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Book Structure

1. Early life and education

2. Who is your role model and why?
3. Start of professional career
4. What was the turning point in your life that made you what you
are today?
5. The toughest phase in your life
6. Biggest learning’s
7. Is there anything you would like to do differently in your career/
8. What were you biggest failures in life and his learning’s from
9. 5 tips for budding professionals/ or would be entrepreneurs
10.The 5 bad habits to avoid according to you
11.What is his message to today’s youth.

Book Lay out

1. First Blank 2 page
2. Name Of Book 2 page
3. Contents 2 Page
4. Foreword 2 Page
5. Introduction 2 Page
6. Acknowledgements
7. 1 B And W Photo Page and 11 Pages per person 11 Pages will
carry approx 2500 to 2500 words

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