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There are a bussines related from a colleague from Nisa’s parents that work in a Company from

Denmark. The company work in Audio Video sector. They visit the company’s branch that located in
Indonesia to help watching their finance reports.

At 10 o’clock on Monday, they arrived at the company. Nisa that works in Finance departement got
a duty from her father to greet and help the colleagues. Nisa is an assistant manager from that
departement. That morning her father, as a head departement at Finance departement, have a
meeting with the cilent before he can meet his colleague. And Nisa ask her friend to help her greet
the colleagues.

Nisa : Hello, morning Mr Even, Mrs Ester ( and give a handshake). How’s your day? Everything
is going right? I’m Nisa, Andreas’s assistant. He will comes late this day because he have a
meeting with other client and he ask me to help both of you.

Even : Hello, moring. Yes we have a nice flight. We are just get a little problem with the hotel.

Ester : They gave us the wrong room. Haha..

Nisa : Ah sorry. I hope you are not angry. And i wish this day is gonna be going smooth.

Ester : (smile) Ah don’t mind it. I hope this day will going right. This is our first time come to
Indonesia, and it’s seems Indonesia have lot of beautifull places.

Even : Ah, Ester, you can talk about it later. You still remember why we going here right? They
need our help about their new finance system.

Ester : Even, please don’t be so serious. You need to relax.

Nisa : It’s okay Mr Even, we will have a fun time after it’s all done.

Ester : See. She’s right. (pointing at Nisa) We have a same idea. Haha..

Nisa : Ah, i almost forget. This is my friends from Finance Team.

Wahyudi : Hello sir, hello miss. Nice to meet you. (give a handshake) I am Wahyudi, from account

Even&Ester : Hello, nice to meet you.

Even : Ah Account Payable will have a new sistem later. It has a connection with finance
reports. So it will make your job faster.

Wahyudi : Yes sir, I hope so. Can’t wait to have the new sistem.

Ester : So, who is this guy? (give a handshake to Frendy)

Frendy : Hello, i’m Frendy (give a handshake o Ester&Even), i work for Credit’s reports. We have
a lot of customer now and i almost overwhelmed to do it with a manual’s way.

Ester : Don’t worry, you will have a new system that will make it faster.

Frendy : Yes miss, sounds a great help for us.

Even : And, Who is this one? (give a handshake to Fidri)

Fidri : I am Fidri. I’m the bookkeeping administrator in here.

Even : Hoo, i see. So you have any problem in there?

Fidri : Not to much sir. But every months, i have to do that repeatedly because we still have a
manual system.

Even : It’s already include in the new system. So don’t worry.

Fidri : Wow that’s good. So my work will be getting faster.

Nisa : Hmm, then lets have a walk to our room and maybe a little journey to our office. I’ll
accompany you.

Even&Ester : Sure.

They have arrived at Finance room then Andreas is coming inside.

Andreas : Hello, hello. Sorry i’m late. The start of the meeting was delayed.

All (Except Colleagues) : Hello sir.

Nisa : Hello Mr Even Mrs Ester. This is Mr Andreas, our Head Departement.

Even&Ester : (give a handshake and introduce themself to Andreas)

Andreas : So, did you already hear our old system fom Fidri, Frendy and Wahyudi? (Watch Finance
team and the colleagues)

Wahyudi : Just the outline sir.

Frendy : Yes we need a guidance to our new system Mr Even.

Fidri : This application seems perfect, i can’t wait to use it.

Ester : So then, can we start now?

Andreas : Sure you can start it now. I’m sure with our new system it will faster our work, it will
makes our work to be eficient and maximal.

Then they started the meeting.

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