Andi Renata Fadhillah - 5-Paragraph Essay Writing

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How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay

by : Group 7

In college or university, we will be often required to write an essay as part of our

writing assignment or our writing test. “What is a 5 paragraph essay and how to write
it?”, an article explains that writing an essay is assigned to check how students making an
argument and how their conclude it in one paragraph. It also said writing an essay
“improves reading, writing, and analytical skills a lot”. How to write a good 5-paragraph
essay? What is the structure of a 5-paragraph essay?

Before we explain what is the steps to make an essay, we should know the
definition of essay. In the dictionary “essay” means a short piece of writing on a
particular subject. “Essay” is from “exagium” in latin that means presentation of a case.
Aldous Huxley, a famous essayist, stated that essay is a literary device for saying almost
everything about almost anything. Therefore, in general, essay is a device to writes about
any subject that you want to write. It contains a lot of informations that you want to give
to the readers and your arguments about the topics.

Essay have been sub-classified as 2 class, formal essay and informal essay.
Formal essay’s characters are serious, dignity, and length where the informal essay’s
characters are personal elements, individual manners, and confidential manners.
Basically, the informal essay’s contains a lot of author’s opinion than the formal one.

The structure of a 5-paragraph essay are introduction, body paragraphs, and

conclusion. First, the introductory paragraph contains one paragraph. Based on the article
“What is a 5 paragraph essay and how to write it?”, this paragraph should include three
important parts; hook, trailer, and thesis statement.
1. Hook, put one or two sentences to grab the reader’s attention for example,
write some shocking facts or a question regarding the topic you are
discussing on your essay.
2. Trailer, it means outline or write what are going to be discussed on the next
3. Last, write your thesis statement on the last sentence of the introductory

The next structure is the body paragraph. The body paragraphs consist of three
paragraph. In the first body paragraphs, based on article “The Five Paragraph Essay”,
should contains most powerful arguments, “most significant example, cleverest
illustration, or an obvious beginning point”. This paragraph should include a transitional
hook to tie into the second paragraph of the body. The second paragraph consist of the
other arguments and examples about the topic of the essay. It should also contains a
transitional hook to tie into the third paragraph. The last body paragraph, should contains
the weakest arguments or examples. In the last sentence of the third body paragraph, give
signals to the readers this is the final major point in your essay. In addition, put a
concluding hooks that leads to the concluding paragraph.

The last structure is concluding paragraph. The conclusion consist of one

paragraph. This paragraph is the hardest to write. You should summarize the main points
you have written in the first, second, and third body paragraph. It should also include
final statement that gives the reader signals that the discussion has come to an end, like a
persuasive statement or call for an action. Make sure that you did not put any new
information in the concluding paragraph.

Here are some steps to write an essay. First, analyze the essay proper. To make a
good essay, you need a good articulated and thought out, and have a good answer the
proper provided. Make two things, first “what the essay directly asking?”, the second
“what the essay indirectly asking?’’. Second, create thesis statement. Make your essay
based with a thesis statement that will guide you writing your essay. Also, the thesis
statements could helps you to keep on the main points of your essay. Third, make an
outline. Make a plan, how do you want your essay flow and what you want to include in
your essay. It will makes you easier to write the essay. Fourth, begin with the body
paragraph, not the introduction. It is easier to write the essay with the main body
paragraph first, because it contains the main idea of your essay. Next, begin a paragraph
with a topic sentence. A good paragraph must have a topic sentence. Last, use credible
sources. Make sure to use credible sources such as books, journal, and reviewed article.
Do not take information from uncredible sources like blogspots websites.
After knowing the structure of an essay and the steps you should do to write an
essay, we will explain how to write a good essay. From the first paragraph, how to write a
good introductory paragraph using the funnel paragraph? To write a funnel paragraph, the
writer first needs to know what the thesis is going to be. The introduction to the
paragraph should have three main purposes. The first sentence is to catch the reader’s
attention. Then it should explain the topic of the essay. It was named ‘funnel’ because it
begins broad and then started to narrow down until the point of the essay. The first
sentence should be able to gain readers attention. It should be a general idea that makes
people unable to guess what the topic of the essay is going to be. The introduction should
lead the reader slowly, through a chain of connected sentences that leads to the most
important sentence in the entire thing: the thesis. This should be at the end. If the thesis
is not at the end, then it is not a funnel paragraph.

In the introductory paragraph, it is said that you should put a thesis statement.
What is a thesis statement? A thesis statements is usually a single sentence nears the
beginning of your paper (most often, at the end of the first paragraph) that presents your
argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes
evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation. To write a good
thesis statement, the writer needs to make the point as clear as possible and not using
vague words. Make sure to answer every question in the essay. The essay also needs to
support the thesis, not the other way around. An easy way to make a thesis statement is
by searching for references in handbooks and other essays.

The second structure of an essay is the body paragraph. The point of having body
paragraph in paper is to explain and develop the points that made your introductory
paragraph and your thesis statement. Each paragraph must have a clear and focused point,
set forth by your topic sentence, and must be continuous with the paragraphs before and
after as well as support your thesis. To write a thesis statement into a paragraph must be
done correctly. This thesis statement must also be specific and only cover the core of the
paper so the thesis statement must be supported by specific evidence. This thesis
statement must be strong and express one main idea, therefore the thesis statement must
contain facts and also arguments that will add strength to the thesis statements.
The last paragraph is the concluding paragraph. Concluding sentences indicates
that you are bringing closure to a paragraph. Writing a concluding sentences are not easy.
Many writers fail to realize that it closes out the final thoughts about the topic on which
they are writing. To write conclusion for an essay we can restate thesis statement and get
the main idea from first paragraph and each paragraph of essay body. In conclusion
sentences, examples for essays should be opposite to the introduction sentences. An essay
should begin with something general and your conclusion ends with something specific.
At the conclusion sentences, the sentence used is not an ordinary sentences, but this
sentences must be an argumentative or an persuasive essay conclusion. When writing a
concluding sentence for the compare and contrast paragraph, you will want to restate both
topics by pointing out the various similarities and differences that were discussed. The
concluding sentences in an argument paragraph will summarize the arguments that being
made. It may reaffirm why the arguments are correct and the consequences that may
occur if the arguments are not heeded.

In writing an essay, one paragraph should have a link or connection to the other
paragraphs. In writing an essay, there is things called unity. What is unity? Unity in
writing means single idea. In other words, unity is connecting all ideas to a single topic.
A paragraph should consist only one main idea and the other sentences become
supporting sentences for that main idea. It also means that each of the sentences are
connecting to each other and only talks about one main idea. How to keep unity in your
essay? As it is said in the steps of writing an essay, you should make an outline. To keep
unity in an essay, edit the outline for the ideas that are not relevant to the thesis statement
or the main sentence. Also, after you done writing the essay, review the text to look for
ideas that are not related to the thesis statement or the main sentence.

In writing an essay, there is also coherence. What is coherence? Coherence in

writing means all the ideas of the paragraph flow smoothly from one sentence to another
sentences. In addition, each sentences has a connection or link to each other. The purpose
of coherence is to make the readers understand the main point easily. How to make our
essay coherence? When making and organising your ideas, do not forget to add some
details. For example, the arguments : writing order from the strongest arguments to the
weakest. Also, use cohesive devices. Cohesive devices are words and phrases that
connect one sentence to another sentence or connect sentence to paragraph, creating a
smooth flow of ideas. There are three types of cohesive devices that can be used in
writing an essay. First, the transition signals, for example however, also, although, and,
unless, as soon as, and etc. Second, pronoun references like he, she, it, they, and etc.
Third, repetition of key noun.

Beside knowing how to writing a good essay, you should knowing the do’s and
dont’s of essay writing. “Dos and Don’ts for Writing an Essay” an article by Emiley
Badler explains things you “do’s” and “dont’s” of essay writings.
Do’s of Essay Writing :
1. Make an essay that is easy for readers to read.
Do not use complex vocabulary or sentences in your essay, because it will make
it difficult for readers to understand your essay. Therefore, you should write an
essay that is easy-to-understand by the readers.
2. Include a thesis statement in the introduction paragraph.
As it is said before, thesis statement reveals the main idea of a paper, so it should
not be skipped. You should use thesis statement as the last sentence of your
3. Use transition sentences between paragraph.
Every paragraph must be linked to another paragraphs in an essay or it could
said that our essay should be coherence and you can do that by writing transition
sentences. Transition sentences will help you keep the body paragraph of your
essay in a flow.
4. Put cite examples.
You must provide a reference if you have used an example from somewhere else
for your essay. It will make your example look more convincing.
5. Use present tense if you essay is based on a literary work.
You should use present tenses if you are writing a paper on a literary work. It
will make your essay engaging and real.
6. Use synonyms of words in an essay.
You should not repeat the same word again and again in your essay. In fact, you
should use synonyms. For instance, synonyms for the word, ‘similar’ are same,
identical, and alike.
7. Just use simple sentences.
In an essay, you are not teaching students, so you should avoid using complex
sentences in a paper. In fact, you should use simple sentences to help readers
understand your main points of your essay.
8. Use Proper Style and Format.
The professor wants to see if the student has understand what is a right format
and style for an essay. You can use the correct format and style in your paper by
following thesis instructions.
9. Use Appropriate Language.
Right language for an essay is comprised of language proficiency of the
students, grammar and syntax, and ability to develop rich vocabulary. Therefore,
you must use the right language in your paper writing assignment.
10. Revise an Essay Thoroughly.
Once you are done writing an essay, you should revise your paper. You should
remove errors from your essay through revision.

Dont’s of Essay Writing

1. Do not put too many information facts.
Goal of your essay should be narrowing down the points in a thesis. So, you
should not use too many facts in an article.
2. Do not neglect formatting details.
You should not forget about the formatting details for a paper. Therefore, you
must pay attention to paper sizes, spaces, font sizes, margins, and page numbers
while you write a thesis.
3. Try to avoid cliches.
Cliches does not count for a good thesis. So, you should try to avoid cliches
while you write an essay.
4. Do not let errors ruin your essay.
Teacher may mark your essay in red if you do not get rid of typos from your
coursework. You should carefully go through your thesis and eliminate typos.
5. Do not rely on spell checkers.
Spell checker software may seem a good way to you for checking spelling
mistakes. However, spell checker software cannot notice errors that human eye
can notice, so you should not depend on spell checker software.
6. Do not plagiarize content.
You should not use pieces of work of others in your essay without giving credit
to the authors. If you are using the pieces of work of others, then you should
give credit to them if you want to tackle plagiarism.
7. Do not address the reader.
You should not address the readers in an academic essay. Therefore, you should
remain detached, objective, and analytical rather than appealing to readers
emotions and personality.
8. Do not begin an essay with “in this/my essay’ phrase, and avoid using negative
It is better to remain formal while you write an academic paper, so you should
not begin your paper with informal phrases, “in this/my thesis”. Avoid using
negative expressions in your thesis, because negative expressions can hurt
readers’ feelings and emotions.

Here is an example of essay outline and the 5-paragraph essay based on a college
website :

The Benefits of Regular Exercise

Thesis Statement: Regular exercise releases tension, improves appearance, and

increases stamina.
Sentence Outline:
I. One benefit is the release of tension.
A. An overaccumulation of adrenaline produces tension.
B. Exercise or active participation in sports releases tension.

II. Another benefit is an improved appearance.

A. The figure becomes more firm and trim.
B. Clothes look better.
C. Skin may become clearer.

III. Still another benefit is increased stamina.

A. Better muscle tone and strength improve performance.
B. One may be better able to ward off illness.

The Benefits of Regular Exercise

In recent years many people have become increasingly aware of the need for
physical fitness . Almost everywhere people turn, whether it is to a newsstand, television
or billboard, advice for guarding and improving health bombards them. Although much
of this advice is commercially motivated by those eager to sell vitamins, natural foods
and reducing gimmicks, some of it, especially that advocating a regular exercise program,
merits serious attention. Such a program, if it consists of at least thirty minutes three
times a week and if a person's physician approves it, provides numerous benefits. Regular
exercise releases tension, improves appearance, and increases stamina .
The first of these benefits, the release of tension, is immediate. Tension builds in
the body because of an overaccumulation of adrenaline produced by stress, anxiety, or
fear. Doctors agree that performing calisthenics or participating in an active sport such as
tennis or volleyball for thirty minutes releases tension. If a person swims, jogs or rides a
bicycle for half that time, he or she should sleep better at night and have a better
temperament the next day. In addition, after the release of tension, petty irritations and
frustrations should be less troubling. For example, an employee upset by the day's work
and by traffic congestion may rush home, argue with the family, and eat excessively.
Taking about thirty minutes to release frustrations through physical exercise could help
him or her to avoid this behavior. Planned physical exercise, therefore, can eliminate, or
at least control, tension.
An improved appearance, which is a second benefit of regular exercise, is not as
immediately apparent as a better disposition. Exercise takes perhaps a month or longer to
show its results in a trimmer, firmer figure. Improvement, however, will come. A person
who is ten pounds overweight, for instance, may be able during this time to burn away
most excess fat and to tighten muscles, thereby reshaping the physique. Having improved
muscle tone and even posture, he or she will wear clothes more attractively and
comfortably. Combined with a sensible diet, an exercise program will also improve a
person's skin tone. This improved appearance will provide confidence and favorably
impress others.
In addition to the self-confidence engendered by an improved appearance,
increased physical strength produces stamina. A stronger, healthier body is obviously
more capable of working harder and , in fact, of withstanding normal fatigue then a tense,
weak one. A worker who exercises should be able to complete a forty-hour week and still
retain enough energy for mowing the grass, painting the garage, or cleaning windows.
Similarly, the student who goes to school, keeps house and perhaps works part time
should accomplish tasks efficiently. Equally important, this stamina helps to ward off
illnesses such as colds and influenza. Altogether, improved endurance is one of the most
important benefits of a regular exercise program.
Although easy solutions to the goals of losing weight and achieving an attractive,
energetic body saturate the media, actually acquiring these benefits is not easy. The
rewards, however, are fully worth the effort of an established exercise program that
makes a person feel relaxed, look healthy, and have adequate strength for strenuous as
well as routine activities .
In conclusion, writing a 5-paragraph essay is not easy, but the information in this
paper will help and guide you to write a good 5-paragraph essay. Write a detailed outline
before writing an essay. Do not forget to always check and review your essay after you
done writing them.
References :
The Answer from the question in essay problems
1. What is the thesis statement of the essay?
Answer : The thesis statement of the essay is if you want camping to be a happy
experience for you, learn to laugh at leaky tents, bad weather, and bugs, or you will
find yourself frustrated and unhappy.

2. What are the controlling ideas of the thesis statement?

Answer : The controlling ideas of the thesis statement is “camping to be a happy
experience for you”.

3. What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph?

Answer : The topic sentence of the second paragraph is nothing can dampen the
excited anticipation of camping more than a dark, rainy day.

4. How many supporting sentences are there in the second paragraph?

Answer : There are four supporting sentences in the second paragraph.

5. Does the writer end the second paragraph with a conclusion or a transition?
Answer : Yes, in this second paragraph the writer ends the paragraph with the
concluding sentence. In the previous paragraph the writer explained the obstacles
that will occur when doing camping, namely bad weather. When the camper wants to
do camping and when it occur rain the temperature in the environment where the
camping will increase and camper activity will be disturbed. Therefore in the last
sentence of the second paragraph the writer suggest that people who want to do
camping must predict the weather first.

6. What method does the writer use in the concluding paragraph?

Answer : The writer write this essay use persuasive sentence in the conclusion
paragraph. We can see from the last sentence, the writer persuade us to plan better
before camping because there are several problem that can happen, namely bad
weather, wildlife encounters, and equipment failures. Even though we had planned
well could have these problems occur, but at least we could handle it well.
7. Make the detailed outline of the essay !
Answer :
Topic : Camping Trip
Title : Enjoying your Camping Trip
1. Introduction (First Paragraph)
- giving fact : people in USA mostly choose to spend their vacation camping in
outdoor, telling how tent camping can be extremely frustrating experience.
- various type of outdoor camping
2. The Body Paragraph
- First paragraph : unexpected problems you will face during tent camping in
nature (the unpredictable weather).
- Second Paragraph : the more serious (dangerous) problem.
a) Minor inconveniences : ants, mosquitoes bites.
b) Major : poisonous snakes.
- Third Paragraph : the least serious problem like equipment failures.
3. Conclusion
- conclude all the main idea from the body paragraph.
- telling facts : eventhough there are a lot of problems during tent camping, but
it is continue become people favorite pastime in United States.
- giving solution how to enjoy the camping trip.

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