Current Events Part 1 PDF

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Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of these Arab nations is not a member of the UN coalition forces

a. Jordan
b. Syria
c. Egypt
d. Saudi Arabia

Ans: a

2. CNN is
a. Continental News Network
b. Cable News Network
c. Cable of Network News

Ans: b

3. Mother of Battles
a. World War I and II
b. the 100 years war
c. UN - Iraq war

Ans: c

4. The Gulf War started with the bombing of Iraq on

a. Jan. 16, 1991
b. Jan 17, 1991
c. Jan 18, 1991

Ans: a

5. The country not initially participating in the Gulf War

a. Egypt
b. Syria
c. Israel

Ans: c

6. RAM means
a. Reform the Army Misfits
b. Reformed the Armed Forces Movement
c. Reform the Armed Forces Misfits

Ans: b

7. The Secretary of Trade & Industry

a. Jose Conception
b. Peter Garrucho
c. Franklin Drilon

Ans: b

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8. YOU means
a. Young Officers Union
b. Youth Officers Union
c. Young Officers of the University

Ans: a

9. Under the PNP Law the head of the NAPOLCOM is

a. Commissioner elected by the other members
b. the Chief of Constabulary
c. the Secretary of the Department

Ans: c

10. The attack on Iraq is code named

a. Operation Desert Storm
b. Operation Desert Shield
c. Operation Desert Thunder

Ans: a

11. The Muslim woman Senator in the Philippines

a. Princess Dayang Dayang
b. Tarhata Kiram
c. Santanina Rasul


12. The only reigning woman now is

a. Margaret Thatcher
b. Benazir Bhutto
c. Corazon C. Aquino

Ans: c

13. The site where a miracle is said to be happening recently is

a. Lourdes
b. Fatima
c. Medjugorje

Ans: c

14. The champion in the recently concluded PBA is

a. Shell
b. Alaska
c. Purefoods

Ans: c

15. The last Olympic games was held in

a. Beijing
b. Hongkong
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c. Shanghai
d. Canton

Ans: a

16. The African leader who was released from prison

a. Nelson Mandela
b. Adi Amin
c. Martin Luther King

Ans: a

17. The Iraqui leader who was heads the Iraquis is

a. Taker azziz
b. Saddam Hussein
c. Anwar Sadat

Ans: b

18. The prime Minister of Israel at the start of the Gulf War is
a. Menchim Begin
b. Sharon Perez
c. Shamir Yitshak

Ans: c

19. Canada in the ongoing war is

a. neutral
b. a member of the UN multinational Forces
c. a member of the Arab bloc

Ans: c

20. One of these convicted soldiers in the Aquino Galman case died recently
a. Gen. Custodio
b. Gen. Aljandro Galido
c. Gen. Oscar Florendo

Ans: a

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