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Open source CMS tool for web based

job portal and recruitment system

Rajeswaran Arjun
Open source CMS tool for web based
job portal and recruitment system

Rajeswaran Arjun
Index Number: 13550041

Name of the Supervisor:

Mr. Kapila Dias.


The thesis is my original work and has not been submitted previously for a degree at this or
any other university/institute.

To the best of my knowledge it does not contain any material published or written by another
person, except as acknowledged in the text.

Student Name: Rajeswaran Arjun

Registration Number: 2013/MIT/004

Index Number: 13550041


Signature: Date:

This is to certify that this thesis is based on the work of


under my supervision. The thesis has been prepared according to the format stipulated and is
of acceptable standard.

Certified by:

Supervisor Name:


Signature: Date:

Proposed system is about developing an open source CMS tool for web based job portal and
recruitment system with its supporting multimedia based source system. Nowadays most of
the companies are having websites and they post their vacancies through their own web sites
or they pay for famous job portal websites and also use social media to get right candidates.
But it does not fulfill their expectations completely. Companies are wasting their valuable
time and money to find right candidates. It is needed to develop an advanced system for the
companies who want to hire employees and for the jobseekers who want new job
Nowadays, CMS are popular since we can develop and manage the system easily while
compared to traditional development process. In this project, I have implemented an open
source CMS tool for Job portal and recruitment system for companies, agencies and freelance
job portal developers. It provides a platform to start their own online web based job portal and
recruitment system where jobseekers and employees can interact with each others in efficient
The system is ameliorated using apache web server as the server environment, PHP as the
development language and MYSQL as the database management system to provide a low cost
efficient solution for the client. Supporting system is developed with PHP, MYSQL, Adobe
Flash and captured videos. By using smooth simple user interfaces and functionalities in order
to use the system efficiently and giving an economical solution for companies.

The proposed system concludes job posting, applying for job, viewing applied jobs, Email
notifications for each activities, creating resume, checking the status of applied job,
scheduling interviews and so on successfully. Open source CMS tool for web based job portal
and recruitment system provides ability to improve the functionality of the recruitment rather
than manual in a company. So it improves the company’s standard also. It provides related
hands-on trainings and awareness which makes sense in human resource management team
who have lack of knowledge IT. Trough this system, job posters and job seekers can use the
technology in a new dimension and fulfill their needs in an efficient way.

I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Kapila Dias, Senior lecturer of
UCSC, for supervised me and provide the useful comments, remarks and engagement through
the learning and development process of this masters project development and dissertation.
Furthermore I would like to thank Mr S.Nandasara, senior lecturer of UCSC, for introducing
me to the topic as well for the support on the way.

I would like to thank all my masters’ batch mates who were with me throughout this project
giving me strength and never letting me go without advice and support whenever I needed

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................... v
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. ix
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. x
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. xi
Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 System Background ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Problem domain and Motivation ................................................................................. 2
1.4 Goals and Objectives ................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 Functions/ Characters of jobseekers ........................................................................... 3
1.4.2 Functions/ Character of company/ HR ....................................................................... 4
1.4.3 Functions/ Character of system admin ....................................................................... 4
1.5 Project Scope .................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Dissertation Structure........................................................................................................ 5
Chapter 2: Background ............................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Evaluation of recruitment activities ............................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Newspaper based advertisements ............................................................................. 6
2.2.2 Postings at the local employment office and employment agency ............................ 6
2.2.3 Job posting websites/ Job search engines ................................................................... 7
2.2.4 Social websites based advertisements ........................................................................ 7
2.2.5 Social media ............................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Evaluation of Job posting websites/ Job search engines ................................................... 7
2.4 Effectiveness of job portal and recruitment system other than traditional recruitment .... 8
2.5 Analysis of existing popular recruitment systems ............................................................ 8
2.6 Similar job portal systems in Sri Lanka ............................................................................ 9
2.7 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 3: Analysis and Design ............................................................................................... 11
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Requirements Gathering ................................................................................................. 11
3.2.1 Fact Finding.............................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Requirement analysis and Management ......................................................................... 12

3.4 Analysis of the current systems ...................................................................................... 12
3.5 Requirements for the new system ................................................................................... 13
3.5.1 Functional Requirements.......................................................................................... 13
3.5.2 Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................. 14
3.5.3 Hardware and Software requirements ...................................................................... 15
3.6 Design of system ............................................................................................................. 16
3.6.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 16
3.6.2 ER Diagram .............................................................................................................. 16
3.6.3 Use case diagram and Description ........................................................................... 19
3.6.4 High-level use case diagram for the system ............................................................. 21
3.6.5 Sequence diagrams for entire process ...................................................................... 22
3.6.6 Class diagram for order processing .......................................................................... 23
3.7 Summary ......................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 4: Implementation ....................................................................................................... 25
4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 System Overview ............................................................................................................ 26
4.3 Technology and Tools used ............................................................................................ 29
4.4 Hardware and Software /Application Requirements ...................................................... 30
4.4.1 Hardware configuration............................................................................................ 30
4.4.2 Software/Application configuration ......................................................................... 30
4.5 Server Environment ........................................................................................................ 30
4.5.1 Hardware Configuration ........................................................................................... 30
4.5.2 Software/Application Configuration ........................................................................ 30
4.6 Client side requirement ................................................................................................... 31
4.6.1 Hardware Configuration ........................................................................................... 31
4.6.2 Software/Application Configuration ........................................................................ 31
Chapter 5: Evaluation and Testing ........................................................................................... 32
5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 32
5.2 Objective of the Testing .................................................................................................. 32
5.3 Front End Testing ........................................................................................................... 32
5.4 Browser Testing .............................................................................................................. 32
5.5 Test cases used to test login UI and function .................................................................. 33
5.6 Test case used to test job posting UI and job poster main functions .............................. 34
5.7 Test cases used to test apply for job UI and job seeker functions .................................. 35

5.8 Test cases used to test Administrator UI and functions .................................................. 36
5.9 User Acceptance form .................................................................................................... 37
5.10 Identified Strengths of the system ................................................................................ 40
5.11 Identified weakness of the system ................................................................................ 40
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future work ................................................................................... 41
6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 41
6.2 Lesson learned ................................................................................................................ 41
6.3 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 41
6.4 Future Works .................................................................................................................. 42
References ................................................................................................................................ 43
Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 45
Appendices A: System Documentation ................................................................................ 45
Appendices B - User Documentation ................................................................................... 47
Appendix c: ........................................................................................................................... 51

List of Tables
1 Table 3.1: Hardware requirements ...................................................................................... 15
2 Table 3.2: Software requirements ........................................................................................ 16
3 Table 3.3: Use case description for all users ....................................................................... 19
4 Table 3.4: Use case description for jobseekers.................................................................... 19
5 Table 3.5: Use case description for job posters ................................................................... 20
6 Table 3.6: Use case description for administrator ............................................................... 20
7 Table 5.1: Browser Testing ................................................................................................. 32
8 Table 5.2: Test cases used to test login UI and function ..................................................... 33
9 Table 5.3: Test cases used to test job posting UI and functions .......................................... 34
10 Table 5.4: Test cases used to test apply for job UI and functions ....................................... 35
11 Table 5.5: Test cases used to test administrator UI and functions ...................................... 36
12 Table 5.6: User Acceptance form ........................................................................................ 38
13 Table 5.7: Feedback of user acceptance form ..................................................................... 39

List of Figures
1 Figure 3.1: ER diagram for the developed system ............................................................... 17
2 Figure 3.2: High level architecture diagram of OSCW job portal........................................ 18
3 Figure 3.3: High-level use case diagram ............................................................................. 21
4 Figure 3.4: Sequence Diagram ............................................................................................. 22
5 Figure 3.5: Class diagram for order processing .................................................................... 23
6 Figure 4.1 Landing page of the system ................................................................................ 26
7 Figure 4.2: Jobseeker page ................................................................................................... 26
8 Figure 4.3: Job description page ........................................................................................... 27
9 Figure 4.4: Multimedia contents ........................................................................................... 28
10Figure 5.1: Validation Login ................................................................................................ 34
11Figure 5.2: Results of UI ...................................................................................................... 39

List of Abbreviations
 CMS – Content Management System
 RAD – Rapid Application Development
 HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language
 PHP – Hypertext Pre Processor
 UCSC –University of Colombo School of computing
 CSS – Cascading Style Sheet
 HR - Human Resource
 CV –Curriculum Vitae
 WWW - World Wide Web
 UFI - User Friendly Interfaces
 URL- Uniform Resource Locator
 UML -Unified Modeling Language
 ER diagram -Entity Relationship diagram
 IE- Internet Explore
 UAT -User Acceptance Test
 SMS – Short Message Service
 WAMP - (W-Windows A-Apache M-MYSQLP-PHP)
 OSCW job portal – Open Source CMS tool for Web based job portal and
recruitment system.

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
A job portal, also known as a career portal, is a modern name for an online job board that helps
jobseekers find jobs and aids employers in their quest to locate ideal candidates. Job portals offer
a broad range of jobs in a vast number of fields. Some government agencies, nonprofit
organizations, universities and private businesses have their own job portals that job seekers can
access on the organization’s website. But it does not fulfill both job posters and jobseeker’s
expectations completely. It is obvious that most companies are wasting their valuable time and
money to find right candidates. Although there are sites that specialize in providing information
of writing resumes and CVs, performing well in interviews and other topics of interest to job
seekers, there are challenges in achieving the interaction between job posters and job seekers.

In this project, I have implemented an open source CMS tool for job portal and recruitment
system for companies, agencies and freelance job portal developers. It provides a platform to start
their own online web based job portal and recruitment system where jobseekers and employees
can interact with each others in efficient way. When a company wants to start their own online
job portal and recruitment system, they have to hire employees to develop the web based system
for their needs or they have to buy existing commercial job portals with limited functionalities.
Through this job portal and recruitment system, companies no need to hire several employees to
develop entire system. At the same time, there is no time delay to start their own web based
system because it is provided online video based training for developers. By using these demos,
they can easily modify the system and it will be more advantage if they have basic knowledge
about web based system development. Main key features in the system is job posting, view the
job, apply for a job, interview scheduling, Job poster-job seeker interaction, admin based job/
jobseeker/job poster administration and supporting system by providing multimedia based video
explanations and code level explanations.

Here, UCSC act as admin of the system and there are several job seekers and job posters involved
together. According to the system design, several job posters, administrators and job seekers can
involve in real time as well as able to customize according to the requirements of a company.

1.2 System Background
Job searching and job posting is a tradition to find out a suitable person to right position. After
the vast expansion of internet and IT facilities nowadays most of the companies are having online
recruitment system according to their capable because it may take high cost to design well
standard system. Compare to the last decades, currently there are much jobs available under
several categories in various skills levels and several private, government industries are existing.
At the same time, several education ways are available to get trained and become skillful
employee in the current job industry. So recruitment system must have the ability to focus on
current trend. In this system Jobseekers, company or HR, system admin (web masters) are
interacting at the same time. So it makes recruitment task as much as easy.

1.3 Problem domain and Motivation

Job posting and recruitment is a major task for companies and government departments to get
suitable person for the available vacancies. Normally, human resource management team of a
company doing these activities. Common Traditional recruitment ways are:
 Posting advertisement of vacancy in newspapers or via traditional communication
mediums such as radio, TV, notice and etc.
 Registering with Job Recruitment / Employment Agencies.
 Labor Hire Companies.
 Recruitments through phone interview /group interview/campus interview.

Once job seeker saw a job through above Medias then, applicants will apply via post. This
process takes much time to interact with companies. If a company has immediate vacancy they
can’t find a suitable person as soon as possible. And company’s HR peoples have to check all
posted CVs and mark those qualifications on another place and sort it out according to the
requirements. It is totally manual work and takes lot of human resources and time. Same as post,
email based job applications take much time to filter according to the requirements.

But nowadays most of the companies are having websites and they posting their vacancies
through their own web sites or they are paying for famous job portal websites and also they are
posting their vacancies through social media to get right candidates but it also not fulfils their
expectations. Companies are wasting their time and money to find right candidates.

The motivation goes up to build the proposed system, where it will help the organizations in
several ways to overcome above mentioned issues. Since the Internet usage is increasing rapidly
around the general public, the job portal website which is proposed to be developed will be a
great opportunity to the company to get skillful employees in the competitive job market.

In addition, developing such a system will help the developers to apply the theoretical/functional
knowledge to implement in this system. The open source which contains code level examples and
video tutorials will help to modify this system as better project.

1.4 Goals and Objectives

The main goal and objective of the system is automate manual recruitment activities to automatic,
reduce the time requirement, manage the recruitment process as much as easy, reduce the cost
and build a new recruitment system and reduce the human resource requirements in a company.
According to the goal of this job portal system, the pointed milestones are:

1.4.1 Functions/ Characters of jobseekers

It is expected to implement a job portal with lots of features for jobseekers compared to normal
systems which are available now. The remarkable features are:

 Maintaining multiple resumes, marking resumes as confidential, and marking

resumes as searchable.
 Creating CV and cover letter automatically.
 Finding the status of applications or keep track of the jobs for which they applied.
 Scheduling interviews and exams with company or HR.
 Jobseekers can view the company’s profile and news and they able to maintain
own profile with social media links.
 Able to filter jobs according to their interests or knowledge or the company or
departments according to location.
 Applying for jobs online in real time and checking current number of vacancies
are also added advantages for jobseekers.

1.4.2 Functions/ Character of company/ HR
 Able to put/remove/edit advertisements based on current available vacancies.
 Able to collect resumes from various jobseekers and able to sort the resumes
according to the years of experience, positions, knowledge in depth, and so on.
 Able to maintain various profiles for company/ departments.
 Able to communicate with all jobseekers, admin of the system or other companies
via email.
 Able to approve/reject applications according to basic qualifications and provide
current status for approved applicants, provide feedback/reasons for rejection, and
schedule interview over the system.
 Able to post career advice videos and company related videos.

1.4.3 Functions/ Character of system admin

 Admin able to add / edit / remove job or categories of the job and able to order the
category for display on front end.
 Managing companies and jobseekers and able to remove/suspend them and can
contact them via mails and can view/edit/delete members and also can search
 Able to post career advice videos and company related videos.

1.5 Project Scope

This system consists number of modules to provide standardized methods for vacancy posting,
collecting resume from jobseekers, sorting out the resumes according to requirements like years
of experience, positions, knowledge in depth, and so on. Job posters, job seekers and admin users
have to make a smooth interaction and it have to provide an easy of access and error tolerant. In
this CMS tool I focused on how to handle effective job portal for one company with various
departments, multiple companies, recruitment agencies and freelance job portal developers. In
this system, there is a learner’s home for developers and key users which totally focus on about
how the system works and what kind of feathers are available in the top level. So, companies no
need to hire employees to develop the system and no delay to start their own web based system.
Using the demos and guidance, they can easily modify the system.

1.6 Dissertation Structure
Chapter 1-Introduction

This chapter describes the problems being faced currently and how to overcome those problems
with the proposed system. Project scope, goals and dissertation structure is also provided.

Chapter 2-Background/ Literature Review

This chapter focuses on a critical review of similar available systems and technologies and
relevant implementation. Further, it is focused on evaluation of recruitment process and
justification of tool and technology selections with citation.

Chapter 3-Analysis and Design

Provide brief description of ER diagram, UML diagrams and the methodological approach
which are used in the system designing. Also includes the requirement analysis, functional-
nonfunctional requirements of the system design.

Chapter 4-Implementation
Appropriate coding and implementation tools and techniques which are used developing the
system are included.

Chapter 5-Evaluation
Developed system is tested against the user requirements which are gathered at the beginning.
Actual data from the client’s environment is used. The chapter also includes aspects such as test
plan, test cases, use of test automation tools and testing frameworks.

Chapter 6-Conclusion and Future work

This chapter summarizes the work, discusses its findings and contributions, points out limitations
of the current work, and also outlines directions for future research.

Chapter 2: Background
2.1 Introduction
Recruitment synonymous with "hiring" refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and
appointing suitable candidates for jobs within an organization. Recruitment can also refer to
process involved in choosing individuals for unpaid positions, such as voluntary roles or unpaid
trainee roles. [www10] Currently recruitment activities are categorized into two main types such
as [www11]:
 Online recruitment or E-Recruitment
 Traditional recruitment

Traditional recruitment falls into newspaper based job posting, employment office, agency based
and campus fair like recruitment with non-computerized recruitment process. E-Recruitment
means with the help of computer, internet and using customized software packages, process the
recruitment activities. Also make use of documents in the form of soft copies. The online
recruitment system is a web enabled system and has the capable of accessing at anyplace anytime
as ubiquitous system for both recruiters and job seekers.

2.2 Evaluation of recruitment activities

2.2.1 Newspaper based advertisements
Newspapers have the very long history as well newspaper based recruitment also have
such long history. Even still most of the employees believe paper based job posting have
good coverage from local to high level people. As usual any one can apply for a post by
post or companies prefer to apply via email or their websites.
2.2.2 Postings at the local employment office and employment agency
Employment office or employment agency will always be filled with people looking for
work. Usually they operating an extensive candidate database, it can be paper based or
computerized, financial hiring support programs, and supplementary training for
struggling applicants, the employment office is a great place to affordably find many
types of employees. [www 5]

2.2.3 Job posting websites/ Job search engines
After 90’s internet start to grow rapidly there were so many jobs posting sites started to
provide job posting via online for money (paid)/free. Early period those sites provided the
job description and instructions to send email. Still there are so many sites providing these
kinds of facilities. Job search engines is a website that facilitates job hunting with several
categories such as engineering, legal, insurance, social work, teaching and etc.

2.2.4 Social websites based advertisements

After 1995 so many social websites such as news sites, game sites, and financial related
websites became popular and millions of people used it daily. There are several
advertising ways are followed to reach job advertisements such as banner ads, text ads.
While click on those ads user can redirect to see that content of jobs and able to apply via

2.2.5 Social media

After the year 2000, so many social media became popular and billions of peopled used
daily worldwide. So social media based job posting/ job sharing make sense to find
qualified job seekers as much as possible. Once if we click on social media based
advertisements user can redirect to see that content of jobs and able to apply via emails.

2.3 Evaluation of Job posting websites/ Job search engines

In 1993, Online Career Center was developed as a non-profit organization with the collaboration
of forty major corporations to allow job hunters to post their resumes and for recruiters to post
job openings.In1994, NetStart Inc was started to sell web based software and it list job openings
to apply via email. After 1998, this company named as CareerBuilder which is leading job portal
up to now. In1995, was developed, 1998 was developed, and in
1999 was started. Monster came up with ads based jobs also. After 2000 onwards
several websites are providing Job search engines facilities. [www 18]

Only few Job posting sites were used all over the world and those sites had various language
support, geo-location based job searching facilities, etc. Most of the job portals are popular based
on countries, languages and professions.

2.4 Effectiveness of job portal and recruitment system other than traditional
Traditional recruitment is still known as consequent batch process (Martin and Hetrick, 2006).
On the other hand, online recruitment is described as an online and continuous process in which
all tasks of recruitment are performed concurrently. Online recruitment is accomplished with the
wide usage of centralized databases of job and an array of web enabled software applications.
Online recruitment, when compared with traditional recruitment, saves time and cost for an
organization, thereby improving its productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. [www11]
Conventional recruitment process adapted a step by step consequent process in which one phase
initiates a set of activities only after the previous phase is completed (Lee, 2005). Labor
intensive components of hiring like pencil and paper tests, job previews and interviews were used
vastly in traditional recruiting. The traditional process has been fraught with delays of mis-
communications and activities which resulted in high cost of hiring. Conversely, online
recruitment is a continuous process. In online recruitment, all process takes place concurrently.

2.5 Analysis of existing popular recruitment systems

There are so many web based job portals and recruitment system which are getting millions of
visitors and earning millions dollars as annual revenue, it means these industries have a well
demand and continuous growth.[www12][www15]

 is a job site aggregator that boasts 466,329 jobs in the past seven days and receiving
more than 140 million unique visitors each month launched in November 2004. Indeed job
seekers can search jobs by city, state, or zip code and narrow the results down by salary, job type,
title, and other filters. It aggregates countless postings from other job sites such as Monster,
CareerBuilder, Journalism Jobs, and etc. [www12] [www13]

 LinkedIn
Linked In is a business-oriented social networking service as well as useful tools for job search.
LinkedIn reports more than 400 million acquired users in more than 200 countries and available
in 24 languages. It supports job search, sort, and filter according to requirements and provides
support with IOS and Android free apps. Also, it is possible to contact LinkedIn users who are
employed in the same company.

 SimplyHired
Offering over nine million jobs and growing every day, has a wide range of
offerings from entry-level work to high tech. It also offers charts depicting industry trends,
occupation trends, and geographic trends. SimplyHired's mobile solution enables users quickly
apply to jobs from their mobile device. [www12]

 is one of the most visited and recognized websites worldwide offering more than
one million jobs to visitors at any given time. has been around a long time and is
worth checking out. It started in 1999 and one of the largest job portal in the world. [www17]

 CareerBuilder
CareerBuilder is one of the most visited employment websites in the United States as ranked by Operating in 23 countries outside the U.S. remains one of the
largest job search sites on the web today, featuring 24 million unique visitors monthly. allows users the opportunity to post resumes and save jobs and searches.

2.6 Similar job portal systems in Sri Lanka

Most of the well-known companies in Sri Lanka now have started online job portal systems
because of vast expansion of Internet usage and World Wide Web. While developing the
proposed job portal system, the following Sri Lankan job portal systems are crosschecked to gain
knowledge as well as to enhance the further development of OSCW job portal.

 Unilever: URL:

 Heladiva jobs: URL:

 Top Jobs: URL:

 URL:

 Sri Lanka Job Bank: URL:

With the study of above URLs, most of the Sri Lankan job portal systems (Heladiva jobs, Sri
Lanka Job Bank) having poor interactions between HR/company and jobseekers. Some website’s
( user interfaces make eye stain for continuous use because colors are unbalanced.
Some websites take much time to load each pages (Unilever, Top Jobs) because number of
contents per page is high and more graphics or small photos are used. Above mentioned factors
are challengeable to overcome. In this system, it is mainly focused on how to overcome these
problems, make a successful interaction compare to existing systems.

2.7 Summary
Nowadays online job portals are much important in the e-recruitment process. Some Sri Lankan
and fortune 500 companies’ use these kinds of job portals had already got lot of benefits from it.
They have managed their time, cost, and recourses as well. Some companies having job portals
but those are not effective.

Chapter 3: Analysis and Design
3.1 Introduction
Analysis is mainly focused on requirement gathering, fact finding and find the functional-
nonfunctional requirements of the system. At the same time, brief analysis of existing job portal
systems are also discussed. Once analysis completed successfully, can move to the design phase.
It may focus on software architecture design and initial diagram designs such as ER and UML.

3.2 Requirements Gathering

Gathering requirements is an essential activity in any kind of system developing. Since it is the
most difficult, considerable amount of time has to be spent here. It is important to take wise
decisions to make the analysis phase a success. Most commonly identifying the problem and
what the client needed as the solution seems to be unclear at the beginning. Yet, when going
forward it will come across to a clear situation.

If for some reason analyst was unable in analyzing the situation carefully, the whole project will
become a failure due to that, because the delivered system would be something other than the
client’s requirements. Therefore understanding what is on the client’s mind is important here.
Following techniques have been used for gathering requirements.

3.2.1 Fact Finding

 Research and site visits
By visiting the site (Example: Virtusa (pvt) Ltd company’s HR division), study
the existing process and took photographs of exiting traditional recruitment ways.
Such as paper/form base information collecting and note down information about
their current online systems which are used in system requirement analysis.
Research is one of the most used facts finding way in this project and mainly used
to learn the efficient online recruitment process with the help of research articles.

 Studying similar systems and observation

There is some web based recruitment systems available in the market. This project
crosschecked the main functionalities and behavior of exiting systems. The analyst
can either participate or can watch how the work is carried out inside the

 Interviews
Interview is one of the easy ways to find users’ reactions within limited time for
this project. We could collect more information from the HR staff and some
jobseekers directly. It is possible to carry out unstructured interviews and
structured interviews according to the situations.

Unstructured Interviews: Only a general goal or subject in mind. Questions may

vary from one individual to the other.

Structured Interviews: Pre-defined specific set of questions are there to ask from
the interviewee.

 Inspection of existing documentation

Study the existing several company’s reports, yearly recruitment analysis and
other documents available on web which help to gather information to develop
new system.

3.3 Requirement analysis and Management

The gathered requirements should be analyzed and need to check for ambiguities to be solved.
Requirements should be clear cut or it will leads to a problematic stage later. Requirement
management is the process of managing the changes to the scope of the project according to the
schedule and effort. Accepting new requirements from the client unconditionally will affect the
project quality or it will lead to project delays. Therefore requirement management is also a
critical task.

3.4 Analysis of the current systems

A single vacancy web page or paper based job advertisement is not enough to find out a skillful
employee to a company all over the world. At the same time, inside processes of the companies
are currently being handled manually and it makes a lot of inconsistencies in situations of
handling job seekers and matching to suitable job post.

3.5 Requirements for the new system
3.5.1 Functional Requirements
 Job seeker view

 Job searching – This system support quick search and sorting method to identify
suitable job for employees.
 Send application/feedback – After a job posted, any registered job seekers can
apply for that post as well as able to contact the company/HR, if they have any
queries such doubts as expected salary/years of experience.
 Notifications for each activity - After applied a particular job, it easy to send
notifications. It makes interaction with system as well as it confirm each activities.
 Maintaining multiple resumes, marking resumes as confidential, and marking
resumes as searchable. Creating CV and cover letter automatically.
 Finding the status of applications or keep track of the jobs for which they applied.
Scheduling interviews and exams with company or HR.
 HR/Company View

 Job posting- Able to put/remove/edit advertisements based on current available

vacancies as well as able to maintain various profiles for companies/ departments.
 Notifications for each activity - After post a job, it easy to send notifications. It
makes interaction with users as well as system and it confirms each activity is
done correctly.
 Able to collect resumes from various jobseekers and able to sort out the resumes
according to the years of experience, positions, knowledge in depth, and so on.
 Admin view

 Admin able to add / edit / remove categories of the job and able to order the
category for display on front end and at the same time, managing all changes of
user interface like advertising a company’s advertisement and so on.
 Managing companies and jobseekers and able to remove/suspend them and can
contact them via mails and can view/edit/delete members and also can search

 Non registered users view
 Nonregistered users able to send/share via mail to their friends regarding this
 As registered users they able to sort jobs and find out the tasks but limited
facilities available for them.
 Developers view
 Developers able to view each code level tutorials as well as they can check video
tutorials which make more interaction.

3.5.2 Non-Functional Requirements

 Performance
The site should not take several minutes to load where the jobseekers and job posters
(HR) get annoyed. Each pages limited with number of contents per page it make sense to
load pages faster. If there is multimedia contents such as video if user wants to play only
it will load other than load automatically.
 Reliability
Information which contains in the system should be accurate. Usually we fix time bound
to set each activities. If job poster post a job there should be a time limit to view and
apply or else after the deadline also jobseekers may apply for it. These kinds of activities
may make the unreliability in the system.
 User Friendliness
Interacting with the system should be easy for the job seekers, job viewers and will make
them loyal. Color balance in the UI is one of the major factors to use the system
continuously. Each categorize of users UI should be easily understandable and easy to
handle all and verify activities. Notify user if any error occurred or if action successful
with various color notification messages.
 Flexibility
Open source systems have the ability to code reuse so each functions should be document
as PDF or video based in understandable manner. User registration, post job, create CV
these kind long step functions should be flexible because if user wants to fill may get
annoyed other than fill small forms.

 Availability
Web site should be available whenever the user need. “Under Construction/any error
messages” will irritate the customer. Run the system in more than one severs it may make
sense to overcome the these kind of problems even If there is any un predicted cases
occurred have to inform all users automatically it make reputation on the job portal.
 Security and safety
System should be secure enough to handled job seekers profiles and their personal
information. As well as have to provide secure access to the admin users because they
have the ability to control all activities so admin users must authorized by company or
who is responsible for job portal. Taking backup make sense to safe the system if there is
unpredicted problems occurred.
 Privacy
Keep all users personal details securely and keep activates invisible other than the user.
Also if there is any user violations or if one user tries to hack user another account inform
that particular user regarding this incident via email.
 Mobility
Most of the current internet users adopted with mobile phones and tablet other than using
PC so mobile friendly websites make sense to interact the users and make any time
anywhere interactive access of the system.

3.5.3 Hardware and Software requirements

1 - Table 3.1: Hardware requirements

Recommended Hardware

processor Intel 2Ghz or higher

RAM 512MB/1GB or higher

Hard Disk 20GB or More Disk space

Internet Connection Broadband Connection

Resolution Minimum 1024 x 768

2 -Table 3.2: Software requirements
Recommended Software

Operating System Windows XP or

Web Server Apache 2.x for Windows

PHP PHP 5.x version

Database My SQL 5.x version

Web Browsers IE6 +, Mozilla Firefox 3 +, Google Chrome(recommended)

3.6 Design of system

3.6.1 Introduction
The design and implementation phase of this OSCW job portal system development will concern
with the design of proposed system using unified modeling language (UML) and the translation
of the design into the desired design specifications into source code. The primary goal of the
implementation is to write the source code and also that conforms to the specifications. Basically
in this research PHP, MySQL used back end and JavaScript, JQUERY, CSS, HTML were used
to design a user friendly interfaces (UFI) because they are the more appropriate and most
preferable programming language used for designing web applications. The designed ER
diagrams, UMLs are listed as Figures in next chapter.

3.6.2 ER Diagram
In software engineering, an entity–relationship diagram is a graphical representation of entities
and their relationships to each other, typically used in computing in regard to the organization of
data within databases or information systems. An entity is a piece of data-an object or concept
about which data is stored. Main components of ER models are entities and the relationships that
can exist among them. [www20]

1 -Figure 3.1: ER diagram for the developed system


View all available Vacancies/ tell to friends via email.

View companies, career advices, jobs under one



Job Seeker Job poster Admin

Check and filter jobs Post a vacancy Manage Job seekers

Apply for Jobs Check applications Manage posted Jobs

Manage applied jobs Notify to jobseekers Manage Job posters.

Response to Job Call for interview Response to job

posters seekers and posters
feedback/interview Manage company reports
profile and Post career
Create CV with videos Inform to all users if is
system any common alerts
Manage posted
Manage profile and Vacancy, videos Post career videos and
CV implemented fetchers
Report to admin.
View company profile Provide technical
2 and
- Figure 3.2: High
posted career level View job
architecture seeker
diagram of OSCW job portal
support to job seekers
videos profiles and view and posters
updated CV.
Report to admin.

UML diagram
3.6.3 Use case diagram and Description
Use case diagram offers a way to visualize a system's architectural blueprints in a diagram. UML
shows the various activities users can perform in the system and represent the dynamic aspects of
system also provides user’s perspective of the system. In user case diagram an actors are users of
the system and playing a particular roles. [www21]

3 - Table 3.3: Use case description for all users

Use Case Users level registration
Actors All users

Overview Provide the access according to the request.

1. Required to have email address
Post conditions
1. Once user registered user belongs to one category it may be jobseeker/job poster/admin.
Flow of events
1. Users have to provide initial details to register with the system.
2. Users have to provide password and confirm password and set the access level.
3. Once user registered user will get email notification to confirm his registration with the
4 - Table 3.4: Use case description for jobseekers
Use Case Access and functions belongs to the job seeker.

Actors Job seeker

Overview Job seeker able to apply for a job, check the status of job,


1. Job seeker must register with the system.

Post conditions
1. Job seeker can apply for a job 1time otherwise delete the applied job and reapply for it.
2. Contact with the job poster and let him know the status
Flow of events
1. Job seekers apply for the available post with the cover letter.
2. Job seeker will get notify via email once invited for the interview if failed will notified with the
3. Once interview success job seeker will notify to assume the job.

5 - Table 3.5: Use case description for job posters
Use Case Access and functions belongs to the job poster.

Actors Job poster

Overview Job poster able to post a job. Check who are applied to the jobs


2. Job poster must register with the system.

Post conditions
1. Job poster post one or more jobs.
2. Must inform the job seeker about the application status
Flow of events
1. Job poster post one or more jobs.
2. Job poster will get notify via email once job seeker applied for a job.
3. Once interview success job poster will notify job seeker to assume the job.

6 - Table 3.6: Use case description for administrator

Use Case Access and functions belongs to the admin.

Actors Administrator

Overview Control the job poster, jobseeker, posted jobs and manage the system.


1. Admin must register with the system.

Post conditions
1. According to the report form other users take action immediately.

Flow of events

1. Admin control posted jobs, job poster and jobseeker.

2. Inform to all users if there is any fault or wrong activities.

3.6.4 High-level use case diagram for the system
High level use case diagram provide the brief description of three actors such as job seekers, job
posters, admins other than the simple mapping. Figure 3.3 demonstrates the functions of each
actor and their activities.

3 - Figure 3.3: High-level use case diagram



Collect vacancy
Manage the users and jobs
Put the vacancy on
website Employer

Search for job

Apply the job

Notify the jobseeker interest

Their vacancy

Download the CV

Check their qualifications

Send the reply to jobseeker

3.6.5 Sequence diagrams for entire process

Sequence diagram mainly used to identify the process in easily understandable way. Without
high level software architecture or design knowledge can identify each event and its logic with
the main key objects.

4 - Figure 3.4: Sequence Diagram

3.6.6 Class diagram for order processing

5 - Figure 3.5: Class diagram for order processing

A class diagram is a static structure diagram in UML and describes the types of objects in the
system and the various kinds of static relationships that exist among them. Class diagrams are
main building block of object oriented modeling. It is used both for general conceptual modeling
of the systematic of the application, and for detailed modeling translating the models into
programming code. Figure 3.4 describes the methods which are used in OSCW job portal.
[WWW 22]

3.7 Summary
This chapter mainly focused on system analysis and design of the OSCW job portal. Analysis
chapter contain requirement gathering, fact finding and find the functional-nonfunctional
requirements of the system at the same time brief analysis of existing job portal systems. Once
analysis completed successfully can move to the design phase. It may focus on software
architecture design and initial diagram designs such as ER diagram and UML diagrams. ER
diagram, Class diagram, sequence diagram and use case diagrams is figure out in the above
design section. Some other diagrams such as activity, user case are attached in appendix.

Chapter 4: Implementation
4.1 Introduction
Open source CMS tool for web based job portal and recruitment system (OSCW job portal) is a
PHP based source files; implemented system with actual data and multimedia based home site of
OSCW job portal. Those PHP based source files used to develop own job portal and recruitment
system with the help of multimedia based home system. It contains all the functions and codes
described by video format. Implementation of “Open source CMS tool for web based job portal
and recruitment system” developed for UCSC only for the testing purpose. Users are individuals
who interact with the system. All user interaction is performed remotely through the user's web
browser. Users are categorized into three classes: Administrator, Job seekers and Job posters.

A running version of the implemented OSCW job portal has only one administrator but it
typically have multiple job posters and job seekers. Administrators have the responsible for
delete jobseekers, job posters and posted jobs if there is any incorrect action taken by users. Job
seekers responsible for apply/reapply for a job, manage their profile, cv. Job posters responsible
for post job and audio description of that which are available currently at UCSC or any other
organizations, check or evaluate the CV, call/schedule for interview, jobseeker let them know the
status of application.

Running version of multimedia based home site of OSCW job portal having several video based
modules, PDF/PPT based explanations and audio based modules which are used to implement the
existing codes according to the developer’s requirements.

Multimedia based home site of OSCW job portal and existing implemented system having career
advice videos which are providing basic level understanding to create CV, working skills and
some knowledge about behaviors in working environment.

4.2 System Overview

6 - Figure 4.1 Landing page of the system

Implemented UCSC job portal (Figure 4.1) allows to login as (jobseeker/job poster/admin).
Landing page provide the functionalities such as browse jobs by industry, latest jobs, featured
jobs, latest job advice/articles, search by job reference and menu based quick links such as
signup, about us, post jobs.

7 - Figure 4.2: Jobseeker page

Job seeker admin page provide the functionalities and quick links to view jobs, applied jobs,
create CV, my CV, messages, update profile, settings, called for interview, upload latest
CV/photos, view old CV/photos, apply the recommended jobs [Figure 4.2] shows detailed.

8 - Figure 4.3: Job description page

Detailed Job view page provide the job details such as title of job, company name, required skills,
experience and the multimedia enabled audio based job description. Audio description help job
seekers to identify the actual requirement other than text based description so it makes much
interaction. Adding cover letter with application make sense to HR while check the application.
Figure 4.3 shows how it will be in UI.

9 - Figure 4.4: Multimedia contents

Company page provide the company details such as company name, address, contact number,
company description, currently available jobs under this company and recently posted career
advice or company promotion/ introduction videos will be present. Figure 4.4 shows the UI of
company page.

OSCW job portal system has several UI’s and multimedia contents some of them are attached in
appendix as well.

4.3 Technology and Tools used
 Apache Web Server

Apache HTTP Server is the web server technology used in this Web application. It is the world
most used web server software. It is played key role in the initial growth of World Wide Web.
Apache is developed and maintaining by an open source community of developers. This sever
software is available for various operating systems. According to Wikipedia, as of November
2015, Apache was estimated to serve 50% of all active websites and 37% of the top servers
across all domains.

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It’s the widely used open source general purpose server
side scripting language. PHP scripts are executed on the server. It’s free to download and use.
PHP code can embedded in to HTML. It processed by PHP interpreter. Standard PHP interpreter
is powered by the Zend Engine which is free software released under PHP licence. PHP
applications can deploy on most web servers on almost every operating systems and platforms.

 My SQL Server
My SQL is open source relational database management system. It’s the most widely used open
source RDBMS. It is the most popular choice of database management system for use in web
applications. Many third party GUI tools are available. MySQL work bench is one example for
GUI tool.

 Adobe Photoshop, Adobe flash, Adobe premiere

Adobe Photoshop CS6 tool use for user interface designing. Adobe flash and Adobe premiere
used to create the multimedia contents of the system. These adobe tools supports much inter use
of graphics it means; edited Photoshop image can use in premiere video creation and can use in
flash based content development.

 Notepad++

Notepad++ text editor used to do the coding. Its user friendly interface and short keys for do the
coding helps to do this project faster.

HTML is the mark-up language widely used for structuring content on a web browser. HTML 5
is the latest revision of HTML also it has so many new features and supports all modern browsers
even IOS too. HTML5 widely support for multimedia and graphics.

 CSS3
CSS3 is the latest revision of CSS family. It has so many new features like Drop shadows,
rounded corners, Gradients, Transitions and etc. It reduces the time of coding and it supports
various browsers and support java script, Java Query creates animations quickly.

4.4 Hardware and Software /Application Requirements

4.4.1 Hardware configuration
 Intel Core i5-370M Processor,
 64-Bit Operating System
 500 GB Hard Disk Drive
 Dual Monitors 1366 X 768
4.4.2 Software/Application configuration
 Apache Web Server 2.4.9
 PHP 5.5.12 and PHP My Admin support
 My SQL server 5.6.17
 Adobe Photoshop, Adobe flash, Adobe premiere
 Notepad ++ Text editor

4.5 Server Environment
4.5.1 Hardware Configuration
 3.0Ghz Intel Processor
 100 GB Free Hard Disk Drive
4.5.2 Software/Application Configuration
 Apache Web Server 2.4.9
 PHP 5.5.12
 My SQL server 5.6.17
4.6 Client side requirement
4.6.1 Hardware Configuration
 Any Internet connected PC (at least of 512 KB/s speed internet) and having processor
power more than 2.0 GHz.
 Any Smart phone with internet connection. (3G/4G connection preferred )
4.6.2 Software/Application Configuration
 JavaScript enabled web browser

4.7 Summery
Implementation chapter focus on the OSCW job portal user interfaces as well as justification of
technology, tools used in the system. Configuration of server, configuration of development pc,
client hardware and software also mentioned briefly.

Chapter 5: Evaluation and Testing
5.1 Introduction
Testing is the process used to validate and verify the system. Testing is required in each phase of
the software development. Always test plan required to test the entire system or components of
system and identify the client requirements.

5.2 Objective of the Testing

1. To establish that the software worked satisfactorily as per the requirement of client.
2. To prove that the program is error free and user friendly with proper validations.
3. To certify that the software functioned correctly and could be used in production.

5.3 Front End Testing

Web based application mainly related with the web user interfaces (UI’s). Black box testing
methodology is used to check the UI’s functions according to the test plan. System was tested in
module wise and the test cases are listed below.

5.4 Browser Testing

Browser testing carried out for implemented OSCW job portal system on all the latest browsers
such as Firefox Chrome, IE 10 and Safari. As well as mobile friendly or responsive of the web
pages also tested in browser level.

7 - Table 5.1: Browser Testing

Tested pages Firefox Chrome IE Safari

Landing page/ Login Page    

Job Seeker page and profile    

Job poster page and profile    
Admin page and profile    
View job page    
Apply for job page    
Career videos page/ Latest Job Advices page    
Job posting page    
Company profile    
Featured Employers page    
Signup and reset password page    

5.5 Test cases used to test login UI and function
User registration process is one of the major processes in the OSCW job portal system. All users
should enter a valid email address and can register with the system. Administrators should
activate the account using a token. Various test cases had been used to test the procedure and a
generalized test plan is shown below.

8 - Table 5.2: Test cases used to test login UI and function

Test Test Case Expected response form system Success

1 New user input details with valid email Adds user details to the Success
address and details. database, send email to user
about the registration.

2 New user input details with invalid Form validation displays errors Success
email address and details. in relevant fields. System
rejects input.

3 New user tries to register with blank Form validation displays errors Success
details. in relevant fields. System
rejects input.

5 User tries to register with an existing Email address is been validated Success
email address. and notifies user. If exist asks to

6 Validate user password with confirm If both password and confirm Success
password field. passwords are similar user can

8 User provides invalid username or Notifies user that the user name Success
password. /email or password is incorrect.

9 User tries blank input and to login. Notifies user that the user name Success
/email or password is blank.

10 User click forgets user name or Provided input field to enter the Success
password. email address of the user.

10 - Figure 5.1: Validation Login
5.6 Test case used to test job posting UI and job poster main functions
Job posting is one of the major processes in the OSCW job portal system conducted by job
posters and employees/ HR of the company. Existing all job posters must enter a valid email
address and get registered with the system. Various test cases had been used to test the procedure
and a generalized test plan is shown below.

9 - Table 5.3: Test cases used to test job posting UI and functions
Test Test Case Expected response form system Success
1 Registered job poster post blank job. Notifies to user as you try to Success
insert blank data
2 User input details with invalid data Form validation displays errors Success
In Salary, No years’ experience in relevant fields. Notify as it
should be in numbers.

3 Check the quality of job description Summary form will display to Success
conform before submit.
4 job poster want to edit and make While press update button Success
changes in the posted job display in editable mode with
existing data.

5 job poster want to delete posted job While press delete button display Success
an alert to delete existing data.

6 Confirm the data entered successfully. System will notify with the Success
success message and job
reference number.

7 Email notification while call for Automatically send email to job Success
interview seeker with existing

8 HR/company feedback to job seeker Notifies to job seeker applied Success

job with some descriptions.

9 Report to admin if there is any fake Notifies user that you behave as Success
user. fake and report to admin

10 Career video posting and company Pre define the type of video and Success
videos posting post it verifies the each videos

5.7 Test cases used to test apply for job UI and job seeker functions
Job seeker is one of the key stakeholders in the OSCW job portal system. All job seekers must
enter a valid email address and get registered with the system. They can do several functions such
and apply several jobs, create CV, apply with cover letter so various test cases had been used to
test the procedure and a generalized test plan is shown below.

10 - Table 5.4: Test cases used to test apply for job UI and functions
Test Test Case Expected response form system Success
1 Only registered user can apply for job System will turn to registration Success
and login page to for user

2 Tell to friend without registration. While press tell to friend button Success
will explore the option to insert
the email.

3 job seeker edit the cover letter of While press update button Success
applied job display in editable mode with
existing data.

4 job poster want to delete applied job While presses delete button Success
display an alert to delete
existing applied jobs.

5 Create cv with without required data Notifies to user as you try to insert Success
blank required data

6 Reapply for a job. Once delete the previous Success

application can reapply

7 Ignore the multiple application for a Notifies to user as you applied Success
job to this job previously.

8 Recommended jobs for user Once jobseeker set the Success

searching job type it will inform
to automatically

9 Apply without cover letter Notify user regarding the Success

10 Cancel/reschedule the interview If seeker can’t attend or if don’t Success

wish to participate can inform
via system

5.8 Test cases used to test Administrator UI and functions

Administrator is the super user of the OSCW job portal system. All administrators must enter a
valid email address, token id and get registered with the system. They can do several functions
such and delete jobs, delete job seekers and job posters so various test cases had been used to test
the procedure and a generalized test plan is shown below.

11 - Table 5.5: Test cases used to test administrator UI and functions

Test Test Case Expected response form system Success

1 Approve the admin roles Other than normal job seekers Success
and job posters administrators
have to provide activation code
to perform as admin.

2 Delete the jobseekers and job posters While press deletes button Success
display an alert to delete
existing applied jobs.

3 Warn users if there is any violations If there is any violations Success

occurred or reported by other
users admin can inform to
particular user via email and

4 Delete the job if it is inappropriate Admin can delete the jobs if it Success
contain any inappropriate words
Or reported by other users.

5 Career video posting Upload the career videos once Success

upload finished can view it.

6 Manage company videos. If there is any violations in Success

company videos report to
company or else delete video

7 Inform users if there is system down Email based notifications will Success
or if there is technical issues notify user regarding this.

8 View profiles other than personal. As super user can access and Success
view detailed

5.9 User Acceptance form

User acceptance test (UAT) is the one of the main evaluation/testing method before release the
software. UAT get instance feedbacks form the end users and others who used this system
previously. UAT results will forward to developer to fix the bugs. Table (4.1) contains the
questions used to evaluate the implemented OPCW job portal and home site of the OPCW job

12 - Table 5.6: User Acceptance form

OSCW Job portal Usability Test form

Your Name

1 The user interface designs of Job portal and recruitment system?

[ ] Very Poor [ ] Poor [ ] Good [ ] Very Good [ ] Excellent

2 Jobseeker profile and panel features in the system?

[ ] Very Poor [ ] Poor [ ] Good [ ] Very Good [ ] Excellent

3 Job poster profile and panel features in the system?

[ ] Very Poor [ ] Poor [ ] Good [ ] Very Good [ ] Excellent

4 Administration panel of the system?

[ ] Very Poor [ ] Poor [ ] Good [ ] Very Good [ ] Excellent

5 Content management features (code reuse) of the system?

[ ] Very Poor [ ] Poor [ ] Good [ ] Very Good [ ] Excellent

6 User friendliness and performance of the system?

[ ] Very Poor [ ] Poor [ ] Good [ ] Very Good [ ] Excellent

7 Multimedia interaction of the system and quality of content in home website?

[ ] Very Poor [ ] Poor [ ] Good [ ] Very Good [ ] Excellent.

8 Understandability of the error messages and ease of using?

[ ] Very Poor [ ] Poor [ ] Good [ ] Very Good [ ] Excellent


10 Signature

Above printed form distributed among the friends, collages and USCS masters batch mates.
Twenty nine peoples totally participate and twenty seven people provide their feedback those
details listed as below.

13 - Table 5.7: Feedback of user acceptance form

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8
Very Poor 1 2 1 3 2 0 1 0
Poor 5 2 1 10 1 4 4 3
Good 16 14 13 8 16 4 7 8
Very Good 5 8 11 6 8 18 12 14
Excellent 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 2





12 Very Poor
8 Very Good

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8

11 - Figure 5.2: Results of UI

With the result of user acceptance test OSCW job portal system mainly have to focus on the
design of Administration panel of the system (Q4) because it getting much poor rating other than
all. (Q2, Q3, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8) results are seems fine and (Q1) result seems equal so have to focus
on that also.

5.10 Identified Strengths of the system
 Easy access and User friendly environment.
 Email based notification much interaction.
 Admin users have to provide token to activate his registration so every once can’t become
admin and control the system.
 Increased convenience for job posters and job posters.
 Mobile support interface so it make sense while user through mobile.
 Job seeker will get notify with feedback once his application rejected so it make sense to
improve the skills.
 Job selection and filter the applications make much easy.

5.11 Identified weakness of the system

 Lack of transparency.
 Developers may need some programming knowledge other than basic knowledge to
develop further.
 Must follow the video modules to implement the system further.
 Data backup functionality not available.
 Once admin delete the user or jobs have to recreate form start there is no previous data

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future work
6.1 Introduction
This chapter focused on concludes the dissertation with a critical evaluation of the system, lesson
learned and suggestions for any future work.

6.2 Lesson learned

In the process of develop this system author required to gain knowledge in several aspects. Such
as software development, software testing and write test cases, documentation. If simply say form
requirement analysis stage to testing and distribution of the system a thorough knowledge needed
to be acquired. The self-confidence to complete the project successfully on time has been a great
achievement for me. Author had to learn the programming PHP, HTML, Java Script, MySQL
and many other important technologies related to software development.

6.3 Conclusion
OSCW job portal provide ability to improve the functionality of the recruitment rather than
manual in a company so it should improve the company standard also. Anyhow there is several
HR peoples having lack of knowledge in IT so they may feel manual should be easy other than
this. Provide related hands-on trainings and awareness makes sense in their behavior. Any how I
noticed most of the companies have semi-automated recruitment system with the limited

According to the scope “open source web based CMS tool for job portal and recruitment
system”, video based tutorial home system developed successfully with the main functions and
feathers such as:

 Job posting
 Apply for job
 View applied job
 Email notifications for each activities
 CV creating
 Check the status of applied job
 Interview scheduling
 There user level accesses (job seeker, job poster, admin).
 Multimedia based home website of CMS tool with video tutorials.

6.4 Future Works
Future work focus on which are the areas have to develop further and system should be rich
intractable as well as much professional. Further some features can develop as follows.

 Pre technical/mathematical exam before a user apply a job once passed only can apply for
a job.
 SMS alert system if jobseekers invited for an interview.
 Payment based professional CV creating system and job posting system.
 Mobile applications should development for this system.
 Admin level should have the ability to take backup of data.
 Admin must have the ability to suspend the user and reactivate without data loss.

[1] [Sommerville, 2006] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, 8th edition, Addison- Wesley,

[2] [Vikram Vaswani, 2005] V.Vaswani , How To Do Everything with PHP and MySQL,
McGraw-Hill Companies.

[3] [Lee I (2005)], The Evolution of E-Recruiting: A Content Analysis of Foertune 100 Career
Web Sites. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, p 57-68.

[4] [Martin G and Hetrick S (2006)], Driving corporate and brands from the inside: A strategic
role for HR, Global Reputation Intitute Conference,USA.

[WWW1] Virtual Learning Environment for the BIT Students

[WWW2] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[WWW3] PHP MySQL Shopping Cart Tutorial

[WWW4] Object Management Group, UML


[WWW6 ]
















Appendices A: System Documentation
Title: open source CMS tool for web based job portal and recruitment system.

Date: 30th Dec 2015

Version: 1.0

System: Web application

This section of the documentation provides information for the system administrators, developers
and who involve in the system to develop further. Those who would like get the technical
information in order to configure and use the system successfully.

Hardware requirements
Recommended Hardware
processor Intel 2Ghz or higher
RAM 512MB/1GB or higher
Hard Disk 20GB or More Disk space
Internet Connection Broadband Connection
Resolution Minimum 1024 x 768

Software requirements
Recommended Software
Operating System Windows XP or Later
Web Server Apache 2.x for Windows
PHP PHP 5.x version
Database My SQL 5.x version
Web Browsers IE6 +, Mozilla Firefox 3 +, Google Chrome(recommended)

Configuration of the pre required software

This section provides installation, compilation and execution details of the system.

Install WAMP server

WAMP stand for (W-Windows A-Apache M-MYSQLP-PHP). Using WAMP can configure web
application locally with webserver, database together with PHP.

Through ( ) can download WAMP server install file (.exe)

The simplicity of configuration and the user friendliness of the WAMP (Windows, Apache,
MySQL, PHP) server made the author get use of it as a whole without using the above software
separately . Since it is open source, it will give an added advantage too.

On server side implementation a web server should be configured first, Apache server should be
installed firstly. If the user is using an already deployed web server UNIX or Windows running
Apache server configured with PHP 5 and MySQL 5, completing the system installation part is

Figure 1

Once installed as (figure 6.1) WAMP server will be present in local pc. Follow below steps:

 The “www” directory will be created automatically usually in (c:\wamp\www)

 Create a subdirectory name as “Jobs” in “www” and put your PHP files inside.
 Start WAMP server by click on the “localhost” link in the WAMP Sever menu then open your
internet browser and go to the URL : http://localhost/jobs.

Below details required to upload in live server user want to provide it.




Appendices B - User Documentation
User documentation provides the brief description about the system to the users. Users can be job
seekers, job posters and the system admin.

Main page and login

Main page provide the capabilities to access any users even they may be non-registered users.
Non registered users have only single function is view the job and tell to friend via email.
According to the system existing user can use username, category and password to login. New
users have to click on “Register Now” as pointed below.

UI of the source file system

Career Advice Videos UI

Job posting UI and JOB UI

Comparison of Job poster, Job seeker, Admin UI

Job poster profile UI

Administrator profile UI

Job Seeker profile UI

Appendix c:



Seeks Job through Job portal system


Manages Use





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