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White paper

Japan’s Payments
Systems: Digitisation,
Globalisation &
Contents Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation

Introduction 3
A Typical Payment Experience for Foreign Visitors to Japan 3
Tokyo 2020: a focal point for change 3
Reimagining Japan’s payments future 3
The Payments and Settlements Landscape in Japan 4
Japan’s Payment and Settlement System Environment 4
BOJ-Net: constantly changing with more to come 4
Extending opening hours for regional and global market access 4
Adoption of global financial messaging standards 5
ZenginNet – where is it heading? 5
Global Trends - what developments are occurring “outside” Japan? 6
Real time payments: going faster and more 6
Payments are speeding up 6
Open Access: new participant profiles and crossing borders 6
Simpler Addressing eases frictions with payments 6
APIs are the future glue between financial institutions and technology companies 7
Intelligent Payments through global financial messaging standards 7
Revitalisation of cross-border payments 7
Financial messaging for the digital age: the ISO 20022 standard 7
FinTech and Digital Disruption 8
Resiliency threats to payment systems are increasing 8
Key features of Japan’s Payment System Modernisation Journey 9
Settlement innovation: extending operating hours further 9
Opening access to Japan payment systems 9
Adopting ISO 20022 Messaging standards 9
ZenginNet Migration to ISO 20022 9
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 9
Unification of Domestic and International Payment environments 9
Provide a greater role for FinTech 9
What more can be done in Japan? Suggestions for Japan Payment system development 10
Consider an open, singular and innovation-oriented ZenginNet system 10
Continue to evolve and enhance BOJ-NET cross-border access 10
Foster partnerships when regionalising and globalising 10
Harmonise local Japan financial messaging standards to global standards 10
Further embrace FinTech to realise digital age opportunities 11
Ensure Payment System Resiliency 11
Conclusions 11

Introduction Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation

A Typical Payment Experience for Reimagining Japan’s payments This report stated:
Foreign Visitors to Japan future
“On the demand side, commercial
Japan has the highest level of cash usage Japan has a history of transformative transactions have been expanding
among developed economies in the world1. innovation, for example in process engineering into different time zones as a result of
A visit to Tokyo can cause us to question the in the manufacturing industry and information internationalization in business activity.
payment experiences we take for granted in systems in financial technology. In payments, Lifestyles have diversified and new businesses,
countries such as China, Singapore, Australia four decades ago, Japan was one of the first including e-commerce, have flourished.
and even the United states. Foreign credit countries to offer its 120 million citizens and Against such background, an appetite for a
cards often fail to swipe successfully and card 6 million businesses electronic payments variety of payment and settlement services is
chip payments are not utilised in Japan. Hotels between banks. In recent years, much of this increasing. The services include efficient cash
will frequently manually key in card numbers. innovation is best characterised as incremental management of globally-active firms, ensuring
For a nation full of the most divine service or maintenance-oriented change – smaller settlement in the middle of the night and on
and dining experiences this presents a major innovations designed to optimise performance holidays, and realizing cross-border settlement
friction in the service experience. Withdrawing or enhance technology. Today, however this at a modest cost. On the supply side, in light
cash from an ATM with a foreign card will not is changing, and we are seeing a number of of further progress in information technology,
work in most Japanese banks and the cash innovations that are likely to more significantly computers’ ability to process information has
machines found inside 7-eleven are the best change the face of Japan’s payments industry. continued to expand, and internet and mobile
way to withdraw: these machines seem to devices have been widely used around the
accept every conceivable card on the planet At the end of 2015 a little publicised paper world. Against such background, technology
through a highly English-friendly screen. (at least in the English payments press) was to be applied to payment and settlement
released outlining a broad program for change services has advanced and new devices
in Japan’s payments industry and payment enabling the public to access those services
Tokyo 2020: a focal point for have continued to grow.”
systems. This paper3, published through the
Financial System Council, and the work of a
highly experienced and qualified Japanese This article outlines some of the recent and
Japan is looking to change these experiences planned changes for Japan’s payment and
study group was the outcome of many
ahead of the Olympics in 2020 when visitors settlement systems, changes that will impact
months of meetings and consultation. More
from around the world will arrive in Tokyo the payment experience for Japanese citizens,
recently in March 2016 the Bank of Japan
and Japan for a few weeks during July and Japanese businesses, and of hopefully,
(BOJ) published a Payment and Settlement
August. Olympics Games, of course, are a visitors to Japan during and around the Tokyo
Systems Report, the first major update in
precious promotion and economic opportunity Olympic Games in 2020.
many years4.
for The Games hosts2. Although this paper
is not about the card industry in Japan it
examines a related part of the payments
industry: interbank clearing and settlements,
cross-border payments and the globalisation
of financial messaging standards. It explores
the themes of payment convenience, global
interoperability and digital innovation and how
these trends are being experienced in the
Japan payment industry.

As reported by Bank of International Settlements “Payment, clearing and settlement systems in Japan”.
Bank of Japan (January 2016), “Economic Impact of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games”,
Financial System Council (Dec 2015), “Report by the Working Group of Advancements in Payment Operations – Strategic Activity towards Advancements in Payments”.
Bank of Japan (March 2016), “Payment and Settlement Systems Report”

The Payments and Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation
Settlements Landscape
in Japan

Japan’s Payment and Settlement

System Environment BOJ-NET ZenginNet

Japan operates two major national payment Established 1988 1973

infrastructures, or what are commonly
referred to as payment and settlement Number of participants 511 Over 500
systems. These are known as the Bank
of Japan Financial Network System (or, Volume, 2015 6,346,000
BOJ-NET) and ZenginNet. These payment (average number of 69,279 (excludes bulk file
systems have been operating since 1988 transactions per day) transactions)
and 1973 respectively. Collectively, they
provide safe, secure, reliable and trusted Value (JPY) 135.6 trillion 12.2 trillion
interbank payments, such as credit transfers,
for nearly all deposit holding institutions in Days of Operation Monday to Friday Monday to Friday
Japan. BOJ-NET further provides settlement
services for JGBs (or Japanese Government
Hours of Operation 0830 to 2100 0830 to 1530
Bonds). Together, these systems make up
the critical infrastructure of the world’s third
largest economy and allow consumers, Currency JPY JPY
businesses and government departments
to make payments with each other through Figure - Japan’s major Payment & Settlement Systems
their banks. The systems broadly operate in
a tiered structure. The BOJ-NET, provides
real time gross settlement for large value
payments between financial institutions. With
over 500 participants this is one of the largest
payment systems in the world. In 2015 BOJ-
NET processed an average daily volume of
69,279 transactions, valued at 135.6 trillion
yen (approximately USD 1.24 trillion)5, 6. The
second major payments between financial
institutions. With over 500 participants this
is one of the largest payment systems in
the world. In 2015 BOJ-NET processed an
average daily volume of 69,279 transactions,
valued at 135.6 trillion yen (approximately
USD 1.24 trillion)5, 6. The second major
payment settlement system, ZenginNet, is
differentiated from the first in that it processes
higher volumes of lower value transactions.
ZenginNet on an average day in 2015
processed 6.4 million transactions with a value
of JPY 12.2 trillion (approximately USD 112

To complete the picture SWIFT (Society

for Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunication) on behalf of
approximately 260 users in Japan, processed
approximately 87 million payments messages
in the year of 20157.

USD values converted at 1 JPY = 0.0091 USD.
Bank of Japan, Payment and Settlement System Department (Jan 29, 2016), “Payment and Settlement Statistics (December 2015)”.
SWIFT statistics. Note: A further 125 million securities messages were exchanged over the SWIFT network.

Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation

BOJ-Net: constantly changing Adoption of global financial messaging ZenginNet – where is it heading?
with more to come standards
Another important consideration when ZenginNet as mentioned earlier has been
operating payment systems that need to operating since 1973 and has been through
Until 2001 BOJ-NET settled payments
integrate across borders is that the financial many enhancements over this time. Current
on a deferred basis, meaning that
messaging standards must follow global renewal work plans seek to address one
counterparty risk was carried until
norms. Japan has for many years been of its major constraints – the hours of
funds settled between the participant
utilising proprietary, and unique to Japan, operation. Today, ZenginNet only operates
institutions. From 2001 it has been
financial messaging standards. Legacy for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. In future,
operating as a real time gross settlement
formats lack the flexibility to adapt, lack the ZenginNet plans to operate on a 24 hour
system with transactions settled in central
ability to support endto- end Straight-Through a day, 7 day a week basis. Whilst many
bank held accounts on an immediate
Processing (STP) and lack the ability to countries have taken the step of introducing
basis with counterparty risk being
integrate with Enterprise Resource Planning new single national payment platforms and
removed entirely. October 2015 saw a
(ERP) systems. Over recent years capabilities infrastructures to meet the needs of 24-7
major renewal of BOJ-NET introducing a
for global messaging standards, specifically payments and allow payments “anywhere,
new platform with flexible func
ISO 20022, have been steadily increasing anyhow, anytime”, Japan has decided to
tionality and
in Japan. ISO 20022 messaging is in fact a build an adjacent system, i.e. operate two
new information technology.
response to the changing needs of the digital platforms for different times of the day. The
Recent enhancements to BOJ-NET
age, which increasingly are characterised by “night-time/weekend” system is to be based
big, rich data. ISO 20022 provides rich and on voluntary participation from a subset of
granular remittance information, and can the “day-time” system participants. This
Extending opening hours for regional and
also cater for different models of exchanging two-system architecture has the potential to
global market access
remittance information, either with the present challenges for banks and customers
In February 2016 the operating hours of
payment or outside the payment. as well as provide for scalable payment
BOJ-NET were extended to 9pm. This
change occurred after much consultation system innovation. Another consideration
Globally, the uptake of ISO 20022 across would be the requirement of making system
with Japan industry. Some other large high
major infrastructure initiatives is growing enhancements on each of the two systems.
value payment systems operate for longer
rapidly. SWIFT acts as the global Registration
hours – a notable example is the Hong Kong
Authority (RA) for ISO 20022 standards and
RTGS system (CHATS) that operates its
currently tracks over 200 major infrastructure
RMB payment service on a 20.5 hours a day
initiatives around the world that have either
(from 0900 to 0530) basis. In Japan’s case
implemented, or are planning to implement,
the extended operating hours are designed
ISO 20022 message standards. Of these,
to expand the commercial opportunities
more than half are payments initiatives.
of Japanese financial institutions and the
Widespread adoption of ISO 20022 and the
corporate customers they serve. For example,
investment in messaging capabilities in its
extended operating hours lets Japan payment
payments industry ecosystem is required
systems serve many Asian markets that are
for open payment systems that interoperate
still open. Further extending these hours might
across borders.
let Japan reach deeper into European time
zones and potentially even North American
markets. This is particularly important for
JGBS, or Japanese Government bonds,
but also for JPY-denominated cross-border
customer transfers. Keeping payment systems
open longer is not always easy and beyond
the technology requirements of operating for
longer hours support staff must be available
at night – both in Bank of Japan itself, as well
as at participating financial institutions (who
must actively manage liquidity utilised in the
system). The extended operating hours are
a necessary requirement to provide broader
global access to Japan payment systems
through cross-border connections.

Global Trends – what Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation
developments are occurring
“outside” Japan?

There are a number of major innovations Open Access: new participant profiles Simpler Addressing eases frictions with
occurring in payments around the world. and crossing borders payments
Payments systems have traditionally been Traditional payment systems have not always
the domain of financial institutions and banks. developed for the convenience of end
Real time payments: going faster Recent industry developments have seen customers such as citizens and companies.
and more progressive introduction of payment solutions They rely on payment senders knowing the
by non-traditional financial institutions, bank account number of payment receivers,
sometimes known as third party payment and account numbers are typically hard to
Payments are speeding up
companies (TPPs), or payment service remember and complicated. This complexity
Customers are increasingly expecting more
providers (PSPs). Regulators and policy has led to friction in the payment experience
of their payment service providers, a demand
makers have been seeking ways to further and has inhibited the move of markets
that matches the experience we have in
include these services in national payment towards less cash and cheque usage. Modern
almost everything we consume today. The
and settlement systems. Some notable payment systems are solving this problem
global nature of payments and a digital
examples include the United Kingdom, by introducing proxy addressing services. A
anywhere-anytime-anyhow expectation mean
India and Europe’s PSD2 initiative. In the centralised database provides a relationship
that payments also need to be available on a
UK the Payment System Regulator (PSR) between a customer, their bank account
24 hour a day, 7 day a week, 365 days a year
wants “those who use payment systems to details and a unique proxy identifier such as
basis. This is being made possible through the
be able to access them on a fair, open and email, or the mobile phone number of the
availability of relatively inexpensive, ubiquitous
transparent basis and be able to choose customers. This means that when making a
and powerful processing technologies. In
the form of access that best suits them”10. payment only the unique identifier such as the
fact, around the world today there are at least
In India, in August 2015 the Reserve Bank mobile phone number is required to “address”
18 new national real time payment systems
of India (RBI) provided “in principle” licenses the payment, instead of the bank account
live with a further 12 under development or
to eleven entities to incorporate payment number being used. In fact some countries
planning. If we include the instant payment
banks. Payment banks in India are envisaged are using or considering expanding these
change occurring in the Euro-zone there are
to support payments being conducted by services to cater for Facebook ID’s, National
a further 20 to 30 countries that will join this
non-traditional financial institutions in an ID systems or companies through unique
group8. Some estimates suggest the next 5
inclusive manner across India. In Europe a national Company identification schemes.
to 10 years will lead to a global marketplace
revised Payment Services Directive (known
of 75 countries running national real time
as PSD2) seeks to (amongst other objectives)
interbank payment systems.
improve competition in payment markets by
opening the market to new entrants. This
Beyond going faster with 24/7/365 availability
trend of broader access to payment systems
there are four further features of modern real
can be expected to grow as new technology
time retail payment systems: open access,
companies focus on the payments industry.
simpler addressing, APIoriented architecture
Payment systems will further respond by
and intelligent messaging9.
finding ways to extend participation in the
payment system and at the same time
manage safety, security and reliability.

A second feature of open access is regional

and global interoperability. To date, most
payment systems tend to focus on their
domestic environment and service local
currency requirements. In the same way
that payment card companies (such as Visa,
MasterCard, Union Pay) operate across
borders and manage multiple currencies, we
can expect real time retail payment systems to
seek ways to connect with each other across

See the SWIFT White Paper “The Global Adoption of Real-Time Retail Payments Systems (RT-RPS)”.
See the SWIFT White Paper “Guidelines for the next generation of Real-Time Retail Payments Systems (RT-RPS)”.

Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation

APIs are the future glue between financial Revitalisation of crossborder Corporate customers will be able to manage
institutions and technology companies payments their cash positions more efficiently, improve
An Application Programming Interface (API) supplier and customer relationships,
is a digital framework that can be used for When we send a parcel around the world save costs and resources on payment
enabling better connectivity between third through a company like DHL or Fedex we investigations, and ultimately grow their
parties and financial institutions. Using APIs, can conveniently track the parcel end- international business. The new service
financial technology companies can build toend and know with a reasonable amount will help corporates grow their international
more responsive products and services that of certainty when the parcel will arrive. business, improve supplier relationships,
can drive creativity and innovation. APIs rely However, when we send a payment around and achieve greater treasury efficiencies.
on open-ness and collaboration between the world the experience is rarely like that Corporates will receive an enhanced
financial and technology companies and they provided by DHL or Fedex: it can be highly payments service directly from their banks,
have the potential to drive greater innovation unpredictable, can lack transparency, can with the key features such as same day use of
outcomes in the financial services and be slow and sometimes expensive. In fact funds; transparency and predictability of fees;
payment industries. in Asia, payments can take many days to end-to-end payments tracking and transfer of
complete. End customers increasingly expect rich payment information.
Intelligent Payments through global crossborder payment services to mimic the
financial messaging standards experience of other services, and regulation Financial messaging for the digital
ISO 20022 is being widely adopted in national and policy in many countries is requiring age: the ISO 20022 standard
retail payment and settlement systems. ISO payments to speed up domestically, increasing
20022 is widely recognised as the global the expectation of faster payment outcomes One of the most prominent growth areas
standard for financial messaging in the digital across borders. At the same time the global in ISO 20022 messaging is use of the
age. It covers all financial business domains, regulatory and compliance environment has standard together with extended remittance
is not controlled by a single interest and is become increasingly complex and banks have information. The exchange of more remittance
open to anyone in the industry. ISO 20022 is been rationalising their correspondent banking information together with payments provides
the agreed methodology used by the global networks, a process known as de-risking. the opportunity to realise new sources of
financial industry to create consistent message
value for customers in payments and to
standards across all business processes as At SWIFT, a global payments innovation provide savings for automated reconciliation of
it is information-rich, supports interoperability initiative (GPII) was launched in December incoming payments with invoices. A number
and harmonisation, accommodates both 2015, and is expected to dramatically improve of major initiatives have been occurring
global standards and local usage, allows for the customer experience in correspondent around the world in ISO 20022 to manage
easy data consumption and enables new banking by increasing the speed, transparency extended remittance information (ERI). ERI
services. For payments, ISO 20022 takes into and predictability of cross-border payments. broadly follows three main approaches.
account the end-to-end data requirements of Designed in collaboration with the industry, The first involves full remittance information
various stakeholders, including corporations, the initiative will initially focus on corporate carried with the payment through the entire
vendors, banks and clearing and settlement payments services supported by participating processing chain from payment initiation to
systems. banks. To date, in Japan four Japanese banks final recognition at the end user. The second
have joined over 50 other global financial involves the structured remittance information
Significant improvements in processing power institutions in the SWIFT global payment separated from the payment details and
mean that more information can be processed innovation initiative (gpii).12 delivered as a separate message. The last
with payments and there are many global
approach separates the structured remittance
examples of markets establishing roadmaps By offering distinctive payments services, information from the payment details, and
for the introduction of ISO 20022 in national banks will be able to retain and attract new provides it as a reference to a separate data
payment systems. For example, Payments customers and demonstrate leadership in repository with a unique ID13.
New Zealand (PNZ) says that “ISO 20022 is an global payments innovation. Moving forward
enabler to achieve a wider range of strategic and with the introduction of additional
outcomes and commercial opportunities. innovations, banks could expect to realise
This is because it supports an intelligent additional savings from enhanced compliance
payment system environment that can be practices, optimised intraday liquidity flows
information rich, digital, flexible, interoperable, and increased payments straight-through-
operationally efficient, and innovative.”11 processing.

Payments New Zealand, March 2015, “Re-mastering Payments Messaging: A Study of New Zealand’s strategic opportunity to adopt the ISO 20022 payments messaging
standard”. See other prominent examples of ISO 20022 implementation programs in Canada, Australia, and the United States.
For more on the global payment innovation initiative (gpii) please visit
See for example the Information Paper “Adoption of ISO 20022 for Payments and Extended Remittance Information in Canada” co-authored by SWIFT and the Canadian
Payments Association (CPA).

Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation

SEPA, or the Single European Payments New technology entrants are seeing be compromised. These threats include the
Area, supports the end-to-end carrying of opportunities to innovate in the payments familiar challenges of natural disasters, loss of
optional remittance data in a structured or sector and there are a number of examples essential services, data corruption, cyber-
unstructured format. In the United States, of new technologies and business models. attacks, unavailability of staff, component
The Fedwire System and CHIPS introduced An example of such a technology is the malfunction, terrorism and war. Although none
enhanced messaging layouts including Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) or of the threats they face are entirely new their
remittance elements. CGI, or the Common block chain which relies on decentralised potential to disrupt vital payment services, and
Global Implementation (CGI) Initiative seeks processing of transactions. In fact many their probability of occurrence, have increased
to agree on a common implementation of the institutions around the world, including SWIFT, significantly in recent years.
ISO 20022 standard in the corporate to bank are evaluating the role of this technology in
payment cycle. And at SWIFT, the SWIFT for payments and other transaction contexts15. In large countries every RTGS system is
Corporates (SCORE) initiative harmonises the supported by a complete back-up site,
implementation approach for large corporates Around the world there is unprecedented mostly run on so-called “hotstandby mode”
implementing ISO 20022 payments. SCORE interest in FinTech from both private sector enabling it to capture transaction information
aligns with CGI for both payments and and public sector circles. Regulators and continuously and take over functions
additional remittance elements. central banks across the world are evaluating immediately in the event that primary payment
their responses to FinTech and its role in services are disrupted. The characteristics
In the United States, The Federal Reserve fostering innovation and driving economic of a truly effective resiliency plan therefore
Banks’ Fedwire Funds Service and The competitiveness and growth. In the case include a rapid cut-over to the new service; a
Clearing House’s CHIPS funds-transfer system of Singapore, the Monetary Authority of geographically remote facility; reduced reliance
will adopt ISO 20022 for their payments Singapore (MAS) in collaboration with the on local staff; technical diversity; independent
clearing and settlement for their systems. This National Research Foundation (NRF) is data storage; the availability of the service
will cover both domestic and cross-border seeking to nurture a wider financial technology throughout the period of disruption; and, most
wire payments, as well as all inputs and ecosystem. This follows the MAS commitment importantly of all, the ability to capture a clear
outputs from their wire transfer systems and in 2015 to invest $225 million to support view of the intra-day balances at the point
enhancements to their existing wire transfer financial sector technology and innovation. of failure, or to recreate it rapidly once the
services. MAS anticipate a sandbox approach where primary and secondary sites have failed.
ideas and innovations are tested and then
released in the marketplace. SWIFT, together with a group of central banks
FinTech and Digital Disruption
around the world has designed a shared
In Japan, the Bank of Japan has established RTGS system back-up service (a third site)
New financial technologies are being
its own FinTech centre within the Bank of known as the Market Infrastructure Resiliency
explored, developed and deployed around
Japan’s payment division. Governor Kuroda Service (MIRS). The service makes use of
the world. Investments have increased rapidly
of Bank of Japan on April 1 stated “The SWIFT technical platforms, storage facilities
in non-traditional financial technologies.
Bank will also endeavour to play an active and messaging formats to capture transaction
Highlighting the significance of this trend
role as a catalyst for promoting interaction balances continuously, and so guarantee the
Accenture recently reported that “Venture
among financial practices and innovative ability for the operator to resume services
capitalists, private equity firms, corporates
technologies, research and study, and the with their RTGS participants within no more
and a number of other players have poured
needs of the economic society”16. than 2.5 hours. The service can operate for
an unprecedented amount of money into
as long as a disruption persists, whether this
global financial technology (FinTech) start-
Resiliency threats to payment is a matter of days, weeks or months. The
ups. More than $50 billion has been invested
Bank of England CHAPS RTGS system uses
in almost 2,500 companies since 2010 as systems are increasing
this service as a third level of resiliency in its
these innovators redefine the way in which we
payment system resiliency approach.
store, save, borrow, invest, move, spend and As critical financial market infrastructure,
protect money”14. The report further claims payment and settlement systems require
that the value of global fintech investment in uninterrupted provision of services and high
2015 grew by 75% to $22.3 billion, driven levels of resiliency. As the systemic importance
by deal-flow across continental Europe and of RTGS systems has increased, so has
Asia-Pacific.” the risk that their integrity and security will

Accenture (2016), “Fintech and the evolving landscape: landing points for the industry”.
SWIFT & Accenture (April 2016), “SWIFT on distributed ledger technologies: Delivering an industry-standard platform through community collaboration”.
Message from Governor Kuroda on the occasion of the establishment of the FinTech Center ,

Key features of Japan’s Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation
Payment System
Modernisation Journey

A number of recent government driven Adopting ISO 20022 Messaging Provide a greater role for FinTech
proposals have been made in Japan related to standards
payment system and industry modernisation, The Governor of the Bank of Japan Mr
and wider payment ecosystem improvements. Japan’s financial industry widely recognises Haruhiko Kuroda on April 1 announced
The proposals are an indication of structural the benefits of international financial the establishment of a FinTech Centre
transformation in the Japan payments industry messaging standards and has been ensuring within its Payment and Settlement Systems
from a closed and bank-centric structure to payment systems have the technical capability Department. In the words of the Governor:
one that values openness, innovation and to process ISO 20022. There are a number of
increasing roles of parties external to the major contexts in which ISO 20022 standards “In order to bring new products and services
traditional banking sector17. The following is are prioritised for adoption. to life, the interaction of knowledge and
a summary of some of the major initiatives creativity is extremely important. To foster
recently implemented or planned for ZenginNet Migration to ISO 20022 FinTech and maximize its contribution to
introduction to Japan payment systems. ZenginNet from 2018 is planning to the economy as a whole, constructive and
commence having member banks use interactive communication among a wide
Settlement innovation: extending ISO 20022 messaging standards and from range of players, including those affiliated
operating hours further 2020 the old formats are expected to be with traditional finance industry and academic
discontinued. community, is required.”18
The Bank of Japan recently increased the
opening hours of BOJ-NET to 9pm and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) The Bank will play a role as a catalyst for
ZenginNet will extend operating hours of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is expected promoting interaction amongst various
Japan payment systems by introducing to improve efficiencies in cash management stakeholders within financial technology as
24/7/365 real time interbank payment for companies with global footprints. well as facilitating research and study.
services. These improvements together mean Japan has trialed and piloted methods for
broader access to Japan’s payment systems. adopting and managing extended remittance
In the high value payment context the BOJ- information and found that corporates mostly
NET will be accessible in other time zones, see some value in the information in corporate
and with ZenginNet citizens will have access (business-to-business, B2B) payments to
to real-time payments outside of normal improve efficiencies for companies operating
banking hours, for example in the evenings globally. Continued support for the adoption
and on weekends. Broader payment system of EDI with extended remittance is required as
access should facilitate Japan’s move towards is the promotion of an environment conducive
a society which is less cashbased. The to developing the capabilities required to fully
Bank of Japan is actively considering further realise the potential of big data. Financial
extension of the BOJNet operating hours. institutions need to continually seek business
cases that exploit value created through
Opening access to Japan payment introducing new information and reconciliation
services to corporates.
Unification of Domestic and International
The extended operating hours of Japan’s
Payment environments
payment systems are a pre-requisite for
Domestic and international payment
greater regional and global access when
messaging formats are expected to be
operating across different time zones. Japan
standardised, meaning that international
has further recognised the need to open
standards where practical will e adopted for
access to Japan’s payment systems and
domestic formats.
promote linkages across borders such as for
processing Japan Government Bond (JGB)
settlements. Additionally, Japan is an active
participant in regional integration initiatives
such as those occurring in the ASEAN
region, where future interoperability and
interconnectivity is considered a necessity.

See for example the Payment and Settlement Systems Report (March 2016), or the work of the Japan Financial System Council (2015).
Message from Governor Kuroda on the occasion of the establishment of the FinTech Center, BOJ webite:

What more can be done in Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation
Japan? Suggestions for Japan
Payment system development

Although many recent improvements have Continue to evolve and enhance

been made to Japan’s payment systems, and BOJ-NET crossborder access Suggestions for Japan
more are planned, legacy challenges remain. Payment system development
In summary, the following considerations Much has been achieved in the modernisation
for further development of Japan’s payment of the BOJ-NET system such as the extension • Consider an open, singular and
systems are offered. of operating hours to 9pm in early 2016. innovation-oriented ZenginNet
Opportunities may exist to further extend system
operating hours and support processing of
Consider an open, singular and • Continue to evolve and enhance
cross-border payments well beyond Asia, BOJ-NET cross-border access
innovation-oriented ZenginNet such as in Europe or even the United States. • Foster partnerships when
system regionalising and globalising
Fully utilising ISO 20022 will prepare Japanese • Harmonise local Japan financial
A major renewal of ZenginNet is underway. financial institutions for greater regional inter- messaging standards to global
In this renewal ZenginNet will become a linkages. In March 2016 the Bank of Japan standards
24/7/365 system. This is a much needed announced the establishment of three working • Further embrace FinTech to realise
development to expand the use of the groups designed to discuss practical issues digital age opportunities
ZenginNet system in evenings and on regarding more effective use of the BOJNET, • Ensure Payment System Resiliency
weekends and will be achieved through the including further possible extension of the
introduction of a separate system to serve operating hours for support of crossborder
evening and weekend timeframes. There are a use cases. The three working groups are Harmonise local Japan financial
number of challenges in this approach. designed to focus on respectively, cross messaging standards to global
border use of Yen and JGB’s; customer
Firstly, the architecture decision of two and bank transfer during evenings; and standards
separate systems may pose some unique crossborder settlement infrastructures.
problems. For example, how will a sending Japan’s financial messaging requires
bank know whether a receiving bank is standardising local payment messaging
Foster partnerships when formats to global standards, meaning that
processing payments during all hours of the
day, or only during traditional banking hours?
regionalising and globalising where-ever practical international formats
And more importantly, how will the service should be adopted for domestic practices.
As the world’s third largest economy, A key focus for ISO 20022 standards going
be explained and promoted to customers?
exploiting cross-border payment opportunities forward must be to ensure wide industry
Secondly, two parallel platforms might slow
can improve the competitiveness of Japanese adoption and usage. This will ensure the
down the introduction of new services
companies in their trade settlement and full benefits of ISO 20022 are realised in the
because a change to one system might also
payment processes. Opening Japan payment Japan marketplace in individual, company
require change in the other system. As the
systems across borders will likely require and government payment use cases. Most
work may require to be done twice this may
collaboration and partnerships between markets achieve this through the development
slow down overall future development of the
local, regional and global stakeholders. For of a national standards roadmap which
system. Thirdly, many retail payment systems
example, extending the role of Japan in articulates the rationale and sequence for
are orienting their platforms to architectures
various initiatives in APAC, the ASEAN region introducing ISO 20022 standards across
that foster flexible innovation and open
and other global payments markets will benefit payment systems and also within the
connectivity models (such as the use of API
from open collaboration with entities outside institutions that process financial messages
services). A prominent example globally is the
Japan and the utilisation in Japan of global using these standards. In Japan this may also
introduction of simpler addressing services
expertise and best practices. include a review of the use of international
allowing convenient access methods to
customers through digital channels such as bank identification standards (such as SWIFT
mobile and online and thereby reducing the BIC) and the introduction of international bank
reliance on paper-based transaction forms account standards (known as IBAN).
such as cash and cheque.

Japan’s Payments Systems:
Digitisation, Globalisation & Innovation

Further embrace FinTech to With all these ongoing

realise digital age opportunities changes, the Japanese
It is widely recognised that we live in a digital payments ecosystem is at a
age. Japan too has begun to plan for the pivotal moment in its further
changes and opportunity afforded by new
financial technologies. For example, there is
modernisation and innovation
a massive global repositioning of technology journey. A number of recent
towards mobile phones and other digital government driven proposals
have been made in Japan
Furthermore, open API-oriented architecture related to payment system
will be critical for Japan to fully embrace
this digital opportunity. The community of
and industry modernisation,
FinTech companies and new entrants will likely and wider payment ecosystem
play a large role collaborating with financial improvements. The proposals
institutions together with the guidance and
support of policy-makers and regulators such consistently emphasise a need
as the Bank of Japan. Speed, security, new for structural transformation in
business models, global reach and emerging
technologies are all important factors in
the Japan payments industry
successfully embracing the opportunity of new from a closed and bank-
financial technologies in Japan’s payments centric structure to one that
values openness, innovation
Ensure Payment System and increasing roles of parties
Resiliency external to the traditional
banking sector.
The range of threats to safe, reliable, secure
and efficient payment system management
and operations have increased in recent years. The Tokyo Olympics is a focal
In Japan, the effects of the 2011 earthquake
were significant and are long-lasting. Cyber
point for the evolution of many
threats globally are more frequent and of Japan’s industries and
more sophisticated. Industry wide plans to this rightly includes financial
improve resiliency of the banking industry and
payment system infrastructure are essential services and payments. The
in Japan. Resiliency plans should cover at efficiency and competitiveness
least three domains: central financial market
infrastructures (for example, payment and
of Japan’s economy and
settlement systems); financial institutions; and global businesses will benefit
the critical service providers such as payment from the realisation of many
and telecommunication networks.
of the initiatives discussed in
this paper. Doing so will help
Japanese industry and citizens,
and also ensure that the many
millions of visitors to Japan over
Yuji Takei, Country Manager, SWIFT Japan coming years will experience seamless payment processes
Michael Moon, Head of Payments Markets,
Asia Pacific
and drive tourism spending in

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