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Cathodic protection for corrosion control of

ships and other steel structures in

by Alan J Seymour, Extra Master. NACE, AMIRINA

As shipowners and shiprepairers will certainly be aware, of evolving excessive quantities of potentially explosive
costs of steel repairs resulting from corrosion, particularly hydrogen gas in operation.
in older and more vulnerable vessels such as tankers and Research then shifted to the development of new
bulk carriers are a significant proportion of the total alloys of zinc and aluminium which have vastly
maintenance expenditure. The economic problems of increased the electrical capacity of these materials as
the industry in recent years have inevitably led to well as achieving improved reliability and more negative
economies in maintenance budgets and, now the market electrical potentials which greatly improve their per-
has improved, the corrosion problems which have formance.
accumulated will have to be dealt with. In general, the In parallel with the introduction of aluminium alloy
two major techniques for corrosion protection, coatings sacrificial anodes in the late 1950's, the idea was
and cathodic protection are complementary to one conceived that low voltage D.C. current could be applied
another and neither, on its own, can provide the to inert metals so saving the cost of replacing sacrificial
complete answer. anodes at regular intervals and indeed, so-called
impressed current systems are now in common use not
Cathodic protection — A brief history only for the external hulls of ships, for the internal
Cathodic protection was first practically applied in 1825 surfaces of cooling water systems both at sea and
when soft iron anodes were installed to provide ashore, but also for many other applications which will
protection against corrosion of the copper cladding on be discussed later.
the submerged hulls of sailing vessels.
Later, in the early 1900's, when steel began to be used Basic principles of cathodic protection
as a shipbuilding material in preference to naturally The principle of the simple cell which consists of zinc
corrosion resistant iron on the grounds of economy and and copper electrods immersed in a sulphuric acid
better mechanical properties, corrosion of ship's hulls electrolyte is well known. When these electrodes are
became identified as a serious problem. The area worst interconnected by a conductor, electrical current flows
affected was at the after end of a vessel — an area of high from one electrode to the other and the zinc corrodes
water turbulence and adjacent to the bronze propeller while the copper does not.
which creates a galvanic couple causing pitting of the When different metals are immersed in a seawater
adjacent steel. This problem was alleviated by the electrolyte, they develop individual electrical potentials
installation of zinc anodes around the sternframe and on which can be measured by a device called a reference
the rudder — a practice which continues even today. cell. The potential of a metal will govern it's position in a
Initially, results were varied because it was not list called the Galvanic Series. A brief list of the metals
appreciated that purity of the zinc in the finished anode which interests us for present purposes is listed below:
is vital to it's performance. Contamination of the zinc by
iron or copper will cause the anode to passivate and Base end (Anodic) Magnesium
become useless. It is vitally important that anodes are Zinc
acquired from a reputable supplier whose manufacturing Aluminium
techniques avoid any possibility of contamination and Mild Steel
whose production methods include routine metallurgical Copper
analysis. Noble End (Cathodic) Cupro-Nickel
Just prior to the second world war, the Canadian Navy When any two of the above metals are electrically
conducted experiments with the use of magnesium as connected to each other in seawater, the metal higher in
an anode metal on the underwater external hull plating the list will corrode and the metal lower in the list will be
of their destroyers. For the first time, proper design protected.
criteria were established so that results of cathodic The further the metals are apart in the list, the stronger
protection were predictable and repeatable. will be the electric current produced and the greater the
After the war the Shell Company, finding the costs of corrosion activity at the anode.
steel repairs prohibitive in the cargo/ballast tanks of Ship steel, unlike iron which has excellent corrosion
their tankers, researched the application of magnesium resistance properties, is not an homogenerous material,
anodes in these tanks and the excellent results they being an iron based alloy containing a number of
obtained led to the establishment of the cathodic constituents as well as impurities. Immersed in seawater,
protection industry as we know it today. the steel assumes minute potential differences over its
Subsequent to the Shell research and the adoption of surface with metal loss occurring at the more negative
magnesium as an anode material, use of this metal in locations. Thus, tiny corrosion cells are created which
cargo/ballast tanks has had to be abandoned due to its may be aggravated by other factors such as the presence
propensity to cause sparks on impact and to it's property of mill scale, rust and differences in the level of oxygen in


adjacent areas. Once pitting has been initiated, oxygen The material is distributed evenly around the tank
concentrations in the electrolyte within the pit will vary surface and effectively grounded. Seawater ballast is
and the corrosion process will accelerate. then introduced and after de-ballasting some five days
Cathodic protection which will halt corrosion of steel later virtually all the scale will have been detached from
in seawater is achieved by stifling the natural corrosion the steel. During the de-scaling process hydrogen gas is
cells within the steel. This has been found to occur when produced in quantity so the tank should be well
the electrical potential of the steel is shifted by 300 m V in ventilated and rigorous fire precautions should be
a negative direction. Against an Ag/Ag CI. reference cell, observed.
unprotected bare steel in seawater will exhibit an elec- Cathodic protection systems of all kinds will only
trical potential of about 500 m V when measured by a high function in the presence of sewater and unless tanks can
resistance voltmeter connected between the two. If, on be completely topped-up, protection of underdeck areas
the other hand, the steel is subject to a correct level of will not be achieved. Coatings on deckhead and
cathodic protection a reading of approximately-800 m V adjacent structures are therefore generally to be
will be observed. recommended.
The desired potential shift could be achieved by Another vulnerable area in tanks is the inner bottom
attaching to the submerged steel a suitable quantity of shell plating and adjacent structure where residual water
anodes, which would be made from a metal more base after de-ballasting, or accumulating from condensation,
than steel, such as magnesium, aluminium or zinc. will provide an environment conducive to active corro-
Alternatively, a similar effect can be obtained by sion. Water, settling out from crude oil cargoes in
"Impressed Current", a technique involving the passing tankers, probably acidic, compounds the risk of pitting
of low voltage DC through an inert material such as unless preventative action is taken.
platinum, attached to the steel but insulated from it. The Anodes, probably in conjunction with a coating, can
DC would be derived from a transformer/rectifier provide protection provided they are in direct contact
operated from AC mains supply. with the shell plating and that electrical resistance
In a single piece of steel in seawater, potential between anodes and steel is kept to a minimum.
variations leading to corrosion may also occur as a result Further, if an adequate level of protection in tanks is to
of local differences in oxygen availability, temperature, be ensured, clean seawater ballast must be present for
water velocity and even stress. These variations in significant proportions of the operating time and for
potential can also be suppressed by cathodic protection. periods long enough for polarisation, or the required 300
m V potential shift, to be achieved. Short periods in
Relative merits of sacrificial/impressed current systems ballast will require the cathodic protection system to be
Impressed current systems involving low voltage DC augmented while use of fresh or brackish water will
being passed through inert, semi-permanent anodes seriously impair the performance of the cathodic
can be automatically controlled by signals obtained protection system to the point where it might not work at
from reference cells to provide precisely the right all.
amount of current to achieve protection without
overprotecting. This is useful for the protection of a Cathodic protection monitoring
ship's outside underwater hull where current demand Reference cells are frequently used to measure the
will vary with the ship's draft, speed and the salinity/- electrical potential of submerged steel such as a ships
conductivity of the sea water. Much more current is bottom plating. Knowledge of this potential will give an
required at speed in warm saline water than would be the indication of the strength of corrosion activity or,
case at slow speed in cold, brackish water and the alternatively, the level of cathodic protection being
surface area requiring protection will be dependent on provided. Reference cells are in fact used to control the
the draft. output of impressed current systems and hence the level
While zinc and aluminium anodes are capable of some of cathodic protection provided.
extent of self-regulating their output, this effect is limited Reference cells in common use by the corrosion may
and impressed current systems may be more effective be high purity zinc, Ag/Ag CI (silver/silver chloride) or
and economic than sacrificial anodes for external hull Cu/Cu SO4 (copper/copper sulphate). Each of these
applications. have their own merits in different types of environment.
A reserve of power can be built into an impressed The effectiveness of a cathodic protection system in
current system which might be unwise in a sacrificial operation can be checked by means of a portable
system for fear of possible overprotection which might reference cell, usually in practice, of the Ag/Ag CI type in
damage coatings. The extra power will enable the conjunction with a high resistance millivolt meter. A
impressed current system to compensate for a much meter having an internal resistance higher than 100
greater coating loss and may prolong intervals between Kohm per volt is recommended for accuracy and
drydockings. proprietary portable corrosion monitoring meters are
Sacrificial anodes of aluminium or zinc are re- available.
commended for protection of the internal surfaces of The negative terminal of the meter is well grounded to
seawater ballast tanks in preference to magnesium the ship's steel while the reference cell, connected to the
which gives off quantities of inflammable gas and is positive terminal of the motor is lowered into the
prone to create incentive sparks on impact. Local over seawater electrolyte adjacent to the area requiring
protection may also give rise to hydrogen enbrittlement measurement. If the reading is more negative than -800
of the steel in areas above and adjacent to anodes. m V, indications are that an adequate level of cathodic
Impressed current systems are also generally unsuitable protection is being provided. A reading numerically less
for the inside of tanks since toxic chlorine gas may be will indicate corrosion activity. A number of readings, to
evolved at the anodes when in operation. check the potentials over the whole surface being
A very useful application for magnesium which utilises measured, should be taken and any anomalous readings
its high driving potential is electrolytic de-scaling. This should be carefully re-checked as these could provide
process employes extruded magnesium ribbon for an indication of "stray currents", a potential source of
removing thick, accumulated rust-scale from the internal local pitting.
surfaces of ballast tanks. About one metre of strip is Impressed current systems usually have permanent
required for every ten square metres of rusted surface. reference cells hard wired into them to provide for


control of the transformer/rectifier output. These re- current systems and sacrificial anodes are in use and
ference cells are normally located only forward and aft choice of system will depend on weight constraints,
so that additional measurements along the vessel with a availability of electrical power, and maintenance possi-
portable unit are to be recommended. bilities as well as the design life and configuration of the
A recent development in corrosion monitoring, platform.
particularly useful for pipelines and offshore platforms Larger steel platforms in deep water such as those
in deep water locations, enables the wiring between located in the North Sea may typically require up to 600
reference cell and meter to be dispensed with and aluminium alloy anodes each weighing up to 500 kgs.
utilises acoustic telemetry for intercommunication in- Aluminium would normally be used in preference to zinc
stead. The operator on the surface can call up a specific, which would require three times more weight to achieve
permanently installed underwater reference unit which the same electrical capacity for the system.
will respond with the appropriate potential measurement Impressed current systems may consist of a com-
for evaluation of the local corrosion situation. This paratively large number of relatively small platinised
system in fact incorporates two reference cells. One of titanium cantilever anodes or alternatively may employ a
zinc and one Ag/Ag CI. This provides a double check on small number of large remote anodes placed on the
the accuracy of individual readings. seabed at some considerable distance from the platform.
Effective cathodic protection systems create alkaline Either choice will be powered from an automatically
conditions at the steel cathode so effectiveness can be controlled transformer rectifier.
checked by pH measurement of the steel immediately Lengthy offshore pipelines, of typically 1.0m diameter,
after de-ballasting or docking. A high pH results in the are normally bitumen coated or wrapped with plastic
plating out of calcareous deposits on steel surfaces. tape prior to a concrete weight coating being applied.
When a tank is dry these become visible as a white This may be up to 75mm thick. As these coatings provide
coating resembling cement-wash. a high degree of corrosion protection the current
required from the cathodic protection is extremely low.
Application of corrosion protection by cathodic As weight in this application is an advantage and a long
protection life is normally required, zinc which has a high efficiency
So far we have briefly discussed the use of cathodic and low self-corrosion property is usually selected.
protection for protection of tanks and hulls of ships.The Anodes, in bracelet form, are clamped around pipe joints
technique is also widely used for cooling water systems at pre-determined intervals along the line with electrical
involving the use of Platinised titanium or silicon iron conductivity being assured by thermite welded bonding.
anodes, powered by low voltage DC from a transformer/- Docks, piers, sheet piling and indeed all steel
rectifier, and installed on the inlet and outlet sides of structures in seawater are candidates for corrosion
condenser boxes to protect covers and tube sheets. control by cathodic protection and it is the task of the
Where such systems have been fitted, it has been design engineer to select the most efficient and cost
observed that the incidence of fouling has also been effective system design out of numerous alternative
significantly reduced. possibilities.
As an extension of this technique a system has now
been developed primarily for the prevention of fouling Impressed current for ship hulls
but also providing a measure of cathodic protection on Two principle advantages of impressed current over
the inlet side of seawater cooling systems. Specially sacrificial anodes for external hull protection are the
alloyed copper and aluminium anodes are fitted in each automatic control and reserve capacity. Automatic
of the seachests and, again, these are provided with DC control can compensate for variations in seawater
power derived from mains supply. In corroding both conditions and draught while the additional power
anode types provide a measure of cathodic protection to availability means that substantial coating damage can
the internals of the seachest and pipework but in be catered for.
corroding the aluminium liberates a gel while the copper DC output from the thyristor controlled transformer/-
produces fine particles of copper. These combine and rectifier is dictated by the potential difference between
flow throughout the length of the cooling water system, the steel hull and reference cells, usually zinc, which are
adhering to the internal surfaces and preventing the hard wired into the control unit.
growth of crustacea and other forms of marine fouling. Anodes may be of the surface mounted lead/silver
Many steel offshore platforms, which are expected to type or, at the forward end of the ship, fully recessed
remain in place for up to 40 years and therefore cannot elliptical platinised titanium units. Special heavy duty
have coatings repaired or replaced, rely exclusively on platinised titanium anodes, fitted into substantial steel
cathodic protection for corrosion control. Both impressed fabrications have been successfuly utilised in icebreakers
operating in arctic Canadian waters.

Cathodic protection system design

Notes and recommendations
If cathodic protection is used in "ballast-only" tanks or
"dry-cargo/ballast" tanks, these should be full of ballast
for at least 40% of the operating time.
If it is used in "crude oil/ballast" tanks or "fuel-
oil/ballast" tanks, these should be full of ballast for at
least 25% of the total operating time.
Cathodic protection should be concentrated in tanks
designated to carry ballast and ballasting of unprotected
tanks should be avoided where possible.
Use of fresh or brackish water for ballast should be
avoided. If this has to be taken on board, it should be
exchanged for clean seawater having an SG of 1.025,
resistivity 25 ohm/cms, as soon as possible.
If ballast voyages are regularly less than 5 days the


cathodic protection system should be upgraded by 20%. For a Flat plate anode, clear of structure, both sides
Surface area calculations of tanks should include the active,
entire superficial area sides + bottom + deckhead plus R=
both sides of all stiffeners, brackets, pipelines, ladders
etc. but only 5% of well coated areas.
The anode material should have a potential against For a flat plate anode, one side in contact with the
Ag/Ag CI of -1.0 V or more negative when in operation. structure,
Tanks without under-deck coatings should be kept R=
"pressed-up" whenever they are ballasted.
Tanks which cannot be stripped completely dry
should have an anode fitted in contact with the inner Example
bottom shell plating in every bay, particularly at the after Take a simple rectangular barge 30m long, 10m wide,
end. 3m draft. Painted, but assuming 10% coating
Magnesium anodes should be only in well ventilated breakdown. Operating at low speeds in warm, saline
tanks used exclusively for ballast. seawater having a resistivity of 25 ohm/cms.
Wetted surface area = 2 x 30 x 3 (sides) = 180 sq.m
Recommended minimum cathode current densities 2 x 10 x 3 (ends) = 60 sq.m
when polarised to -800 mV against Ag/Ag CI reference 30 x 10 (bottom) = 300 sq.m
cell should be:- 540 sq.m
Wetted surface area
Peak and top-wing tanks of bulk and 0B0 carriers- 130 mA/m2 Current required = = 8.1 amps
All ballast-ony tanks and cargo/ballast in
Product carriers- 110 mA/m2
Cargo ballast tanks in crude tankers and Selecting a typical flat plate 10 kg zinc anode, length
Double Bottom tanks- 90 mA/M2 40 cm, width 10 cm.
Well coated areas- 5 mA/m2 Resistance (R) = Where
External underwater hull, Newbuilding 12 mA/m2
External underwater hull, Existing ship 15 mA/m2 R= =0.5 ohms
Anode output in amps is calculated by l= 0.2 = 0.4 amps
Calculating total weight of zinc required for 2 year life
Where E = Difference between anode working system.
potential and steel at -800 m.v (Ag/Ag CI) Weight = 8.1 (Amps) x 2 (years) x 8760 (hours in a
and R = Resistance of the anode to seawater. year)
Anode potentials against Ag/Ag CI 780 (electrical capacity of zinc in amp/hours
Zinc-1.000 V Protected Steel -.800V, Driving Potential .20V per kg)
A1. -1.050 V " " -.800V, " " .25 V Weight = 182 kgs, or 18 pieces of 10 kg. anodes.
Anode resistance in determined from the following:- Check to confirm sufficient current availability
R = Anode resistance in ohms Number of anodes required = 8.1 amps = 20 anodes.
Ro = Seawater resistivity in ohm/cms. 0.4 (anode output)
r = Effective radius of anode when consumed by 20 wil be chosen since the output of individual anodes
40%. (Rod anode) will decrease as they corrode and reduce in size.
L = Length of anode in cms.
B = breadth of anode in cms. Check on anode spacing.
t = Thickness of anode in cms. Distance between anodes should not exceed about
S = Average of length and breadth of a flat plate 6-8m
anode. Length is 30m. so 7 anodes each side will be spaced
5m apart.
Breadth is 10m. so 3 anodes each end, will be spaced
5m apart.
For a slender rod anode where length > 10 x radius, All parameters will be met by the installation of 20
pieces of 10 kg zinc anodes.
Details: Sales/product enquiries: Mr M Thurman,
Wilson Walton International (UK) Ltd., Tel: 0642
For a short rod anode where length < 10 x radius.

Letter to the Editor Chemical Co Ltd, distributors of VCI packaging products

on behalf of the Cortec Corporation, Minneapolis, have
Dear Sir had a broad range of VCI film products available
We would refer to an article printed in the Anti Corrosion including heat sealable and re-sealable bags, in the UK
Methods and Materials, April 1990 issue, wherein for almost 2 years.
Protective Packaging Ltd of Manchester claim to be the Yours faithfully
first to introduce Volatile Corrosion Inhibition (V.C.I.) D S KAYE
polyethylene film products in a bag format. Hawks Chemical Co. Ltd., 89 Buxton Road, Heaviley,
We would wish to draw to your attention that Hawks Stockport SK2 6LR. Tel: 061-477 3101.


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