journey to dropping your body fat and
building lean muscle, but now you need to make a statement of intent.

Research has shown that

people who write down their
goals are an astonishing
300% more likely to ACHIEVE
their goals than people who

It’s actually a VERY simple

process that’s INCREDIBLY


Grab a pen and paper and get ready to write some powerful
stuff: this is the science behind goal achievement:

Part 1: The WHAT

Quite simply - if you don’t name your goal, you won’t get your goal. So, take a
piece of card or some paper and write down YOUR goal(s) and remember to be

CRYSTAL CLEAR. Here’s an example:

I want to drop Including a

8lbs of body fat and Step 1: MY GOAL date, helps you
drop a clothes size to focus and
Lose 8lbs of body fat and drop a
by the beginning of means you’re A
clothes size by June 2014
June”. LOT more likely
to stay on track.

Now you need to attach some meaning to it, so let’s go to part 2.

Part 2: The WHY
Now that you’re now pretty clear about what your goal is, it’s time to get
even more powerful. Think about your goal and work out WHY you want it.

Think about what truly drives you:

Is it because you want to look better?

Not good enough.
Why do you want to look better?
So you feel better about yourself?
Again not deep enough!

What do you want to feel better about? Yourself?

Do you want to look better on the beach?
Are you trying to impress someone?
and “peel back the layers of the onion”.

Here’s an example

“ I want to drop 8lbs of body

fat and drop a clothes size by the
beginning of June”.

Step 2: MY GOAL
Lose 8lbs of body fat and drop a clothes
size by June 2014

GOAL with the true reason
attached to it and I guarantee
that you if you know the WHY
you’ll always find the HOW and
stay motivated towards achieving

To feel better about myself. Hopefully, your goal is really

I want to look in the mirror and feel happy starting to take shape now and
you’re feeling really positive
and excited about achieving it.

Now for part 3
This is often the most overlooked and underestimated phase of achieving
goals and is also one of the main reasons people fail in their goals.


By cost, I don’t necessarily mean financial cost, although sometimes it may, for
instance, be what extra food will you have to buy? Do you need supplements? Are you
prepared to give up alcohol for 14 days for example?

If you’ve read the pack, you’ll know that if you’re consuming

alcohol on a regular basis, you’re going to struggle to drop
fat. If you can’t give up alcohol, then you have to ask yourself
whether you really do want to reach that goal?

So, get out that pen and paper and

write down the costs...
Here’s an example of the
revised goal achievement
statement for you to grin at:

“ I want to drop 8lbs of body

fat and drop a clothes size by the
beginning of June, because I finally
want to feel better about myself and
have all my friends asking what the
secret is.

I’ve had enough of looking in the

mirror and not being happy with my
body. The costs of achieving my goal

Complete a MINIMUM of 3 workouts

Step 3: MY GOAL
Lose 8lbs of body fat and drop a clothes
size by June 2014! I want to look in the
mirror and feel happy with my body

Attend 3 workout classes a week
Follow my nutrition plan to the letter

per week, completely follow the Again, take out your pen and paper.
nutrition plan to the letter and not let Remember if you need help with any of this
ANYONE get in my way”. process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Part 4 is so simple, but definitely the thing that holds most people back and
keeps them away from their goals, both financially AND health wise.

Part 4: Pay the Price

TAKE ACTION! As Nike have been saying for years- JUST DO IT.
This seems quite easy in theory, but are you really prepared to pay the price?

After 7 days of being on the Programme, will you find yourself making

Can you really cut out alcohol for the full 14 days? Do you really want results or
are you just kidding yourself?

Here are some of my TOP STRATEGIES for staying on

course for the entire journey of achieving ANY goal:

Write down your goal on 3 When faced with a difficult

separate sheets of card, put one situation (maybe you get offered
next to your bed, one in your work/ some chocolate or fancy a drink) ask
handbag and keep one at work. Look yourself this “will this make me leaner
at these cards at EVERY opportunity or fatter?” The answer should take
you can, EVERY day. care of the decision.

At the VERY LEAST you should be Every action will either take you closer
reading your cards at the start and or further away from your goal. Do you
end of each day really want the cake or do you want the
Keep a food diary and fill it in: the results? You can’t have both!
results may surprise you

You should now have 3 sheets of card or, paper with your SPECIFIC,
CRYSTAL clear goals on them: use them! The rest is up to you
Any questions, please just ask.

You too can achieve these outstanding results, but you
have to stick to remain strong and STICK TO THE PLAN.

Check out these ladies’ results...



If you’re on Facebook, you might want to consider utilising the Juice PLUS+
support group on there (let me know if you want to be added to it) but you can
always contact me, and of course, GOOD LUCK!


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