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Dear respondents,
My name is Hafiz Muhammad Faisal; I am currently a Master’s degree student at Punjab
University pursuing Master of Business Administration in Insurance and Risk Management
(MBA : IRM ). I am carrying out research on “THE IMPACT OF JOB RELATED
I kindly request you to take not more than 20 minutes to voluntarily respond to this
questionnaire appropriately according to your own understanding and experience. Your
participation in this study will provide me with the necessary data and information from which
conclusion can be drawn. This study is part of my MS studies and information given here will be
treated with strict confidentiality. Data will be reported in aggregate and all responses will
remain anonymous. I highly appreciate your participation.

A. Demographic information: Instructions Put a trick [ ] where applicable.

1. Gender (a) Female [ ] (b) Male [ ]

2. Age (a). Below 30 yrs [ ] (b) 30-40 yrs [ ] (c) Above 40 yrs [ ]

3. Terms of employment (a). Permanent [ ] b) Temporary [ ] c) By contract [ ]

4. What is your Job title (a) Clerk [ ] b) liaberarian [ ] c) Lecturer [ ]

(d) Senior Lecturer [ ] e) Assistant Professor [ ] f) Professor [ ]

5. Level of education a) A Bachelor degree [ ] b) Masters [ ] c) Phd [ ]

6. Faculty / Institute / Department

B: Please indicate YOUR PERSONAL VIEWS about the nature of your job. Use the scale
below to show how much you agree with each statement.

A five-point Likert scale (i.e. 1 – strongly disagree, 2 – disagree, 3 – not sure, 4 – agree,
and 5 – strongly agree) was used to measure the variable of ABSENCES FROM
WORK as the response mode.
Three items were used to measure job-related learning and they were adopted from
studies by Loon and Casimir (2008) and Loon et al.(2007). In the last six months: Items 1.SD 2. D 3.NS 4. A 5. SA

1 I have acquired a lot of new job-related
2 I have learnt a lot of things that have
helped me to perform my job better.
3 I have acquired a lot of new job-related

A five-point Likert scale (i.e. 1 – strongly disagree, 2 – disagree, 3 – not sure, 4 – agree,
and 5 – strongly agree) was used to measure the variable of JOB RELATED
LEARNING as the response mode. Items 1.SD 2. D 3.NS 4. A 5. SA

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