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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses (present simple or continuous) in these
a) Max has passed his driving test, so he often gives (often give) me a lift to school in the
b) Sandra’s dad and my dad __________ (work) together. They joined the same firm 20
years ago.
c) I’d love to come out now, but I ___________ (work) on my English grammar – I
__________ (prepare) for a university entrance exam next month, you see.
d) Look! The sun _______________ (come out) so we should be able to go out for a walk
this afternoon.
e) You _____________ (always interrupt) my private conversations! Can’t you mind your
own business?
f) Why do they have to phone me now, just when I ____________ (watch) my favourite
g) I think winter ____________ (come); the days ______________ (get) cooler.
h) My mum ______________________ (not do) much cooking because she ___________
(always bring) work home from the office.

2. Circle the best alternative in bold in each of these sentences.

a) We just live/ We’re just living with my grandparents while our house is being painted.
b) He’s doing/ He does this job for a couple of months before he goes/ he’s going to
c) Susie learns/ is learning to drive.
d) The reason I never phone/ I’m never phoning you is that my mum always talks/ is
always talking on the phone to her friends when I get/ I’m getting home.
e) The roads get/ are getting more and more crowded. Soon we won’t be able to drive
f) Andy does not come/ isn’t coming with me today because he plays/ is playing
football every Saturday.

3. Circle the correct alternative in bold in each of the following sentences.

a) When he walked / was walking home from work, he found a wallet which someone had
b) When I went to primary school, I was doing / used to do about one hour’s homework a
c) As soon as Mandy was getting / got the message, she was jumping / jumped into her
car and was driving / drove to the station.
d) When I was a child, we used to spend / were spending our holidays in my
grandparents’ village.
e) Luckily, we walked / were walking past a shopping centre when the storm began / was
f) I used to visit / was visiting many unusual places when I was / was being a tour
4. Write the verb in brackets in either the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.
In some cases, both forms are possible.
a) I’m celebrating because my team _________________ (win) the league!
b) At least you _______________ (arrive) – we _________________(expect) you for ages.
c) Of course I’m annoyed. I ________________(spend) ages preparing for this party and
no one _________________ (turn up) yet.
d) We _________________ (have) a really interesting time. Gavin ______________ (tell)
us about his trip round the world. There are a few countries he still ________________
(not tell) us about, but I get the impression he ________________ (see) almost
e) Kate ________________ (lose) a lot of weight since she got married. I don’t think she
__________ (feel) very happy.

5. Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending.

1) I won’t mention your name a. I won’t see my girlfriend for several months.
2) I’d travel round the world b. they usually get good results.
3) We don’t allow people to do c. I’d go to the cinema with you.
the course d. I wouldn’t come back.
4) I’ll have to buy the book e. I’ll tell her you called.
5) If I decide to study abroad, f. if I had the money.
6) If I see her, g. unless I can find it in the library.
7) If I wasn’t so busy, h. unless you want me to.
8) If I went to study in Australia, i. if I could afford one.
9) I’d take a taxi j. unless they have the right qualifications.
10) If students come to class regularly

6. Circle the correct alternative in bold in each of the sentences below.

a) Isn’t it hot? I think I’ll open / I’ll be opening the window to let in some fresh air.
b) I have to leave class early tomorrow – I’m going to take part in / I’ll take part in a
debate on global warming.
c) We’re going to spend/ We’ll spend our summer holidays in the south of France – I’ve
booked the hotel already.
d) Sarah has decided that she’ll study / she’s going to study Earth Sciences at
e) What a lot of dust! It’s going to make / It’ll be making me sneeze!

7. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do NOT change the word given. You MUST use between 2 and 5 words,
including the word given.
a) He won’t pass the test because he doesn’t work hard enough.
If he worked_________________________________________ pass the test.
b) Studying abroad will make you more independent.
If you ________________________________________ more independent.
c) Sandra only goes to lessons because she wants to meet other students.
If Sandra didn’t want to meet other students, ___________________________ lessons.
d) I can’t tell you the answer because I don’t know.
If I ____________________________________________ tell you.
8. Complete the following sentences by writing a modal verb in the gap and putting the verb in
brackets into the correct form for the past or present. In some cases more than one answer
is possible.
a) Everyone in the class__________________________ (work) incredibly hard if you all
passed the exam!
b) I think she ______________________________ (be) a really happy person because
she’s always smiling and laughing.
c) Jamie woke up in the night screaming. He _____________________________ (have) a
bad dream.
d) I don’t know why Patsy hasn’t arrived yet. She _____________________________
(have to) stay on late at work, or she _________________________ (stop) on the way
to do some shopping.
e) I don’t know how old the teacher is, but he looks young, so he ____________________
(be) more than 30.
f) They say it ____________________________ (rain) at the weekend, in which case we
won’t be able to play football.
g) I can’t find my keys. I suppose I ___________________________ (leave) them on the
train but I don’t know.
h) Don’t do anything for my supper because I ___________________________ (go) out to
a restaurant with a friend.

9. Complete these questions so that they have a similar meaning to the first one.
a) ‘I’m watching a fascinating documentary’, said Sandra.
Sandra told me she________________________ a fascinating documentary.
b) ‘I missed the news last night’, said Alan.
Alan said__________________________________ night.
c) ‘I’ll book your ticket for 7,30’, the receptionist said.
The receptionist informed her that_____________________________ for 7,30.

10. For questions 1-6 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change it. You must use between 2 and 5 words,
including the word given.
a) ‘Last night I saw a fantastic film,’ said Phil.
Phil told me that the __________________________________ a fantastic film.
b) ‘I’ll return quite late from the theatre tonight’, said Elena.
Elena warned me that_____________________________________ quite late from the
theatre that night.
c) ‘I won’t be late for the show,’ said Lucy.
Lucy promised that she____________________________ time for the show.
d) ‘you can’t borrow my camera, Mike,’ said his father.
Mike’s father told him he ___________________________________ his camera.
e) ‘I know I got several answers wrong in this exercise,’ Hannah said.
Hannah admitted that she_______________________________ in the exercise.
11. Complete each of the following sentences by putting the verb in brackets into the correct
a) If Martin had concentrated on his work, he _____________________________ (finish) it
b) If my mother had let me when I was a child, I _____________________________
(have) a pet dog.
c) If Don hadn’t been wearing thick boots, the snake _____________________________
(bite) him.
d) If the shops _________________________________ (open), I could have bought you
some bread.
e) We would have gone swimming if the weather ____________________________ (not
be) so cold.
f) If John _____________________________________ (pay) attention, he wouldn’t have
had the accident.
g) Sorry! I _________________________________ (not make) so much noise if I’d known
you were asleep.
h) If the dog hadn’t barked, we _____________________________________ (not hear)
the burglar downstairs.

12. Complete the sentences below by writing the correct form of have and one of the verbs in
the box in each space. Causative (have smth done)
cut down delivered pulled out extended painted renewed

a) You’ll need __________________ your passport __________________ before you go

to America next autumn.
b) She went to the dentist yesterday and ______________ a tooth_________________,
so she’s not feeling too well today.
c) We’re thinking of _______________ the house ________________ blue. What do you
d) There’s a tree hanging dangerously over the house and I think we ought to
_____________ it _____________.
e) He hates cooking and ________________ all his meals ________________ from the
restaurant opposite.

13. Rewrite these sentences in the passive, starting with the words given.
a) They discovered America in 1492.
America __________________________
b) Someone has stolen my wallet!
My wallet_____________________________
c) You won’t be able to ring me while they are repairing my mobile.
You won’t be able to ring me while my mobile_______________________________
d) Have you heard? They’ve given me a place on the course!
Have you heard? I________________________________
e) If you’d interrupted the meeting, the police would have arrested you.
If you’d interrupted the meeting, you_____________________________________
1. Present simple/continuous
a) – f) Am watching
b) work g) Is coming, are getting
c) Am working, am preparing h) Does not do, is always
d) Is coming out bringing
e) Are always interrupting
2. Past, pres perf
a) We’re just living d) I never phone, is always
b) He’s doing, he goes taking, I get
c) Is learning e) Are getting
f) Isn’t coming, he plays
3. Past simple/continuous + used to
a) Was walking d) Used to spend
b) Used to do e) Were walking, began
c) Got, jumped, drove f) Used to visit, was
4. Present Perfect simple/continuous
a) has won
b) have arrived, have been expecting
c) have spent, has turned up
d) have had/have been having, has been telling, has not told, has seen
e) has lost/ has been losing, has been feeling
5. Zero, First, Second Cond.
1) h 6) e
2) f 7) c
3) j 8) d
4) g 9) i (or f)
5) a 10) b
6. Future
a) I’ll open d) She’s going to study
b) I’m going to take part in e) It’s going to make
c) We’re going to spend
7. Conditionals
a) harder, he would c) she would not
b) study abroad, you will attend/wouldn’t attend
become/you’ll become d) look after my book
e) knew the answer, I would/I’d
8. Modal verbs
a) Must have worked
b) Must be
c) Must have had/must have been having
d) May/might/could have had to, may/might/could have stopped
e) Can’t be
f) May/might/could rain
g) May/might/could have left
h) May/might/could go / be going
9. Reported speech
a) Was watching
b) He had missed the news the previous
c) He/she would book her ticket
10. R.S.
a) Night before he had seen
b) She would get/come back
c) Would arrive on/in
d) Wasn’t allowed to borrow
e) (had) made several mistakes
11. 3rd conditional
a) Would have finished e) Hadn’t been
b) Would have had f) Had paid/had been paying
c) Would have bitten g) Wouldn’t have made
d) Had been h) Wouldn’t have heard
12. Causative
a) Had a tooth pulled out
b) Having the house painted
c) Have it cut down
d) Have it extended
e) Has all his meals delivered
13. Passive
a) Was discovered in 1492
b) My wallet has been stolen
c) You won’t be able to ring me while my mobile is being repaired.
d) Have you heard? I’ve been given a place on the course!
e) If you’d interrupted the meeting, you would have been arrested.

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