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Salmonella: Salmonella are widespread pathogens of vertebrates including man.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
General Characteristics of Salmonella:  M. tuberculosis is the causative agent of most cases of tuberculosis (TB).
Habital: Most salmonella are found in the intestines of animals especially of pigs, cows, goats, sheep, rodents,  Acid-fast detection techniques are used instead, so it is Acid-fast bacillus (AFB). However,
hens, ducks and other poultry. S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi however are usually found only in humans. mycobacterial cell was has characteristics of Gram Positive.
Morphology: Gram-ve rods, non-sporing, non capsulated bacteria (except S. Typhi)  It is highly aerobic and require high levels of oxygen.
 Measures about (2-4)x(0.6µm)  These are also called tubercle bacilli.
 Most strains are motile due to the presence of peritrichous flagella except S. Gallinarum and S. Virulence Factors:
Pullorum.  Cording Factor (glycolipid derivative of mycolic acid) present on outer surface of M. tuberculosis is
 Salmonella are not killed by drying and therefore survive in products such as dried eggs or bone- responsible for inhibition of migration of macrophages and encourages granuloma information.
 Cell surface glycoloipids inhibits phagolysosome formation permitting intracellular survival of
meal fertilizers.
mycobacterial after ingestion by macrophages.
 Salmonella are aerobics and facultative anaerobes. They grow between 15-450C with an
optimum temperature of 370C.
 Tuberculosis is the infection of the lower respiratory tract.
 Salmonella may be divided into two groups: typhoidal (enteric fever group consisting the  Infection occurs when a person inhales droplet nuclei containing tubercle bacilli that reach the alveoli
typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli) and non-typhoidal (food poisoning group) of the lungs.
Antigenic Structure: Salmonella possess the following structure based on which they are classified and  These tubercle bacilli are ingested by alveolar macrophages; the majority of these bacilli are destroyed
identified as; Flagellar antigen(H), Somatic antigen(O),Surface antigen(Vi). or inhibited.
H antigen: This antigen present on the flagella is a heat labile protein.  A small number may multiply intracellularly in alveolar macrophages and are released when the
 It is destroyed by boiling or by treatment with alcohol but no by formaldehyde. macrophages die. Survived organisms are carried to the nearest lymph node. In the lymph node, the
 When mixed with antisera, H suspensions agglutinate rap[idly, producing large, loose clumps. bacteria slowly multiple within macrophages.
 Many H antigens are diphase i.e. they can occur in 2-antigenic forms referred to as phase I and  Bacteria multiply to a critical mass within the protected environment of the macrophages. Having
phase II. reached a critical mass, the organism spill out of the destroyed macrophages, through the lymphatics,
O antigen: The somatic O antigen is phospholipid-protein-polysaccharide complex which forms an integral and into the bloodstream, producing mycobacteria and carrying tubercle bacilli to many part of the
part of the cell wall. body.
 Salmonella are grouped by their O antigens. The groups are designated A to Z. The O antigen is  Sometimes, a small reservoir of live bacteria may be left in areas of normally high oxygen
unaffected by boiling alcohol or weak acids. concentration, such as the apical (top) portion of the lung.
 Within 2-8 weeks, macrophages surround the tubercle bacilli to form a barrier shell, called a
 When mixed antisera, O antigen suspensions from compact, chalky, granular clumps.
granuloma, that keeps the bacilli contained and under control and this condition is known as latent
Vi antigen: These surface(K) antigens can be found on S. Typhi.
tuberculosis infection (LTBI).
 It is associated with virulence and can be detected using Vi antiserum. These are surface
 If the immune system cannot keep the tubercle bacilli or LTBI under control the bacilli begin to multiply
polysaccharide antigen enveloping the O antigen. rapidly to cause tuberculosis (TB disease). This process can occur in different areas in the body, such as
 It is heat table, is destroyed by IN HCL and 0.5N NaOH. the lungs, kidneys, brain or bone.
 Vi antigen can interfere with O antigen testing. Laboratory Diagnosis
Virulence Factors: Specimens:
 Endotoxin: Lipopolysaccharides (LPS)  Screw-cap, leak-proof specimen containers are used.
 Invasions: Invasions are proteins that mediate adherence to, and penetration of, intestinal  Sputum, not saliva is required to detect AFB. Examination of up to three specimens (at least one as an
epithelial cells. These proteins (type III protein secretion systems) are produced by inv genes. early morning specimen) may be required to detect the organisms.
 Resistance to acid pH: Salmonella are protected from the stomach acid and the phagosome by  In AIDS patients, it is sometimes possible to detect AFB in buffy coat smears prepared from EDTA anti-
acid tolerance response (APR) gene of the chromosome. coagulated blood.
 Resistance to phagocytosis: Catalase and superoxide dismutase produced from bacteria Microscopy/Morphology
protect them from intracellular killing by neutralizing oxygen cells.  M. tuberculosis is a non-sporing, non-capsulated straight or slightly curved, slender rod, measuring 1-
Pathogenesis 4µm x 0.2-0.6 µm.
 After ingestion of food or water, typhoid organisms go into the stomach. S. Typhi must survive  Although it does not Gram stain well due to its waxy surface, the organism has a Gram positive cell
the gastric acid barrier to reach the small intestine. S. Typhi is protected from stomach acid by
 M. tuberculosis is best demonstrated using the Ziehl-Neelsen staining technique or a fluorescence
ATR gene of it.
 Then through the pylorus (a small circular opening between the stomach and the duodenum),
 Ziehl-Neelsen staining of M. tuberculosis: When stained by the Ziehl-Neelsen technique, M.
bacteria reach the small intestine. In the small intestine, the bacteria adhere to mucosal cells tuberculosis is acid fast and stains red. This is due to the mycolic acids (fatty acids) in the cell wall
and then invade or penetrate the intestinal epithelial cells. which form a complex with carbol fuchsin and cannot be removed by the acid in the decolorizing
 The M cells, specialized epithelial cells overlaying payer’s patches (organized lymphoid nodules reagent.
usually found in the lowest portion of the small intestine, the ileum are probably the site of the  Detecting AFB by fluorescence microscopy: Sputum smears can be examined rapidly using a 40X
internalization of S. Typhi. objective (or 25X objective) in fluorescence microscope. This increases the possibility of finding
 S. Typhi is transported to the underlying lymphoid tissue and multiplication of bacteria occurs AFB especially when they are a few.
into the lymph nodes (payer’s patches). Lymph nodes contain macrophages. Catalase and Culture
superoxide dismutase produced from bacteria protect them from phagocytosis. Bacteria  Cultural techniques for detecting M. tuberculosis, although more sensitive, are slow and expensive.
survive and are released into the bloodstream where they disseminate widely (transient  It is possible to detect tuberculosis at an earlier stage of infection when AFB are too few to be
primary bacteraemia) or systematically to colonize the liver and spleen. detected in direct sputum smears. Culture is considerably more sensitive than microscopy, detecting
 As bile is a good culture medium for the bacterium, it multiplies abundantly in the gall bladder 10-100 viable organisms of sputum.
and is discharged continuously into the intestine and can lead to re-infection of the intestinal Identification of M. tuberculosis cultures.
 The minimum investigations required to identify M. tuberculosis isolates are:
tract, causing inflammation, ulceration and necrosis. Haemorrhage form ulcers during the third
 Testing the pigment production: This is done by leaving the culture in light for 24 hours (avoiding
week of illness can cause generalized peritonitis and septicaemia, the commonest cause of
direct sunlight), reincubating it at 35-370C overnight, and then examining the colonies for the
death in typhoid fever.
development of a yellow pigment. M. tuberculosis is a non-chromogen, i.e, it does not produce
pigment in light or darkness.
 Incubation of a subculture of the organism at 250C: M. tuberculosis will not grow at 250C.
 Growth on Lowenstein Jensen medium containing 500g/ml 4 (p)-nitrobenzoic acid; M. tuberculosis
will not grow on 4 (p)-nitrobenzoic acid (PNB) medium.
Antimacribial susceptibility (treatment)
 The first line drugs (antibiotic): isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol.
 The second line drugs: streptomycin, capreomycin, cycloserine, thiacetazone and ethionamide.
Vibrio Cholera: V. cholerae was first isolated as the cause of cholera by Italian anatomist Filippo Pacini in 1854, Laboratory Diagnosis
but his discovery was not widely known until Robert Koch, working independently 30 years later (1883), Specimen: (for typhoid fever)
publicized the knowledge and the means of fighting the disease.  Blood, faeces and urine for culture.
 It is a short, curved, cylindrical rod (comma shaped), about 3-4 x 0.5µm in size, with rounded or slightly pointed Microscopy/Morphology:
ends. Salmonella are Gram negative rods. They are non-sporing and with the exception of S. Typhi, non-capsulate.
 It is an aerobic/facultative anaerobic organism.
 It is actively motile and has a flagellum at one cell pole (polar flagella) Culture:
 They tolerate alkaline media that kill most intestinal commensals, but they are sensitive to acid.  Salmonella are aerobes and facultative anaerobes. They grow between 14-450C with an
 Some strains of V. cholerae cause the disease cholera. optimum temperature of 370C. A selective medium is required to isolate salmonellae from
Virulence Factors(of V. cholerae O1 and O139)
faecal specimens.
 Enterotoxin: V. cholerae secretes the enterotoxin choleragen (cholera toxin: CT) which is very similar to the
 Isolation of S. Typhi from blood: To isolate enteric fever salmonellae, 10% of ox-gall in distilled
E. coli LT, the CT consists of A and B subunits. The A region, responsible for biologic activity of the enterotoxin,
water is recommended (add 5 ml of whole blood to 50 ml of sterile ox-bile medium). Subculture
is linked by non-covalent interactions with the B region. B region is composed of five identical non-covalently
associated peptide chains. after overnight incubation onto blood agar.
 Pili: These help in adherence to mucosal cells.  The use of Columbia agar-broth diphase medium is recommended because this can be used for
 Haemagglutination protease (mucinase): It helps to release bacteria from mucosal cells. all the salmonellae and other pathogens that cause bacteraemia.
Pathogenesis  Blood cultures are sub-cultured on to blood agar.
 Vibrios are sensitive to acid, and most die in the stomach.  Blood agar (Subculture): Salmonellae produce grey-white 2-3 mm diameter non-
 Surviving virulent organisms may adhere to and colonize the small intestine, where they secrete the CT. haemolytic colonies, similar in appearance to those of many other enterobacteria. Some
 The toxins bind to the GM1 ganglioside receptor on intestinal epithelial cells by means of subunit B. strains appear mucoid.
 Then disulphide bond that joins A1 and A2 is broken and the A1 subunit is activated. The A1 fragment  XLD agar: Hydrogen sulphide (H2S)-producing Salmonella form pink-red colonies 3-5 mm in
activates adenylyl cyclase in the enterocyte to form increased level of cyclic adenosine 5’ diameter with black centres. [Salmonella that do not produce H2S, e.g. most strains of S.
monophosphate(cAMP) within the cell. Paratyphi A, form pink-red colonies without black centres, similar in appearance to Shigella.]
 The marked increase of cAMP within the intestinal cells results in intense and prolonged hypersecretion of  MacConkey agar: Salmonella produce non-lactose fermenting pale coloured colonies on MA.
water, chlorides and bicarbonate and inhibits the reabsorption (lysis and assimilation) of sodium. The Biochemical Tests
intestinal lumen or gut becomes full of fluid and consequent diarrhoea occurs.  Triple Sugar iron agar: This medium is used to help identify salmonellae following isolation on
 In hospitalized patients, this can result in losses of 20L or more of fluid per day. a primary selective medium. Salmonella produce:
 The stool of an actively purging. Severely ill cholera patient can resemble rice water-the supernatant of boiled
 Pink-red (alkaline) slope and yellow (acid) butt, indicating fermentation of glucose but not
 Because the stool can contain 108 viable vibrios per ml, such a patient could shed 2x1012cholera vibrios per
day into the environment.  Cracks in the medium if serotype produces gas from glucose fermentation (S. Typhi no gas)
 These symptoms usually start suddenly, half a day to five days after ingestion of the bacteria.  Blackening in the medium due to H2S unless serotype does not produce H2S. e.g, S. Paratyphi
Laboratory Diagnosis A. Only a small amount of blackening is seen with S. Typhi.
Specimen  Urease and indole negative.
 A faecal specimen is required to test directly for V. cholerae antigen, and to isolate V. cholerae in culture.  Lactose negative
Microscopy  Gas produced from glucose fermentation (S. Typhi does not produce gas)
 V. cholerae is a Gram negative motile usually curved rod (vibro), measuring 3-4 x 0.5µm with a single  Citrate positive (S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi A are citrate negative)
flagellum at one end.  Lysine decarboxylase (LDC) positive (S. Paratyphi A is LDC negative)
 V. cholerae 0139, unlike V. cholerae 01, is capsulated.  Beta-galactosidase (ONPG) negative
 Motility: V. cholerae is highly motile with a distinctive rapid to and fro movement which has been likened  S. Typhi: This can be biochemically differentiated from other salmonellae by being citrate
gnats. Vibro mobility is best seen using dark-field microscopy, but the vibrios can also be seen using negative not producing gas and forming only small amount of H2S.
transmitted light microscopy.  Isolates of S. Typhi can be identified serologically.
Culture Serological Diagnosis: Serological tests currently in use to assist the diagnosis of enteric fever include: Widal
 V. cholerae is an aerobic and facultative anaerobe.
test, IgM antibody immunoassays
 It can grow over a wide temperature range of 16-400C with an optimum temperature of 370C.
 Widal test
 It grows best at an alkaline pH (pH 8.2).
 IgM antibody assays to diagnose typhoid fever: These assays detect IgM antibodies to S. Typhi
 V. cholerae is non-halophilic i.e. it does not grow, like most other Vibrio species in media containing 6-
which develop early in acute typhoid. They suggest current infection, are more sensitive and
10% sodium chloride.
specific than the Widal test, and can be performed more rapidly. In the absence of culture
 Alkaline peptone water: V. cholerae grows rapidly, producing growth (turbidity) on and just below the
surface of the medium, usually within 4-6 hours. It is enrichment medium and its alkalinity suppresses the facilities, IgM antibody tests are more useful in helping to diagnose typhoid in endemic areas
growth of intestinal commensals. particularly after 7 days following the onset of fever. Commercially available IgM antibody test
 Thiosulphate-citrate bile salt sucrose(TCBS) agar: This is an excellent selective medium for the primary include Enterocheck-WB, TYPHI rapid and IDL Tubex.
isolation of V. cholerae. On TCBS agar, V cholerae 01 and 0139 produce 2-3mm in diameter sucrose-
fermenting yellow colonies after overnight incubation at 35-370C.
 TSIA: V. cholerae produces a red-pink slope and yellow butt. Gas is not formed and H2S is not produced.
 Media containing bile salts: Most strains of V. cholerae are able to grow in MacConkey agar, producing
small non-lactose fermenting colonies after overnight incubation.
 Blood agar: V. cholerae 01 and 0139 grow on blood agar, (subcultured from alkaline peptone water), often
producing (beta) haemolytic colonies.
Biochemical Tests: V. cholerae 01 and 0139 reactions
 Oxidase positive: All vibrio species are strongly oxidase positive.
 Do not ferment L-arabinose. This test is of value in differentiating V. cholerae from V. fluvialis (both
produce yellow colonies in TCBS sugar). V. fluvialis ferments L-arabinose.

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