FirstB2 Lesson 17

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7 Read the writing task below and: ‘© underline he points you must deal with in your answer ‘© write a short plan, You have received an email from an American friend, Bob, Read this part of his email. rm doing a project in college on people's first jobs. an you help me by describing your first job (or the first job of someone you know well), when you did it, what you leamed from it and ary problems you had with it? Thanks Bob ‘Write your email, 8 Write your email. You should write between 140 and 190 words. ene eeu Writing Pert 2 tests your ability to respond to @ letter or email you have received, often from an English-speaking friend. When writing ¢ letter or email for this tsk «reed the letterfemail in the task carefully and underline the points you must deal with «use the undedined points to write a plan, dealing with cone paint in each paragrach » tite following your plan, Vocabulary 1 Complete these sentences by writing a phrasal verb 1 I's getting harder for students 10 wurnn~ COPYING essays from the Internet, because teachers check up, 2 Our science teacher isl, $0 she h3S swnenee,OUF 1881 Until she NaS. ranma er infection and is back at work 3 Piotr works hard because he Wants 10 vem his parents’ ambitions for him 4 When I... to when | first started secondary school, | realise that | didn’t expect to enjoy studying chemistry, but it has ‘10 be cuite interesting. 5 When my teacher my essay, she. that | hadr't answered the question exactly andthat there was a lot which was irelevant. 2 Circle the correct word in itatcs in these sentences, 11 Mario is thinking of taking ¢riving lessons to know / leamhow to dive. 2 Ludmila wants to know / study biology at university 3 Sven is teaching / learning me how to ski 4 Ifyou join / assist this club, you will know / get to know people fromall over the worle, 5 You should attend / assist lessons every day if you want to get high marks. 6 Sayed decided to assist /take partin the debate on human rights Grammar 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given, You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. He won't pass the test because he doesn't work hard ‘enough, HARDER Ihe Worked sewn pass the test 2 Studying vbroad will mee you more independent BECOME IFYOU enon more independent 3 Sandra only goes to lessons becouse she wants to meet other students ATTEND IfSandra didn’t want to meet other students, nn«lessons, 4 Tilend you my book f you take care off AFTER jeunes, you can borrow it 5 I can’t tell you the enswer because | don't know. ‘WOULD lente sevennenn toll YOU 6 He's not very enthusiastic because he's tired. so ——_ enthusiastic. Word formation 4 © For questions 1-8, read this text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0. 11 sometimes said that ‘Your schooldays are the happiest days of your life’ and people often feel that this should be 2 period of (0) 2xkumext, However, exams often affect ENJOY students’ happiness, and many students express (1) for altemative methods PREFER of assessment, where the work they do throughout the year counts towards their final mark. They say that exams test short- term memory ad (2) nnn which is KNow forgotten immediately ater the exam. Also, assessing coursework as part ofthe final mark changes students’ (3) «making them BEHAVE more responsible about studying There are some students, however, who prefer final examinations, saying that in (4) they COMP) only have to work hard for two months a year and so they have more time for their leisure rhe'd be more ®) ‘They say that some students act reccive (6)... with their coursework ASSIST from their parents, soit isnot an accurate (7).....of haw hard they have worked or MEASU! oftheir real (8)..._in the subject they are ABLE studying, Wecabulary Complete the sentences below by writing a word from the box in the gaps. fun funny job occesion eccasion opportunity possibility work 1 Ancaa's birthday was a great ~lwon't forget it for a long time 2 Excuse mel | have to get to .suu..and I'm already late, 3 Helena, you did an excellent... meeting s0 efficiently! 4 My boss has lost his temper on only ON€ vanes 35 fer as | can remember. 5 | didn’t find working in the office much because my colleagues weren't very friendly. & Olga sees her part in this film 2s 2 great on nwnnmstO show she can act in English as well as in Russian. 7 Polly took us to S€2 2 VErY wnmnennem file which made us laugh a lot. 8 You have no... cf getting 2 more responsible job with your qualifications irammar «arranging the Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar ‘meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 4 | found my first day at work s0 enjoyable. FUN Dee wana my fist day of work, 2 Were you able to speak to your teacher after cless? OPPORTUNITY Did you, teacher after class? 3 Sandra may be able to study in Canada next year, POSSIBILITY Sandra may year. 4 We didn’t expect the news to be nearly so good. MUCH The ROWS neat YOUE win Canada next We expected. 5 Patrica helped us a lot with her advice. DEAL Patricia provided us. advice. 6 William has only spoken to his boss once during the yer. OCCASION William has only spoken to his boss > all yeor. 3 Work in pairs. + How do you take exercise? « Whet sports heve you tried, and how much did you enjoy them? anna halful 3 Complete these sentences by writing one word in each gap. In some cases, more than one word may be possible 1 Drive carefully! | paid a great... of money for that 2 | heard an interesting... of news on the radio this moming - they're giving us day's holiday next month 2 1'd Ike 10 offer you alittle. of advice: don't go up to the castle st midday a it gets very hot. That's @ relly useless... of equipment you should throw it away! 5 There are earge.m.-~ of shops in the town centre where you can buy souvenis 4 Complete this story by writing a, an, the or ~' if you ‘think no article is needed in the gaps, ‘was traveling eround Europe by (2) rain one ‘summer when | was about 18 years ole and arrived in (2) ly ( can't remember (8) name) just a8 it was getting dark. | went looking for somewhere to stay such 2s (4)... youth hasta, but the ony one I found was full and they couldn't recommend anywhere else for (5) cheap accommodation. As usual, | ad (8) problem with (7)... money: | dn't have enough for (8)... hotel. | wancered round (8)... city looking for (40) on. park to sleepin It was very ark when I came to (14) ...... pair of (12) .. Imposing gates leading into what looked ke (23). Bark. Iwent inside, and fortunately | had (14)... excellent sleeping bag, which | unrolled and climbed inside. Then | ate some bread, which a (25)... only food | had. When woke up an looked ‘round me, had (26) ....enormous surprise when | saw "had boon sioaping in (27) nn» Someone's back garcen!

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