Passing Ktps

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Key Teaching Points

- Step away, step towards
- Hands, cradle, step, swing

Running Pass
Key Teaching Points Diagram
• Ball held with two hands on either side
with fingers spread
• Elbows bent
• Outside leg forward
• Other foot steps towards target and
weight is transferred onto it
• Flexion of wrist towards receiver
• Ball travels backwards and flat flight

Lateral Pass
Key Teaching Points Diagram
• Ball is held in two hands, on both sides,
fingers spread
• Outside leg is forward and step with
other leg towards direction of travel
• Flexion of wrist towards receiver
• Ball travels back

Half Pass (long ball)
Key Teaching Points Diagram
• Outside foot is near to the ball
• Inside foot steps towards receiver
• Wide and low base of support
• Ball held in both hands
• Single movement
• Ball floats or travels with no spin

Spiral Pass
Key Teaching Points Diagram
• Body towards receiver
• Outside hand holds ball at the back and
inside hand holds ball near front
• Eyes forwards
• Front of the ball points up
• Outside hand rotates over the ball to
create the spin
• Flat travel

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