USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template: Read Aloud Name: - Lourdes - Rocha - Grade Level Being Taught: - 3rd - Date of Lesson: - 3/27/2019

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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template: Read Aloud

Name: __Lourdes_Rocha__________________ Grade Level Being Taught: __3rd__ Date of Lesson: ____3/27/2019_______

Standard - What standard is this FEAPS 2 a-c

lesson working to develop? a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention
b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system
c. Conveys high expectations to all students

Purpose/Objective - What skill(s) are

you developing in this lesson? What
do you want students to practice, or For my 3rd grade class I am reinforcing how I would like them to act during a read aloud instead of
be able to do? developing a new set of skills. My expectations of my students are to focus on me while I am reading, listen
to what I am saying, and understand the words I have said. While there may be some fidgeting still at this
age, it should not be a hard task for them to focus on what Is happening in front of them.

Book Selection & Rationale – What

book have you selected for this read Since my reading will be done the day before Dover’s testing day, I chose the article called Closet Creature
aloud? Why have you selected this because it will be helping the class practice their comprehension.
book (how does it support your
objective/purpose)? Will you be
reading the whole book (why/why

Step-by-Step Plan

**Management & Environment Since the area is a bit small I will not be able to move around, so I will be standing in front of the classroom
(integrated into each section of your while my students stay at their desk. I will hand out preprinted material for them along with a worksheet.
step-by-step plan): As I read the article, I may walk around their groups to be able to make sure they are following along with
 How will you arrange yourself me.
and the students (location in
the classroom, seating during
the read-aloud)?
 What processes &
procedures will you use? The procedure I will use is the attention grabber (“2 finger rule”) and let them know about the assignment I
How will you communicate am handing out to them. The students are expected to know that I need them to focus on me as I am
those and your talking and explaining what I need from them.
expectations to students?
The expectations that I have of them while I am reading aloud are:
1. Describe how you will preview the
Keeping their hands and feet to themselves and following along using their pointer finger on the page.
book and set-up the read aloud.
Before I can start the lesson, I need to explain what some words mean.
Remember you may include if
Propped: position something underneath (someone or something) for support.
appropriate (but are not limited to):
I will then give a visual representation of this by propping a chair against the wall.
 Introduce the book and
complete a picture walk
Groggy: as a simple meaning “when you have just woken up and feel really sleepy still”
 Connect to students' prior
Scooped: pick up (someone or something) in a swift, fluid movement.
 Introduce key vocabulary
I will then give a visual representation of picking something up swiftly
 Introduce the
objective/purpose of the lesson
I will tell them the name of the article and a small description of its contents.
(the skill being developed)
Todays article is called The Closet Creature and it is about how a boy named Adam, and his brother
David, need to figure out what creature is hiding in Adams Closet.

The purpose of the lesson is to help their reading comprehension so there is an activity sheet for them to
answer questions about what we read together as a class.
I am able to connect to the student’s prior knowledge by using similar material that their teacher uses in
order to build upon the texts questionnaire at the end.
Some of the vocabulary will be new to them so before I read to them, I will need to explain and
demonstrate what some of the words mean.
Examples from the text, and advice from my CT, are:
Propped, groggy, and scooped.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template: Read Aloud
Name: __Lourdes_Rocha__________________ Grade Level Being Taught: __3rd__ Date of Lesson: ____3/27/2019_______

2. Describe the purposeful questions

you will ask. Make sure they are
related to your objective/purpose. Stop, think, paraphrase! Have them stop and cover the rest of the page that they have not read yet.
Talk to shoulder partner or partners 1 and 4. then 2 and 3
Remember you should: Convey to me what their findings are and guide them with questions.
 name the points in text where
you will stop Using the same questions as I have on the activity for them to do, it allows them to think ahead of what the
 name the questions you will answer could be.
ask (keeping in mind the
objective/purpose of your lesson I have preprinted questions for them to answer after the reading as well.
and higher order thinking
question stem starters)
 describe the structures you
will use to allow students time to
think and share their thoughts
 describe how you will bring
students back together to
continue reading
 describe the way you will
utilize an anchor chart (if

3. Describe how students will

summarize and share their thoughts
about the story. How will you wrap- I will wrap up the story by asking them a question from the activity sheet in order to prepare them for their
up the story with students? How will answers on paper.
they share their thoughts or feelings They will share their thoughts and feeling when, after the text, I ask them:
about the story? How will you lead Did you expect the creature to be a cat? *call on a student*
students into the assessment (i.e. How did you think the story was going to end? *call on a student*
after reading activity)? Then I will explain that I am handing out a worksheet so they can tell me what they thought about the
Evaluation Plan – How will you
know students have mastered I will know they have mastered the objectives when student are able to:
your objective(s)?
Describe the after- Circle unknown words
Stop, think, paraphrase! Have them stop and cover the rest of the page that they have not read yet.
reading/assessment activity
Talk to shoulder partner or partners 1 and 4. then 2 and 3
students will complete and how it
shows if they have mastered your Because most of the students have not yet mastered some comprehensive topics. I will be making up
objective. questions in place of some.
*Include a copy of any materials
(e.g. handouts, organizers, etc.) For #3. Break them into two parts. Part A: already made. Part B: what text evidence supports this?
that you are giving to students. I will not use some pages such as the spelling activity or the mini essay question

Article I will be using and Reference:

(Closet Creature, n.d.) -

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template: Read Aloud
Name: __Lourdes_Rocha__________________ Grade Level Being Taught: __3rd__ Date of Lesson: ____3/27/2019_______

Lesson Plan & Implementation:

Level 1 Video Reflection and Analysis
College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a professional. At the end of each lesson, you should
watch the video of your lesson to reflect on the experience and analyze its effectiveness. You will need to watch your video,
complete this analysis and upload this form to Canvas prior to your post-observation conference.

While watching your video, use the chart to collect times in your video that represent celebrations, struggles or questions that arise for
you. In the final column, connect this to a concept you are learning in one of your courses, a claim that you can make about teaching
and/or a FEAP that you demonstrated in this moment. You may add additional rows as needed:
Time Celebration/Struggle/Question: Connection to coursework, Claim
about teaching and/or FEAP

0:01 I used a quiet signal when I This connects to EDE 4504-our

needed to transition them from a discussion of non-verbal
previous assignment to me, they interventions/Using a nonverbal
followed direction. intervention to gain student
attention /FEAP 2a

0:25 Celebration: Had chairs one come This connects to EDE 4504- How to
up to me to grab enough paper for effectively manage limited time
their Read aloud assignment to
FEAP 2a- manages resource of
ensure time management.

1:20-2:20 Celebration: Explained and Connects to RED Emergent LIT-

defined words at the students
How to effectively coonect
understanding level vocabulary to literature

FEAP 2e- Models clear oral and

written communication skills

2:21-2:30 Celebration: Explained my FEAP 2c Conveys high expectations

expectations of them to all students/ Relate this to our
classroom Management Class

3:13-3:15 Celebration: Visibly see student Connect to RED Emergent Lit- How
connect words just previously to keep the students engaged
learned, to the text I am reading
FEAP 1a-
Align instruction at appropriate
level of rigor

During the whole time Struggle: Connect to Dover Internship-

Stayed in one spot out of nerves All about the learning process

6:30-9:12 Celebration: Connect to RED Emergent Lit-

Was able to ask questions at their Keep instruction at their level

average class level.
FEAP 5a-

Designs purposeful professional

goals to strengthen the
effectiveness of instruction based
on students’ needs.

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