Juliana Arebalo Acosta - North-South Dispute Over Slavery Led To Civil War - Student Packet

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As the U.S.

Grew, the North-South Dispute over Slavery Led to Civil War 

Do Now: 
Read the summary below. Answer the questions that follow. 
The American Civil War was a war fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865. It was fought between the Northern and 
Southern states. Although there were many conflicts among states during the time leading up to the Civil War, the war 
was mainly caused by slavery. The South wanted slavery. Slavery was not allowed in the North. Abraham Lincoln became 
President and was against slavery. When he became President, some states in the South decided to break away from the 
United States. 
Who is this summary about? 
This summary was bout the Northern, Southern States, and Abraham Lincoln. This is who the summary was about. 
What was this summary about? 
This summary was about the war between Northern and Southern states because of their different opinions on slavery, 
and due to that the south decided to break away from the United States. This is what the sumaray was about. 
When was the Civil War? 
The civil war was between 1861 and 1865. This was when the civil war was. 
Where was the Civil War? 
The civil war took place in the United States. This is where the Civil War was. 
Why did the war take place? 
The war took place because of their different perspectives on slavery. This is why the war took place. 
Reading - Section 1 
Read and take notes for Antebellum conflicts and The growth of slavery and conflict. 
Antebellum conflicts   ● Antebellum 
  ○ Period leading up to the actual civil war  
What was Antebellum and  ● Conflicts- between states 
what conflicts were there  ○ Business 
○ Political parties 
among states during this 
○ Religion 
time?  ○ South state rights 
○ North stronger federal; government  

The growth of slavery and   

● Slavery growing during Antebellum 
conflict  ○ Slavery grew enormously originally from 800,000 to 4,000,000 
  ■ Slaves employed in factories and mines, slave labor and darms 
In what ways did slavery  ■ people benefited from crops and goods produced by slaves. 
grow during Antebellum?   
  ● Conflicted emerged 
○ United States began to expand to the west 
What conflict emerged as  ○ Debate over whether slavery should be continued in new states 
the country expanded?  ○ white Northerners and Southerners came to great disagreement over the issue 
Reading - Section 1 
Write a summary for Antebellum conflicts and The growth of slavery and conflict. 
Antebellum was, the period of time leading up to the Civil War. Now one of the many of Antebellum conflicts were 
between States, and there conflicts were usually, over three things political parties, business, and religion. However these 
conflicts did not divide the states whatsoever. Now during the Antebellum, the slavery population of slaves seemed to 
grow overnight, the slave population started off from 800,000 to 4,000,000. The work that slaves usually did was either 
working in factories, mines, farms or being a laborer, without any freedom. Now since salves worked for free and brought 
a lot of income for people,, there seemed to be contervirosy when the United States began to expand west. A debate 
began between people from the north and people from the south on whether or not slavery should be introduced to the 
new states. 
Reading - Section 2 
Read and take notes for The rise of Lincoln and the South's new demands and Slave states break away.  
The rise of Lincoln and the  ● Abraham Lincoln 
○ Republican party warned of dangers of slaves in the south  
South's new demands 
○ Had an intention to be in the republican party because he wanted to slavery to come to 
  an end 
Why did Abraham Lincoln  ○ Republican part warned about the dangers of a "Slave Power" South. 
become a leader of the   
Republican Party?  ● Democratic Party split- causes 
○ Southern people wanted bigger federal protection when it comes to slavery  
What caused a split in the 
Democratic Party? 

Slave states break away   

● Slave break from United States 
○ Lincoln ran a platform stopped the spread of slavery 
Why did slave states break  ○ Southern states warned that if Lincoln won they'd leave the Union 
away from the United  ○ Seven States broke from the Confederate States of America since Lincoln won 

Reading - Section 2 
Write a summary for The rise of Lincoln and the South's new demands and Slave states break away.  
Abraham Lincoln, seemed to have a certain opinion about slavery, and that opinion was that Slavery should come 
to an end. The Republican party on the other hand warned about how dangerous Slavery was in the South, and that's 
what made the republican party extremely popular, once Abraham Lincoln heard about this and since they shared a 
common interested, he decided to join the Republican PArty. But a spilt happened between the democratic party, and it 
was because the Southern people wanted bigger federal protection, when it came out slavery,However, since Lincoln ran 
a platform which stopped the spread of slavery, southern states threatened to break about from the Union if Lincoln won. 
However Lincoln ended up winning, and Seven states broke away from the United States. 
1. Consider this line: 
“Legal slavery existed only in the Southern states, but whites in both the North and South shared 
beliefs of white supremacy.” 
What does this imply about why even in the North, people chose not to fight against slavery? 
What this implies about why even in in the North people chose not fight against slavery is that, 
since they believed they were white they were better than all those other races they shouldn't waste their 
time on people who don't hold as much power as them. This is what this imply about people in the North. 
2. Paragraph 2 describes the many conflicts among states during Antebellum. Why did the author choose to 
list all of these conflicts? 
The author choose to list all these conflicts to provide examples of the NON-HOSTILE disagreements/arguments 
they had, to show that these argument/disagreements helped lead up to the actual Civil war, because each one 
of the disagreements/arguments had something to do about slavery and power, which is something many people 
ignored during Antebellum, because it was so controversial. This is why the author choose to list all these 
How did Americans in both the South and the North benefit from slavery? 
Americans in both the South and North benefited from slavery, because the South was benefiting from from their 
Slave Labor since it brought in huge amounts of money, then the North winifred as well because they received 
crops and produce from the Slaves. These is how Americans from both the SOuth and North benefited from 
3. Why did a split in the Democratic Party “virtually assure” that Lincoln (a Republican) would be elected 
A split in the Democratic Party ¨virtually assure¨ Lincoln that he would be elected as president because, the split 
which caused the democratic party was over Slavery and how it should be more protected. 
4. Use the quote below to answer the questions that follow.  
"'A house divided against itself cannot stand' I believe this government cannot endure 
permanently, half slave, and half free ... I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the 
house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be divided." - Abraham Lincoln’s December 1857 notes for 
what would become the "House Divided" Speech of 1858. 
5. In your own words, what is Lincoln saying here? 
Linclon is saying, thata country divided against themselves will not keep the government strong, and he believes 
that the Union will not come to an end nor will the government, but he expected this disagreement will divide people. 
6. What happened in the United States after Antebellum? Was Lincoln right? Wrong? Both? Explain. 
What happened in the United States after the Antebellum, was that an actual war broke out. But I do believe 
Lincoln was right, the topic of slavery is still very controversial for some people and it didn't seem to come to a 
somewhat end till war broke out, because so many countries were divided, This is what happens in the United 
States after the Antebellum.
Exit Ticket:  
1. What does “Antebellum” refer to? 
Antebellum refers to the time period which led up to the Actual Civil War. This is what Antebellum referred to. 
2. Why did Western expansion lead to a conflict between the North and South? 
The western expansion lead to a conflicted between the North and South because they were unsure on whether they 
should allow slavery in those new states. 
3. Who was Abraham Lincoln and why did he come a leading member of the Republican Party? 
Abraham Lincoln was a president, and he became a leading member of the Republican party because they had one 
common interest which was, ending slavery.  
4. Why did slave states break away from the United States? 
Slave States broke away from the United States because they warned people, if Lincoln won the Presidential election 
they'd leave the United States, since he is against slavery, and they were pro slavery.  

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