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“Broadband Technology”

Under the Guidance of: Ms.RupaliRana

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms.Ramandeepkaur Name:ManishaRawat

(Assistant Professor) Class: B.C.A 2nd Year

Roll no.: 1720094

Tilak Raj Chadha Institute of Management & Technology Yamuna Nagar


 Introduction
 History
 Types of Broadband
 Working
 Application
 Advantages
 Disadvantage
 Conclusion
 Reference

The internet. However, in the last few years broadband Internet access has become common.

Broadband is a faster medium to get access to the Internet as compared to the dial-up. It is
fast in terms of data transfer, upload, and download, and the connectivity is much better with
files, images, and data being transmitted much faster. Once a person uses broadband, there is
absolutely no way he or she would want to use dial-up again.

A broadband internet access is referred to as an “always on” connection. Thus, the user does
not have to go through the process of dialing up and logging in every time they want to
connect to the Internet. All that needs to be done is to open the browser and start browsing as
the Internet connection is automatic. Unlike the dial-up, the user does not have to free only a
few years ago, a dial-up Internet connection was the most used medium to connect to the
phone line to authorize the connection.

The internet has been around for a pretty long time — since the first e-mail was sent in the
1970s. It gained widespread attention in the 1990s and has since become one of the most
important technological developments of all time.

Way back when, we had to dial a connection through our telephones, which ran at a painfully
slow 56kbps. For comparison, an 8Mbps connection is equal to an 8000kbps connection, and
we used to connect with just 56kbps. That's a tiny fraction of today's slowest recognised
broadband speed within the UK.

This made it very, very difficult to download anything apart from text. At full speed a single,
low-quality song (roughly 3.5MB) would take around 10 minutes to download. But internet
speeds aren't always consistent, so realistically, it would take 30 minutes to a few hours to
download one song. If you wanted to download a low-quality movie (around 700MB), it
would take 28 hours at full speed, or three to five days at low speed.

In addition to crawling speeds, dial-up internet was also extremely inconvenient because it
took up full use of the telephone lines. People were unable to make phone calls and browse
the internet at the same time, forcing them to choose between massive inconvenience or the
cost of a second line.

And then there was broadband...

Broadband breathed new life into the internet in the early 2000s by allowing the signal in one
line to be split between telephone and internet, meaning users could be online and make
phone calls at the same time. This also led to faster connections, making it easier to browse
the internet and download files.

The advent of broadband networks meant that people were able download files, songs, TV
shows and movies at greater speeds. This opened up a whole new world in online media: On
the previous 56kbps connection speeds, sites such as YouTube just weren't possible.

Like most new technologies, broadband was extremely expensive when it was first launched,
so initial usage was low. Once prices became more competitive, however, ISPs began to
compete with each other on things like offering fast broadband, 'heavy use' broadband and
broadband bundles. Now, nearly everyone uses some form of broadband, whether through
their phone lines or other connection types.

Since the launch of broadband, we've seen the rise of new broadband technology, such as 4G
mobile broadband, which allows users to get online anywhere, and cable (fibre-optic)
broadband, which has boosted connection speeds in the UK to a maximum of 300Mbps.

Now the days of dial-up connection are long gone, as is the time when two or three big
players dominated the broadband market. Nowadays, the UK broadband sector is a buyer’s
market with plenty of great offers to choose from. Compare our best-selling home broadband
packages to find the best offer for you.

For more detailed information on broadband and an explanation of commonly used terms,
check out our broadband jargon guide

Digital Subscriber Line (Dsl)

DSL is a wireline transmission technology that transmits data faster over traditional copper
telephone lines already installed to homes and businesses. DSL-based broadband provides
transmission speeds ranging from several hundred Kbps to millions of bits per second
(Mbps). The availability and speed of your DSL service may depend on the distance from
your home or business to the closest telephone company facility.

The following are types of DSL transmission technologies:

 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) – Used primarily by residential

customers, such as Internet surfers, who receive a lot of data but do not send much.
ADSL typically provides faster speed in the downstream direction than the upstream
direction. ADSL allows faster downstream data transmission over the same line used
to provide voice service, without disrupting regular telephone calls on that line.
 Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) – Used typically by businesses for
services such as video conferencing, which need significant bandwidth both upstream
and downstream.

Faster forms of DSL typically available to businesses include:

 High data rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL); and

 Very High data rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL).

Cable Modem

Cable modem service enables cable operators to provide broadband using the same coaxial
cables that deliver pictures and sound to your TV set.

Most cable modems are external devices that have two connections: one to the cable wall
outlet, the other to a computer. They provide transmission speeds of 1.5 Mbps or more.

Subscribers can access their cable modem service by simply turning on their computers,
without dialing-up an ISP. You can still watch cable TV while using it. Transmission speeds
vary depending on the type of cable modem, cable network, and traffic load. Speeds are
comparable to DSL.


 Fiber optic technology converts electrical signals carrying data to light and sends the
light through transparent glass fibers about the diameter of a human hair. Fiber
transmits data at speeds far exceeding current DSL or cable modem speeds, typically
by tens or even hundreds of Mbps.
 The actual speed you experience will vary depending on a variety of factors, such as
how close to your computer the service provider brings the fiber and how the service
provider configures the service, including the amount of bandwidth used. The same
fiber providing your broadband can also simultaneously deliver voice (VoIP) and
video services, including video-on-demand.
 Telecommunications providers sometimes offer fiber broadband in limited areas and
have announced plans to expand their fiber networks and offer bundled voice, Internet
access, and video services.
 Variations of the technology run the fiber all the way to the customer’s home or
business, to the curb outside, or to a location somewhere between the provider’s
facilities and the customer.


 Wireless broadband connects a home or business to the Internet using a radio link
between the customer’s location and the service provider’s facility. Wireless
broadband can be mobile or fixed.
 Wireless technologies using longer-range directional equipment provide broadband
service in remote or sparsely populated areas where DSL or cable modem service
would be costly to provide. Speeds are generally comparable to DSL and cable
modem. An external antenna is usually required.
 Wireless broadband Internet access services offered over fixed networks allow
consumers to access the Internet from a fixed point while stationary and often require
a direct line-of-sight between the wireless transmitter and receiver. These services
have been offered using both licensed spectrum and unlicensed devices. For example,
thousands of small Wireless Internet Services Providers (WISPs) provide such
wireless broadband at speeds of around one Mbps using unlicensed devices, often in
rural areas not served by cable or wireline broadband networks.
 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) provide wireless broadband access over
shorter distances and are often used to extend the reach of a "last-mile" wireline or
fixed wireless broadband connection within a home, building, or campus
environment. Wi-Fi networks use unlicensed devices and can be designed for private
access within a home or business, or be used for public Internet access at "hot spots"
such as restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, airports, convention centers, and city parks.
 Mobile wireless broadband services are also becoming available from mobile
telephone service providers and others. These services are generally appropriate for
highly-mobile customers and require a special PC card with a built in antenna that
plugs into a user’s laptop computer. Generally, they provide lower speeds, in the
range of several hundred Kbps.


Just as satellites orbiting the earth provide necessary links for telephone and television
service, they can also provide links for broadband. Satellite broadband is another form of
wireless broadband, and is also useful for serving remote or sparsely populated areas.

Downstream and upstream speeds for satellite broadband depend on several factors, including
the provider and service package purchased, the consumer’s line of sight to the orbiting
satellite, and the weather. Typically a consumer can expect to receive (download) at a speed
of about 500 Kbps and send (upload) at a speed of about 80 Kbps. These speeds may be
slower than DSL and cable modem, but they are about 10 times faster than the download
speed with dial-up Internet access. Service can be disrupted in extreme weather conditions.

Broadband over Powerline (BPL)

BPL is the delivery of broadband over the existing low- and medium-voltage electric power
distribution network. BPL speeds are comparable to DSL and cable modem speeds. BPL can
be provided to homes using existing electrical connections and outlets. BPL is an emerging
technology that is available in very limited areas. It has significant potential because power
lines are installed virtually everywhere, alleviating the need to build new broadband facilities
for every customer.


The term broadband simply means a broad band of frequencies has been used. It is a radio
term and normally means that multiple frequency carriers are used to carry one signal. It
describes the way ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) services work so has become
a term to describe a fast internet connection. The term is then being rather confusingly used
to describe fibre connections which are not broadband at all, but use a single frequency laser.


Normal telephone service is an analogue of sound waves. It carries sound using electrical
signals that work in the same way as they do though air. In terms of frequency this means that
telephone calls use very low frequency signals on the telephone line.

The line itself can carry signals at a much higher frequency. The limiting factor is the quality
and length of the cable used. Normal telephone lines are a copper pair (two insulated copper
conductors twisted around each other) that can go for several miles from the local telephone
exchange to your premises.

ADSL makes use of the rest of the capabilities of the cable. It carries data using a wide range
of frequencies much higher than that used for telephone calls. The fact that it uses this broad
band of frequencies is why it is called broadband.
Adapting to the line characteristics

One of the key features of ADSL is that it can adapt to work on a variety of line quality and
lengths. A long line cannot carry the same range of signals as a short line. Lines can also
suffer from specific interference which only affects some frequency bands. So the line will
sync to start with.

Syncing means that each end sends a range of different signals and the other end reports back
what it can hear. This allows the modems at both ends to work out what the line can handle,
and what frequencies work. For each of hundreds of different frequency bands the modems
agree how many bits of data can be carried at a time in that band.

What this means is that the line can work at different speeds depending on the length and
quality of the line. If, over time, the line characteristics change the line will have to re-sync
which usually means a short outage in service.


Re-syncs are a pain as they normally mean a broadband service stops for several seconds to
re-establish the line characteristics. This is not generally a good thing. To help avoid re-syncs
the initial measurements of the line characteristics are adjusted to allow a margin. This means
not all of the line's capabilities are used. If the line degrades over time, and that degradation is
within this margin, then no re-sync is needed.

Some lines are very stable, having the same characteristics all of the time. These lines need
very low margins. However some lines vary a lot, and this can be over a daily cycle
depending on temperature or weather conditions which affect the performance of the line and
levels of interference affecting the line. Such lines need higher margins.

There is an automatic system to establish that a line is re-syncing a lot and adjust the margin
to be higher in future. This is called Dynamic Line Management (DLM) and runs all of the
time. It can take a few days for a new line to get the right margins for stable operation when
first install, but in practice it is rarely more than the first few hours.

The margin on the line sync helps accommodate general changes in the performance of a line
over time. However there can be interference that is more like "pops and clicks". Impulse
interference that causes corruption of data. This causes packets to be lost and resent and so
has the effect of making the overall performance of the line slower.

To accommodate this type of interference a system of error correction is used. This means
extra parity data is sent, and if data is corrupted then this can be identified and corrected. It
uses a small amount of the available bandwidth to provide this extra parity data but makes the
line much less prone to errors. At the same time the data is interleaved. This means
overlapping each block of data with the next and is the same trick used on CDs to make them
resist the effects of scratches on the surface. The effect is higher latency (the time taken for
data to get through the ADSL).


ADSL has been defined for use along side normal phone service as well as along side ISDN.
The different frequency for ISDN means it is a different standard. In the UK we use ADSL
over POTS (Plain Ordinary Telephone Service) following ITU G.922.1 Annex A which
allows in theory up to 12Mb/s downstream and 1.3Mb/s upstream. However BT offer only
8.128Mb/s downstream and 832Kb/s upstream maximum using ADSL1.

It is important to realise that the above is a technical statement about the ADSL1 technology.
An actual service will achieve a sync speed (which includes various overheads) depending on
the line length and quality and other factors, and may even change over time. To assess the
likely speed of your service, please use the availability checker.


A new standard for ADSL called ADSL2+ provides extended bandwidth. This follows ITU
G.992.5 and provides up to 24Mb/s downstream and 1Mb/s upstream.

A variation of the ADSL2+ specification called Annex M allows up to 24Mb/s downstream

and up to 3.5Mb/s upstream. In the UK we cannot achieve the full 3.5Mb/s upstream as there
is a frequency plan that must be followed on all phone lines to avoid interference. Therefore,
in the UK, Annex M allows around 2Mb/s uplink.

It is important to realise that the above is a technical statement about the ADSL2+
technology. An actual service will achieve a sync speed (which includes various overheads)
depending on the line length and quality and other factors, and may even change over time.
To assess the likely speed of your service, please use the availability checker.


Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) operates using VDSL from a street cabinet rather than ADSL
all the way from the exchange. VDSL uses different frequencies and powers to ADSL but is
otherwise very similar technology. VDSL can provide speeds over 100Mb/s on very short
lines. The speed available drops off quickly with distance - but this is not usually an issue as
cabinets are usually close to premises. There are cases where FTTC can be slower than
ADSL all of the way from the exchange.

It is important to realise that the above is a technical statement about the VDSL technology.
An actual service will achieve a sync speed (which includes various overheads) depending on
the line length and quality and other factors, and may even change over time. Services are
available with speed caps set at 40Mb/s or 80Mb/s download, so higher speeds are not
available even if the line can support it. To assess the likely speed of your service, please use
the availability checker.


In some cases fibre optic cable (glass) can be used to provide a service to a customer
premises. Fibre is usually a single frequency using a laser, so not actually broadband at all.
Whilst speeds do change with distance on fibre services, they are so high that services are
sold with specific speeds which do not vary. Various services are available, see each service
description for the speeds that are offered.

Most services sold by other companies as fibre are not, in fact, fibre optic services to your
premises. All Internet access services, even ADSL from the exchange, make use of fibre
optic cable for part of the service, but what matters for speed and reliability is the weakest
link, which is normally the bit to your home.
Beyond the exchange

The ADSL/broadband bit connects between your premises and the local telephone exchange,
at which point the line is split between voice (for telephone calls) and ADSL. The local
exchange is connected via fibre to one of 20 main interconnect points where a large fibre
back-haul network connects back via gigabit fibre links to our rack in a data centre in
Docklands. We are then connected by fibre so that we can communicate directly with
hundreds of UK based ISPs as well as international (transit) links to the rest of the world.


Messaging of various kinds continues to show up in surveys as an important application. For

example, a Jupiter MediaMetrix assessment of AOL usage for January 2001 reported that of
22 billion minutes spent on AOL’s online service, 4.7 billion were spent on AOL e-mail, 2.8
billion on internal instant messaging, and 6.2 billion minutes on AOL instant messaging with
users outside of AOL’s online service; this contrasts with 2.1 billion inside all AOL content
channels.2 Although many saw it as an application geared toward entertainment, messaging is
also seeing increased use in a variety of business environments. While not demanding in
terms of bandwidth (dial-up bandwidths are sufficient), broadband enhances messaging
because it is always on.

Fast File Downloading

Many users are familiar with downloading e-mail attachments or software upgrades. But
many bulk file transfers are simply not practical without broadband. For example,
downloading an entire application that might otherwise be delivered on a CD would require
many hours over even the best dial-up connection—a 60-megabyte (MB) file would take
about 4 hours on a link with a sustained 35-kbps transfer rate. For most people, this length of
time is simply impractical, particularly if the dial-up line is also used for voice
communications or is subject to periodic disconnection. On the other hand, a constant
connection to the network at even modest broadband speeds may make such transfers

It is important not to underestimate the impact of fast file-downloading capability on a very

wide range of applications, including audio and video. Streaming is complicated compared
with file downloading, and


The interactivity demands of some games were alluded to above. Multiplayer games are of
considerable interest because they connect growing numbers of people in a shared activity
(“massively-multiplayer roleplaying games”), providing both social and demand-stimulating
dimensions. As of fall 2000, for example, Everquest involved up to 100,000 simultaneous
users out of more than 300,000 paying subscribers. Of those subscribers, 30 percent had
broadband connections. According to Sony, which provides Everquest, availability and
reliability are key requirements; latency is less important in this game than in the shooter
variety; and bandwidth demand is moderated by a design that presents graphics on the client
software and transmits only changes in graphics and in game and character state.5


Because many audio applications do not demand especially high bandwidth, in notable
contrast to video applications, they often work with at least some level of functionality over a
fast dial-up connection. All of the currently deployed broadband technologies are fast enough
to support the key audio applications that have emerged to date. These include conventional
voice similar to telephony; voice as a complement to games and other interactive
applications; and a full range of sound applications, beginning with music but including other
types of content (e.g., news and other spoken word). As a result, some experience has been
gained with the delivery of audio applications over the Internet in general, and via residential
broadband in particular.

Audio Delivery

Fundamentally, there are two ways to approach audio delivery—a file can be downloaded to
a local computer and then played, or the data can be streamed from a remote computer to the
local computer, played more or less as it is received. Clearly, the file transfer model is
appropriate only for distributing prerecorded material; conversations by their very nature
have to be conducted in a streaming mode, and streaming is also essential for “live” content
that has high time value (such as commentary on a sporting event). The use of streaming
delivery does mean that the audio is necessarily listened to in real time. While some
streaming applications use encryption to make it difficult to keep a copy, some streaming
applications permit a copy to be saved to a file for replay or other later use.


Video applications—considered broadly—form a useful complement to the audio

applications discussed above in terms of understanding what broadband connections may
enable and what else other than mere connectivity must be in place. In the public mind, video
applications are perhaps the premier consumer applications for broadband, and they
exemplify the gap between consumer expectations and what broadband today can actually
deliver. Many people have vague ideas that broadband connections will support multiple
channels of on-demand, personalized HDTV-quality video—both commercially produced
content and interactive videoconference or videophone connections to family, friends,
offices, and other destinations. It is not unreasonable to imagine the current or next
generation of networks delivering hundreds of channels of broadcast video (including pay-
per-view), and there has been experimentation with video-on-demand delivered from
broadband providers’ local caches, but such services have not been deployed on anything
approaching a widespread basis. In practice, most of the video that is available over the
Internet for normal users today, even those on a commercial broadband connection, is
relatively small images at low and often uneven quality

 Broadband Internet access allows the Internet to be connected while the phone line is
in use. This is because both the voice line and the data line are separate in the
broadband connection.
 With broadband, the user need not worry about checking email. If the computer is on,
the email application will automatically update from the server by checking for new
 Thanks to broadband, multiple users can work at the same time simultaneously. In
contrast to this, if multiple computers are used on the same bandwidth in a dial-up
connection, the speed will be very low.
 Broadband connections have digital connections and are highly reliable. There are
fewer breaks as the data transmission is fast. In dial-up modems, at times there is a
data overload.
 As the connection is fast, the download rate is also fast. Thus, downloading, music,
files, emails, etc. is much faster in a broadband connection.
 In a broadband Internet connection, there are no automatic cut-offs or time-outs of the
 The broadband connection is an “always on” connection. The broadband connection
is always on 24/7 once the computer is started. This saves a lot of time as compared to
dial-up where the user has to free a phone line, put in a password, connect, and then
 Broadband connections are billed according to the usage or plan and not as per how
much time is spent. Thus, users do not have to keep a track of the time they spend on
the Internet.
 Broadband Internet access is available for wireless devices as well.

 Speedier broadband connections cost almost twice as much as a dial-up connection.

However, this can be reduced to an extent if you already have a separate phone line
for the Internet that you can cancel.
 Security concerns arise when the computer is on 24/7. Since the computer is on most
of the time, there may be a possibility that someone might want to access the
computer. Many security features are available in the market to overcome this issue.
 The broadband connection increases the speed capability of the Internet, but does not
guarantee the speed. The speed of the Internet is also very much dependent on the
IPS’s servers. If the servers are slow outdated or over-burdened, the speed of the
Internet connection will suffer.

In the United States, $210 Billion dollars were spent on investments made by cable
companies over that last decade to upgrade and expand U.S. Broadband networks, and
consumer-purchased broadband connection speeds have double since 1997. Also, 85% of
Americans have access to at least 100 mbps, while 54% of Europeans have access to at least
30 Mbps.

To learn more about net neutrality, check out the infographic below created by the New
Jersey Institute of Technology’s online Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

The invention of the Internet has made it infinitely easier for people all over the world to
communicate and engage in business with one another. Nowadays, it is difficult to think of a
single facet of life that has not been improved in some way by the Internet. Whether you use
the tremendous network for your entertainment or financial purposes, you have a connection
present that defines the way you go about your day-to-day activities. That said, what if
service providers or interested government agencies placed limits on what you could do with
the time you spend online? The expanding nature of the Internet has raised numerous
concerns regarding website content and the services provided by Internet companies.

Broadband Internet access comes with both advantages and disadvantages. However, despite
the disadvantages it has become the most common way to connect to the Internet. Broadband
is the future of telecommunications, and the broadband connection industry is growing just as
customer demand is growing. Simultaneously, research is also ongoing to provide a better
product. To conclude, it can be rightly said that the broadband Internet connection is a very
important invention in the world of technology and one that is likely to remain so for the
foreseeable future.

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