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<UH\ Tfo ^\o T^IO-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

3jRcI H *!5TO*r
(Lhz (Baxette of <3tidia EXTRAORDINARY
qpr II—TITTg- 3_^tr-7ITr5 (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)
yifa*H "^ Uehlfeld
*T. 877| ^ f f^wft, ^WPdclK, r<WWi 22, 2016/tJW 1, 1938
No. 877| NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2016/PAUSA 1,1938


^ r f f ^ f r , 22R*JH',2016

¥T.^T.R1165(3T).—%^q- * K + k , ^ T STTSTf^TR-, 1989 (1989 TT 24) # STTTT 129 £RT

^??r sTfrPff ^ WFT ^ r p ; ^ r $*UHI aftr 3n^f$Rr ^R^T (yR+<) f^ra\l990 w\ ajk *Nt^r

1. Ff^FrT *TPT T^" TO :- (1) ^T Pi>1Hi ^T ^ F c T TTR\ ^ T £*[<m 3TR SR^fsfcT ^ T T (i|ft+«.)
tfsfrKR f^PT, 2016 | l

(2)%T^*H=I<CI, 20l7t^rfmi
2. >^T ^ d H I 3TR 3FFTf§FT ^3WT (yfrl+<) f^TR", 1990 t (f%*T 1 ^ 1^T% ^ ^ 3^FT f^PT ^ T TRT
| ) , F>W 3 t , -

(i) C!MR^IH(2) t , " ^ K <TP3"W^", ST^f % ^F^T^T ^TT " 3 ^ *TTC ?R%" ?T^ T% ^n^Tl

(ii) ^Frf^nr(3) % f*rc wpF t "m$\ ^K W%", =?T^?T % FTFT RT "q*p wra ^TTC ^ T R ^F>" ?T^
T% ^ I IN| I

3. ^TT f^nft % f^nr 4 1 , " ^ R *nw ^F>", ^r^t % T^TPT <TT "STT^ WTW ^P>" sr^ T # sm^i

5863 GI'2016

( f ^ F T 3 %f%TT)


UR<R ^ t ^ F T ( w r #)

T ^ f ^ 8,00,000


1) fmt?Tait^t^rfq" ; En"d^ri j ?rrw i TrR T j ^^H %f%^[ 8,00,000

2) WTsrsfkTN-^t^Tf^^f^TT 8,00,000

3) m T T ^ r t ^ ' T T ^ t ^ R ^ H ^ar^CTn"^TT : 3rN"%Tr^3TtT^T^R^ ( ^H 3 f t r s p ? r q K # 8,00,000


4) ^?r HPJJIIH r^ ffi #• jrrf% % T%TT ^fr ?T%?TT *nt ^ t f «ft fan ^ T^TT % T%TT arcnr^ ^TT 8,00,000

5) ^ ^ ^ r ^ # r f % ^ n T T % t % T T 8,00,000

6) ^srf&rm-ipfaTT 8,00,000


1) FPsr*ifsrtR^'i%f%TT 7,20,000

2) FPST%^fr%R^<H%f%rruerf%«yrf7SPTJH:%f^T^8i^"^"w^Tfr 6,40,000

3) smfn: % f^ - ?r 8 tsr *r 3T*rf£ % f*f>" % ^T% 4 1/z t^r *r ww WT R ^ < W % f^re; 5,60,000

4) f%tft ?TST TT TT^F j[PT % 3fip; 3jk TpF fPT ^ ^^TTC 3JyPl41 ^ t ^\ft 3T«T^T SRTf? % f?ft %
j f h ^ V i t ^ ^ c n F R ^ H %f%F 4,80,000

5) snT5^t?rR-%f%TT 2,40,000

6) 3PT5 3frT3^f#+in : h+1 ^ft^T^Tf% %T%TT 3,20,000

7) T T ^ ^ T # ^ 3 J * j f a i T i # ^ ¥ l % T r 4,00,000

8) U^F fT*T # rffr 3JJ|P| iff # jrrft" % f%ir 2,40,000

9) TT^ ^r«r # f r SHjlH-Ml' ^ t flf% % T%TT 1,60,000

10) 3PJ% ^ l " atf^R" srrprf^T ^ t ?Tf^ % T%TT 1,60,000

11) f R T 1 T R % R ^ ^ H ^f%Trf^R%Mp«IIH ST^F^T 5-MP*J| P f J R j f 7,20,000

12) y ^ i - i H ^ ^ 4 i % " % f ^ ^ ^ F f f i T r a f ¥ R ^ i c t H ipf^rfT 6,40,ooo

13) yH'*I i^^R^r *ifg' t f r r r TTTT ^ t w^t % f n J-T( # jnfr % T%TT 3,20,000
[W\ II-TsP^ 3(i)] "*TR?I ^ TTSRJT : 3rc?ran?T

(14 R+d«!r an J pr^rf&r 4fsr ¥ f^F? Tpff TRT # *n*T SHJRP-TI #• £rft % mTT 2,40,000

(15 R*d«T aid J ..i-M^riif^rHfSr % Y- ^mf Tiff ^ t *rsfi" ^jfaiff # irrR" % f ^ 1,60,000

(16 f ^ T ^ % ^ft% f ^ s ^ T % f%TT 7,20,000

(17 f ^ p ^ % # i r R ^ r i %f%TT^Ri%'^T^wt5^^"%f¥ q"^iRi ~u- c) |l3f5f^'*r 6,40,000

(18 fWeT%^T% R ^ H % 1%TT ^rf% P^T^3Tl^? 7 "% f*T> 4 ^lR<1 <HHlf *f 5 f * ^

arRRJ^rf^TTW^T^TTJT^r 5,60,000
(19; T^^rm-%^t%t , 53Tf%#%3 V f ^ ^ R^ii^T % T%TT 4,80,000

(20 ^ f f % # % R ^ H % I%TT ^ % T^T^T 31/ T*T H 3rf?pfT f%?j 5vt% srfSnr ^r ^r 4,00,000

=HMJc!IHH H f ^ T % ^ t aTf^T-'FT 4,00,000
^ f f % ;ft% R ^ H % i%TT ^ % * f w 51% 4 3 rf&^ f t 3,20,000
TT^^r^t?Tf?r%f%TT^^f%^tf ipq"^fiHiiii ^wtsfrr^PT^ry^mi-M #r 3,20,000
T ^ T T C ^ R - ^ H %f%rrpH+i HP.«IIH ^ ^ r f 2,40,000
y4^i^iR:«r'TfSr%f?^R:^"TT^TTR%R''3t^H %T%IT 2,40,000
arsmr sira" % R^rr % ^T ari^r-str 2,40,ooo
TT^ ^ r ^ t ^f? ^r ^rR" % f^rq; *nrf% # £ ar^r ^ft^crnt 2,40,oo

(28 5FRT^ni^T 41% % R^F? n T^F I TK # frf^ % Rrcr 1,60,000

(29 R^TR1 41% ^T iTTf^-^T 1,60,000

(30 ^ t ^ f r ^ r r r <flR±|i *FTfpff srrff f 3Tf**MPT 1,60,000

(31 ^ "f" ci^<-H <R*i H w # f f srnf t srf^-sfT 1,20,000

(32 ^f*RT 3Tf^«r-'4TT f w F 4f?r sfinrRr ^ f r 80,000

(33 3 # fTft #TT?" dlRill TT TT^7 3T*T 3f 3rfN"-#T 80,000

(34 «T#T !ffr £ J i*M Wi'AH 3f^TT % TT^F 3HTTT ^ST ^HT 64,000

[^JT.'t. 2015/Stft-l 11/26/1]

^f^TST fiTF", ? ^ = r ^ R

f M w : TJ5T f%W, ^rFcf % ^ M ^ , anTTWT, WT-II, # ^ 3, W I (i) *f HT.^T.R W. 552(3T) WT#I

7 *p-, 1990 ^t ^r^Tf^r f%F ixr $r ¥«n ^ S ^ R T HT.^T.R^. 592(3T), m ^ f 22 ^rrf, 1994 ^n
m.^r.R 620(sr), crr^r 25 SPF|^P~, 1997 STPT wrfsfcr T%TT TTTTI

(Railway Board)
New Delhi, the 22nd, December, 2016
G.S.R. 1165(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 129 of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989),
the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Railway Accidents and Untoward
Incidents (Compensation) Rules, 1990, namely :-
1. Short title and Commencement:- (1) These rules may be called the Railway Accidents and Untoward Incidents
(Compensation) Amendment Rules, 2016.
(2) They shall come into force on the 1st day of January, 2017.
2. In the Railway Accidents and Untoward Incidents (Compensation) Rules, 1990 (hereinafter referred to as the
said rules), in rule 3, -
(i) in sub-rule (2), for the words "rupees four lakhs", the words "rupees
eight lakhs" shall be subsitituted;
(ii) in the second proviso to sub-rule (3) for the words "rupees eighty thousand", the words "rupees one
lakh sixty thousand" shall be substituted".
3. In the said rules, in rule 4, for the words "rupees four lakhs", the words
"rupees eight lakhs" shall be substituted.
4. For the Schedule annexed to the said rules, the following Schedule shall be Substituted, namely:-
(See rule 3)
Amount of Compensation Payable in respect of Death and Injuries
Amount of Compensation
(in rupees)
For death 8,00,000
(1) For loss of both hands or amputation at higher sites. 8,00,000
(2) Forlossofhandandafoot. 8,00,000
(3) For double amputation through leg or thigh or amputation through leg or thigh on one side 8,00,000
and loss of other foot.
(4) For loss of sight to such an extent as to render the claimant unable to perform any work for 8,00,000
which eye sight is essential.
(5) For very sever facial disfigurement. 8,00,000
(6) For absolute deafness. 8,00,000
(1) For amputation through shoulder joint. 7,20,000
(2) For amputation below shoulder with stump less than 8" from tip of acromion. 6,40,000
(3) For amputation from 8" from tip of acromion to less than 4 /2" below tip of olecranon. 5,60,000
(4) For loss of a hand or the thumb and four fingers of one hand or amputation from 4 Vi" 4,80,000
below space tip of olecranon.
(5) For loss of thumb. 2,40,000
(6) For loss of thumb and its metacarpal bone. 3,20,000
(7) For loss of four fingers of one hand. 4,00,000
(8) For loss of three fingers of one hand. 2,40,000
(9) For loss of two fingers of one hand. 1,60,000
[Wl 11-TsP^ 3(i)] «TTOT ^T T F s m : <TOT?CTOT

(10) For loss of terminal phalanx of thumb. 1,60,000

(11) For amputation of both feet resulting in end bearing stumps. 7,20,000
(12) For amputation through both feet proximal to the metatarso-phalangeal joint. 6,40,000
(13) For loss of all toes of both feet through the metatarso-phalangeal joint. 3,20,000
(14) For loss of all toes of both feet proximal to the proximal interphalangeal joint. 2,40,000
(15) For loss of all toes of both feet distal to the proximal inter-phalangeal joint. 1.60,000
(16) For amputation at hip. 7,20,000
(17) For amputation below hip with stump not exceeding 5" in length measured from tip of 6,40,000
great trenchanter but not beyond middle thigh.
(18) For amputation below hip with stump exceeding 5" in length measured from tip to great 5,60,000
trenchanter but not beyond middle thigh.
(19) For amputation below middle thigh to 3 14 " below knee. 4,80,000
(20) For amputation below knee with stump exceeding 3 A " but not 4,00,000
exceeding 5 " .
(21) Fracture of Spine with paraplegia. 4,00,000
(22) For amputation below knee with stump exceeding 5 " 3,20,000
(23) For loss of one eye without complications the other being normal. 3,20,000
(24) For amputation of one foot resulting in end-bearing. 2,40,000
(25) For amputation through one foot proximal to the emetatarso-phalangeal joint. 2,40,000
(26) Fracture of Spine without paraplegia. 2,40,000
(27) For loss of vision of one eye without complications of disfigurement 2,40,000
of eye ball, the other being normal.
(28) For loss of all toes of one foot through the metatarso-phelangeal joint. 1,60,000
(29) Fracture of Hip-joint. 1,60,000
(30) Fracture of Major Bone Femur Tibia Both limbs. 1,60,000
(31) Fracture of Major Bone Humerus Radius Both limbs. 1,20,000
(32) Fracture of Pelvis not involving joint. 80,000
(33) Fracture of Major Bone Femur Tibia one limb. 80,000
(34) Fracture of Major Bone Humerus Radius Ulna One limb. 64,000
[F. No. 2015/TC-III/26/1]
Note: The principal rules were published in the Gazettee of India, Extraordinary, Part II Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide
number G.S.R. 552(E), dated the 7th June, 1990 and subsequently amended vide number G.S.R.592(E), dated the
22nd July, 1994 and G.S.R.620(E), dated the 25th October, 1997.

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054. ».,,_,„
N i s h o k K u m a r ragwvsWKdby>Mu>»Ko,™i
Pgrjg Date:2OI6.U.27ie:24:59+05,aff

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