Grain Growers Feeding The World: Tribune Tribune

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 137 Issue 5 Friday, April 12, 2019 90 cents plus tax

Break-in and
Theft at
Grain Growers Feeding The World
O n Sunday, April 7th,
the Minnedosa Grain
O ne of the cruel-
est, most heart-
less crimes is when an
Growing Project held its
annual fundraising ban-
quet at the Minnedosa
eternal place of rest is
Community Conference
targeted. Recently, the
Centre. 110 of the 120
Minnedosa Cemetery
available tickets were sold,
fell victim to trouble-
which made for a great so-
cial evening.
The Town of
The local project works
Minendosa’s ride-on
under the umbrella of
lawn mower and a
the Canadian Foodgrains
number of hand-held
Bank. Within Manitoba,
grass trimmers, stored
there are approximately
and used at the ceme-
40 Grain Growing projects.
tery, have been stolen.
The Minnedosa chapter
The crematorium was
began in approximately
also broken into.
1997. The organization is a
Fortunately, no
volunteer run organization
vandalism appears to
with seven current board
have been done to any
members. Land for their
graves, headstones
annual crop is either do-
or columbarium as
nated at no cost or rented
was experienced back
to them at a cost below
in the 1990s when a
market value. Large agri-
number of headstones
cultural companies donate
were knocked over
all of the required seed,
and smashed. Photo by Karen Mitchell
fertilizer and chemicals
If anyone has any
used and volunteers or
information about this Kurt Bisson, Cereals Research Coordinator of Syngenta, shares information from his trip to Malawi
custom workers plant the
most recent break- during the Minnedosa Grain Growing Project annual banquet Sunday night.
crop. For 2018, the orga-
in and theft of lawn
nization worked 120 culti-
care equipment at the
vated acres. Come harvest life. Each Grain Growers companies who help us Project donated a total of helping hands at harvest
Minnedosa Cemetery,
time, volunteers take the Project can specify which yearly. Without these great $38,000 ($33,000 from crop time if anyone is interested
please contact the lo-
crop off and local elevators church project they would partners we would never and $5,000 from banquet), in donating man hours.
cal RCMP at 204-867-
buy the grain for a good like to donate their donat- be able to do what we do which equals $190,000 do- In the past, the Ca-
return. This provides the ed funds to. and donate the profits like nated funds. The organiza- nadian Foodgrains Bank
organization with funds “We have an absolute- we do.” tion keeps a small percent- donated bags of harvested
to donate to the Cana- ly great group of partners The Canadian Govern- age back from their crop grain directly to overseas
If your label reads dian Foodgrains Bank in that people don’t even ment matches donations income annually in order areas, currently and where

Winnipeg. The Canadian see,” explained Raymond four-to-one, meaning that to pay for land and needs appropriate, the grain is
Foodgrains Bank has 15 Dyck, Vice-Chair of the for every one dollar do- for the next growing year. sold locally and money is
It’s time to renew partner agencies that they Minnedosa Grain Grow- nated they will match it The majority of all time directly sent instead.
your subscription! work with. These part- ing Project. “People can with four dollars, up until and work is donated by
ner agencies are church see the combines or farm- a maximum of $25 million local farmers and board
204-867-3816 agencies that have come ers working but they don’t annually. For 2018, the members. The organiza- Continued
together from all walks of see the behind-the-scenes Minnedosa Grain Growers tion is always welcoming on Page 2


The Minnedosa Tribune we will have an early deadline
for next week only, of Monday, April 15th at 12 noon.
Happy Easter to all of our readers,
correspondents and advertisers!
2 Friday, April 12, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

MCU Assets Nearing $135 Million

By KAREN MITCHELL General Manager Brad the province. Educational
and DARRYL HOLYK Ross. MCU currently has training and webinars
a staff of 20 and a board of for board development

M innedosa Credit
Union hosted its an-
nual general meeting on
directors of nine.
Ross also indicated
that MCU saw growth in
continue with the Credit
Union Director Achieve-
ment Programs.
the evening of Tuesday, both loans and deposits MCU Board President,
April 9th. in 2018 and that the 2019 Barry McNabb, shared that
2018 was another prof- patronage payment of MCU continues to be chal-
itable year for MCU with $200,000 will be given out lenged by the ever-chang-
assets growing by close to in May. To date, the total ing environment of gov-
four percent over last year patronage paid to MCU ernance, compliance and
for a total of $134,994,890. members since 1994 totals regulatory expectations.
As in year’s past, the $7,040,395. “Mergers continue to be
local Credit Union con- The MCU Board of investigated and assessed,
tinued to give back to the Directors held 11 regular but for the present time,
community in 2018. The meetings throughout 2018. MCU remains a single
total amount of financial In addition, representa- branch,” stated McNabb.
support to local organiza- tives also attended the A number of service
tions for the year amount- Credit Union of Manitoba recognition awards were
ed to $67,570. MCU staff (CUCM) annual meet- presented during Tuesday Photo by Karen Mitchell
has always been encour- ing in Winnipeg, National night’s AGM. Employee
aged to get involved in Conference for Canada’s Joanne Clarke (finance MCU President, Barry McNabb, addresses the crowd.
the community and vol- Credit Unions in Toronto administration) was hon-
unteers. “Whether it be and a CUCM system meet- oured for 10 years with Exciting plans for merchant payment servic- cal credit union, MCU has
flipping burgers at the ing and director’s forum MCU. For the Board of Di- MCU in 2019 will include es and paint the exterior of grown and prospered over
rink or delivering Meals in Winnipeg. This forum rectors, Scott Thompson, a mobile app allowing the MCU office. its 72-year history. The
on Wheels, the volunteer provided educational Shannon Alexander and members to deposit any- From humble begin- future continues to look
efforts of our staff help to opportunities and net- Dan Mendrikis were each where, anytime form their nings in 1947, when ten bright for this community
make our community a working with other credit noted for five years of ser- mobile device. There are men invested $95 and owned, community mind-
great place to live,” stated union board members in vice. also plans to update the granted a charter for a lo- ed financial institution.

Grain Growing Project Raises $38,000 Locally

Continued and allowing food choices/ Bisson, Cereals Research nization is to combat hun- a focus on pregnant and sustainably manage their
from Page 1 purchases to be culturally Coordinator of Syngenta. ger throughout the world. breastfeeding mothers and soils, increase diversity
appropriate. Janzen spoke on The organization works young children. and amount of food and
This allows for easier Barry McNabb em- behalf of the Canadian toward this goal by provid- Kurt Bisson, from Win- improve young children’s
transport and quicker ac- ceed the evening, with Foodgrains Bank and ing food in times of crisis nipeg, presented a slide nutrition through the proj-
cess, also allowing the guest speakers being thanked the Minnedosa to hungry people in the show presentation on his ect. Farmers and youth are
countries to buy from their Gordon Janzen, Regional Grain Growers Project for developing world; helping trip to Malawi. Malawi is also developing local food
local markets, increasing Representative Canadian their years of work and people grow more food to bordered by Zambia to the enterprises to improve in-
their economic growth Foodgrains Bank and Kurt dedication. The Canadian better feed themselves and northwest, Tanzania to the comes and boost local ru-
Foodgrains Bank is a Chris- their families; and provid- northeast, and Mozam- ral economies.  The project
tian response to hunger ing nutritional support to bique on the east, south takes place in two main lo-
and the goal of the orga- malnourished people with and west. Malawi is over cations: northern Malawi
118,000 km (45,560 square in Mzimba District, north
miles) with an estimated of Ekwendeni; and Dedza
population of over 18 mil- District, in central Malawi.”
lion. The evening con-
Bisson went to Malawi cluded with winners of the
on an educational trip to silent auction being an-
HERITAGE CO-OP 1997 LTD. learn more about the Ma- nounced and then guests
lawi Farmer-to-Farmer were free to mingle as de-
Agroecology project (or sired. The delicious meal
Notice of Annual General Meeting MAFFA). The project uses of pork, donated by HyLife
Wednesday 20 farmer-to-farmer teaching Foods in Neepawa, and
Apr 24, 2019 Tuesday, April 30, 2019 about agroecology, nutri- all of the trimmings was
Tickets must be purchased in advance tion and local food market prepared by the organiza-
2 pm & 7 pm from any Waves of Hope member or development to improve tion’s volunteers, along
UCT Pavilion Diane - 204-727-2378
Minnedosa Community Conference Centre food security, nutrition with Heather Brazeau.
and livelihoods of the farm The Minnedosa Covenant
Darlene - 204-728-6309 REGISTRATION: 6:00 PM
Keystone Centre families. According to the Church Youth Group as- DINNER: 6:30 PM MAFFA website, “Food in- sisted with serving bever-
Tickets $20 secure women, men and ages and in the kitchen
youth will learn from fel- throughout the entire eve-
Dinner Tickets Available at all Heritage Co-op Locations
$8.00 each low farmers about ways to ning as well.

• President's Report
• Manager's Report
• Auditor's Report
Many thanks to our volunteers
• Election of Directors
Proceeds support the work of the
Waves of Hope Dragon Boat Team
• Appointment of Auditors
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 12, 2019 3

ACC Cougars Brings Home Win

By KAREN MITCHELL game I could see how bad
everyone wanted it so I

O n Tuesday, March
26th the Brandon
Assiniboine Community
knew we would play the
game of our lives. Winning
a national championship
College (ACC) Cougars has been a huge dream of
Women’s Hockey team de- mine so to finally achieve
parted for Frisco, Texas for that was absolutely amaz-
the American Collegiate ing. I can’t even describe
Hockey Association Wom- my emotions when we
en’s Division 2 Champion- won it. It was a dream
ship and returned home to come true and one of the
ACC Cougars photo
Manitoba on April 1st as best days of my life and I
champions! Minnedosa’s ACC Cougars Forward, owe it all to my teammates.
Rachel Charles is one of #13 - Minnedosa’s That was the end of
the athletes who plays on Rachel Charles. the season!” expressed
this team. Charles. “My dad and
The ACC Cougars explained Rachel. “We step mom were there and
played a total of five games knew how bad we wanted my mom watched it live
throughout the event. The to win it so we all came PC Caucus photo stream! I would say a little
first two games were must together like we have the over half of the girls par-
whole season and worked
Upon returning home from Texas with a championship title, the ACC
wins in order to make the ents made the trip to watch
semi-finals and the girls so hard to achieve our Cougars Women’s Hockey team were congratulated by Manitoba Premier in person.”
ended up winning all three goals. Most of us played Brian Pallister and the PC Caucus at the Legislature in Winnipeg. A huge congratula-
of the round robin games. last year when we lost so I tions to the ACC Cougars
They beat out Mercyhurst think that helped us build going into the third period. time. “They were the only score of 1 to 0 for ACC Cou- for ending the season with
University 8 to 0, North- as a team this year because They came back to win 2 team we lost to all year gars after a hard battle. such a huge win, and to
eastern University 6 to 1, we didn’t want that heart- to 1, putting them in the but we’ve watched game “Looking around the our hometown star, Rachel
and Rowan University 6 to break again.” finals against Minot State tapes and knew that with dressing room before the for a successful season!
1. During the semi- University. The team had our best efforts we had a
“Our whole team finals, the ACC Cougars played against Minot six chance against them,” said
played our best hockey took on Lakehead Univer- times during the regular Charles. The champion-
we’ve played all season,” sity and were down 1 to 0 season and lost out every ship game was won with a

Main Street Improvements Underway Drucilla’s Diner

will be closed on long
By DARRYL HOLYK Main Street, the Town of
Minnedosa continues with
New light standards with
LED lighting should result
Motorists and pedes-
weekends to allow staff
T his past week saw some
action on Main Street
its underground utility up-
grade plan. Motorists had
in some cost savings for
the Town and its taxpay-
trians are asked to be ex-
tra careful and alert as this
to spend time with
and much more action is
expected over the course
to detour their way around
the latest work in front of
ers when it comes to the
Main Street lighting elec-
prep work is underway on
Main Street. It may be a bit
their families!
of the next few months as
Minnedosa is finally in the
Blazer’s Convenience store
this week.
tricity bill! The light stan-
dard replacement project
frustrating and unsightly at
times but the end result of
Thank you for your
provincial government’s
schedule to receive new
Manitoba Hydro has
also put in place a plan to
is expected to start at 6th
Avenue N.W., work its way
much needed, brand, new,
smooth pavement will def-
continued support!
pavement! replace the light standards down the west side of Main initely be worth the hassle!
In preparation for along Main Street and this Street and then back north
the new hard-surfacing of project began this week. up the east side of Main

Have a news story idea?

Let us know! 204-867-3816

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4 Friday, April 12, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around Who’s Responsible for What?

Does Anyone Know?
Town... By DARRYL HOLYK the fact that there are some entities in our community
who are not good record keepers when it comes to
By Darryl Holyk
O ver the past few months, it has come to our atten-
tion that there are a number of groups and orga-
nizations in our community who are operating blindly
their finances. On more than one occasion, we have
asked for updates on total amounts raised for a project
or the total amount a certain entity has donated to-
Canada Day… without a mandate, bylaws or constitution. It is not
that these important guidelines do not exist, but more
wards a project and have been told, “We have no way
of knowing”. Pardon me? Of course you do, or at least
Although still a few months away, the Minnedosa
the fact that they have been lost or misplaced with the you should!
and District Recreation Commission is busy working
changing of volunteers or staff members. Where have Whether you are raising money for a certain proj-
on this year’s Canada Day celebration. Another family-
these important documents gone? No one seems to ect or donating towards a project you should have a
friendly event is being planned which will wrap up with
know or in some cases, can’t seem be bothered trying accurate record of those financial transactions. I can
the spectacular fireworks show over Minnedosa Lake. As
to find out. This causes me great concern and I am get- tell you exactly how much my business has donated
a non-profit, Canada Day cannot be successful without
ting tired and frustrated asking a question and being or sponsored throughout the year or in the past years.
the help of volunteers and generous financial donations.
told, “we have no idea”. That is not an acceptable an- When it comes to a local volunteer organization I am
Anyone interested in helping make Minnedosa’s Canada
swer! involved in, I can also tell you exactly how much has
Day 2019 the best it can be should contact Rec Director,
Documents such as guidelines, bylaws, mandates been donated towards that groups general fund or
Laura Cook at 204-867-2250 or by email at minrec@mts.
and constitutions are a must for any group or organi- special projects and who made those donations. This
zation. Often, they state what the groups purpose is, is not rocket science and should be very simple to
what that group should be working towards and focus- keep track of for future reference.
Dutch Elm Dollars… sing on and often state how the board structure is set-
up. Such documents were created by past members as
Hopefully, these misguided groups can get them-
selves back on track and move forward into the future
Riding Mountain MLA, Greg Nesbitt announced
$15,960 to the Town of Minnedosa to assist with the man- a reference point for newcomers and future volunteers with a clear idea of their purpose, and financial situ-
agement of Dutch Elm Disease in our community. This to continue the good work of an organization. From ation. The work of our volunteer groups is extremely
funding, provided through Manitoba Sustainable Devel- time to time, it is important for boards to review these important to our community and without them, we
opment will enhance measures to protect our communi- documents. Not only does this refresh their memory would loose a lot of the things that make our com-
ty through greater awareness and increased tree removal on their purpose but also provides an opportunity for munity great. Communities run on the powerhouse of
for trees affected by Dutch Elm Disease. them to make any required changes or updates. volunteers and those volunteers need proper clarity
Without such documentation, volunteers are and guidance so that they can volunteer to the best of
wandering aimlessly, without structure or purpose. their abilities for the betterment of our community.
Road restrictions… They have no idea what their organization stands for Let’s fix these wrongs before we spiral farther out of
Riding Mountain National Park has implemented its or what their organization is responsible for. This con- control to a point of no return.
spring road restrictions to minimize the impact on high- fusion can lead to miscommunication, uneducated
ways during spring thaw conditions. Highways #10 within decisions which could have a negative result and over-
the boundaries of the park remains closed to heavy truck lapping of volunteer efforts as more than one group
may be working towards the same goal separately
Letters to the Editor
traffic (three axles or more). Delivery vehicles will be al-
lowed access to the townsite, maintenance compound rather than working together. The Minnedosa Tribune welcomes Letters to the
and golf course from the south entrance of the park. Fortunately, a few of these groups who have “mis- Editor. All letters must include the writers full name,
Highway #19 within the park, now has weight restrictions placed” their mandate or bylaws, are now working address, and telephone number. Only the writer’s
of 6,006 pounds or 2,730 kg gross vehicle weight in effect. on finding or re-establishing such guidelines so that name will be published; address and phone number
To give you an idea of this eight limit, the largest vehicle everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing. are required for confirmation. Anonymous letters will
allowed would be a loaded half-ton or an empty three- While this is a positive step forward, it is also some- not be published. Letters that are deemed libelous,
quarter ton. what of a waste of our volunteers time and effort. in bad taste, or describe an incident involving other
These volunteers now have to start from scratch and people, will not be published.
re-invent the wheel when previous volunteers have The Minnedosa Tribune reserves the right to
Easter deadline… already spent the time to do that work, but sadly their edit letters based on taste, legality, clarity, and
Remember our early deadline for next week’s edi- work has been misplaced, lost or carelessly thrown length. Letters to the Editor can be submitted in
tion. As we will be closed Good Friday, next week’s Tri- out. person, sent by mail to Box 930, Minnedosa, MB
bune will be distributed in stores and mail boxes on Another issue we, at the newspaper, have run into R0J 1E0, by fax (204) 867-5171, or by email to
Thursday, April 18th. With this, next week’s deadline will on numerous occasions that greatly concerns me is
be 12 noon on Monday, April 15th. We will return to our
regular Tuesday at noon deadline the following week.

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
Member of Manitoba Community Newspapers Association We are not responsible for fax transmissions or email
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Audited twice a year by Canadian Media Circulation Audit
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Phone: (204) 867-3816
All contents copyright 2019
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 12, 2019 5

Standing up for Manitobans

Under The Dome
would impose their higher
and rising carbon tax on
Manitobans, and have now
carbon tax to court, we
will continue to move for-
ward with our Climate and Ye O l d
By done so. Green Plan that supports
The federal govern- our vision for a prosperous
GREG NESBITT ment’s conduct is unfair to and growing green econ-
Riding Mountain MLA Manitobans. Ottawa can’t omy. Without a carbon
justify its rejection of Man- tax, our plan encourages
itoba’s Climate and Green investments in renewable
Plan while it approves less- energy and a reduction in

O ur government will
stand up for Manito-
to several other provinces.
We received legal ad-
effective strategies in other
energy consumption while
stimulating green innova-
bans by launching a legal vice in 2017 that the federal This unfairness is tion and creating jobs. 1889 – County Court was held in the Town Hall on
challenge of the federal government has the con- threatening jobs and eco- Ottawa insists on us- Tuesday. A very small docket was presented, thus
government’s move to im- stitutional right to impose nomic growth throughout ing its carbon tax to take showing that the people of this district are peaceful
pose its new carbon tax on a carbon tax, but only on Manitoba. The federal car- more money from Mani- and law-abiding class.
our province. provinces that do not im- bon tax hurts northerners tobans. We will fight the
The Trudeau govern- plement such plans of their and Manitoba’s agricultur- federal government on this
ment began charging its own. We then developed al and transportation sec- as we remain focused on 1909 – Mr. Warwick, a Fairmount man, miraculously
tax on carbon emissions in our Manitoba Climate and tors. The tax is also raising reducing the tax burden escaped injury in the disastrous collision near Bran-
early April, taking money Green Plan, which is better the cost of food and gaso- on Manitobans, fixing our don. He was the fireman on the freight and did not
from Manitobans’ pockets, for our province’s environ- line while hiking home province’s finances and re- jump form the train before the impact but braced him-
hurting our ability to at- ment and economy. Even heating bills. With the GST building its economy. self when he saw it coming and unavoidable.
tract business capital and after acknowledging our applied by Prime Minister
damaging our economy, made-in-Manitoba plan Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, Greg Nesbitt is the 1919 – Present appearances are that there will not be
despite granting special is the best in Canada, the the carbon tax is adding Member of Legislative a very early spring. There was a heavy rain Friday and
treatment and exemptions federal Liberals said they $92 to the average Manito- Assembly for the Riding Saturday. The snow has not yet gone from the fields
ba household’s natural gas Mountain constituency. He and the frost and light snowfall will delay all work on
bill in 2019. can be reached at 204-759- the land.

Letter to
While our Manitoba 3313, toll-free 1-844-877-
government takes its op- 7767 or by email at greg- 1929 – Minnedosa is to be on a bus line with Bran-
position to the escalating don this coming spring.

the Editor 1939 – 2,500 horses in Odanah and Minto have been
treated against Encephalomyelitis.

Dear Editor, Minnedosa 1959 – Town Council turned thumbs down on the
Lions Club parking metre question again this year. Each spring, a

I n The Minnedosa Tribune’s September 28th, 2018 story

of the opening of the Dr. Khandelwal Medical Clinic,
there is mention of five years of hard work and dedica- CONGRATULATIONS
salesman for a parking metre company turns up like
the swallows at Capistrano. Each year, council weighs
the pros and cons and the idea is always vetoed as bad
tion, fund raising from companies, municipalities, ser- business for the town.
vice clubs and individuals to raise $2.3 million to build Mary-Anne Ploshynsky $500
it. All these forces were able to raise the target of $2.3 mil- 1969 – The Minnedosa Bombers are holding a Bomb-
lion that paid for it. We took pride in being able to do that. Keith & Susan Hyde $300 ers Bash wind-up dance at the Legion Hall with music
Elvin Birch’s figures in his February 1st, 2019 letter by The Esquires. Admission will be $2.50 per couple.
“Can we afford a new arena?” in The Trbune seems ac-
curate. Considering what a hard climb it was to raise $2.3
Bruce & Lori McNabb $200
1979 – Tribune advertisers include: Viking Meats and
million for the new medical clinic, where’s the will going WINNERS OF THE March 2019 Groceries of Erickson, U and R Tax Services of Sandy
to be fund raised for the millions of dollars Mr. Birch talks
about if this comes back on the tax payers? Not only the Lake and Stan’s Cleaners/pic-a-pop of Minnedosa.
will, but also the money. RF 281
Not everyone is a hockey fam but everyone does 1989 – Neil Whitley, current Principal at Tanner’s
need a doctor from time to time. Some more often. Crossing School will be the new Assistant Superinten-
dant at RRSD commencing August 1st.
Don Taylor,
2009 – First it was a win at the zone level, then a win
at the provincial level and on Sunday, Ray Orr’s rink
won the national title in Men’s Masters Curling. Joining
Ray were team mates John Mendrikis, Dennis Peck-

ATTENTION over, Brian Manns and Bob Manns.


All dogs and cats within the Town of Minnedosa
must be licensed annually.

Dr. Derek Papegnies

A certificate
vaccination for rabies
GARBAGE must be -
produced before a license is issued
2014 Dog & Cat licenses- SOUTH
are available
END at the
Town Office
of unlicensed Dogs
NO & Cats, Dogs & Cats
running at large, as well as nuisance and vicious
animals are subject to various penalties and
129-2nd Avenue S.W., Minnedosa, MB charges. A copy of animal control by-law 2478 is
available at 23
the Town Office for examination by
any person duringCOLLECTION
regular hours.
204-867-2455 (5-2)

The Town of Minnedosa

6 Friday, April 12, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Conservation Districts to Amalgamate in January 2020

By KAREN MITCHELL tinue to support healthy Arrow-Oak River. Each of Little Saskatchewan River In regards to how the Since inception, the Lit-
and sustainable water- the anticipated nineteen Conservation District, funding will be divided to tle Saskatchewan River

T he Little Saskatch-
ewan River Conserva-
tion District (LSRCD) was
sheds through focused,
priority-based programs
and partnerships that ad-
municipal partners, within
the new district, have land
within these watersheds
there are six sub-districts.
After the amalgamation
there will be nine sub-
all municipalities within
the new area, Cuvelier
explained, “Sub-district
Conservation District has
collaborated with land-
owners, municipal govern-
established in 1999. The dress water quality, flood- and are currently partners districts. A sub-district is committee members will ments and other organi-
District covers approxi- ing, drought, land use and in a conservation district. a sub-watershed within identify priorities and zations to construct small
mately 4,200 kms and is climate change. Watershed Priorities to modern- the watershed district. A projects for their sub- dams. These small dams
located in southwestern districts will continue to ize the conservation dis- sub-watershed is a specific watershed. Funding is di- regulate the flow of water
Manitoba. The LSRCD’s make planning and man- trict program will include; drainage area. Currently rected to complete those by slowing down the wa-
eight municipal partners agement decisions to im- align conservation district within the LSRCD, the projects.” Core funding ter, temporarily storing it,
are the  Municipalities of prove watershed health boundaries to watersheds, Little Saskatchewan River comes from a provincial- protecting roads from be-
Oakview, Minto-Odanah, across all of Manitoba. The including a name change Watershed is divided into municipal match, where ing washed out. Small dam
Yellowhead, and Rosedale; transition of being known from conservation districts four sub-districts based the province funds three projects that are complet-
Riverdale, Clanwilliam- as a watershed district bet- to watershed districts; re- on the drainage area. After dollars to every one dollar ed on waterways upstream
Erickson and Harrison ter reflects the land that is fresh the program mandate the transition to the Assini- contributed by the munici- of the lake help slow down
Park; and the Town of being managed by the dis- through enhancing surface boine West Watershed Dis- palities. the flow of water, which
Minnedosa. The District trict. “Compared to other water management plan- trict, the Little Saskatch- At the present time, reduces soil erosion. With-
encompasses the major- organizations in Manitoba, ning and ecological goods ewan River Watershed will offices within the three out the small dams these
ity of the Little Saskatch- the fact that we work on and services program- be split into two sub-dis- conservation districts soil particles would oth-
ewan River watershed and a watershed boundary is ming; amend legislation to tricts. One sub-district will are located in Oak River, erwise end up in the lake.
a portion of the Arrow-Oak what makes us unique,” ex- support the boundary and be the Upper Little Sas- Miniota and Inglis. It has The management of sur-
River watershed, which are plained Colleen Cuvelier, name changes, facilitate katchewan River; the other not yet been determined face water minimizes neg-
both part of the larger As- LSRCD District Manager. enhanced partnerships will be the Lower Little where the main office will ative impacts like flooding
siniboine River Basin. Locally, the Conserva- with indigenous commu- Saskatchewan River. The be located following the and erosion.
Recently, the provin- tion Districts that will be- nities, add flexibility for sub-districts will be larger amalgamation. “A transi- With all this going on,
cial government has in- come amalgamated come municipal funding and and will continue to have tion committee with rep- The Little Saskatchewan
dicated program changes January 1st will include the appointments and reduce representation from the resentatives from the three River Conservation Dis-
will come into force upon Little Saskatchewan River, red tape; modernize fund- local residents appointed conservation district amal- trict will continue to be
proclamation of The Wa- Upper Assiniboine and ing models by moving by the municipal partners. gamation partners has open for business as usual
tershed Districts Act and Lake of the Prairies. to a three tiered funding The Town of Minnedosa been formed,” explained throughout 2019. During
the associated regula- Upon amalgamation, approached, streamlin- will continue to have two Cuvelier. “The committee the year, staff will be de-
tions on January 1st, 2020. the boundary of the new ing provincial reporting representatives on the is discussing and making livering ALUS (Alterna-
Changes will see Conser- Assiniboine West Water- requirements and plac- conservation sub-district decisions regarding the tive Land Use Services),
vation Districts transition- shed District will take in ing emphasis on program board. Representation can set-up and operation of shelterbelt planting, aban-
ing into Watershed Dis- four watersheds within the outcomes (return on in- be one councillor and one the new watershed district. doned well sealing, well
tricts. Assiniboine River Basin. vestment); and enhance citizen rep or two citizen Topics they will be discuss- water testing day, and rain
A watershed is an These watersheds include watershed planning and reps, but can not be two ing are offices, staff, and barrel programs, just to
area of land defined as the Little Saskatchewan implementation of water- councillors. programs.” name a few. “The district
the drainage area. Water- River, Shell River, Assini- shed management plans. will also be supporting the
shed Districts will con- boine-Birdtail River and Currently, within The construction of two pro-
posed small dams. Check
out the district’s website,
You are invited to attend Rural Municipality of Oakview watch for a flyer in your
mailbox or watch for ad-
the Municipality of Harrison Park
Rapid City Landfill vertisements in the news-
2019 BUDGET HEARING Hours of Operation paper for more informa-
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019 tion on programs in 2019,”
8:00 P.M.
Summer Hours concluded Cuvelier.
myCommunity Effective April 15, 2019 to October 14, 2019
Harrison Park Municipal Office
Neighbours Indeed
43 Gateway Street, Onanole, MB Monday - 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Be a Neighbour...
At this time the Council will present the proposed
And announce Wednesday - 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Advertising
2019 financial plan for the municipality. The
presentation will provide an overview of the
these special events Saturday - 10:00 a.m. - Noon
to your community
proposed financial plan followed by a forum for 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Works!
questions and comments from the public. The purpose ●Birth of Child
ClOSed on Statutory Holidays
of the hearing is to allow any interested person to make a ●Wedding Try it.
representation, ask questions or register an objection. ●Wedding Anniversaries (4-2)

Copies of the proposed financial plan and the 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th
procedures to be followed at the hearing are available ●New home residency
upon request, at either municipal office (43 Gateway You may qualify for a

Minnedosa Golf &

Street, Onanole, MB or 108 Main Street, Newdale, MB) personalized keepsake
during regular business hours. Questions and remarks gift offer compliments

Country Club
of local business and
may also be directed by letter to our Chief
professional sponsors
Administrative Officer or through our email address at Minnedosa Pharmacy
Consultation with our community is an important
Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd.
Minnedosa insurance Services
Annual General Meeting
component of the Municipality’s budget process.
Council encourages you to attend.
Kim’sQuality Foods
Integra Tire
Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
Chad Davies, CMMA
Chief Administrative Officer
Heritage Co-op
Minnedosa Tribune at 7:00 p.m.
Municipality of Harrison Park
Gateway Motel
Minnedosa Golf & Curling Complex
Ph: 204-848-7614 Be part of your Community!
Dated this 3rd day of April, 2019.
Contact Tillie Johnson All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
(In accordance with subsection 162(2) of The Municipal Act)
(4-2) 204-867-3414
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 12, 2019 7

Rolling River Festival of the Arts Newdale News

Awards and Scholarships By Raven’s Glen WI Conference, called “Prai-
rie to Pine” and attends all
Friday service will be held
in Newdale this year, with

sUBMITTeD Ages 9 to 12 – Razzamatazz

Dance Club Tap Group
ano student competing in
grades 4-7, chosen by the
e send get well
wishes to Michael
who is now home
our future church meet-
ings in that capacity. This
Conference takes the place
Cardale members join-
ing us. The last Sunday
service will take place on

L isted below are the

2019 festival awards
and scholarship winners.
12 and under for “I’m in
Love With a Monster”,
Razzamatazz Dance Club
RRFa $300  (Pia-
no solo, Grade 8 and
adjudicator) - Faith Clarke           
from a stay in

the spring
of the old Presbytery that
was discontinued at the
last United Church Gen-
June 23rd and services
start again Sunday, Sep-
tember 8th in the fall. Our
We had another success- Award for Dance Duo/ over) - Aleda Waldner. weather helps good healtheral Assembly. The meet- Church continues quite
ful year and were pleased Trio/Group Ages 13 to 18 quickly return Michael. ing came to order and a successfully with the very
to see several new people – Razzamatazz Dance Club Vocal Scholarships: Belated birthdaydevotional prayer was dedicated local volunteers
enter the festival. Without Jazz Group, 14 years and Redfern Farm ser- greetings are sent to bothgiven by Elgin, followed by who work tirelessly and
all the participants there under for “All About To- vices $75  (Vocal Solo Dot Wareham and Yvonne minutes of last meeting. the continued support of
would be no festival. A night”. – 18 years and under) Graham of Winnipeg who Helen Caird was re- nomi- several Lay Ministers who
lot of volunteer work and - Danielle Hadden. celebrated mid March nated to continue as the willingly share their talent
hours go into preparing Recommended by norm sims, QC birthdays. Two more of Board secretary. Old busi- with us.
for the festival, and it is adjudicator to compete and Family $125 (Vocal our former residents are ness included: Jack Lamb How wonderful to see
very rewarding to see such at Provincial level: Piano: Solo – 18 years and un- celebrating birthdaysthanked Willine Young for those April showers with
amazing talent in our com- Preliminary Piano Solo  - der) - Destiny Bukarz. mid April, Hilda Davies ofthe new mat purchased many geese returned,
munity and surrounding Isabella Penner and Anya Minnedosa and Ann Marks for the front door. Trea- hawks and eagles are back,
area. Waldner. Junior Piano Dance Scholarships: of Winnipeg. Wishing all surer’s report was given by the snow almost gone and
Solo - Renae Stahl. Inter- W.a. Burr Memo- these “gals” many more to Barb Pedersen and Cor- the ditches are “running”,
Piano Solo Awards: mediate Piano Solo - Lenci rial $50 (Jazz – Solo, celebrate! respondence included: a all sure signs of spring.
Grade 1 – Samson Wald- Waldner and Talia Iwan- Duo or Trio) - Larissa We wish all our local letter from Minnedosa and And the curling is done!!
ner, Grade 2 – Nigel Stahl, chysko. Advanced Piano Krahn and Karina Lade. University students best of Area Food Bank asking for Now it’s cheer for the Jets
Grade 3 – Stefan Stahl, Solo - Aleda Waldner. Pre- Rivers and area luck as their classes end in our monetary support and all the way!
Grade 4 – Telsa Waldner, liminary Piano Canadian lions Club $50  (Bal- April with final exams be- food donations. We will
Grade 5 – Renae Stahl, Composers - Telsa Wald- let/Lyrical – Solo, Duo ing written over the nextcollect food until the end
Grade 7 – Faith Clarke, ner. Intermediate Piano, or Trio) - Katie Wright several weeks. of May (check those expiry If your label reads
Grade 8 – Lenci Waldner,
Grade 10 – Aleda Wald-
Canadian Composers -
Faith Clarke.
and Mikaela Quenelle. Elgin
W.a. Burr Memori- Sunday service and that
Hall took thedates!). An invitation was
received from Cadurcis 19/04/30
ner, Claudette Caron Pia- al $50 (Hip Hop – Solo, Duo was followed by the United Church inviting us It’s time to renew
no Studio Award – Aleda Piano Scholarships: or Trio) - Nicholas Hiscock. Church Board meetingto their June 23rd service your subscription!
Waldner, Creasy Pianos Hank and susan springland Manufac- chaired by Richard Walker. and pot luck lunch, which
Canadian Composer Class Guenther Memorial $50 turing $50 (Tap – Solo, Duo Elgin represents our new we gladly accepted. Good 204-867-3816
Award – Telsa Waldner. (Piano Solo-RCM Grades or Trio)  - Darby Hiscock.
1-4) - Isabella Penner. Rivers super Thrifty
Vocal: Solo Junior/In- vanguard Credit Drug Mart  $50  (Other-
termediate – Destiny Bu- Union $50 (Preliminary Pi- Adjudicator’s Choice MUNICIPALITY OF HARRISON PARK
karz. ano Solo) - Telsa Waldner. – Solo, Duo or Trio) - PUBLIC NOTICE
W.a. Burr Memo- Brody Burr, Carson Burr WEED/BRUSH CONTROL
Speech Arts: rial $50 (Junior Piano and Darby Hiscock.
Minnedosa UCT Speech Solo)  - Renae Stahl. Minnedosa Ro- Public Notice is hereby given that the Municipality of Harrison Park intends to
Arts Choir Grades 3 to 6 – W.a. Burr Memorial tary Club $250  (Most
conduct the following Pesticide Control Programs during 2019:
TCS Grade 5 Students $50 (Intermediate Piano promising dance solo-
Solo) - Lenci Waldner. ist, chosen by the adju- 1. To control noxious weeds and/or brush on municipal road allowances within
Dance: Solo Ages 9 Rivers Home dicator) - Brody Burr.
the Municipality. The projected dates of application will be from June 1, 2019
to 12 – Nicholas Hiscock, Hardware $50  (Ad- Congratulations to all
to October 31, 2019. The herbicides to be used include:
Solo Ages 13 to 18 – Dar- vanced Piano Scholar- our festival participants
by Hiscock, Razzamatazz ship) - Aleda Waldner. and winners, and we hope Glyphosate Clopyralid MCPA
Dance Club Award for David and shirl Krahn to see you all again next 2,4-D Picloram Triclpoyr
Dance Duo/Trio/Group $100  (Most promising pi- year.
2. To control weeds and brush on municipal owned property to which the
(1,1) -1- 11 - Mar 29/13.indd 21/03
public normally has access to, including exhibition grounds, waste
disposal sites, parking lots. The projected dates of application will be from
Bridge Club June 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019. The herbicides to be used include:
Glyphosate Clopyralid MCPA
Results 2,4-D Picloram Triclpoyr

3. To control the following insect pests including: grasshoppers, mosquitos,

would like to thank: Rivers Baptist,
April 4th United TheandRRFAZion
Committee wouldand
churches like Riv- forest tent caterpillars, cankerworms, etc. The proposed dates of
application will be from June 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019. The
for to offer a sincere thank youmeetings;
to the
ers Collegiate for use of their venues
1st - Barrie Brooking / festival sessions and insecticides to be used include:
Norm Peterson allfollowing
those for who another
offersuccessful year:
scholarships; Dimethoate Malathion Bacillus thuringiensis
businesses the volunteers, participants,
and individuals
nancial donations; Rivers Banner,
for the
2nd - Wilma Jones /
Minnedosa parents,Tribune,
teachers, financial
the Dauphin 4. To control mice and rats at the municipal waste disposal sites at various
Lois Campbell
Hearld donors & scholarship sponsors
and South Mountain Press for times throughout the year using the following rodenticides:
promoting RRFA; towns of Rivers and
3rd - Jim Burgess / (as recognized
Minnedosa in theRRFA
for posting program),
Bromadilone Brodifacoum
Lynne Burgess tion onMinnedosa United Church,
their websites; Rivers Home
The public may send in written submissions or objections within 15 days of the
Minnedosa Pharmacy,
Hardware and Minnedosa Pharmacy
4th - Mel Harvey /  for selling programs; and the numer- publication of this notice to the department below.
Wilf Taylor and Riverswho
ous volunteers Home Hardware,
are the heart and
for your help and support
soul of RRFA and without whom the
festival would not exist. You make it Environmental Approvals Branch
5th - Boyd Grant / happen and of the
appreciate your 1007 Century Street
Doug Thiessen
Without you, it wouldn’t happen.
contributions. Winnipeg, MB
Special thanks to Rivers & Area Com- R3H 0W4
munity Foundation for your grant.
8 Friday, April 12, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Rachel Koroscil Named Coach of the Year

easy to get caught up in cided to move to Alberta, Manitoba and continued next year. Only getting
weighing the results of the where she worked full time competing throughout her one month of “down time”
athletes on how success- as a coach at the National high school years. Koroscil fills the month of
ful you are as a coach, so Training Centre for Biath- In 2011, Koroscil par- April with travelling home
for so many of my students lons. ticipated in the Canada to visit family and prepare
to nominate me for this As a member of the Winter Games in Halifax for the next years training
award really touched me. Air Cadets out of Strath- and then decided to focus curriculum.
As hard as I am working for clair, Koroscil also grew up more on the coaching as- Koroscil has recently
them, they are also work- skiing with her family for pect of the sport. Starting received her Advanced
ing hard for me. It’s really sport. When Rachel was to coach full time while Coaching Diploma out of
a great and rewarding feel- 14 her dad, Edwin, started she was still attending Uni- the Calgary Sport Institute
ing,” said Koroscil. looking into Biathlons and versity was a busy time for in July. This is the high-
“Biathlon” is an worked with the Cadets the young athlete, however est coaching certification
Olympic winter sport, commanding officer at being the determined soul you can currently get for
which combines com- the time. The command- that she is, she pushed her biathlon. Future plans are
petitive, free-technique ing officer encouraged Ed- way through. In 2015, she to continue on with coach-
cross-country skiing and win to start up a program led her team to the Canada ing, developing athletes
small-bore rifle marks- and coach the interested Winter Games in Prince for the national team. Per-
manship.   It is a chal- kids in the Strathclair and George as the head coach haps one day she will think
lenging sport because of Sandy Lake area, and that’s and just returning home about competing again for
the combination of two exactly what he did. From from the 2019 Canada herself, but right now Ko-
very contradictory disci- this point on Koroscil Winter Games in Red Deer. roscil is very happy and
plines, skiing and shoot- found a passion and a love Koroscil currently coaches fulfilled in following the
ing.  Cross-country racing for the sport and found two main groups; ages 14 coaching path. “I am ex-
requires intense, full out herself making it to the to 18 (high performance actly where I should be. I
physical exertion over an Cadet Nationals that year, program) and Team RAD feel this is where I am mak-
extended period of time bringing home first place (post high school high ing the biggest difference
Photo submitted while shooting demands Aggregate  result for the performance program). and the biggest change in
extremely fine control and entire nationals. She was Training runs annually the sport is helping to de-
By KAREN MITCHELL resides in Canmore, AB stability. also asked to join the Pro- from May 1st through to velop the next Olympians.”
and was nominated for Koroscil graduated vincial Team with Biathlon the end of March of the

O n March 29th, in the award by eighteen of from Erickson Collegiate

MCI Foundation Accepting Applications

Whistler BC, Rachel her students. Having only in 2009. From there, she
Koroscil received the Bi- started coaching in 2015, attended University in
athlon Canada 2018 – 2019 she is well on her way to a Winnipeg receiving her
Female Coach of the Year promising future and ca- Bachelor in Physical Edu- SUBMITTED stitute. The Minnedosa Enhancement Commit-
award. Koroscil, formerly reer. cation and a Bachelor in Collegiate Foundation of- tee and Minnedosa Youth
of Sandy Lake, currently “In coaching it is really
Education. In 2015 she de- he Minnedosa Col- fers grants to community Soccer.
legiate Foundation organizations, while teach- Applications are avail-
invites community orga- ing students about the pro- able online at: https://mci.
nization to apply to their cess a community founda-
The Minnedosa Tribune presents… Youth-in-Philanthropy tion undergoes to support athletics/minnedosa_col
Minnedosa’s Official Tourist Guide… grant program. The MCI community endeavors. legiate_foundation or in

Foundation was estab- The Minnedosa Collegiate person at MCI.
lished in 2017 as a part- Foundation is completely The deadline for Appli-
nership between The youth lead under the guid- cations is May 1st. Please
Minnedosa and District ance of the Minnedosa and contact MCI at 204-867-
Foundation, The Thom- District Foundation. Pre- 2794 or for
as Sill Foundation and vious recipients include, more information.
Minnedosa Collegiate In- The Minnedosa Beach

Since 1996, The Minnedosa Tribune has been proud to compile, design, publish and
distribute our community’s tourist guide.
Just in time for May long weekend, 5,000 printed copies of
The Beachcomber will be distributed locally,
through Riverbank Discovery Centre and Travel Manitoba.
You can be a part of it!
If you have taken photos that showcase Minnedosa in a
positive light to visitors we would be happy to include
them in our official tourist guide. You will be named as • PURCHASE OR RENT-TO-OWN
the photographer for any images we • FREE DELIVERY & SET-UP within 80 kms
select for publication. • NO CREDIT CHECK up to
Showcase your business or event by purchasing 15% off
ad space in this year’s Beachcomber. DIAMOND
2885 Saskatchewan Ave. W.
on all 2017
Please send your photos or ad inquiries to Heather at

CALL 204-857-8990 before Friday, April 26th.
For more information, call The Tribune at 204-867-3816.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 12, 2019 9

Easter Is... Seniors Water Colour Art Show


S unday, April 21st marks Easter Sunday for 2019.

The date of Easter varies from year to year how- O n the afternoon of Sat-
urday, April 6th, the
seniors watercolour paint
ever it always falls on the first Sunday after the first
full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) that is on or after class had its creativity on
the vernal Equinox. This is said to be the day when public display during the
the day and night are equal. eighth spring art show. The
Traditionally, Easter is a Christian holiday event was held from 2 p.m.
that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of to 4 p.m. at the 50+ Centre.
Jesus Christ. In the New Testament of the Bible, On display was a variety
the event is said to have occurred three days af- of watercolour paintings
ter Jesus was crucified by the Romans and died. which were created by tal-
The holiday concludes the “Passion of Christ,” ented local artists during
a series of events and holidays that begins with two-hour workshops over
Lent—a 40-day period of fasting, prayer and the winter.
sacrifice—and ends with Holy Week, which in- The classes are or-
cludes Holy Thursday (the celebration of Jesus’ ganized by Hazel Stone-
Last Supper with his 12 Apostles), Good Friday house and this winter saw
(on which Jesus’ crucifixion is observed), and 13 members participating.
Easter Sunday. Although a holiday of high reli- Ten of these artists had
gious significance in the Christian faith, many their art on display dur-
traditions associated with Easter date back to ing Saturday’s show; Barb
pre-Christian, pagan times. Hanishewski, Val Gawel, Photo submitted
In western Christianity, including Roman Sylvia Robinson, Joan
Skatch, Ruth Smith, Ro-
Standing (L-R): Sylvia Robinson, Ruth Smith, Shelley Price, Keith Wallace,
Catholicism and Protestant denominations,
land Street, Keith Wallace, Val Gawel, Roland Street and Diane Creber.
the period prior to Easter holds special signifi-
cance. This period of fasting and penitence is Shelley Price, Alice Mc- Seated (L-R): Alice McInnes, Linda Birch, Hazel Stonehouse, Joan Skatch.
called “Lent”. It begins on Ash Wednesday, and Innes and Diane Creber. Missing: Orville Cooley, Barb Hanishewski and Karen Heward.
lasts for forty days (not including Sundays). The remaining three artists
Some traditions celebrated on Easter, who made up this year’s ern lights.
whether religious or not, include; the Easter class included Linda Birch, Approximately 60 THANK YOU
Bunny bringing chocolate and/or presents, Orville Cooley and Karen people, including fam-
decorating and painting eggs, an easter egg Heward. ily, friends and the general Thank you to the Seniors Watercolour painters for
hunt and attending a church service. One of the season’s public attended Saturday’s again putting on a great show! I so appreciate you all!
The exact origins of the Easter Bunny tra- workshop featured guest art show to congratulate Thank you also for the gorgeous flowers in appreciation
dition are unknown, although some historians artist, Brenda Eisler of and encourage the artists for my workshops. Sincerely, Hazel Stonehouse
believe it arrived in America with the German Rapid City who instructed and their talents!
immigrants in the 1700s. Rabbits are, in many the class in painting north-
cultures, known as enthusiastic procreators, so
the arrival of baby bunnies in springtime mead-
ows became associated with birth and renewal.
Several families enjoy a large meal togeth-
er around the table during the Easter holiday.
A time to socialize and bake bread together. An BUSINESS IS
Easter dinner of lamb has some historical roots,
since a lamb was often used as a sacrificial ani-
mal in Jewish traditions, and lamb is frequently
served during Passover. The phrase “Lamb of
God” is sometimes used to refer to Jesus and the
sacrificial nature of his death.
No matter what your beliefs may be or how
you choose to celebrate the Easter holiday,
there are limitless choices available to you.
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will continue at the current regular price. Early cancellation charges may apply. Taxes not included. Other conditions may apply. Offer subject to change without notice.
10 Friday, April 12, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil Month

By KAREN MITCHELL Study Committee recom- cer Society is a national, committed to improving comprehensive approach in the fight against cancer.
mended the formation community-based organi- and saving lives. That’s against cancer. We are also The money raised helps

S tatistics show that

nearly one in every two
Canadians is expected to
of the Canadian Society
for the Control of Cancer,
and this new organization
zation of volunteers whose
mission is the eradication
of cancer and the enhance-
why we are always look-
ing for new ways to pre-
vent cancer, find it early
the only national charity
that supports all Canadi-
ans living with all cancers
fund life-saving research
and provide vital support
services for people with
be diagnosed with can- was officially launched ment of the quality of life of and treat it more success- across the country.” cancer and their families.
cer at some time in their the following year. After a people living with cancer. fully. It’s why we’re always During the month If you have a chance,
lifetime. On average, 565 few years, the name was Their vision is to create a ready to give people with of April every year, also purchase a daffodil in hon-
Canadians are diagnosed changed to the Canadian world where no Canadian cancer the help and sup- known as “Daffodil Month”, our of someone who you
with cancer every single Cancer Society and a de- fears cancer. port they need to lead thousands of Canadian have lost, fought or is cur-
day and 221 Canadians cade after that, they began According to their more fulfilling lives. We set Cancer Society volunteers rently fighting this devast-
die from cancer every day. funding cancer research. website, “At the Canadian ourselves apart from other fan out across Manitoba ing disease.
Decades ago there was During their early Cancer Society, we are cancer charities by taking a to engage their neighbours
growing concern by doc- years, they received most
tors that the public was of their income from an
not aware of the signs of
cancer. By the time people
consulted a doctor, their
annual grant from the Ca-
nadian Medical Associa-
tion based on the interest
Minnedosa 4-H Club Report
cancer was advanced and of the King George V Silver By ASHLEY MAGNUSSON so much fun! For cor- a silent auction for many about the PEI exchange.
their chances for survival Jubilee Fund. Today, al- respondence we talked other desserts. Torynn will The 4-H Club will be doing

were decreased. Due to most all of income is gen- here was a 4-H meet- about how the Minnedosa be our auctioneer. Rayna a beer can and bottle drive
this, the Canadian Medi- erated through fundraising ing at the MCI cafeteria Credit Union paid for our Topham will be going to on the Monday of May
cal Association’s National programs and donations on Monday, April 1st, with rental at the Minnedosa Washington for 4-H on a Long Weekend. Anyone
Study Committee on Can- from individual Canadians 26 members present. Roll United Church for achieve- trip and will share her ex- wishing to donate or have
cer was formed in 1931. and corporate partners. call was taken and each ment night. periences at achievement their beer cans or bottles
In 1937, the National The Canadian Can- member was encouraged Achievement night night. picked up can contact a
to say what their favorite is at Minnedosa United Corinne Topham gave 4-H Member or Leader.
ice cream is. Each member Church on April 25th, all the Head Leader report The meeting was ad-
Early Deadline Next Week shared an update on their are welcome. There will be and Laci Mailman gave the journed at 8 p.m. and then
4-H project progress. a Dessert Auction to raise Area Council report. On Nicolas Bartkewich played
Monday, April 15th We discussed sub- funds for the 4-H Club. Wednesday, April 3rd the a game/learning item.
committee reports. The There will be a live auc- 4-H Teen members gave a This was our last meeting
at 12 noon tubing at MacGregor was tion for select desserts and power point presentation for this year.


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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 12, 2019 11


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Two bedroom mobile WAVES OF HOPE FASH-
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. home. Four appliances. ION SHOW – Wednesday,
Available May 1st. Call 204- April 24th, 2019 at UCT Pa-
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WE SUPPLY. 868-0946. (4-tfn) x vilion Keystone Centre. AD-
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, WE BUILD. VANCE TICKETS are $20.00.
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 WE REPAIR. Shows at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00
2 bedroom mobile
BY FAX 204-867-5171 • Custom Fence & Gates home. All appliances includ- p.m.  Tickets available from
• Agricultural Fencing ed, attached garage. Asking any Waves of Hope member
BY E-MAIL • Repair & Maintenance
$800/month. Call 204-868- or Diane 204-727-2378 or
• Removal & Haul Away Darlene 204-728-6309. www.
• Commercial & Residential 5300. (5-4) x
• Temporary Fence (3-3) x
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to
• Containment Fence
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa • General Construction OFFICE SPACE St. Jude’s Spring Bake
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any • Facilities & Airports Sale and Perogy Lunch. Sat-
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be • Material Sourcing urday, April 13th from 11:00
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third • Highway Guardrails   Office space for rent, a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at St. Jude’s
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear • Fabrication - e.g. Gates former Minnedosa Med- Church Main Street, Erickson.
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in Serving MB & SK ical Clinic. 2,200 sq. ft., 8 of- Perogies, sausage, coleslaw
any advertisement which is published. fices and reception area. and desserts for lunch. Adults
204-573-7920 Will renovate to suit needs. $10.00, 12 and under $5.00.
RATES Brandon, MB Ideal for daycare centre. Call 5 and under FREE. Perogies,
Caught you looking! 780-619-8349, email huyghe cabbage rolls and baking for
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each.
Reach over 413,000 Mani- sale. Raffles. Everyone Wel-
Repeat ads - Half Price. toba homes weekly. Spring REAL ESTATE come. (3-3) x
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & is here! Book your Spring An- ENGAGEMENT
bolding, and centering). nouncements, Events, Sales, ANNOUNCEMENT Newdale Craft Club An-
Employment Opportunities, House for Sale in Minne- nual Show and Tell. Saturday,
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, & dosa. 341 – 4th St. N.E.
Auctions, Wanted Ads, For April 13th, 2019 from 2:00
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture. $274,900. Call 204-573-9370.
Rent, Volunteer Opportun- – 4:00 p.m. at the Newdale
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. ities, etc. People rely on these (3-2) x KRISTEN HYDE Community Hall. Please join
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 classifieds to find what they & us for refreshments and priz-
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 need. Catch them looking at TAVIS CLARK es. Silver Collection. (4-2) x
your material in our 48 Week- along with their parents
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. ly Community Newspapers. are pleased to announce Have an upcoming
Call this newspaper NOW or their engagement and event? Wanting good atten-
Deadlines email upcoming wedding on dance? Remember, there are
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later for details. MCNA (204) 947- August 17th, 2019. still many people who do not
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Friday’s 1691. Please join us for have access to online adver-
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE 63 Centre Street, Erick- a social evening tising or social media and rely
insertion. Selling something? Let son, MB. 1,100 sq. ft. home honouring Kristen on the local newspaper to find
our readers know. Classified built in 1987 on a corner lot. and Tavis out what’s happening in their
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for ads start at $9.00 for up to 40 3 bedrooms – 2 up, 1 down, on April 13th, 2019 at the community. Let our read-
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor words. Repeat ads run at half 2 bathrooms – 1 up, 1 down, Minnedosa Community ers know by placing a simple
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of price! Call 204-867-3816 or finished basement. Double Conference Centre from Coming Event ad in The Tri-
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. email class@minnedosatri- attached garage. $179,000. 9:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. bune. Word ads starting at
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit Call 204-636-7800. (5-8) x Please drink responsibly. $9.00 plus tax for the first 40
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. x words. Call 204-867-3816
LOANS RTM HOMES or email your ad to class@
Clanwilliam Trivia
Night. Friday, April 26th.
TO Annual Easter Ham and
Chicken Bingo being held on Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Tick-
12 Patterson Dr.
THING. Automotive, farm, MOVE ets $12.00. Available from Liz
Stonewall, MB construction, ATV, mar- Need HOMES Saturday, April 13th from
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Minne- Davies at 204-865-2429 or
Modern Commercial
ine, motorcycle, golf carts,
phones, tools, radios, com-
Cash? Pictures, floorplans
available at
dosa Legion Club Room. All Colleen Cook 204-867-7209.
Fitness Equipment • We Loan games are 1 line or 4 corners Come out for a night of fun!
puters etc. Reconditioned,
from Gym Closeout • Easy application at a cost of .25 cents per card (4-3) x
obsolete and hard-to-find
Along with • Approval with Custom builds also in play per game played.  All
batteries. SOLAR equipment. collateral available. Minnedosa Minor Are-
Estate & Moving The Battery Man. Winnipeg. area residents welcome so
Sat April 13th 10:00 AM • Title Loans Can build on site. na Association AGM will be
1.877.775.8271 www.battery- • No Credit Check come on down and join us
Consignment & For information or to held at Minnedosa Arena at • We service ALL of for an afternoon of bingo and
view Showhomes call 7:00 p.m. on April 22nd, 2019.
Equipment Auction Manitoba fellowship.  (License #1269-
Sun Apr 28 @ 10:00 AM 204-346-3231 Please see proposed changes
B1-27631) (3-3) x
Consignments Welcome! Call Dan Devloo or email to the MMAA Constitution to
Booking Spring Farm Auctions! (204) 526-7093 be voted on at the AGM; post-
CAI Financial ed at minnedosaminorhock-
(204) 467-1858 or Unit K - 2151 Portage Ave. Ste Anne, MB
(204) 886-7027 Winnipeg MB (4-2) x
12 Friday, April 12, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune


Advertisements and
Join us for the Com- statements contained herein The Association of Manitoba Community Pastures (AMCP) is an
munity Good Friday Ser- are the sole responsibility of organization led by an elected Board comprised of members from its
vice, April 19 at 11am, the persons or entities that patron’s. The AMCP is responsible for custom grazing cattle at numerous
at the Minnedosa Com- post the advertisement, and locations in the province of Manitoba. Its head office and this position are
munity Conference Cen- the Manitoba Community located in Minnedosa, Manitoba.
tre. Offering to be shared Newspaper Association and Our company is seeking a positive, self motivated individual to become MinnedosaÊandÊDistrictÊRecreationÊCommissionÊisÊcurrentlyÊlookingÊforÊÊ
between the Minnedosa membership do not make a member of our team as an Administrative Assistant to provide human The Minnedosa and District Recreation Commission is seeking a


and Erickson Food Banks. any warranty as to the ac- resource, administrative and clerical support. toÊserveÊtheÊTownÊofÊMinnedosa,ÊRMÊofÊMinto,ÊandÊRMÊofÊOdanahÊ
EVERYONE WELCOME! curacy, completeness, truth- Ê
Minnedosa Area Churches fulness or reliability of such
Duties to include but not limited to: to serve the Town of Minnedosa and RM of Minto-Odanah.
• providing office support ie. answering phones, mail/email, data  CoordinatingÊrecreationalÊprogramsÊÊ(managingÊregistra-
Worshipping Together (3- advertisements. For greater tion,ÊbookingÊfacilitiesÊetc.)Ê
information on advertising entry, etc.;
3) x  The Recreation Director will encourage and enhance recreation opportunities
conditions, please consult • responsible for payroll for up to 50 staff, balancing payroll and by co-ordinating
leadersÊ programs and events; working with volunteers, staff,
the Association’s Blanket Ad- reconciling accounts, processing all hiring and termination related  community groups and recreation leaders.
Save the date! Minne- documents;  PlanÊeventsÊ
vertising Conditions on our
dosa District Museum and • providing day to day support to the General Manager;  QualifiReportÊtoÊandÊgetÊdirectionÊfromÊaÊBoardÊofÊDirectorsÊ
cations include:
website at
Heritage Village presents • assisting pasture managers, other staff and the public with Ê• A degree in Recreation (or related field) is preferred but not necessary.
• An equivalent education and/or experience may be considered.
Gordon Goldsborough, More inquiries;
Abandoned Manitoba: Riv- Do you have a PRESS • Self Motivated and strong organizational skills.
RELEASE / MEDIA ADVIS- • providing support to the Board of Directors, taking minutes at • Strong oral and written communication skills.
ers, Rails and Ruins. Wednes- meetings, etc.; • Program Planning.
day, May 15th at 7 p.m. at the ORY that needs to go out?
• providing assistance in accounts payable and receivable. • Knowledge of funding opportunities and proposal writing experience.
Let us help you with that!
50+ Centre. Don’t miss it! • Experience working with staff, volunteers and the public.
Though we cannot guarantee The successful candidate should have two years post-secondary • Knowledge of accounting and QuickBooks is an asset.
publication, MCNA will get education ie Business Administration; or equivalent of one to three years • Report to and get direction from a board of directors.
Live Music  at the the information into the right job related experience; or an equivalent combination of education and *CompleteÊjobÊdescriptionÊavailableÊuponÊrequest*Ê
Minnedosa Legion on  Fri- hands for ONLY $35.00 + ÊInterestedÊapplicantsÊshouldÊforwardÊaÊdetailedÊresumeÊoutliningÊ
Interested applicants should forward a detailed resume outlining skills and
day, April 26th  from  7:00 - GST/HST. We also do Media skillsÊandÊexperienceÊbyÊFriday,ÊJanuaryÊ4th,Ê2013Ê@Ê4:00Êp.m.Ê
experience with 2 references by Monday, April 15th, 2019 to:
9:30 p.m. featuring  “The DR Monitoring, if you would like For more information please visit our website to:Ê
Selection Committee
Blues Band”. If you like the to follow up and see who Please email Resume, including references & cover letter to Minnedosa and District Recreation Commission
blues and 50’s 60’s dance mu- MinnedosaÊ&ÊDistrictÊRecreationÊCommissionÊ
picked up the material. Call by April 26, 2019. Box 1259
sic then come on down.  Mu- MCNA (204) 947-1691 for Minnedosa, MB
sicians jam session from 9:30 more information, or email We thank all applicants for their interest. R0J 1E0
to closing.  A free will offering Or email to
WeÊthankÊallÊwhoÊapply,ÊbutÊonlyÊthoseÊselectedÊforÊanÊinterviewÊwillÊbeÊnotified.Ê for Only those selected for interviews will be contacted.
for the Minnedosa Beach En- (5-2) Ê 4-2
hancement and Playground Ê
Committee will take place at Municipality of Harrison Park
8:00 p.m.  (5-3) x HEALTH Employment Opportunity
Minnedosa Perform- TRACTOR/MOWER OPERATOR Wealth Management Specialist
ing Arts Committee (Expres- Trouble The Municipality of Harrison Park is recruiting for the position of a Minnedosa Credit Union and Beautiful Plains Credit Union are looking for
sions Concert Series) will be Walking? an energetic professional for the permanent full-time position of Wealth
holding their AGM on Mon- Tractor/Mower Operator to undertake roadside mowing, as well as Management Specialist
day, April 29th at 6:30 p.m. at Hip or Knee other duties as requested, starting on May 13, 2019.
Work Location: Work location is divided between Minnedosa and Neepawa.
MCI Library. All are welcome Replacement?
The successful candidate will be self-motivated and will have a Responsibilities
to attend! (5-2) x Restrictions in daily
demonstrated ability to work as a member of a team. Experience Reporting to the Manager of Lending & Wealth Management, the Wealth
Minnedosa United
in operating and maintaining machinery is an asset. Management Specialist position is responsible for delivering a wide array of
Church Spring Smorg. Sun- investment options to new and existing Credit Union members. This position
Tax Credit This position is classified as Village General Maintenance under the
day, April 28th, 2019 from entails assessing member needs, determining the appropriate type of
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Adults  $40,000 current Collective Agreement and is seasonal.
refund cheque/ investments and delivering these services. The candidate will be assigned an
$15.00, 11 and under $6.50, 5 established mutual fund portfolio. The successful candidate will demonstrate
and under Free. Ham, meat-
rebates Any persons interested are requested to submit a resume and cover
Disability Tax a passion for business development and will actively communicate with Credit
balls, scalloped potatoes; letter to the Municipal Office, no later than April 25, 2019 at 4:00 Union members to provide expert advice and quality service.
vegetables; salads; home- p.m.
made pies, tea & coffee. (5-3) 204-453-5372 Requirements
x For further details please contact: • The successful candidate should have two years post-secondary education
Tamara Sellman plus one to three years job related experience or an equivalent combination
The Minnedosa Hor- or education and experience.
Assistant Chief Administrative Officer
ticultural Society will hold VOLUNTEERS Municipality of Harrison Park
• Candidate will require a current mutual funds certification in good
their first meeting of the year standing;
on Tuesday, April 16th at Box 190 Onanole, MB R0J 1N0 • Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Personal Financial Planner (PFP)
7:00 p.m. at the library. New Phone: 204-848-7614 Fax: 204-848-2082 designation (completed or in the process of completing) is a definite asset;
• Demonstrated ability in analyzing an investor’s needs and effectively
members are welcome! Come Email:
check us out! x applying solutions and appropriate financial products is essential;
The Municipality of Harrison Park would like to thank all that • Superior interpersonal abilities and a commitment to service.
apply in advance and advise that only those selected for For additional information visit
When disaster further consideration will be contacted. or
strikes in your Please forward your cover letter and resume by April 15th, 2019 to:
Yard Sale April 20th from
community, Minnedosa United Church is looking for an outgoing, cre- Terry McLenehan, Manager of Lending & Wealth Management
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at 117
you CAN help, ative person who enjoys working with young children, to fill the Minnedosa Credit Union
– 6th Ave. N.E. Household and we can position of Vacation Bible School (VBS) Coordinator. Your job Box 459 Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0
items, dishes, collectables, show you how. will be to plan, organize, promote and coordinate our 2018 VBS
miscellaneous hardware, golf program. We estimate you will be required to spend 40 hours of
cart trailer. VOLUNTEER prep time and 40 hrs to run the program 9:00 til noon each day
Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
WITH THE for 5 days in mid-July. VBS is a faith based educational program
MISCELLANEOUS RED CROSS for kids aged 3-12. Church volunteers will be available to assist
SERVICES TODAY! with various activities throughout the week. Music, crafts and FEED AND SEED
Email: programming will be theme based. You will be required to have
Terry’s Home Enrich- a current Police Record Check and Child Abuse Registry Check
Dream Job! Live in care- FORAGE SEED FOR
ment Maintenance. T.H.E.M. in order to run this program. If you are interested in more details
Phone: giver/housekeeper. Summers SALE: Organic and conven-
cell 868 8088 ( 204-982-7634 and to discuss remuneration for this position please contact
in Winnipeg and winters in tional: Sweet Clover, Alfalfa,
MINOR REPAIRS and MAIN- Julie Hutton at 204-868-6265 before April 17th, 2019. (4-2) x
the tropics. Call 204-997- Red Clover, Smooth Brome,
TENANCE in your home!
4629. Meadow Brome, Crested
High quality painting  (Inter- Tenders for Minnedosa Arena Manager/Ice Mak- Wheatgrass, Timothy, etc.
ior and Exterior), Fix-it jobs. er and Minnedosa Arena Canteen Manager are posted at Free Delivery! Birch Rose
(5-11) x Detailed job descriptions are Acres Ltd. 306-921-9942.
also posted. Tenders close on April 18, 2019. The lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted. (4-2) x
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 12, 2019 13

Keep the Spiders Away
Dear Reena, potatoes so that they taste wash. enhance the flavour.
I hate going into my freshly made? Deb
basement for fear of seeing Dear Reena, Tips for Clearing Gifts
Response Builder a spider. Do you have any Dear Deb, If you store onions That Dogs Leave in the
Advertising tips for repelling those dis- Cover leftover mashed and potatoes together, the Yard
WORKS! gusting creatures? Viola potatoes by placing plas- onions cause the potatoes
• GET SEEN by over
tic wrap directly onto the to get old quickly. It is bet- Clean up regularly.
400,000 Manitoba Dear Viola, potatoes instead of over ter to store onions in the If you maintain a regu-
Homes! Reduce the spider the top of the bowl. This fridge as they don’t make lar schedule, the task will
• Create instant top of population in your home prevent the potatoes from you tear up when you chop seem much less daunting.
mind awareness
• Showcase your info,
with the following safe, forming a hard crust. them. You should also cut If you have children in the
business, product, Homemade Spider Repel- When you are ready to re- off the eyes as soon as they yard, it advisable to pick
job, announcements lent. Into a spray bottle, serve the potatoes, heat start to appear. Shauna up the mess at least once a
or event pour four-cups of water, milk in a pot. Add potatoes day.
• We format it, to
make it look great!
one-teaspoon of dish soap and stir them into the milk Smart Suggestions Consider purchasing
• Starting at $239.00 and eight drops of pepper- or cream. The potatoes will a separate lidded trash can
(includes 35 lines of mint essential oil. Spray taste fresh.   I have a solution for a for doggie doo. The smell
space) wherever spiders appear. quick way to sharpen your will stay confined to one
• The ads blanket the
province and run in
Repeat as needed. Substi- Dear Reena, knives. Just scrape them on area, and the lid will not
MCNA’s 48 Manitoba tutes for peppermint es- What is your trick to the bottom of a mug and need to be lifted very often.
IN MEMORIAM sential oil are lavender, tea get crazy glue off fingers? the knives will get sharp. A Purchase freeze dry spray
tree oil, cinnamon, orange Gloria very fast and easy solution! for those runny excre-
• Very cost effective
means of getting
and lemon essential oil. Gail ments. The feces will
In Loving memory of Dear Gloria, quickly harden, making
your message out to
our parents
the widest possible Dear Reena, When this happens Sweet’n Sassy BBQ them easier to pick up.
audience PETER
August 14th, 1912 –
I serve mashed po- soak (and I mean soak for Sauce: Mix a few spoons- When cleaning up
Contact this newspaper July 7th, 1976 tatoes on a regular basis, at least 15 minutes) your ful of jelly into your favor- waste between gravel and
NOW or MCNA at but I notice that leftover fingers in one of the fol- ite BBQ sauce. Brush over small stones, use a pooper
204.947.1691 or email April 26th, 1923 – mashed potatoes are never lowing: cola or the hottest chicken or ribs towards the scooper that opens and
April 16th, 2014 as good as when they are water that you can stand last few minutes of grilling. closes by manipulating the Brother made fresh. Do you have or acetone. Gently pry the Or add jelly to bottled vin- handle.
EARL any tips for reheating the glue off your fingers and aigrette salad dressing to
CARD OF THANKS November 23rd, 1958 –

Legion Auxiliary Notes

April 7th, 2009
Special thanks to all the PAT
staff at Minnedosa hospital June 26th, 1950 –
for the kind, caring and com- June 11th, 2011
passion towards Gerri and Brother in- law SUBMITTED nate to the Minnedosa about the scholarship and ing with coffee and lunch
family. Calvin, Dylan and TARAS
Beach Enhancement pro- amount was reviewed. to follow.
family. x January 2nd, 1948 –

Thank you to all of Ger-

ri’s friends and my friends for
June 13th, 2014

Loving memories never

P resident Laming pre-
sided over the regular
meeting of the Royal Can-
ject and the Kidney Foun-
Further discussion
It was agreed that the
amount and criteria will
remain the same.
The Personal Care
Home is again doing a
fundraiser to update their
all the beautiful cards, calls die as years roll on adian Legion Auxiliary was held regarding the Lorrie reported she activity department for
and food, A very special thank and days pass by. #138 on April 1st. Ten Auxiliary’s 80th anniver- had seen Vera Dyck and new cupboards, a stove,
you to Gerri’s sisters Judy and In our hearts a members were present. sary. Lorrie and Janis met Bernice McMillan at the microwave and different
Bonnie for their kindness and memory is kept of Lorrie Laming, Janis with the Branch and as it is Personal Care Home. She lighting. The matter of do-
for helping when needed and ones we loved and
sitting with Gerri in the hos- Wahoski and Anita Hold- also their 80th anniversary also visited with Jean La- nating toward this was put
will never forget.
pital. Special thanks to Jean away attended a Food Safe as well, they would like to Coste and took her flowers. over to the May meeting.
Garbolinsky who has been Love always, Course in Neepawa on combine the two, possibly District Commander, Barb
there for three years. Thanks Shirley, Elsie, Eleanor, April 6th. during Fun Fest week. Roberds will be attending
a million Jean at this very sad Allan and families. It was decided to do- A request from MCI the auxiliary’s May meet-
time. Thank you to my Legion x
Garden friends and Mark and
Nadine for their kindness.

Thanks for all the waves I get
when friends walk by. I love it.
Thank you for online condo-
lences, they are all beautiful
words at this very sad time. I
thank Marla and Greg for the
accompanied by Marie
beautiful urn, a “curling rock”.
Wow, beautiful. Thank You.
Myrna Kartanson. x O n Saturday,
enjoyed viewing the

picture painted by members

Cardy returned home last
week. Andy and Stacie
enjoyed a one-week Car-
Prairie Mountain
Independently Owned Gwen Usick
Ph: 204-867-4657
Fax: 204-867-2150
of the Senior Water Colour ribean Cruise followed by a and Operated Broker Realtor
group at the 50+ Centre. week in Florida with sister
Congratulations to all those Cheryl and family. TIN
participating in the show for Juliana Yannucci of NEW
their fine work. Brazil is spending the next
On Sunday evening, three months with the Andy
approximately 100 folks Cardy family. Juliana is this
attended the Minnedosa year’s Rotary exchange stu- MINNEDOSA MINNEDOSA MINNEDOSA MINNEDOSA
Grain Growing Group’s in- dent and has been staying Well maintained 2 + 1 Well maintained 2 bedroom 1 bath - 2 + 1 bedroom, 1 bath - Immaculate 3 bdm,
bedroom, 1 bath bungalow mobile home on 2 lots. - Cental air 2 bath home
formation and fundraising with Brad and Sue Ross with newer attached garage - Skylight in kitchen, open concept, - Extensively renovated
and features wall AC, solid central air, plenty of storage. - Updated windows on main
banquet in support of the before going to the Cardy’s wood kitchen cabinets, pantry, head to toe
- Large mudroom addition leads - 2 decks & storage shed
Canadian Food Grain Bank. April is Cancer Month, updated windows, deep to the oversized single attached in yard - Open concept
tub, closet organizers, tons garage. - Enjoy the view of the lake
The event was held at the so when a canvasser calls on of storage, shingles 2016. - Shed, vegetable garden, paved from your deck
Deck, garden shed, patio & driveway
MCCC where folks enjoyed you please give as every bit vegetable garden. - Attached single car garage
MLS #1830776 $154,900
food, two speakers, fellow- counts. MLS #1830389 $159,000 MLS#1906414 $129,900 MLS #1830171 $215,900
ship and a silent auction.
Take a tour on or our website www.remax-prairie
14 Friday, April 12, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune


“Living in your
Proud Supporter Rick Taylor 867-7551 CONSTRUCTION

BIRCH Parish Backhoe
GENERAL ●Septic Systems ●Weeping tiles
CONTRACTORS ●Water Systems ●Basements
• Specializing in water & sewer
Commercial ●All types of excavation●
installation & repair Residential Certified in waste
• All types of excavation
204 LAKE ST.
242 - 5TH AVE. S.W.
• Basements, Demolition
• Snow removal
867-0400 water management
- 3 bedroom lakeview - Lakefront lot ready - 1,076 sq. ft. 3 bedroom
• Gravel, Topsoil 0r Call: Ian
• Sales of septic tanks
bungalow for new build bungalow
Kirk 867-0180 867-7506 874-2134 or 867-0383
- 1,200 sq. ft. with full - 50’ frontage - wood burning fireplace, deck
basement with hot tub
Bryon Gaiser HWM
- Plenty of room for parking
- Single garage, town sewer - Many updates and newly
and water $109,900 MLS #1825486 fenced yard
$269,000 MLS #1830968 $279,900 MLS #1808983 Truck & Skid
Steer Service
Competitive Rates

230 - 6TH AVE. S.W. 349 - 1ST ST. S.W.

33 - 3RD AVE. S.W.
- 1,360 sq. ft. bungalow - 1,300 sq. ft. 1 3/4 storey
- 1,400 sq. ft. 4 level split
- 4 bedrooms, 3 baths - 3 bedrooms, 3 baths - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths
- Single detached garage - Great features and town
- Close to downtown Enterprises Ltd.
$259,900 MLS #1902831 $89,900 MLS #1907381 Refridgeration
$359,900 MLS #1906182 Air Conditioning,
Heating & Electrical BILL HOPKINS
Considering listing your Property? 30 Years 204-867-0260 5” AND 6” continuous
Call me today for great service at great rates!
Ex perience!!
Siding Roofing
Bus : 867-3950 Soffit Fascia


Glen Burgess
Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam
Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation
Fire Retardent Coating

PRAIRIE REDI-MIX Electrician 204-867-3738

Minnedosa - 867-3853
R eady Mix Conc rete 204-868-5211 Email:
Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
George Allard, FCGA*
Open Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
Gateway Street All at Competitive
Onanole, MB
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00
Saturday - 9:00 a.m. -
prices Jon Kowal
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
9-515 4th Ave.
2:00 p.m. 867-0145 Custom
Shoal Lake, MB
Suite A
110 Main Street South Fertilizer Minnedosa
Minnedosa Floating Credit Union
Dauphin Office - Call today to book your
● Roofing ● Decks Main Line
15 1st Ave. S.W. 204 867-5550 ● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing spring floating needs! 204-867-6350
Phone: 204-638-3005 ● Renovations ● Repairs Brad Ross
Fax: 204-638-5817
Darvin - 204-868-5869 204-867-6366
*Denotes Professional Corporation AUTO
Robert - 204-867-7113 Terry McLenehan
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 Fairmount Solar and Electrics 204-867-6363
Susan Glasgow
For All Your Electrical Needs
Debbie Strelczik
MÊ GijsbersÊ 204-867-6360
Dan Quesnel
Chartered Professional BACKHOE & TRUCKING
Accountant Inc. 204-867-6359
● AC
MinnedosaÊ Donna Dowsett
Ê 213ÊÊ 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê 204-867-6361
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê Electrical Inc. (48-4)
Kim Butler
Email:Ê Ê Catharine@mts.netÊ
M&M ●Electrical
GRAIN 204-867-6352
Alayna McTavish

AUTO BODY Contracting HAULING 204-867-6354

BDO Canada LLP All Auto Body Repairs Ph: 867-3238
Trisha Paterson
Chartered Joanne Clarke
Professional Accountants Ph: 867-2083 Cell: 868-5741
Brian Horner 204-867-6364
Farm, Business & Individual 5 Main St. North Gaylene Johnson
Grain & Fertilizer 204-867-6357
Professinal Services: Hauling Amber Johnson
- Tax
- Accounting Book this spot Book this spot 204-867-6374
- Farm Programs $5.52/week $5.52/week E-mail
Don Simpson, CPA, CA Call 204-867 3816
Call 204-867 3816 Website
39 Main Street South, Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 12, 2019 15


WAHOSKI G ORD K E L LY Lakeside St. Alphonsus
Septic Service
Drivers Licenses, Autopac MECHANICAL LTD. Plumbing & Heating Catholic Church
General Insurance Gas Fitting 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. • Lawn Mowing & Trimming
PLUMBING Potable water Minnedosa,MB
MB 867-3831
Cheri McTavish – Broker ph: 867-2084 Minnedosa, 867-3831 • Dandelion Spraying -
867-3946 HEATING cell: 867-0346 delivery. Licensed Pesticide Applicator
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Book your portable • Fertilizer Application
GAS FITTING toilets. • Licensed Arborist Service
LEGAL AIR CONDITIONING SELF-HELP Erle Jury & Family • Hedge Trimming
• Yard Clean Up
204-867-3121 867-2416
Alexander or A.D.A.M. Cory Johnston ▪ Minnedosa
204-476-5185 Cell: 867-7558
Jackson Anxiety Disorders People Helping People (204)Ê 476-4705Ê
Law Office - Committed to Caring -
B-116 MainSt.St
of Manitoba RAINKE'S
RAINKIES Phone (204) 857-6100
Minnedosa, MB Support Group Sewage Service Fax (204) 857-8389 Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
867-3981 Plumbing & Heating JIM BEAUMONT
Meetings are held at Ventilation/Air quality Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of 476-2483
Ty Burton the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Owner/Operator
Air Conditioning
Burgess Law 204-868-5358 For more info call:
Debbie Fisch
Cell: 476-6591 REAL ESTATE Kitchen Equipment
Office Commercial Gas Fitter
(204) 725-8550 Dennis: 476-2766 Commercial & Residential
51 Main Street S service specialist
Minnedosa ALCOHOLICS 23 Hour Service CALL ME... FOR ALL YOUR
Plumbing & Heating
ANONYMOUS 1-204-867-7346
minnedosa@ If you like to drink and can
Summit Septic
• Construction •
That's your business
If you want to stop and can't ServiceS LEONA’S
204-867-5458 That's our business. Minnedosa and surrounding areas Studio Of Image
P.O. Box 36 Frank r. Ford and Family Hair Care
L a w O ffi c e PLUMBING & HEATING
Russ Huyghe
or 867-3966 penny Ford PETER HARRISON
•Eminence Facials
Alanon - 210-0433 & Product
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. 204-868-6376
Alateen - 867-5121 Owner/Operator Phone/Text 867-5444 • Pedicures & LCN Nails
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h 867-3401 Minnedosa 204-210-0158 • Spray Tanning
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717 Cody Huyghe Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays
204-210-0502 Cells • Piercing
OFFICE MANAGER Drug Problem? 204-868-0851 or 204-868-0863
• Eyelash Extensions
204-868-6886 Narcotics
email: 204-867-2287
67 Main St.
Anonymous can help
TRADING Meetings every Waterpals Rob’s TAC
Book Potable Water Delivery Small EnginE REpaiR & Ventures Inc.
Tuesday & YaRd maintEnancE SERvicES
This Minnedosa and area
Saturday at 7 p.m. Waste
FRONTIER Health Inspected • Mowing & Trimming
at Calvary Temple, Management &
Spot • Snow Blowing
TRADING STORE 221 Hamilton Street, No Job is too small!!! • Unwanted Item Removal Contracting
for Neepawa, MB 204-868-5674 • Handyman Services (204)476-0002
• Alum & Stainless Welding Garbage Removal
only • Reasonable Rates Bin Rentals
Construction Demolition

$13.88 Gently Used Furniture SERVICES 204-720-5934 Renovating

Household clean up
Clothing & Misc. Items Estate clean ups
per By Donations Only We now offer Small Engine Repair Transformative
Minnedosa & Area
week! CARPET CLEANING Call for Quotes Electrolysis
Call us today for your carpet Tune ups on
Snowblowers etc. Permanant Hair Removal
& upholstery cleaning needs. 204-596-5111

Kim’s Book
Ê Book
MOBILE HEAT WASH Cleaning Services
This Spot This Spot
for for
- Residential
only only
204.759.3313 - Commercial
$8.29 $8.29
● 204-848-0097

Toll Free 844.877.7767 204-848-0400 Home: 867-3272

per per
● 204-848-0400 Cell: 210-0818 week! week!
#7 � 515 4th Avenue
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB
16 Friday, April 12, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $10 minimum order)
APRIL 12TH - APRIL 18TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

Miracle whip assorted .................. 650-890ml ...... $3.99 FM Muffins assorted ........................................................... 6x110g .............. $4.99

PC™ pop assorted ...................................................................... 2lt ...............$1.19
MH tin original roast .............................925g ...... $8.99
D Monte NSA fruit tin assorted ........................................... 398ml ...............$2.19
Heinz beans,pasta canned assorted ................................... 398ml ...............$1.49
Heinz ketchup ................................................................ 750ml-1lt ...............$4.49
Shake N Bake assorted .................................................... 142-184g ...............$2.49 Ristorante,Casa Di Mama pizza assorted ...320-385g ...... $3.99
Kraft peanut butter smooth ......................2kg ...... $8.99 Breyers classic icecream assorted ........................................1.66 lt ............. $3.99
Classico sauce assorted.................................................410-650ml ...............$2.99 Popsicle Revello ice bars/fudge bars/tropical 720ml ...... $3.99
Kraft cheese parmesan grated ................................................250g ...............$6.00 Highliner pan sear cod savoury herb .....................................540g ............. $9.99
KD cup original .........................................................................58g ...............$1.39 Pogo original ............................................................................750g ............. $6.99
BC Hamburger/Tuna Helper assorted........................... 158-233g ...............$1.99 Mccain superfries assorted .....................................................650g ............. $3.29
Kool Aid jammers assorted ............................................ 10x180ml ...............$3.39 Tenderflake tart/pie/pastery shells assorted ................ 255-397g ............. $2.99
Motts Clamato,Ocean spray cocktails assorted 1.89lt ...... $3.49 Bagel Bites 3 cheese supreme ................................................198g ............. $2.49
NN™ cake mix assorted..........................................................468g ...............$1.49 MM/Five Alice/Fruitopia frozen juice mix ......................... 295ml ............. $0.89
Nestle pure life ............................................................... 12x500ml ...............$2.49 Chapmans frozen yogurt assorted ............................................ 2lt ............. $4.49
Perrier sparkling water assorted.................................... 750ml-1lt ...............$1.39 Michelina assorted .......................................................... 227-255g ............. $1.39
Quaker rice cakes/crispy assorted ................................. 100-199g ...............$1.79 Swanson frozen diners assorted ..................................... 298-345g ............. $2.99

Kellogg Pop Tarts assorted ......................................................400g ...............$2.49
PC™ crispy rice,corn flakes cereal ................................ 650-680g ...............$2.99
Instant Quaker Oatmeal assorted .................................. 228-425g ...............$2.99
Smuckers NSA jam assorted ............................................... 310ml ...............$3.99
Nescafe coffee instant rich blend ...........................................170g ...............$4.99
Tasters choice classic/decafe ..................100g ...... $4.99 Inside Round Beef Roast .......................................................................... $4.39/lb
Tetley Tea assorted .............................................................. 20-24g ...............$2.49 Beef striploin steak ................................................................................... $8.99/lb
Snackpack pudding assorted ................................................ 4x99g ...............$1.49 Chicken fresh thighs ................................................................................. $2.99/lb
NN™ Olives green assorted................................................. 375ml ...............$1.99
Kettle New York cheddar.........................................................220g ...............$2.99 Cooks smoked picnic or smoked ham shanks or butt’s ........ $2.69/lb
Old El Paso tortillas medium/large ................................ 297-334g ...............$2.49 PC™ T&C chicken burgers ....................................................800g ............. $7.99
Christies Crackers,Bits bites assorted ........................... 175-200g ...............$1.99 NN™ smoked sausages -cheese,original ..............................900g ............. $7.49
Ruffles,Doritos assorted .................................................. 220-280g ...............$2.99 PC™ Bacon ..............................................................................500g ............. $4.99

PC™ popcorn extra butter ................................................... 3x99g ...............$1.79
Oasis juice assorted .............................................................. 960ml ...............$1.59
Sunny D tangy ........................................................................ 1.89lt ...............$2.49
Quaker HC cereal original ......................................................560g ...............$3.29
NN™ liquid honey ..................................................................500g ...............$4.99
Red Rose orange pekoe ...........................................................72ea ...............$4.49 Pineapples...................................................................................................... $3.59
Carnation hot chocolate assorted ..........................................450g ...............$3.99 Oranges, Asian pears ................................................................................ $1.29/lb
Nesquick syrup assorted ...............................................510-700ml ...............$4.49 FM 4ct tray corn/Cauliflower....................................................................... $3.99
Christie dads oatmeal cookies assorted ........................ 305-320g ...............$2.49 Sweet potatoes .......................................................................................... $1.29/lb
Leclerc celeb assorted ..................................................... 240-300g ...............$3.49 Carrots 2lb, Yellow onions 3lb ..................................................................... $1.99
NN™ Rice crackers assorted ..................................................100g ...............$0.99 FM 10lb Russet potatoes ............................................................................... $3.99
Bugles original .........................................................................213g ...............$1.99
Sunlight 2x HE 32w ................................................................ 1.47lt ...............$4.99 Seedless grapes -Green,Red .............................. $2.99/lb
Dawn,Ivory Ultra dishwasher assorted .............................. 532ml ...............$2.49 On the vine tomatoes ............................................................................... $1.49/lb
Lysol all purpose cleaner,Toilet bowl cleaner assorted...... 650ml ...............$2.99
SOS Steel wool soap pads .......................................................10ea ...............$1.99
NN™ toilet bowl cleaner ..................................................... 710ml ...............$1.99
Ziploc bags assorted .......................................................... 14-90ea ...............$3.79
Kibbles N Bits original ...............................................................6kg .............$11.99
Milkbone soft and chewy beef steak ......................................113g ...............$1.99

Cat Chow advanced nutrition ..................................................2kg ...............$7.99 ALL PRICES ARE PLUS GST, PST & OTHER LEVIES WHERE APPLICABLE *WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

Fancy Feast assorted .................................................................85g ...............$0.79

NN™ cat litter assorted.............................................................7kg ...............$4.99
Purex bathroom tissue ............................................................ 12rl ...............$7.99
Spongetowel paper towel ultra cascade ................................... 6rl ...............$7.99
Danone activia rasp/straw/blue/peach .......................... 12x100g ...............$6.99
Lactantia butter salted ............................................................454g ...............$4.75
Imperial margarine CP/quarters .......1.36kg ...... $4.99
Black Diamond pro slices assorted ........................................450g ...............$3.99 OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
International Delight creams assorted ............................... 473ml ...............$2.49 *PRICES AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKY DOLLAR IN MINNEDOSA ONLY

Planning Your Wedding?

Make your day a truly special one with a custom designed
wedding invitation. Traditional or contemporary designs
to fit the liking of every Bride and Groom. 204-867-3816

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