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NAME OF FS STUDENT: Adeljonica A. Mesiano .

Resource Teacher: Mr. Paul John Montalla .

School: Don Marcelo C. Marty High School .

Activity 10

Product-Oriented Assessment

Target Competency:
1. To apply a wide range of instructional skills in developing product-oriented assessment.

Specific Task:
Visit and observe a class. From the performance-based assessment, choose a product-
oriented assessment.

1. Identify the product-based assessment developed by the teacher. What did the teacher use to rate the
students’ performance.

The teacher ask the class in groups to propose an investigatory project as a culminating product. The
objective of this product-based performance is to train the students to conduct mini-science
experimental projects and document it in a format of a scientific paper. The students are instructed and
guided regarding0 the different parts of the investigatory project proposals, and are given a lot of time to
finish and develop the research paper. The product is guided in two kinds using a rubric devised by the
subject teacher. The first level focuses on the content of the research paper output. Another rubric used
by the teacher during the panel defense of the said science investigatory project research proposals.

2. Design you own product-oriented assessment and develop your own rubrics to rate the performance
of the learners. Use the back portion of the activity sheet.
For the topic figures of speech I will ask the students to make a poem.

Excellent 4pts. Good 3pts. Fair 4pts. Weak 1pts.

PREPAREDNESS Student is well- Student needed more Student is not Student is absolutely
prepared and the rehearsal of the poem well-prepared not prepared and no
poem was and needed evidence of any
rehearsed more rehearsal rehearsal
MEMORIZATION Student memorized Student memorized Student has The student hasn’t
the entire poem and the entire poem and is memorized the memorized the
delivered it without able to present it entire poem and poem and was not
error though with error but able to present it able to deliver it.
has recover but with errors
and hasn't
PHYSICAL Student uses proper Student uses proper Presentation The student looks
PRESSENCE gesture and posture. gesture and posture, lacks two or uncomfortable and
Relaxed and is relaxed and more of the makes no effective
confident, and confident. criteria. contact with the
maintains audience at all.
appropriate Tension and
audience contact. nervousness is
PAUSING AND The student used The students used Pauses and Pauses were not
PACING pauses and pacing pauses and pacing to pacing were not intentionally used.
effectively to communicate effective in Poetry is choppy.
communicate meaning and enhance improving the Delivery is either too
meaning and dramatic impact of meaning of the quick or too slow.
enhance dramatic the poem. poem. Pauses at Reads words with no
impact of the ends of lines logical grouping.
poem. rather than at
CLARITY AND The student speaks The student speaks The student The student does
EXPRESSION clearly, distinctly, clearly and distinctly. speaks clearly not speak clearly,
and with Some minor lapses in but is indistinct, mispronounces
appropriate and pitch, tone and too quiet, and words and is
varied pitch and volume or the pitch was rarely inaudible to the
tone modulation. emotion conveyed did used or the audience. Spoken in
Recites loudly not always fit the emotion it monotone.
enough for all to content or emphasis conveyed often
hear throughout the uneven. did not fit the
presentation. content.

NAME OF FS STUDENT: Adeljonica A. Mesiano .

Resource Teacher: Mrs Annabelle Manila .
School: Don Marcelo C. Marty High School .


Target Competency:
1. To apply the importance and components of classroom assessment.

Specific Task:
Visit and observe a class and interview your resource teacher.

Based on the different classroom observations and input of resource teacher describe the essential
components in implementing classroom assessment.

1. Purpose
The primary purpose of assessment is to improve students’ learning and teachers’
teaching as both respond to the information it provides. Assessment for learning is an ongoing process
that arises out of the interaction between teaching and learning. What makes assessment for learning
effective is how well the information is used. And such objectives are evident in the class of Mrs.
Montalla, she used brainstorming to diagnose students'prior knowledge and build up an introduction of
the lesson. After the lesson they arr given a worksheet to test their understanding and again diagnose if
the objectives are met.

2. Measurement
This was often pertains to the quantity of the assessments given by the teacher which was also correct
but then this also refers to the level of difficulty of a particular assessment considering if a student can
answer the questions and the teacher will meet the time bounded for instruction. Assessments then can
be measured through summative, formative and performance-based assessments. Which was also
employed in the class we observed. The teacher gave questions not too many and not too difficult to
answer and thus come up with a class where the students are actively engage in the lesson.

3. Evaluation
The purpose of evaluation is to tell whether the objectives are successfully met. Record
the progress of learners which should and must be evaluated fairly by the teacher. Mrs. Montalla used an
activity worksheet to measure the understanding of the students.

4. Use of Assessment

What is your insights/learning of the use of assessment to improve academic performance of students.

All assessments, are designed for a specific purpose. The typical assessments to guide
improvements in student learning are the quizzes, tests, writing assignments, and other assessments
that teachers administer on a regular basis in their classrooms. Teachers trust the results from these
assessments because of their direct relation to classroom instructional goals and the results are
immediate and easy to analyze. However the use of such traditional ways must change from their view
of assessments and their interpretation of results. Specifically, they need to see their assessments as an
integral part of the instruction process and as crucial for helping students learn. Administering improper
assessment can lead into two things; First, students realize that hard work and effort don't pay off in
school because the time and effort that they spent studying had little or no influence on the results. And
second, they learn that they cannot trust their teachers. To avoid such situations, teachers must be
flexible in adopting or creating an authentic assessment not merely settling upon the traditional way, we
must provide our students the corrective instruction they needed.

NAME OF FS STUDENT: Adeljonica A. Mesiano .

Activity 12


Target Competency:
1. To evaluate a portfolio.

Specific Task:
Visit and request your resource teacher to look into some of the pupils/students portfolio.

Currently, pre-service teacher education is using an assessment approach called “Student Portfolio”. This
is an assessment approach that focuses on both the product and the process.

1. What is portfolio assessment?

A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the students’ efforts, progress
and achievement in one or more areas. This type of assessment make the students become active
participants in the learning process and its assessment. It is also one of the several authentic and non-
traditional assessment techniques in education.

2. How is it different from traditional assessment?

Unlike traditional assessments that uses paper-pencil method, Portfolio assessment’s planning
and execution was guided by the teacher and it lets the students represent what they believe are
important considerations. Another is that it was decided at the beginning of the lesson it may or may not
reflect the achievement of such objectives. Unlike the traditional assessment, portfolio assessment has
given the control on the students who will decide what the items they will include are. This was given
without pressure and constraints of time in contrast with the traditional assessment. However both
assessments develops awareness of learning on the part of students and teachers.

3. What are included in the pupils/students’ portfolio?

Every portfolio must obtain the following essential elements; first is the cover letter (includes the
student, and the progress as a learner), the table of contents (guide tool), Entries (works or activities of
the student, with dates and scored), Drafts of written products (corrected or revised versions) and
Student reflection (answers What did I learn from it? What did I do well? What item do I need to
improve etc.)

4. How does your resource teacher rate/evaluate the pupils/students’ portfolio?

The portfolio is then assess through self/peer rating with scales, checklist with criteria, learning
log, guided reflection thus overall it was included thru the use of a rubric.

5. Make your own rubrics to rate the portfolio of the pupils/students?

Rate each category on a scale of 10 (excellent) to 0 (failure).

A. Portfolio was turned in on time
B. Personal Identification
C. Letter from the student to the instructor
D. Table of Contents
E. Appearance and Organization
F. Chapter Reviews
G. Impact Papers
H. Oral Presentation
Resource Teacher: Mr. John Paul Montalla .
Cooperating School: Don Marcelo C. Marty High School .
NAME OF FS STUDENT: Adeljonica A. Mesiano .

Activity 13


Target Competency:
1. To determine how student progress are documented.

Specific Task:
1. Visit a class. List the procedures teachers follow to correct different types of students’ work
(e.g. daily papers, homework, tests, projects, etc.)

First is when the teacher checked an objective questionnaire which is given as homework and gave an
individual activity (to test the learning from their previous lesson) maybe in a form of product, process or
performance based assessment depending upon how the students interpret the so-said activity. Such
assessments are based upon a rubric and the provided summative assessment after accomplishment of
learning standards.

2. List the methods used to record student progress (e.g. grade book, anecdotal notes, progress charts,
Mr. Montalla is using E-Class Record as a method of writing and consolidating scores.
Interpretation regarding the acquired scores of each learner is expressed in their guide cards that can be
used by teachers and learners to track students’ academic standing.

3. List any saving tips you have discovered for correcting papers or recording information.
Answers prior to the checking of assessment tool for objecting type of test are prepared by the teacher.
Diagnostic and formative type of assessment are monitored and taken through rubric accomplishment
format. Unlearned need reinforcements, learned.

4. What is the school’s policy for grading and maintaining student records? Permanent record? Subject-
related progress charts if any?
Academic records and documents of every learner must be kept confidential. Teacher-conferences for
students at risk of failure must be made and all documents regarding students’ academic performance
must be surrender to school in charge for records.

5. Ask the teacher’s viewpoint/s about the new grading system for the K-12 Curriculum.

From Mr. Montalla’s perspective he stated “The trend that gives every learner the avenue to
excel and improve through various means is very important fact of the K-12 grading system trade. The
system of grading via K-12 establishes unthreatening environment for learners. Students, diagnosed
through this assessment are monitored easily and are given wide arrays for self-learning and grasping
learning standards by doing performances (product/process). Learning by doing, constructivism and
students creative and critical mental processer is being tapped through K-12 assessment styles.”
NAME OF FS STUDENT: Adeljonica A. Mesiano .




What has been the most powerful insight for me about student assessment?

We learned a lot as we have been through our field study although the most powerful insight I
earned is about how, when and why are we going to administer an assessment that benefits the teachers
and most especially the learners. We understood thoroughly that the assessment as a critical step in the
learning process because it determines whether or not the learning objectives have been met. A learning
objective is what students should know or be able to do by the time a lesson is completed. Assessment
affects many facets of education, including student grades, placement, and advancement as well as
curriculum, instructional needs, and student needs. It is a main component of learning because it helps
students to learn. When students are able to see how they are doing in a class, they are able to
determine whether or not they understand the lesson. Assessment can also help motivate students. If
students know they are doing poorly, they may begin to work harder. It is significant because it where
students demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter is critical to the learning process; it is
essential to evaluate whether the educational goals and standards of the lessons are being met. Teachers
need to take an active role in making decisions about the purpose of assessment and the content that is
being assessed.


How do the theories I have learned in my subjects relate to the learning environment practice on

Using classroom assessment to improve student learning is not a new idea but it is and will
improve over time. The theory of Benjamin Bloom showed how to conduct this process in practical and
highly effective ways when he described the practice of mastery learning. But since that time, the
emphasis on assessments as tools for accountability has diverted attention from this more important
and fundamental purpose. Assessments can be a vital component in our efforts to improve education.
But as long as we use them only as a means to rank schools and students, we will miss their most
powerful benefits. We must focus instead on helping teachers change the way they use assessment
results, improve the quality of their classroom assessments, and align their assessments with valued
learning goals or district standards. When teachers' classroom assessments become an integral part of
the instructional process and a central ingredient in their efforts to help students learn, the benefits of
assessment for both students and teachers will be boundless.
What procedures and systems of assessments do I feel best enhance student learning? Why?

Teachers and administrators have been making an improvement from traditional paper-and-
pencil type tests to alternate forms of assessment. Teacher observation, projects, essays, and other more
creative ways of evaluating student achievement have gained a larger influence within the classroom. So
within the two, I prefer the authentic assessment Performance-based. Because it is the type of
assessment that mainly focuses on the ability of the learners to arrive or demonstrate their own
learning. For it gives the students chance to materialize and apply their learning. The teacher will assess
the student/learner based on the skill acquired and will be rated by the use of a rubric. That is on my
own perspective the most fitted assessment to enhance student learning by doing.

How can I keep learning about assessments?

Teachers have a hard time adjusting in the improvements in the curriculum specifically in giving
or administering authentic assessments. As a future educator, we can keep learning about assessments
through listening to other teachers; who develop useful assessments, provide corrective instruction, and
give students second chances to demonstrate success can improve our own instruction and demonstrate
some methods that can help us for our students to learn . Adapting to change and practice the
alternative ways; assessments as an integral part of the instruction process and as crucial for helping
students learn. Use assessments to improve instruction and student learning. As a future educator we
must always bear in our minds the three things to consider in making an assessment; First, make
assessment useful for students and teachers; Give second chances to the students who needed more
practice; Lastly, make assessments aligned with the valued goals or objective of the lesson. Discover new
ways on administering an assessment not merely relying on the traditional paper-pencil method. In such
ways we can adjust, learn and create our right, proper and authentic assessment.

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