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Activity Prep #1 – What Will You DO?

Entrepreneurial Leadership Persona

What interests you? What can you do? How will you make a meaningful impact? Reflecting on
these questions can help you form your personal and professional identity and put you on the
road toward a fun, fulfilling, meaningful, and purpose-driven career. Your answers should
reflect your aspirations and plans rather than your status today.
Answer the following questions (one short sentence each) in a manner that you’d be proud to
showcase to others in your Personal Learning Portfolio and discuss with your peers during class.
Also, transfer your answers (in brief) to the cube on the next page, perhaps enhancing your
presentation with designs or images, and cut/fold/tape this design into a cube. You must bring
your cube to class so that you can discuss it with your peers.
1. Problems that interest me:
a. How college is structured and that it is not supportive of and/or compatible with
employed students.
b. Poor communication between employees and their management teams.

2. Capabilities I’m developing:

a. My ability to work under pressure.
b. Strong instinct to solve problems quickly and efficiently.

3. How I want to make a difference (What will you DO?):

a. I want to employ or manage a group of people while maintaining an open and
happy work environment.
b. Supply employment opportunities to underprivileged communities with a focus
on foster care youth.
Problem 1 - I care about …

How college is structured and

that it is not supportive of
and/or compatible with
employed students.

Talent 1 - I’m awesome at … Purpose 1 - What I want to do is … Talent 2 - I’m awesome at …

Working in high pressure Employ and/or manage a Solving problems quickly and
situations. group of people while efficiently.
maintaining an open and
happy work environment.

Problem 2 - I care about …

The poor communication

between management teams
and their employees.

Purpose 2 - What I want to do is …

Supply employment
opportunities to
underprivileged communities
with a focus on foster care

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