Ulacan State University College of Engineering

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Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan

College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering



An Investigatory Project for the Fulfillment

Of Requirements for
Science, Technology in Society

Acman, Micole
Caballes, Mark Joseth
Deocareza, Kc Lhyn
Enrile, Zherina
Estrada, John Daid
Gerzon, Luis Joseph
Obaldo, Jecele
Reyes, Aurelyn
Talusan, Mikee

April 2018
Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering


Maintainable hydrogen creation is a key focus for the advancement of option, future

vitality frameworks that will give a spotless and moderate vitality supply. The Sun is a wellspring

of quiet and valuable vitality that is appropriated genuinely everywhere throughout the Earth day

by day. Be that as it may, its colossal potential as a perfect, safe, and prudent vitality source can't

be abused except if the vitality is amassed or changed over into increasingly helpful structures.

The change of sunlight based vitality into hydrogen by means of the water‐splitting procedure,

helped by photo‐semiconductor impetuses, is a standout amongst the most encouraging

innovations for the future since expansive amounts of hydrogen can conceivably be created in a

perfect and maintainable way. Yerga, R. N., Galván, M. Á, Del Valle, F., Villoria de la Mano, J.,

& Fierro, J. (2009, June 17)

The creation of hydrogen by the electrolysis strategy is fascinating in light of the

fact that it can utilize a non-ozone depleting substance vitality source (inexhaustible or atomic

vitality). What's more, it remains the fundamental system for giving applications that require little

volumes of high immaculateness hydrogen, including the semiconductor and nourishment

industry. The advantages of using hydrogen as a fuel in fuel cells are: its high electrochemical

reactivity, its high theoretical energy density, unlimited availability (as long as you can break down

the water), its harmless combustion product (H2O) for the environment. . Naimi, Y., & Antar, A.

(2018, August 22)

Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering

The proficiency of electrolysis increments with the temperature as the hydrogen-

holding lessens. Be that as it may, the warmth request increments, because of the endergonic

procedure, as the electrical interest diminishes; for the most part adjusting regarding in general

vitality request. On the off chance that the weight over the electrolysis is expanded, at that point

progressively current goes for the equivalent connected voltage. Be that as it may, the yield of gas

per coulomb and the warming impact are both diminished. This is because of the expanded

dissolvability of the gases and littler air pockets both diminishing the cell obstruction and

expanding recombination responses. In spite of the fact that diminishing the separation between

anodes decreases the opposition of the electrolysis medium, the procedure may endure if the

closeness permits a development of gas between these cathodes. Low to higher beat potential

builds the response (current) and quickens both the development of rises from the anode surface

and the mass move rate in the electrolyte, which brings down the electrochemical polarization in

the dissemination layer and further expands hydrogen creation proficiency. The rate of progress of

the present thickness (and thus effectiveness) can be expanded utilizing an attractive field with or

without optical upgrade. The speculation expenses of electrolysis have been inspected. Chaplin.

M. (2019, April 1)
Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering

Unadulterated water directs an electric ebb and flow in all respects inadequately

and, thus, is troublesome (moderate) to electrolyze. Typically, be that as it may, a few salts will be

included or present in tap and ground waters which will be adequate to enable electrolysis to

continue at a critical rate. Anyway such salts, and especially chloride particles, may then

experience redox responses at a terminal. These side responses both decrease the effectiveness of

the electrolysis responses (above) and produce new solutes. Other electrolytic responses may

happen at the cathodes so delivering further solutes and gases. What's more, these solutes may

respond together to create different materials? Together the side responses are intricate, and this

multifaceted nature increments to some degree when the voltage connected to the cell is more

noteworthy than that required by the above responses and procedures. Chaplin. M. (2019, April 1)

The historical backdrop of water electrolysis began as right on time as the principal

modern unrest, in the year 1800, when Nicholson and Carlisle were the first to find the capacity of

electrolytic water breaking down. By 1902 more than 400 mechanical water electrolysis units were

in activity and in 1939 the main substantial water electrolysis plant with a limit of 10,000 Nm3

H2/h went into task. In 1948, the first pressurized modern electrolyser was fabricated by

Zdansky/Lonza. In 1966, the main strong polymer electrolyte framework (SPE) was worked by

General Electric, and in 1972 the principal strong oxide water electrolysis unit was created. The

primary progressed soluble frameworks began in 1978. The history winds up in our days with the

improvement of proton trade films, usable for water electrolysis units and energy components, by
Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering

DuPont and different makers, because of the improvements in the field of high temperature strong

oxide innovation and by the enhancement and reproduction of antacid water electrolysers. Zoulias,

Varkaraki, Lymberopoulos, Christodoulou, & Karagiorgis. (n.d.)

Through this innovation of making an efficient hydrogen gas generator, if will have

an impact on various people or organizations. Students may experience the experimentation

concerning the water electrolysis with ease and comfort. Professors will have the efficiency of

conducting the experiment of producing the hydrogen gas and have the ease to demonstrate it to

the student. The community will benefit through the expansion of knowledge regarding the

production of hydrogen gas. The industry may be affected also through the more advance research

concerning the production of hydrogen gas as a fuel to be a source of energy. Future researchers

can also make this investigatory project to produce a same apparatus, and further expand the extent

of this investigatory project.


Figure 1.0 Conceptual Framework

Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering

Figure 1.0 shows the conceptual framework of the investigatory project. First is the

checking of the materials needed, it is required to ensure the strength and the quality of the needed

materials; it is necessary for the integrity of the final product. Second is the phase of assembling,

in this part the quality materials are now being assembled, the assembled product will now be

strengthen with the use of high grade adhesives and other joining materials; also the method of

trial and error will also act upon this second phase. Lastly is the output, now the apparatus is made

the researchers will now test the product and let others to try it, and see if it can produce hydrogen


Figure 2.0 Concept of the Apparatus

Figure 2.0 shows the concept of the final output. Figure 2.0 is drafted using the

computer application called AutoCad to help in the visualization of the final output or the final

Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering

Hypothesis of the Study

The study will result in the development of efficient and low cost hydrogen gas

generator. It may bring other students to the curiosity to further explore other ways to develop an

apparatus regarding the researchers’ topic. It may bring buzz in the industrial field and let other

Filipinos to develop fuel using hydrogen gas.

Specific Research Questions

1. Will the research produce an apparatus that will help revolutionize the field of electrolysis?

2. What will be its benefit in the community?

3. What other activities can be performed with the development of hydrogen gas generator?
Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering


Materials Used:

 12 3” x 6” stainless steel plates

 4 1.5” x 6” stainless steel plates

 1 1” x 6” stainless steel plate

 1 1” x 4.5” stainless steel plate

 1 1” x 3.25” stainless steel plate

 1 Big Acrylic Tube

 1 Small Acrylic Tube

 1 Big Pipe Fitting

 1 Small Pipe Fitting

 Polytube

 Small 90o Elbow Pipe

 Bolts and Nuts

 Silicone adhesive
Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering

Descriptions of the Materials

 The stainless steel plates will act as the main plate for the generator.

 The big acrylic tube will act as the main body for the generator or the apparatus.

 The small acrylic tube will act as the bubbler or the container of the hydrogen gas.

 The pipe fittings will act as the cap of the acrylic tubes.

 The polytube will be the path of the gas formed inside the generator.

 The small elbow will let the air to escape the bubbler and flow to the polytube.

 Bolts and Nuts will be necessary to join the plates together and it will be the main path of

the electricity that will enter the generator.

 The silicone adhesive will be the main adhesive in the making of the body of the generator.


1. Drill two holes in each stainless steel plates

2. Scratch the surface of the plates

3. Cut the big and small acrylic tubes with the desired sizes

4. Fit the pipe fittings to the acrylic tubes

5. Secure the tubes with the silicone adhesive

6. Place the bottom cap of the pipe fittings to the tubes

7. Let the adhesive dry

Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering

8. Drill a hole on the top cap of both the main generator and the bubbler

9. Place the elbow pipes on the top hole

10. With the use of bolts and nuts work on the assembly of the plates

11. Drill two holes on the top of the main generator

12. With the use of bolts and nuts connect the plates inside to the holes on the top of the cap it

will serve as the input for the electricity

13. Work on the polytubes

14. Prepare the specializes water solution

15. Connect to the electrical source

16. Try harvesting hydrogen gas from the bubbler

Guinhawa, Malolos, Bulacan
College of Engineering
BS Mechatronics Engineering


 Zoulias, Varkaraki, Lymberopoulos, Christodoulou, & Karagiorgis. (n.d.). A REVIEW ON

WATER ELECTROLYSIS. Pikermi, Greece: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources


 Chaplin, M.. (2019, April 1). Electrolysis of Water. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from


 Naimi, Y., & Antar, A. (2018, August 22). Retrieved April 11, 2019, from


technologies/hydrogen-generation-by-water-electrolysis DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.76814

 Yerga, R. N., Galván, M. Á, Del Valle, F., Villoria de la Mano, J., & Fierro, J. (2009, June

17). Water Splitting on Semiconductor Catalysts under Visible‐Light Irradiation. Retrieved

April 11, 2019, from



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