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Experiment No.

Cruz, Russell, Crisostomo
Group No. _3_


A. Physical Change
As the researchers burned the nichrome wire and the glass tubing with the Bunsen burner, the
researchers has observed that the nichrome wire do not get burned and the rusty part of the
nichrome wire was cleaned. While the glass tubing, the color that produce of the glass tubing
is somehow pinkish red and the tip of the glass tubing melt that occurs to close the end of the
glass tubing.
Then the researches asked to grind a sodium chloride in to the mortar, half of it put it in to a
test tube and poured with 5.0ml of water in the evaporating dish. The researchers observed
that boiling or evaporating the sodium chloride to dryness has no reaction for it just turn back
to its original form with the same taste and color.

B. Chemical Change
The sugar becomes a liquid form when boiled or heated.
Then the researchers asked to mix 3.0ml of BaCl2 and 3.0ml of CuSO4 and while observing,
the reactions of the solutions formed a new product. Mixing BaCl2 and CuSO4 becomes

C. Types of Chemical Reaction

1) synthesis or combination
As the researchers burned the powder sulfur it formed a gas and it is Sulfur Dioxide or SO2.

2) decompostion
When the potassium nitrate (KNO3) was heated, the gas it formed was oxygen gas (O2). And
when the burning glowing splinter put in the test tube containing with the solution of KNO3,
it sparked and burned at its specific part that leads to make a dark gas which means there are
reactions between the KNO3 and the glowing splinter. The chemical formula that been made,

3) Displacement or substitution
The researchers collected 5.0ml of CuSO4 solution in a test tube and then poured a pinch of
iron fillings to the solution. As the researchers has observed, the rust of the iron fillings floats
and formed a new substance. The iron and CuSO4 formed Cu+FeSO4.

4) Metathesis or Double decomposition

As the researchers mixed the 5.0ml solution of barium chloride(BaCl2) and 5.0ml solution of
sodium sulfate(NaSO4), the researchers observed that the two chemicals separated and
created a new compound which is 2NaCl+BaSO4.

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