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Last week, I spent my holiday at home with my friends, Because my parents went to tabanan and I was

lazy to went anywhere.

My Holiday started from getting up early and taking a bath, Then I prayed in my home. After that I played
Game online in my Handphone and then I ate fried rice and drank ice tea. After eating i washed my
clothes and after that i took a nap.

At 04.00 p.m, Afer waking up I immediately ate rice with fried noodle. then I went to my friends home to
played football with friends other. I was really happy to be able to gather and play with friends.

At 06.30 p.m, I went home and then took a bath. After that I prayed and then I ate chicken satay with
Tofu. After eating I watched tv while making assignments for tommorow and after that i slept and get
ready for tommorow.

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