2019 Emotional Machines Paper

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Emotional machines: The next revolution

Article · February 2019

DOI: 10.3233/WEB-190395


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4 authors, including:

Valentina Franzoni Alfredo Milani

Sapienza University of Rome Hong Kong Baptist University


Jordi Vallverdu
Autonomous University of Barcelona


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Web Intelligence 17 (2019) 1–7 1
DOI 10.3233/WEB-190395
IOS Press


Emotional machines: The next revolution

Valentina Franzoni a,b,* , Alfredo Milani b , Daniele Nardi a and Jordi Vallverdú c,*
a Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering “Antonio Ruberti”, Sapienza University of
Rome, Via Ariosto 25, 00185 Rome, Italy
E-mails: valentina.franzoni@dmi.unipg.it, daniele.nardi@uniroma1.it
b Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Perugia, Via Vanvitelli 1, 06123 Perugia, Italy

E-mail: milani@unipg.it
c Philosophy Department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193, Bellaterra (BCN), Catalonia, Spain

E-mail: jordi.vallverdu@uab.cat

1. Introduction tions [34,58]. The range of emotional aspects with fun-

damental interest for robot engineers and experts is
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the motor that fuels comprehensive: human–robot interaction, robot task-
the most profound revolution in the history of hu- planning, energy management, social robotics, body
mankind. The new era of information society [10], design, care robotics, service robotics, among a very
even called “the Fourth Revolution” [8], has produced long list [2,6,18,20,43]. Practically, there is no field
deep changes into sciences, economies, and societies
related to robotic and AI which is not directly or in-
[9]. This revolution is not only about formal heuris-
directly related to the implementation of emotional
tics, or the called “algorithmic society”, but also is
explicitly related to the creation of strong interac- values. Moreover, embodiment [42] is not a manda-
tions between humans and machines. Consequently, tory aspect for considering such emotional elements,
these machines must be able to deal with the most because their role embraces fundamental mechanisms
intrinsic feature of human nature: emotions. If emo- of thinking, with a distinctive and relevant role in all
tions had been historically considered as disturbing those things related with creativity and complex eval-
elements of human rationality, the neurological revo- uations [12,19,41,53].
lution and new experimental tools such as magnetic Hence, the research investments on emotional robo-
scanning of the brain (with great success for fMRI) tics have turned from a particular and collateral as-
made possible a complete Copernican turn into the pect of robotics and AI studies, to occupy a funda-
evaluation of the role of emotions in cognitive frame- mental and growing area among experts. Emotional
works [13,14]. This process led experts in natural and
or Kansai designs are even becoming standard proce-
artificial cognition to consider the necessity of includ-
dures today [39]. At the same time, there is a huge de-
ing emotions into their models [37]. Affective com-
puting or social robotics [7,44] increased not only mand for social robots and intelligent systems, which
the necessity of studies about how to improve the must also connect with the Internet of Things [3].
emotional interaction between humans and machines The challenges for the understanding, design and im-
[57,59] but also how to design cognitive architectures plementation of artificial systems which use emo-
which included biomimetic elements related with emo- tional values for their multimodal and holistic (or gen-
eral) functioning is, consequently, one of the most
* Corresponding authors. E-mails: critical and fundamental aspects of contemporary re-
valentina.franzoni@dmi.unipg.it, jordi.vallverdu@uab.cat. searches.

2405-6456/19/$35.00 © 2019 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
2 V. Franzoni et al. / Emotional machines: The next revolution

2. Emotional artificial intelligence significantly influence the resulting relevance and the
quality of the detected emotions. For example, an an-
In [37] Minsky claims that emotions are just dif- swer given by the single word “yes” can convey dif-
ferent “ways to think” for addressing different prob- ferent emotions, depending on the particular question
lem types existing in the world, a mean the mind uses asked. Early approaches to speech management often
to increase our intelligence. He eventually concludes merely consist of generating a text transcript of the
that there is no distinction between emotions and other speech and applying known text-based techniques. It
kinds of thinking. Besides this crucial intuition, the is apparent that a more accurate context should include
fundamental problem of what is the role of emotions in both textual and associated acoustic features, such as
intelligent behaviour remains open. Whether emotions tone, pauses, voice pitch and expressivity. The inclu-
are evolutionary artefacts or are learned from sociali- sion of other non-verbalised features strongly rely on
sation and experience, they play the role of particular image analysis for detecting facial macro/micro ex-
heuristics, aimed at summarising, focusing and priori- pressions [45], and video analysis for dynamic as-
tising cognitive tasks. Let think for instance to the role pects of facial expressions, gestures recognition, ges-
of pain for individual safety, happiness in reinforce- ture pace/speed, body movements [27].
ment learning, or behavioural responses in non-human Another major problem with the supervised ma-
animals, e.g. freezing, fleeing, or fighting. chine learning approach is to provide the right la-
An excellent contribution to modelling emotions belling. While providing supervised labelling of an-
came from neurophysiology, which has provided the imals, e.g., dogs, cats, cows appearing in an image
biological basis for identifying emotional categories. is, in most of the cases, a quite straightforward task,
As Barrett states in [4], emotions are socially con- the same cannot be done for labelling emotions in
structed and have biological evidence. faces, voices or behaviours, and assigning them a di-
The seminal works of Ekman on facial emotions mensional quantification [24]. Objective labelling is
[17] has led to the classical model of the six basic cate- cumbersome also when dealing with emotions in the
gories: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise, text [40]. Tools like WordNet-Affect, an extension to
where each real face is assumed to express a weighted WordNet, where affective concepts labels are attached
combination of such basic pure emotions. The Ekman to affective words, is significantly affected by biases
model, with extensions [16], is also applied to tex- introduced by supervising experts, and by the fact that
tual emotion recognition. Emotions are physical expe- it does not adequately capture the contribution to emo-
riences universal to all humans, and many other an- tions given by the context [26]. Moreover, the emo-
imals. Many species can also experience and detect tional models are far from being stable; the widely
cross-species emotions. accepted Ekman model itself has been subject to exten-
From the computational point of view, a straight- sions with the introduction of new emotions, and mul-
forward solution to the task of recognising human- tidimensional models are preferred, but more difficult
generated emotions is the application of machine to compute automatically.
learning techniques such as text Semantic Analysis, A great opportunity is provided by physical sensors
Naïve Bayesian Networks, Support Vector Machines, embedded in personal handheld devices, which allow
Hidden Markov Models and Fuzzy & Neural Net- detecting the real physiological evidence of emotion
works, to various types of human input with emotional manifestations (e.g., skin temperature/humidity, myo-
labels [11,32,33,38,50]. electrical and electrodermal activity, heartbeat, blood
The identification of the appropriate features of the pressure). From the algorithmic point of view, there
input data represents a challenge of increasing com- is an excellent interest in exploring unsupervised la-
plexity, as textual/visual data are massively acquired, belling approaches based on Neural Networks (NN),
and personal devices include sensors which can pro- in particular, Autoencoders and Convolutional NN
vide data on physical evidence of emotions. (CCN) [48]. The idea is that we somewhat renounce to
For instance, when extracting emotions from text, know, in analytical terms, what the real emotion model
e.g. from social network posts [22,36], the contextual is, provided that the model embedded in the trained
information is prevalent. Indeed, some words can be NN allows us to implement specific operations, such
very much emotionally charged by themselves [5,21, as emotion recognition, computing distance and simi-
23], but their detection is not sufficient since modi- larity among emotions, triggering emotion and context
fiers and the preceding/following parts of the dialogue driven behaviour.
V. Franzoni et al. / Emotional machines: The next revolution 3

Symmetric to the issue of recognition is emotion time, and their complex and articulated relationships.
synthesis, i.e. the generation of emotional affordances The concept of emotional experience mostly relates to
by an intelligent agent. Emotional affordances are arte- time and behaviour, i.e. affordances dialogue, rather
facts, i.e. sounds, colours, texts, gestures, behaviours, than with regular events separated from their history
produced as systems output, which can be percept by and temporal context.
an interacting (human) agent as carrying an emotional Another exciting application regards collective emo-
meaning. tions, e.g. to model the level of activity of an ethnic
A great effort has been done in this respect, in group, or estimating stress levels in pedestrian crowds.
mimicking human surface behaviours by artificial syn-
thesised characters and avatars, having facial expres-
sions and expressive voice synthesis, as well as making 3. Emotional robotic machines
robots reproduce human-like gestures and body mo-
tion [57]. There are still a lot of open issues in design- As above argued, robots are expected to become
ing new affordances for non-human-like systems, for capable of perceiving others’ emotions, develop their
instance we can wonder what kind of emotional af- emotional state and manifest it. Arguably, the scenario
fordance can provide a vacuum cleaner robot follow- where the developments in emotional robots are be-
ing or respecting his human user, or more simply what ginning to occur is home robotics, namely with those
kind of non-verbal emotional affordance a web inter- robots that are entering our homes in the form of en-
face can dynamically provide, e.g. by changing colours tertainment robots (e.g. robotic animals or puppets)
or shapes. [62] or companion robots (e.g. robots for the elderly)
A crucial issue in managing emotion synthesis is [60] and possibly, also in the form of service providers
the decision process when to use those emotional af- (e.g. vacuum cleaners) [51]. In all the above contexts,
fordances in the interactive dialogue and which affor- the close and personal interaction with users makes
dances are more appropriate among alternative ones suitable the introduction of emotional components in
[25] to the context and the individual user. the robot design and implementation. In particular, the
A major limitation of current emotion models is that robots that are designed for the children and the el-
they mostly focus on identifying the basic component derly, already embody several features of the emo-
emotions, and they tend to locate emotions in short or tional design. Psychological studies show that for hu-
minimal time intervals. mans, the elderly and children in particular, robots
Future approaches will need to address the issue of can impersonate missing or imaginary living subjects
abstraction level in emotion models, i.e. to cope with [47]. In such circumstances, they attribute emotions
higher level emotional concepts which denote a com- to them and develop emotions towards them, even in-
plex emotional and contextual state, e.g. moods [27], dependently of the specific emotional design. If this
which cannot be reduced merely to a vector of ba- offers another exciting design perspective for emo-
sic emotions, but they express more articulated rela- tional robots, on the other hand it raises basic ethical
tionships among emotions, behaviour and context. For questions on the principles that robot design should
instance, an optimistic mood or attitude expresses a respect. As a consequence, the design of emotional
temporary state of a subject which tends to privilege robots should be highly intertwined with the ethics of
certain emotions. Another related aspect worth of in- such robots [55].
vestigation is the notion of distribution of emotions A specific area of application of emotional design
over time. In this case, higher-level emotional concepts is that of robots that interact with cognitively impaired
aim at summarising the emotional content of a series patients [56]. Under specific therapeutic guidelines, a
of events, system responses and emotional affordance suitable design of emotional robots can have an im-
dialogues with the user. For instance, looking to the pact on the quality of life of the patients, as well as on
concept of user experience, as intended in the Human their rehabilitation [31,46]. Other applications, where
Machine Interaction area, we notice that it is indeed the emotional component can have a prominent role
emotionally characterised. Often, a system-user expe- are ad-hoc systems for training and education [49] (e.g.
rience can be described either as difficult, cool, excit- dietary robots).
ing, reliable, easy, boring, seamless, where these la- In the home robots, as above described, the man-
bels summarise a unique dynamic distribution of user ifestation of emotions can be already successfully
emotions and systems emotional affordances over the achieved through multiple modalities, ranging from
4 V. Franzoni et al. / Emotional machines: The next revolution

appearance to voice and gestures; however, the under- face emotion recognition based on micro-expressions,
standing of human emotions from facial expressions, [29] proposes a CNN-based system to processing im-
gesture, spoken language is still somewhat basic, due ages streamed in real-time from a mobile device, aim-
to the limitations of the hardware, i.e. input sensors. ing at helping an impaired user who cannot recognize
Other scenarios, where the analysis of human emo- emotions (e.g., for a visual or cognitive impairment),
tions plays a key role, are provided by situations where or a user who has difficulties in expressing emotions
the human is handling a device that requires full con- (e.g., due to a degenerative pathology), to be assisted.
trol of emotions (e.g. teleoperating a rescue robot, a Regarding emotions and attention, [28] presents an au-
drone, driving a car, controlling the motion of a sophis- diovisual model for emotion recognition by skin re-
ticated industrial device). In particular, this issue is un- sponse. A functional data analysis approach for emo-
dergoing a fast development in the automotive sector. tion labelling and annotation is proposed in [52], eval-
Systems that monitor the attentive and emotional state uating the variations in annotations across different
of the driver [35] will be installed in cars, even before subjects and emotional stimuli, in order to detect spu-
they will be fully autonomous. rious/unexpected patterns, and developing strategies
The above-sketched scenarios, where the develop- in order to combine these subjective annotations into
ment of emotional robots is already taking place and a ground truth annotation effectively. Another article
likely will be developed in the future, certainly do not [1], from the psychology side, can be applied -among
cover the whole spectrum of opportunities that arise others- to the long-standing problem of annotations,
from the field of emotional robotics. They aim to show tackling the relationship among music, emotions and
that there are already significant impacts and that the moral judgement. A psychological approach applied to
emotional sphere is a crucial element in the design of emotional face recognition is proposed in [15] to track
the future generations of robots. humility from body, face and voice, applied experi-
mentally on politicians’ speeches. Regarding, finally,
collective emotions, we propose with [54] a model to
4. Emotional machines: The next revolution measure the level of activity of an ethnic group, and
with [30] a realistic model to estimate stress levels in
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[60] M.L. Walters, D.S. Syrdal, K. Dautenhahn, R. Te Boekhorst
Council Institute for Computational Linguistic, ILC-
and K.L. Koay, Avoiding the uncanny valley: Robot appear-
ance, personality and consistency of behavior in an attention- CNR and consultant of the University of Pisa. In 1990,
seeking home scenario for a robot companion, Auton. Robots he obtained the position of tenure researcher at the De-
(2008). partment of Mathematics and Computer Science of the
[61] B. Yergesh, G. Bekmanova and A. Sharipbay, Sentiment anal- University of Perugia, where he has been an Associate
ysis of Kazakh text and their polarity, Web Intelligence 19(1)
Professor since 2001. His research interests involve
(2019). Special Issue on “Emotional Machines: The Next Rev-
olution”. IOS Press.
artificial intelligence and focus on evolutionary algo-
[62] S. Yohanan and K.E. MacLean, The role of affective touch rithms, with applications to planning and web-based
in human–robot interaction: Human intent and expectations in adaptive systems. He is the scientific leader of the Kit-
touching the haptic creature, Int. J. Soc. Robot. (2012). Lab research lab at the University of Perugia.
V. Franzoni et al. / Emotional machines: The next revolution 7

Daniele Nardi is Full Profes- Jordi Vallverdú, Ph.D.,

sor (since 2000) at Sapienza M.Sci., B.Mus, B.Phil is Ten-
University of Rome, Italy, De- ure Professor at Universitat
partment of Computer, Con- Autònoma de Barcelona (Cata-
trol and Management Engi- lonia, Spain), where he teaches
neering “A. Ruberti”. He is Philosophy and History of Sci-
currently responsible for the ence and Computing. His re-
Master curriculum in Artifi- search is devoted to the cog-
cial Intelligence and Robotics. nitive and epistemic aspects
Daniele leads the research lab- of Philosophy of Computing,
oratory “Cognitive Robot Teams”, addressing differ- Philosophy of Sciences and AI, with a special interest
ent research topics: Cognitive Robotics, Localization, in emotional modelling. In 2011 he won a Japanese
Navigation, Perception, Cooperation in multi-robot JSPS fellowship to make research on computational
systems, Human–Robot Interaction, multimodal inter- HRI interfaces at Nishidalab, Kyoto University. He
faces and speech. The scientific and technical achieve- has published several books: (2009) Handbook of Re-
ments are deployed in manifold application domains: search on Synthetic Emotions and Sociable Robotics:
Ambient Intelligence and robots to support elderly New Applications in Affective Computing and AI;
people, Disaster Response robots to explore and gather (2010) Thinking Machines and the Philosophy of
information from the environment, Soccer Player Computer Science: Concepts and Principles; (2012)
robots for RoboCup competitions. Daniele Nardi is an Creating Synthetic Emotions through Technological
ECCAI Fellow and was President of RoboCup Federa- and Robotic Advancements; (2015) Synthesizing Hu-
tion (2011–2014). He is currently Principal Investiga- man Emotion in Intelligent Systems and Robotics;
tor of EU projects RoCKEU2, for benchmarking robot (2016) Bayesians Versus Frequentists. A Philosophi-
competitions and Flourish for the use of robotics for cal Debate on Statistical Reasoning; (2018) Blended
precision agriculture. Cognition.

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