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a as Reading and Use of English | Part 6 1 Workin pairs. You are going to read an article by an adventure racer. Before you read the whole article. read the title and the subheading in italics. What do you expect to find out byreading the article? 2 Read the article quite carefully and make a short note tn the margin about the subject of each paragraph, An example has been done for you. aaa Za Rebecca Rusch has campeted in several Eco-Challenge races, where tears of four men and women race non-stop over 500 km course which includes trekking, canoeing horse riding scuba dlving, mountaineering and mountain biking ‘Obviously | did not fee! so ready for the early races in my career as the races we have done recently: There is a lot to bbe suid for just gaining experience. just getting out there and getting your feet wet teaches you the right sells and attitude. Hs often not the most physically prepared or the fittest ‘teams that win. The ones who come first are the teams who race intelligently and adapt to unexpected situations. 1_ The only way to develop thase qualities is to get out and race or do long training trips with your team-mates and frends ‘Adventure races are such a huge challenge that when you enter a race you always think,"*Am | ready? Did I train enough! Did | forget something!” I remember cne race in particular, my very first Eco.Challenge and only ry second race ever 2| A 24-hour race seemed like an eternity to me, My background was cross-country running in high school and college where a two- or three-mile race seemed long Most of my fear was due to lack of experience and knowledge. really had no idea what | ‘was getting into because | had never done a 24-haur race. before. [3 In preparation for Australi I tried to appreach my training ina methodical way Looking back | wasn't methodical at al. inact, what | id invalved simply running, biking and paddling a kayak as much and as hard as | could. was also ‘working at the same time. [n reality, | was training a couple ‘of hours a day during the week to get fit and at weekends ‘taining with the team for perhaps fourhoure | | spent the rest of the time worrying about how slow | vas So, we went to Australia and entered the race, We didn't plan a strategy at all, but just ran as fast as possible from ‘the start. | just tried to keep Up with my team-mates, who ‘were more experienced than | was. 5 It was.a furious 36 hours. We arrived at a few of the check paints in first place and were among the top five. | knew we didn't belong there, To cut a long story short. two of my team-mates decided not to continue the race afterjust a day and a haif, One ‘was suffering hallucinations and feeling ill He was just too, tired to carry on. 6| We had been going so fast that he felt uncomfortable asking us to stop so he could take care of his blisters. The other two of us, feeling fresh stil had to drop out with the rest of our team. Four days later, ‘we watched in disappointment as the winners crossed the finishing line. | knew that our team had not been prepared or realistic about the pace we could keep, but not finishing ‘that race was the most waluable lesson | could have leamed, | promised then to come back one day and finish the race That was seven years (and thousands of race miles) ago. ‘Adapted from Adventure Sports joumal Six sentences have been removed from the artide. Bead the sentences below one by one, As you read. each sentence: + underline words and phrases which you think refer to something in the article * decide which gap (1-6) it fits. ‘There is one extra sentence which you da net need to A Anathar had sevara prablame with his feo. 8 | kept my mouth shut and followed then. € We won itaven 20, and were invited to compete in the| Eco-Challenge in Austral D His encowragement helped me to complete it E Thatwas how much had prepares. F When | did it, felt totally afracd and unprepered, GTo achieve this, youhave to be flexible and patient Grammar Infinitive and verb + -ing 1 These sentences (some of which are from the article ‘you have just read) are examples of when to use ‘the infinitive and when to use the verb + -ing form. Decide which sentence (a-i) is an example (1-10) for ‘each of the rules on this page. You can use some of ‘tho sentences 2s examples for more than ene rule. ‘2 Not finishing that race was the most valuable lesson | coud have learned, | promised! then to come back ore day and finish the «¢ |n fact, vhat [dic invohied sinply running, bling ond paddling a kayak as much and ashardas | coule, There is alot zo be sald for ust galning experience. © | wes training couple of hours a day during the week to get fit, £ There are medical teams to take care of injured runners. 1g He was just too tired to carry on, Fh it's no use entering a race ifyou haven't prepared properly Two of my teern-mates decided not te continue the race after just a dey and a half Using the infinitive and verb + ing The infinitive is usec 110 say why you do something (sentence. 2 to say why something exsts (sentence... ] 3 after tooand enough (sentence...) 4. aftor these verbs (there is a more complate ist on page 166) agiee, appear, ask arrange, decid, expect| fall help, promise Gentences and...) 5 Thenegttive is formed by placing not before the infinitive sentence 2 Complete these sentences by writing the verb in brackets in the correct form in the gaps. 1 Carlos has suggested enn 2-side football t2am, What do you think? 2 | don’t think the weather i goed enaugh (go) sailing this afternoon, 3 We've decided! nnn (hold the race early in the morning before it gets too het, (start 3 five- 4 rmsnnnnne (GIN) 18 essential f YoU Want tO perform well 5 I've joined a gym. - -- (ged myself fitter 6 IF you train t00 hard, YOU ik wren RUPE) yourself before the race, 7 Iv'sne good 7 (rant in amerathon if you're not wearing the right shoes, 8 She was disqualified from the r2C2 f0f ue sau.n-(push) an opponent. ‘Work in pairs. + Do you prefer team speris or individual sports? Why? Pay attention ta pronouns (we, that, i, ete), adverbs (however, even 50, etc) and other reference wards! phrasse in the eantencos which have boon removed Decide what they refer to before you pace the sentence in gop. Work methodically through the sentences, reading ‘her and placing them ore by one when you're sure they are right. 3 Circle the correct form intalics in each of these questions, 1 What sport would you achise someone to do /doing in corde to make fiends? 2 What sport would you choose to learn / learning if you had plenty of tine and money? 3 feomeons necded:o get fit, what sport would you suggest to do /doing? 4 Wha sports do you avoid 10 take part in taking part in and why? 4 Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3, giving your opinions. Reading and Use of English | Part 4 1 Work in pairs, For questions 1 and 2, choose the correct answer A-D. Why ere the other answets incorrect? 1 Why don'twe start jogging if we want some exercise? TAKING He suggested... in orderto get some exercise A tha they should ake up Jogging B taking wo jogging © torake up jogong D gong aging 2 She won the match without effet EASY She found... the match, Now do these Part 4 questions. Use the clues below each question to help you. 1 Marianne prepared for the race by training every evening, READY Marianne trained every evening for the race * Can you think of an expression with ready which means prepare? Why did Marianne train every evening? # Doyouuse the verb + ing or an infinsive to say why she trained every evening? 2 | found it impossible not to laugh at his efforts HEL? 1 athisefforts + You need an expression with help which means find Use the word in CAPITALS without charging it. ® Count the words. Contractions (isnt, don‘, et.) count as two words. “= Read both sentences again at the end to check ‘that they mean the same and contain al the same tfonmiionfdene.

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