Serum Cortisol Ovarian Cysts

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TREATrvrer.* oF cYSr wrrH GnRH
succEssFuL \ ..trrflAO3
Gynaecol?g^y u'! Obsfefrics
Department of Veterinary - 334 001
of veterinury Animatsclences' Bikaner
Rajasthan t)nivers,iiy "ia AccePted: 09'06'2016
Received: 11 '05'2016
i'm')' potassium
with^GnRH :i"!9::l1o un'
(n=40)were randomry treated cyst disappearance
Dairy cattre having ovarian
p.o.I:y1.c"ilir u*iogr" * ri'oi'ousynch protocol' The maximum with GnRH analogue +
iodide (Kr, 10 g toisi"yr, oo"'u"o torro*'ng treatment
mass z o"vs port-tct1.n1.*l', whereaJKl therapy was ineffective'remained
and presence of a tuteai io'owed, nv,*v.J-(uo:^),
orar Kr (80%) o,, c'nnH
anarogue 1rd.z"f [n brief' plasma cortisol
with ovarian .uril'was simitai3ir.l" ,^i' 'n"-il::l,nttt cyst and the ovarian cyst can be
cortisor in darry
post-treatrl"i-p"iiod in cattre dispraying ou"'itn
simirar during pre- and
it""i"o witn 6nnH plus Kl treatment' iodide
GnRH' Ovarian cysts' Potassium
Keywords: Cattle' Cortisol'
cysts were randomly
of Austria)' Dairy cattle with ovarian
the important causes usrng
ovarian cysts are one of cattre, r:: iiuiouo for subjecting to treatment
(9.5-25%) of dairy (Buserelin
infert'ity in a high proportion :o:rly
u .ingt. tn".t analogue
their inter.-carving periods (whitmore either :1.:^::t
potassium iodide (Kl' 10 g per
thus extending cysts acetate 40 ug,i'm')'
ovarian analogue + Kl or ovsynch
et ar., 1g74 andBartrett et ar.,1986). such as high day for s oayl' p'o')' GnRH
to stress GnRH analogue 40 ug;
usuary deverop in response protocor (oav o and day 9'
production (Dekhordi etar.,201s).Varioustnerapeutic day 7 cloprostenol 500 pg; i'm')
and an untreated
have been reviewed (Jeengar jugutar
options for ovarian cysts group. About 7 day after
the end of treatment'
regarded as the were
et at.,20j4)ano GnRH treatment wasat., 2001). others vein blood was again collected and dairy cattle and the
(puroh ir et of cysts
most common therapy is an examined for the disappearance
of potassium iodide of datry
suggested that orar feeding
and yadav, presence
of a luteal structure' The number
ovarian cyst (Kumar after therapy were
effective therapy for cortisor cattre that showed normal estrus
examined serum analysed using conventional
2004). The present study as some recorded' The data was
cyst as weil
in dairy cattre with ovarian statistical procedures'
therapeutic options was tried' cattle with
pre-treatment serum cortisol in dairy
and non-descript dairy GnRH' o'' 6npH+Kl'
Horstein Friesian crossbred cysts and subjected to
for the study (n=40) when the ovarian was similar (1 '0610' 16'
cattre were considered
surface was ovsynch or no treatment
parpabre structure on either
of the ovarian and 1'06t0'30 pg/
interval.Atthe 1'1510' 17' 1'4110'30' 1'50t0'28
at 10 day their post-
>25 mm attwo examinations
given rest for dr, respectively; p>0 05)' Furthermore'
cattre were cortisol remained srmilar
rn different
time of second examination, in pre- treatment serum
the coilection of brood concentrations
a period of an hour before (p>0'05)' These serum cortisol
tubes and serum was separated groups
sterirized centrituge
and stored at
phase enzyme immuno-assay
ti, cortisol
kits (DIALAB ::h auturrdr
:li::: :fHWiener' crv'Y'Lt
et al',2005)' In a previous
study' higher cortisol
. (Silvia
muneshPushP@gmail com
aup'oa is7 (2): December 2016
lndian Journalffii'ut
Treatment of Ovarian cyst 49

was recorded in cattle with ovarian cyst in comparison Garverick, H.A. (1997). Ovarian follicular cyst in dairy
to cattle without ovarian cyst (Dekhordi et al., 2015), cows. J. Dairy Sci., 80: 995-1004.
however, serum cortisol were not evaluated in dairy Jeengar, K., Chaudhary, V,, Kumar, A., Raiya, S.,
cattle without ovarian cysts in the present study. Gaur, M. and Purohit, G.N. (2014). Ovarian cysts
Dairy cattle exhibiting normal estrus following in dairy cows: old and new concepts for definition,
GnRH, Kl, GnRH+Kl or ovsynch treatment were five, diagnosis and therapy. Anim. Reprod., 11(2): 63-
zero, seven and five, respectively. In addition, dairy 73.
cattle that evidenced a luteinized mass on day 7 post- Kumar, H. and Yadav, M.C. (2004). Cystic ovarian
treatmentwere 70%,0o/o,80o/o and 50%, respectively in degeneration in cattle- control through hormonal
GnRH, Kl, GnRH+Kl and ovsynch group, respectively, manioulation. /nfas Polivet. 5. 169-172.
Some authors have reported B0 - 95% success rate
Mutinati, M., Rizzo, A. and Sciorsci, R.L. (2013). Cystic
with GnRH alone (Garverick, 1997 and Rudowska et
ovarian follicles and thyroid activity in the dairy
al., 2015). In the present study, the best treatment
cow. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 38: 150-154,
option appeared to be administration of GnRH along
with Kl feeding, thus suggesting some role of Kl in Purohit, G.N., Joshi, 8.K., Bishnoi, 8.L., Gupta, A.K.,
ovarian cyst treatment. Probably, the feeding of Kl Joshi, R.K., Vyas, S.K., Gupta, K.A., Pareek, P.K.
helped in restoration of normal thyroid activity as the and Sharma, S.S. (2001). Cystic ovarian disease
altered thyroid status was reported in dairy cattle with in Rathi cattle. Annals Arid Zone, 40; 199-202.
ovarian cysts (Mutinati et a\.,2013). Rudowska, M., Baranski, W., Socha, P., Zdunczyk, S.
and Janowski, T. (201 5). Treatment of ovarian cysts
In brief, serum cortisol remained similar during
pre- and post-treatment period in dairy cattle with in dairy cows with simultaneous administration of
ovarian cyst, and GnRH administration along with GnRH and PGF2q has no clear advantage over
potassium iodide feeding was adjudged as the best the use of GnRH alone. Bulletin Vet. lnstitute
Pulawy, 59(1 ): 107 -113.
treatment option.
Silvia, J.W., McGinnis, A.S. and Hatler, T.B. (2005). A
comparison of adrenal gland function in lactating
Bartlett, P.C., Ngategize, P.K., Kaneene, J.B., Kirk, J.H., dairy cows with or without ovarian follicular cysts.
Anderson, S.M. and Mather, E.C. (1986). Cystic Reprod. Biol., 5(1). 19-29.
follicular disease in Michigan Holstein Friesian
Whitmore, H.L., Tyler, W.J. and Casida, L.E. (1974).
cattle: incidence, descriptive epidemiology and
Incidence of cystic ovaries in Holstein-Friesian
economic impact. Prev. Vet. Med., 4: 15-33.
cows. J. Am. VeL Med. Assoc., 165: 693-694.
Dekhordi, J.A., Mirshokraei, P. and Dehghani, A.
(2015). Metabolic profiles of high-yielding dairy
cows with ovarian cysts. lranian J. Vet. Med., 9:

lndian Journal of Animal Reproduction 37 (2): December 2016

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