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Agnes : “ Who is it?

Noval : “ I don’t know you “
Nanda : “ How come you didn’t know”
Agnes : “ You never think more a buot this . I’m not sure if she was not your
grilfrime right?
Nanda :” I think so.”
Noval : “Usually I fell something different with her”
Agnes :” hmmmm I’m think so! “

Scene 6
Next day, Ghina as usually prepare for breakfast at the morning than she take off food on
the table . Faris was reading the news paper and the coming to the table . after he saw the
food ready to serve, he shocked and didn’t want to eat it .
Noval : “ What rind this food?”
Ghina : “ This is
Noval : “ So you didn’t buying meathy food “
Ghina : “ is you know “
Noval : “ I know ghina, but we didn’t should eat this food “
Ghina : “ So if you don’t want to eat this food . go find the job! Take much money
Noval : “ that’s not easy for getting a new job! “
Ghina : “ so if you wanna get a new job work hard! Don’t be insolrent! “
Whithout conscious, her parent were fight, Fero has cried in her bedroom listend at the
morning . then Fero gone withiout giving know Faris ang Ghina .
Fero : “ Ya allah, why did happen to me? To my family “ ( talk her self )
And her walking alone . and don’t know where .
Scene 7 (At the class)
Safiqah and Yola just finishing prayer, then they walking to court mosque.
Fiqah : “ I’m confused we are not accepted by public university .When do we got
the next college? “
Yola : “ I didn’t know “
Fiqah : “ What about we trying to the university at Jakarta?
Yola : “ great Idea! So when will we go? “
Fiqah : “ What about tomorrow? “
Yola : “ Ok I’ll pick up at 8 am . ok? “
Fiqah : “ Okay “
Yola : “ Oya, what about fero? “
Fiqah : “ I don’t know yes . she doesn’t telling me .
Yola : “ What about we go to her house? “
Fiqah : “ Good idea! “
Than they are going to fero house

Scene 8 (As the old house)

When they artived as fero house, they scocked . There’s a big board written “ Has bean
solded “
Yola : “ Are you serious? “ this is fero house? But there is writed has been
Fiqah : “ Astagfirullah, what did happen here? Where are they? “
Yola : “ Did you thing this is make fero keep her self? “
Fiqah : “ Maybe . she has bis problem “
Yola : “ How if me trying to find them?
Fiqah : “ That sound great.”
Scene 9

Agnes and nanda are eating lunch

Agnes : “ Hmmm, I’m so hungry
Nanda : “ Me too, “
Agnes : “ What about meat balls “
Nanda : “ I think it’s dealicius “
Then they are going to meat balls staned . then they booked two of meat balls .
Agnes : “ Where is noval? “
Nanda : “ Can you trying to call him? “
Agnes : “ All right . “
( hang up the phone ) “

Agnes : “hey, buddy where are you? “

Noval : “ I’m on the way to go to campus, what’s up? “
Agnes : “ Coming here please, I’m and nanda are lunch together. “
Noval : “ Okay . But where? “
Agnes : “ At meat balls stand in front of campus. “
Noval : “ Okay. Wait a minute.”

Scene 10
When Noval still on the road, suddenly he was meet fero .
Noval : “ Hy, I think I have met her before. ( then he comes to fero )
Tiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn ( the sound of klakson his motors )
Noval : “ Woy!! “
Fero : “ Who is that? “
Noval : “ you’re that a woman when me had meet or the stand . Isn’t it ? “
Fero : “ I got it . Why? “
Noval : “ Give me back my money! “
Fero : “ Oh ya, I’ll pay it but I don’t have money. “
Noval : “ Okay. Come on follow me! “
Fero : “ But where? “
Noval : “ You must pay it all. “
Fero : “ but ….. “
Noval : “ I don’t need your reason ! “
Than Fero following Noval and they gone .

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