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The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dear People,

I bring you tidings of great joy and peace. It is at the end of a very tiring day for me. I will
set down what I know before turning in for the night, because it is my job as the Overseer
Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility to bring you up to speed. The name of my job is
gobbledy-gook to many people, so I try to tell you what I have to say in plain English, also for
people whose mother language is not English. Reality is being hidden from you, and so is
the world's wealth and the world's gold. This wealth and gold is going to come out from
hiding, by and by. I offered this monetary gold to the governments of the world in 2015:

What is holding us up? We have been getting ready, each of us in our own way, and each
country's peoples in their own way. Our preparations are still underway. The World Bank's
General Counsel has been trying to hold us back. Sandie Okoro is now fired and bankrupt. I
used the common law to do this, as Sandie Okoro is corrupt. So is Ken Ofori-Atta, Chair of
the Development Committee, and I have bankrupted him with a commercial lien as well,
using the common law. I have begun to bankrupt David Malpass, President of the World
Bank, and Jerome Powell, Chairman of Federal Reserve. These corrupt officials are trying to
hold up the Global Currency Reset.

I am going to switch into legalese for a moment, to show you my reason for bankrupting
Sandia Okoro. We are using the common law in the Global Currency Reset to maintain
order. The common law is easier to understand than the kind of law that the corrupt
bankers were using to try and hold us back: Maritime Law.

'30. On March 15, 2017, Lien Claimant informed the members of the Boards of
Governors and the Development Committee, via their New York Missions and
Tokyo Embassies as follows:
This is to inform you of my fax dated March 13, 2017 to Dr. Sandie Okoro, Group
General Counsel of the World Bank, concerning the Global Currency Reset, and
that she is to be relieved of her duties if she is unwilling to implement the Global
Currency Reset previously referred to in the Minutes of the 2016 Annual
Meetings: "

These are the words that are in the Commercial Lien that are at the heart of the Global
Currency Reset:

"32. Sandra Okoro is acting outside the duties of the General Counsel of the
World Bank and has prevented me from returning to the World Bank's
headquarters and working on the Global Currency Reset agreed to by the Board
of Governors of the World Bank and IMF. Sandra Okoro has violated the Articles
of Agreement of the World Bank, in particular Article V, Section 2 SECTION
2(a). "Board of Governors
(a) All the powers of the Bank shall be vested in the Board of Governors..." and
Section 5(c) "The President, officers and staff of the Bank, in the discharge of
their offices, owe their duty entirely to the Bank and to no other authority. Each
member of the Bank shall respect the international character of this duty and
shall refrain from all attempts to influence any of them in the discharge of their
I have notified Lien Debtor of her nonfeasance, misfeasance, and malfeasance,
and given her the opportunity to rectify matters, so that the IBRD can be brought
into compliance on the world’s capital markets, and so that the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF can complete the Global Currency Reset.
Still Lien Debtor remains recalcitrant.

33. The Lien Debtor is in Commerce and this is interfering with my fidiciary
responsibilities to the IBRD, the IMF, and the world’s peoples as beneficiaries of
TVM-LSM-666, damaging my business advantage, character, and is obviously
intentional, willful, wanton and ongoing as it is by design, this being self-

I want to show you how I cleared the Global Currency Reset. Here is my comment in a
2015 article


6 Mar, 2015

Pepe, You have it right as far as one part of the coalition - the BRICS, Germany, and the
G-77. The other part of the coalition is the United States minus the Federal Reserve. The
Board of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have
approved public filing of Financing Statements under the Uniform Commercial Code
with the Secretaries of State where the 12 Federal Reserve Banks are located. Ten UCC-1
statements have been filed electronically, and the remaining two statements are in
process. The Global Debt Facility (a trust established at the end of WWII) contains the
world's gold reserves and other wealth for the benefit of humanity. The Bretton Woods
institutions, established to administer the Global Debt Facility, hold 200 boxes of
Federal Reserve Notes, together with Eagle U.S. Hardware Mother Box 5 Boxes, and
Treaty of Versailles Mother Box 45 Boxes in this trust. Together with compounded
interest since the 1930's, the debt of the Federal Reserve evidenced by these UCC-1
filings offsets the country debts of the member countries of the World Bank and IMF.
The fractional reserve fiat currency of each country is going to be exchanged for their
national currency, but containing gold. Countries will abolish legal tender laws, and
permit local currencies to be issued as well. Countries may also use other commodities
for issuing their asset-backed currency. The corrupt fractional reserve fiat currencies of
the central bank members of the Bank for International Settlements are only going to be
permitted until they can be exchanged for asset-backed currencies to be issued by the
members of the coalition for the rule of law. This comment will be issued in a formal
press release by the Board of Governors of the Bretton Woods institutions in forty eight

Now I am going to show you the press release that was issued one year before the Global
Currency Reset:

Even for people who have trouble believing in the 1.8 million metric tonnes of gold in
the monetary gold reserves that are administered in the Global Debt Facility (which is
very real) there is documentary proof of the 2 quadrillion in bonds that were issued by
the Federal Reserve in the 1930's.

I have placed valid liens against the Fed. The cash flow going to the Banking Cartel from
that scam called country debt? That is ending in the Global Currency Reset. Ronald
Reagan's Grace Commission showed this cash flow to the Banking Cartel. The Banking
Cartel tried taking down the links to the Grace Commission study,
but could not remove all the links:

The most strategic officer at the very heart of the Bretton Woods institutions is their
lawyer, who helps interpret the Articles of Agreement, and empowers the Boards of
Executive Directors and Board of Governors. In 2004, to fight corruption and prevent
the US from surrendering unilaterally, the National War College of the US gave me a
very strategic asset of the US military, its power transition model, showing with 90-95%
accuracy where coalitions exist. This is an unbeatable combination. Now I am going to
show you the press release that was issued in 2015, when I offered the monetary gold to
the nations in implementation of the Global Currency Reset. The Banking Cartel
removed this press release from the internet, so I am showing you the version that was

Even for people who have trouble believing in the 1.8 million metric tonnes of gold in
the monetary gold reserves that are administered in the Global Debt Facility (which is
very real) there is documentary proof of the 2 quadrillion in bonds that were issued by
the Federal Reserve in the 1930's.

I have placed valid liens against the Fed. The cash flow going to the Banking Cartel from
that scam called country debt? That is ending in the Global Currency Reset. Ronald
Reagan's Grace Commission showed this cash flow to the Banking Cartel. The Banking
Cartel tried taking down the links to the Grace Commission study,
but could not remove all the links:

The most strategic officer at the very heart of the Bretton Woods institutions is their
lawyer, who helps interpret the Articles of Agreement, and empowers the Boards of
Executive Directors and Board of Governors. In 2004, to fight corruption and prevent
the US from surrendering unilaterally, the National War College of the US gave me a
very strategic asset of the US military, its power transition model, showing with 90-95%
accuracy where coalitions exist. This is an unbeatable combination.

It is now 2 am so if there are any mistakes, I will have to correct them tomorrow. Good

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST

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