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Retell Week 2-5

Goal I can retell a text including the main idea.

Success I can identify the main character of a text.

I can identify the settings in the text.

I can explain the problem, events and solution

Strategies Use 5 finger strategy.

Ask your self: What is this story about? How do I know?

Ask your self: What mainly happened in the beginning/middle/end?

Infer and support with Evidence Week 2 - 5

Goal I can use my prior knowledge and text clues to make inferences

Success I can identify what I already know about the text or topic.
I can use the clues from the text.

I can explain what the author is saying without writing it.

Strategies Look at pictures and text- “What do I know that the author didn’t say?”

Ask why and how questions: Why did the character…? Why is the setting
important? How does the character feel? How do I know that?

Record your inferences in your reading notebook using the PK+S=I

Tune into Interesting Words Week 2-5

Goal I can identify and use interesting words.

Success I can find and record interesting words.

I can use a dictionary, thesaurus or glossary to find the meaning.

I can use clues in the text to find the meaning of the word.

I can use the interesting words in my writing about reading

Strategies Record interesting words in my reading notebook and their meaning

Record the sentence from the text and my own sentence using the word.
Find the meaning of the word using text clues.

Recognise Literary Elements Week 2-5

Goal I can identify the genre, plot and theme.

Success I can identify the genre of a text.

I can summarise the plot by explaining the beginning, middle and

I can explain the theme of the story- the author’s message

Strategies Genre: look at the title, cover and blurb

Plot: record the events of the story as you read

Theme: Ask: “What was the message or lesson in the story?”

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