Hull Cell Basics

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The anodes are typically 2.25 x 2.25
inches and are fitted close to the cell
wall. In addition, the anodes are nor-
mally flat. Ifthe solution is subject to
high anode polarization, then the
BY JOE FOX, FINISHING TEST SUPPLY,INC., PAINESVILLE, OHIO anode should be corrugated, ridged,
or made from gauze to increase the
effective anode area.
Examining the Hull Cell The anode material should be
carefully chosen. Impurities in the
Part I: Covering the basics.
anode composition can affect the
outcome of the tests. Therefore, the

T he hull cell was first outlined by

R.O. Hull in a 1939 paper titled
"Current density characteristics,
1,000 ml, but smaller cells were later
developed. The 267-ml size was cho-
sen because a 2-g addition to the hull
same anode material should always
be used for a series of tests. It is
common practice to use filter paper
their determination, and applica- cell equals 1 oz/gal addition to the or a small anode bag to trap any
tion" (Proceedings of the American plating bath. anode fines or sludge that may
Electroplaters' Society). The biggest The small cells are often criticized interfere with the test. However, it
advantage of the hull cell is its ability for being too small because rapid is not sound practice to use filter
to allow a skilled operator to check changes in composition and solution paper because it could impede
the deposit properties at varying cur- temperature can occur. For example, proper solution replenishment in
rent densities, and all on one test the 267-ml hull cell can have a 10% the anode film. If quantitative eval-
panel. change in addition agent concentra- uation of the solution conditions
The hull cell can examine the tion in just one 5-minute panel. This and the anode is required, then the
effects of the following: is dependent on the initial concen- anode area will usually need to be
tration and the consumption rate of increased to provide the proper
• Operational variables, such as pH the addition agent system. anode-to-cathode ratio.
current density, temperature, and The angle of inclination of the
agitation CATHODE
• Organics and metallic The cathode is used to judge the con-
contamination dition of the plating solution. The
• Base salt constituents and ideal condition would entail having
addition agents the test panel made from the same
• Brightness range of plating deposit composition as the work being plat-
• Covering power ed, however, this is easier said than
done. Generally, polished brass pan-
Unlike quantitative analysis, the els and zinc-coated steel panels are
hull cell test gives the analyst a snap- used. The condition and composition
shot or picture of the solution. In of the cathode surface have a great
Figure 1: Hull celland temperature controller. effect on the outcome of the test.
order to interpret the snapshot, other
pictures are required for comparison. Therefore, the cathode material and
The aim of this article is to provide cathode, shape, and spacing are criti- preparation must be standardized.
standards and training to educate cal to provide the current distribu- Steel panels are zinc coated to pre-
the analyst. More complete informa- tion that previous research has deter- vent rusting during storage; usually
tion will be available in Part III of mined to be advantageous. The depth the zinc is stripped in a 50%/volume
this series, slated for the May issue of of the solution can be altered, but the solution of hydrochloric acid,
MetalFinishing. (Part II will appear in current must also be changed to rinsed, scratched with 400-grit
the April issue.) allow for area and subsequent current wet/dry sandpaper, wiped with a
changes. Figure 1 shows a typical hull clean paper towel to remove the
DESIGN cell and temperature controller. smut, then rinsed and placed in the
The hull cell is a miniature plating electrolyte for the plating test.
tank that is trapezoidal in its configu- HULL CELL COMPOSITION Operators must be careful not to
ration. The unique shape and dimen- The hull cell should be constructed touch or fingerprint the area that
sions of the hull cell are depicted in from a non-conductive material that will undergo testing. Scratching the
Figure 1 for various sizes. Different is chemically inert from the solution bottom of the test panel provides
sizes exist mainly for the sake of con- being tested. Acrylic and polypropy- the operator with an idea of the lev-
venience. Original cells were based on lene are commonly used. eling ability of the plating solution. March 2009 I metalfinlshlng I 31

speaong For the 1,OOO-ml cell:
Current density at any point =
Deviations from these are to be
expected, particularly from cyanide
1(18.8 - 28.3 log L) electrolytes, as these solutions may
Brass panels are generally coated have fluctuations in current due to
with a peelable plastic. It is common For the 267-ml cell: cathode polarization.
practice to remove the coating; Current density at any point =
scratch the bottom edge with 400- 1(27.7- 48.7 log L)
grit sandpaper; soak or direct-cur- BIO
rent clean the panel in a suitable This applies to the limits of L = Joe Fox is thesales and technical specialist
brass cleaner; rinse; place in 5% by 0.25 and L = 3.25 inches, where the for Finishing Test Supply, Inc., located in
volume sulfuric acid; rinse; and then current density is in amps/fr', I is in Painesville, Ohio. He can be reached at
place in the electrolyte for testing. amperes, and L is in inches.

Direct current must be used for hull
cell tests. The current supply should
be capable of supplying a maximum
chromitnt,' yep
Trivalent Chrome Passivation for Aluminium
of 12 V. Twelve volts is normally not Based on NA VAIR Patented Tep Technology

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Figure 2: Brass- and zinc-coated steel panels.

required, but it is beneficial to have

the capability. Amperage is normally
5 amps or less, but 10 amps is again
beneficial to have if needed. Ripple
should be less than 5%.The ammeter
should read in 0.2-amp increments
or less to allow for proper control.

For the tests to be effective, the cur-
rent density should have a wider
range than is encountered in prac-
tice. The equation below shows a log-
arithmic curve as follows:

Current density = I(C, - C2 log L)

where L indicates the distance along

the cathode, I indicates total cell
current, and CJ and C2 are constants
based on the nature of the elec-
Hull determined these constants
from a number of electrolytes and
found that they did not differ from
one another. As a result, the values
were averaged, and a general-purpose
formula was derived: Circle 035 on reader information card or go to March 2009 I metalfinishing I33

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