S. No. Name of The Product Codes As Filed With IRDA/TAC Class UIN Number

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Codes as filed

S. No. Name of the product Class UIN Number

1 Standard Fire and Special Perils Insurance Fire 01 Fire UINs awaited from the Authority
2 Consequential loss (fire) insurance Fire 02 Fire UINs awaited from the Authority
3 Industrial All Risks Insurance Fire 03 Fire UINs awaited from the Authority
4 Boiler and pressure plant insurance Engg 01 Engg IRDAN115P0006V02200708
5 Electronic Equipment Insurance Engg 02 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
6 Machinery Breakdown Insurance Policy Engg 03 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
7 Contractors all risks insurance Engg 04 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
8 Contractors plant and machinery insurance Engg 05 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
9 Erection All Risks Insurance Engg 06 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
10 Machinery Loss of Profits Insurance Engg 07 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
11 Civil engineering completed risks (CECR) Engg 09 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
12 Marine transit insurance (inland) Marine 01 Marine UINs awaited from the Authority
13 Marine export-import insurance Marine 02 Marine IRDAN115P0010V01200102
14 Tea insurance package policy Marine 03 Marine UINs awaited from the Authority
15 Marine Hull Insurance Marine 04 Marine UINs awaited from the Authority

16 Amusement Park Insurance Package Policy Misc 108 Misc

17 Religious Institution Package Policy Misc 114 Misc IRDAN115P0003V01200809
18 All Risk Insurance Misc 01 Misc IRDAN115P0001V01200102
19 Group Personal Accident Insurance Misc 05 PA ICIPAGP03004V040203
20 Burglary Insurance Misc 02 Misc IRDAN115P0002V01200102
Public Liability Insurance (Under Public Liability
Misc 07 Liability IRDAN115P0005V01200102
Insurance Act, 1991)
22 Public Liability Insurance (Industrial Risks) Misc 08 Liability IRDAN115P0006V01200102
23 Public Liability Insurance (Non-Industrial Risks) Misc 09 Liability IRDAN115P0007V01200102
Employer’s Liability / Workmen’s Compensation
Misc 10 WC IRDAN115P0010V01200607
25 Group Health Insurance Misc 11 Health ICIHLGP02001V030102
26 Group Health (Floater) Insurance Misc 12 Health ICIHLGP08002V040708
27 Home Insurance Policy Misc 13 Home IRDAN115P0003V01200203
28 Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Misc 03 Misc IRDAN115P0003V01200102
29 Personal care Insurance Policy Misc 15 PA ICIPAIP07001V020607
30 Product Liability Insurance Policy Misc 15 Liability IRDAN115P0007V01200203
31 Money Insurance Misc 06 Misc IRDAN115P0004V01200102
32 Merchants Cover III Insurance Policy Misc 14 Misc IRDAN115P0004V01200203
Professional Indemnity Policy for Doctors
33 Misc 21 Liability
and Medical Practitioners IRDAN115P0008V01200203
Professional Indemnity Policy for Medical
34 Misc 22 Liability
Establishments IRDAN115P0012V01200203
Professional Indemnity Policy for Consulting Engineers,
Misc 23 Liability IRDAN115P0010V01200203
Architects and Interior Decorators
Professional Indemnity Policy for Chartered Accountants IRDAN115P0009V01200203
36 / Management Consultants / Lawyers / Advocates / Misc 24 Liability
Solicitors / Counsels
37 Critical Illness Misc 26 Health ICIHLGP12001V021112
38 Corporate Cover II Insurance Policy Misc 16 Misc IRDAN115P0005V01200203
39 Overseas Group Travel Insurance Misc 29 Travel ICITIOP03005V030203
40 Credit Insurance Misc 31 Credit UINs awaited from the Authority
41 Comprehensive General Liability Policy Misc 32 Liability IRDAN115P0002V01200304
42 Baggage Group Insurance Policy Misc 27 Misc IRDAN115P0011V01200203
43 Weather Insurance Misc 37 Rural IRDAN115P0002V01200708
44 Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana Misc 41 Travel ICITIDP09004V020809
45 Home Insurance Gold Plan Misc 46 Home UINs awaited from the Authority
46 Plate Glass Insurance Policy Misc 28 Misc IRDAN115P0006V01200203
Globetrotter-Overseas Individual Student
47 Misc 50 Travel
Insurance Policy ICITIOP04002V010304
48 Domestic Travel Insurance Policy Misc 51 Travel ICITIDP04003V020304
49 Cattle Insurance Policy Misc 57 Rural IRDAN115P0002V01200405
50 Credit / Debit / ATM Card Package Insurance Policy Misc 49 Misc IRDAN115P0001V01200405
51 Secure Mind Misc 65 Health ICIHLGP03001V020203
52 Group Secure Mind Policy Misc 66 Health ICIHLGP03002V020203
53 Private Car package policy Motor 01 Motor UINs awaited from the Authority
54 Private Car Liability Only Policy Motor 02 Motor UINs awaited from the Authority
55 Goods Carrying  Vehicle Package Policy Motor 03 Motor UINs awaited from the Authority
56 Agricultural Tractor package policy Motor 03A Motor IRDAN115P0008V01200102
57 Passenger Carrying Vehicle Package Policy Motor 04 Motor
UINs awaited from the Authority
58 Two Wheeler Vehicle package Policy Motor 05 Motor IRDAN115P0015V02200708
59 Road risk motor trade package policy Motor 06 Motor IRDAN115P0002V01200203
60 Internal risk motor trade package policy Motor 07 Motor IRDAN115P0001V01200203
Standalone third party long term Two Wheeler Insurance
61 Motor 05 Motor UINs awaited from the Authority
62 Long term two wheeler package policy Motor 05 Motor IRDAN115P0015V03201415

63 Goods Carrying Vehicle Liability Only Policy Motor 03 Motor

UINs awaited from the Authority
Passenger Carrying Vehicle Liability Only
64 Motor 04 Motor
Policy UINs awaited from the Authority

65 Two Wheeler Vehicle Liability Only Policy Motor 05 Motor

UINs awaited from the Authority

66 Miscellaneous Vehicle Liability Only Policy Motor 08 Motor

UINs awaited from the Authority

67 Motor trade road risk liability Only policy Motor 06 Motor

UINs awaited from the Authority

68 Trailer commericial vehicle package policy Motor 03 Motor

UINs awaited from the Authority
69 Miscellaneous Vehicle Package Policy Motor 08 Motor UINs awaited from the Authority
70 Agricultural Pump-Set Insurance Rural 01 Rural IRDAN115P0009V01200102
71 Janata Personal Accident Policy Rural 02 PA ICIPAGP03003V020203
72 Banker’s indemnity insurance policy Misc 60 Misc IRDAN115P0006V01200607
73 Jeweler's Block Insurance Policy Misc 61 Misc IRDAN115P0005V01200607
74 Event Insurance Policy Misc 38 Misc IRDAN115P0004V01201011
75 Windmill Package Insurance Fire 13 Misc IRDAN115P0003V01200405
76 Mega Risk Insurance Fire 04 Fire UINs awaited from the Authority
Standard Fire and Special Perils Insurance
77 Fire 05 Fire UINs awaited from the Authority
78 Kidnap and Ransom Liability Insurance Misc 79 Liability UINs awaited from the Authority
79 Clinical Trials Liability Insurance Misc 80 Liability UINs awaited from the Authority
80 Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Misc 82 Liability UINs awaited from the Authority
81 Aviation Insurance Misc 86 Aviation IRDAN115P0007V01200607
82 Deterioration of Stocks Engg 09 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
83 Extended Warranty Insurance Misc 85 Misc UINs awaited from the Authority
Product recall Guarantee and Financial Loss
84 Misc 78 Liability
Liability Insurance UINs awaited from the Authority
85 Special Mobile Equipment Insurance Misc 92 Misc UINs awaited from the Authority
86 Plantation Insurance Misc 91 Misc UINs awaited from the Authority
Contractor’s Plant and Machinery insurance -First Loss
87 Engg 08 Engg UINs awaited from the Authority
88 Cellular Network Insurance Misc 83 Misc UINs awaited from the Authority
89 Port Package Insurance Marine 05 Marine UINs awaited from the Authority

90 Marine hull loss of earnings / hire insurance Marine 07 Marine

UINs awaited from the Authority
91 Delay In Start-Up (Marine) Insurance Marine 08 Marine UINs awaited from the Authority
Erection/Construction All Risk Advance Loss
92 Engg 10 Engg
of Profit Insurance UINs awaited from the Authority
93 Protection and Indemnity Insurance Marine 09 Marine UINs awaited from the Authority
94 Professional Indemnity (Technology) Insurance Misc 69 Liability UINs awaited from the Authority
95 Energy Package Insurance Marine 06 Marine UINs awaited from the Authority
96 Carrier’s Legal Liability Insurance Misc 75 Liability UINs awaited from the Authority
Total Recall contamination (Brand Protection)
97 Misc 81 Liability
Liability Insurance UINs awaited from the Authority
98 Transport Intermediaries Package Cover Misc 76 Liability UINs awaited from the Authority
99 Art Insurance Misc 84 Misc IRDAN115P0008V01200607
100 Agents Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Misc 88 Misc UINs awaited from the Authority
101 Residual Value Insurance Misc 97 Misc UINs awaited from the Authority
102 Hotel Corporate Cover Misc 64 Misc IRDAN115P0003V01200708
103 Pharma guard Misc 96 Misc IRDAN115P0005V01200708
104 Autoguard Policy Pack 01 Misc IRDAN115P0004V01200708
105 Enterprise Secure Package Policy Misc 102 Misc IRDAN115P0011V01200708
106 Educational Institutions Package Policy Misc 103 Misc IRDAN115P0010V01200708
107 Malls/Multiplex Comprehensive Insurance Policy Misc 104 Misc IRDAN115P0012V01200708
108 Medical Establishments Comprehensive Insurance Policy Misc 105 Misc IRDAN115P0013V01200708

109 Automobile Trade Secure Policy Misc 106 Misc IRDAN115P0009V01200708

110 Globetrotter-Overseas Group Travel Insurance Policy Misc 110 Travel ICITIDP08003V030708
111 Personal Protect Policy Misc 111 PA ICIPAIP06001V020506

112 Motor Extended Warranty Insurance Policy Misc 112 Motor

UINs awaited from the Authority
113 Healthcare Plus Policy Misc 113 Health ICIHLGP08001V020708
114 Inland Fish Insurance Misc 122 Rural IRDAN115P0002V01200809
115 Petrol Station Package Policy Misc 107 Misc IRDAN115P0014V01200708
116 Farmers Package Policy Misc 123 Rural IRDAN115P0004V01200809
Commercial Vehicle Extended Warranty
117 Misc 121 Motor
Insurance IRDAN115P0001V01200910
118 Premises Pollution Liability Insurance Misc 126 Liability IRDAN115P0021V01200910
119 Crop Insurance Rural 03 Rural IRDAN115P0002V01201011
120 Sericulture Insurance Misc 130 Rural IRDAN115P0022V01200910
121 Public Offering of Security Liability Insurance Misc 71 Liability
UINs awaited from the Authority

122 Employment Practices Liability Insurance Misc 73 Misc

UINs awaited from the Authority
Financial Services /Institutions Professional Indemnity
123 Misc 74 Misc UINs awaited from the Authority
124 Employee Dishonesty Liability Insurance Misc 70 Liability UINs awaited from the Authority
Modified National Agriculture Insurance Misc
125 Rural 04
Scheme (MNAIS) (Others) IRDAN115P0001V01201112
126 Wallet Insurance Misc 133 IRDAN115P0002V01201112
127 ICICI Lombard Complete Health Insurance Misc 128
(Health) ICIHLIP10001V020910
128 Comprehensive Home Insurance Policy Misc 118 IRDAN115P0003V01201112
129 Hospital Cash Misc 58 ICIHLIP04001V030304
130 International Travel Insurance Policy Misc 129 ICITIOP02002V020102
Extended warranty insurance Misc IRDAN115P0001V01201213
131 Misc 137
(miscellaneous) (Others)
132 Commercial Political Risk Insurance Misc 90 UINs awaited from the Authority
133 Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana Misc 136 ICIHLGP09002V010809
134 Health Booster Misc 140 (Health) IRDAI/HLT/ICICI/P-H/V.I/31/15-16
135 Professional Indemnity (Consultants) Insurance Misc 93 Liability UINs awaited from the Authority
136 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) Rural 05 Rural IRDAN115P0001V01201617
Optional Travel Insurance for E -Ticket Passengers of
137 Misc 146 Travel IRDAI/HLT/ICICI(IRCTC)/P-T/V.I/33/16-17
138 Livestock Insurance Misc 95 IRDAN115P0007V01200708
139 Business Guard Fire 14 Fire IRDAN115P0002V01201617
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
140 Misc 141 Health
141 Solar Panel Warranty Engg 11 Engg IRDAN115P0001V01201718

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