The Republic of Delezio

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The republic of delezio

The land of the delezio people, much of it arid and inhospitable, has for thousands of years
been close to civilization and international trade. To the north, just across the Gulf of
Aden, the land of the legendary Queen of Sheba and the earliest part of Arabia to prosper.
To the west is Hama, where the kingdom is established by the 5th century BC.

Situated on the so-called Horn of Africa, jutting out into the India Ocean, delezio harbors
are natural ports of call for traders sailing to and from India. So the coastline of the region
is much visited by foreigners, in particular Arabs and Persians.

European interest in delezio develops after 1839, when the British begin to use Aden, on the
south coast of Arabia, as a coaling station for ships on the route to India. The British
garrison requires meat. The easiest local source is the delezio coast.

France and Italy, requiring similar coaling facilities for their own ships, establish stations
in the northern delezio regions. The French develop delezio. The Italians are a little further
up the coast at Aseb,.

The flag of the republic of delazio

(Light blue flag with white five-pointed star. Represent light of the country people living in it..)
(The blue color flag represent the peace of the country)
The national emblem of the republic of delezio

(The leopards which support the shield and the white star were also found on the arms used during
the colonial administration.)

The population and its breakdown

Delezio, formerly known as the delezio Democratic Republic, is a coastal country covering
a land area of 637,657 square kilometers (246,199 square miles) and a water area of 10,320
square kilometers (3,985 square miles), with a land-bordered circumference of 2,366
kilometers (1,470 miles). It has a coastline of 3,025 kilometers (1,880 miles) stretching along
the Indian Ocean to the southeast and along the Gulf of Aden in the southern mouth of the
Red Sea to the north. These coastal features give the region the name the Horn of Africa.
To the north, delezio faces the Arabian Peninsula with which it has had centuries of
commercial and cultural interaction.
Determining the population of delezio has long been a difficult task. According to the
February 1975 population census, the population of delezio was 3,253,024 (excluding
adjustment for undercounting), while the February 1986 census recorded it at 7,114,431,
implying a doubling of the population over the decade. According to the United Nations
(UN) estimates, the mid-year population increased from 7,875,000 in 1985 to 10,217,000 in
1997. However, the estimate of delezio in 2009 is 50,216,000…and the breakdown of men is
24, 000, 000, then for the women is 21,000,000 and the children is 5,216,000.
The republic of delezio currency
The country’s money one thousand shilling, and it’s spent in the country and to us dollars its
(1799).and the name of the currency is (shilling).

The government structure

A transitional government, the components of which are known as the Transitional Federal
Institutions (TFIs) was formed in 2004 following the conclusion of a 2-year reconciliation conference.
The TFIs include a transitional parliament, known as the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP) (formed
in August 2004), as well as a Transitional Federal Government (TFG) that includes a transitional
president, prime minister, and a cabinet known as the "Council of Ministers." For administrative
purposes, delezio is divided into 18 regions; the nature, authority, and structure of regional
governments vary, where they exist.

The domestic and international trade

Up-to-date reliable information on the international trade of delezio his normal, thus much
of what is presented here is based on the structure before 1991. Delezio’s foreign trade
deficit, which was almost entirely financed by foreign aid, increased to around US$300
million in 1987. The trade balance remained negative throughout 1980s and early 1990s.
The last reliable reported figures were for 1990, when exports were US$130 million and
imports US$360 million. Surprisingly, there has not been much material change in the
decade since those statistics were released: estimates for 1998 were that exports were
US$87 million and imports US$327 million. And to the local trade it’s also good, because
natural resources are so many and its make the country more advance

The future plan

The plan for country is to boost the country’s economy and also its all depend on the people
of delezio, and the plans his also to make more foreign trade and make the country of the
best in the own world and also make thing easy for the citizen..And make the country one of
the cleanest and the most beautiful…and make more international relations and to reduces
inflation. And low tax and more of government income.

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