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Hon Phil Twyford

MP for Te Atatu
Minister of Housing and Urban Development
Minister of Transport

2 9 JAN 2019

Lianne Dalziel Steve Lowndes

Mayor Christchurch Chair of Environment Canterbury
PO Box 345 PO Box 345
Christchurch 8140 Christchurch 8140

Dear Lianne and Steve

Thank you for your letter of 20 December 2018 regarding the transfer of public
transport functions between councils under the Local Government Act 2002.

As you know, this Government is dedicated to building a 21 st century transport system

to support the creation of more liveable and accessible towns and cities . Increasing
people's access to fast and frequent public transport, is a key part of the Government's
plan .

As noted in your letter, officials are looking at amending the Local Government Act
(LGA) 2002 to allow for the transfer of public transport functions between different
types of councils . I am advised that officials from the Ministry of Transport are working
with the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to ensure a supplementary order paper is
included in the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill (No 2) 2016 that will
enable this change.

While I understand your frustration with the time this is taking , I do not consider it would
be appropriate to deal with this issue in a separate piece of legislation. While I
acknowledge that the Bill is currently low on the order paper, I can assure you that
work on the policy proposals under the Bill is ongoing and I expect it to progress
through the House in due course.

Thank you again for writing to me and your interest in improving public transport
provision in your region.

Yours sincerely

DOCUMENT No.: IS203 z!
0 10
- I u..
-1 FEB 2019 I -: I
t -:
- I --
Hon Phil Twyford < i -I
Minister of Transport I
Copy to : Hon Nanaia Mahuta I
Minister for Local Government -- --· - _IJ

t9 + 64 4 8l7 8704 e Private Bag 18041, Parl iament Bu ild ings, Welli ngton 6160, New Zealand
Cl p.twyford a

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