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Thinking In1


Identify 2 areas where you struggle with working in small groups? Be


Speaking out load and confronting people who arent doing any good to the group

How do you plan on improving your ability to communicate and work

together with your peers? Be SpeciBc.
Speaking to them with patients

Why did you choose these areas?

Because thats where i struggle. I can be quite mean and unrelatable

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Thinking In1



Identify 2 areas where you struggle with working in small groups? Be


I struggle with communicating and balancing the workload.

How do you plan on improving your ability to communicate and work

together with your peers? Be SpeciBc.
I plan on sharing my ideas more and making sure listen to the ideasbof my peers.

Why did you choose these areas?

I choose these areas because they were the ones I sruggled with the most.

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Thinking In1



Identify 2 areas where you struggle with working in small groups? Be


I don't like to work with other people because I have a hard time talking to others. I also
don't think my answers are right

How do you plan on improving your ability to communicate and work

together with your peers? Be SpeciBc.
I can work with my friends and have them check my work

Why did you choose these areas?

I feel most comfortable talking to my friends so I think I can work well with them

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Thinking In1



Identify 2 areas where you struggle with working in small groups? Be


i struggle small group becos i want to work by mysef and pepl are anoing

How do you plan on improving your ability to communicate and work

together with your peers? Be SpeciBc.
i will improving comminicate becos i will ask for help and work lik a teem

Why did you choose these areas?

i dont always lik to work with pepl and thing i need to grow

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Thinking In1



Identify 2 areas where you struggle with working in small groups? Be


1. sometimes i am to silly and get distracted like when christopher make me laugh 2.
sometimes i want to talk to my frends and its hard to focus

How do you plan on improving your ability to communicate and work

together with your peers? Be SpeciBc.
i will tell them its time to work and not time to be funy. i will tell them so i can focus. like
when i tell them they are to loud and i cant think. i will say please be quit.

Why did you choose these areas?

my techers tell me i am to silly sometimes and i want to be with my frends

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