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StruCAD*3D / ZenScad Import

StruCAD*3D / ZenScad
Import Manual


ISO SAP113017M5 Rev. 0

Proudly developed in the United States of America November 2017

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1 Introduction
1.1 Import a StruCAD*3D File 1
1.2 Review Import Log 2
2 Read the StruCAD*3D Input File
2.1 Input File Format 1
2.2 “Cards” Read 1
3 Translate the Model to SAP2000
3.1 Data Control Specification 1
3.1.1 TITLE “Card” 1
3.1.2 OPTIONS “Card” 2
3.1.3 LDOPT “Card” 2
3.1.4 UNITI “Card” 3
3.1.5 DLCASE “Card” 3
3.1.6 TMPOPT “Card” 3
3.1.7 SECLIB “Card” 4
3.2 Joint Specification 4
3.2.1 JOINT “Card” 4
3.2.2 PERSET “Card” 5
3.2.3 ELASTC “Card” 6
3.3 Member Specification 6
3.3.1 SECT “Card” 6
3.3.2 GRUP “Card” 7
3.3.3 GRUPL “Card” 9
3.3.4 CGRP “Card” 9
3.3.5 MEMBER “Card” 11
3.4 Finite Element Specification 12
3.4.1 PGRUP “Card” 12
3.4.2 PLATE “Card” 14
3.5 Weight (Mass) Specification 15
3.5.1 WGHTCN “Card” 15
3.5.2 WGHT UNIF “Card” 16

3.5.3 WGHT JOIN “Card” 17
3.5.4 WGHT CONC “Card” 18
3.6 Static Load Specification 19
3.6.1 LOADCN “Card” 19
3.6.2 LOAD UNIF “Card” 20
3.6.3 LOAD CONC “Card” 20
3.6.4 LOAD MOMT “Card” 21
3.6.5 LOAD JOIN “Card” 22
3.6.6 WGHTIN “Card” 22
3.6.7 DEAD “Card” 22
3.7 Pitch, Roll, and Wave Force Specification 22
3.7.1 CENTER “Card” 23
3.7.2 ACCEL “Card” 23
3.8 Load Combination Specification 24
3.8.1 LDCOMB “Card” 24
1 Introduction

This manual describes the capabilities for importing StruCAD*3D (or ZenScad) models into
SAP2000®. StruCAD*3D Version 4.3 files are currently handled. Models from other versions
should also import, although this has not been thoroughly tested.

It is important to read this entire manual before importing a StruCAD*3D model in order to be-
come familiar with any limitations of the import or assumptions that have been made.

The process of importing a StruCAD*3D model is broken into two main steps, namely

reading the contents of the StruCAD*3D input file

translating the StruCAD*3D model contents into a SAP2000 model

Chapter 2 of this manual describes the first step of reading the StruCAD*3D input file, while Chapter 3
describes in detail the translation of the StruCAD*3D model into a SAP2000 model.

1.1 Import a StruCAD*3D File

A StruCAD*3D (or ZenScad) model is imported using the File menu > Import >
StruCAD*3D File... command. The file to be imported is located using the file dialog box
shown in Figure 1-1. Select the desired file to import and click the Open button to begin the im-
port process. After selecting the file, if a model is currently open a prompt appears, as shown in
Figure 1-2, asking whether to append to the existing model or start a new model.

Data Control Specification 3-1

The first step of the import process reads the StruCAD*3D file to determine the contents of the
model. If the file is successfully read, the import process automatically begins. An import log,
similar to the one shown in Figure 1-3, is displayed, providing information on the status of the
import process. Upon completion of the import process, the import log remains on the screen
and should be reviewed before proceeding.

1.2 Review Import Log

The import log is visible during the entire import process and presents information on the status
of the read and translation steps. The log can be saved to a Rich Text File (RTF) using the File
menu > Save Log As... command on the form. Messages are categorized into the following
three types and can be hidden/displayed in the log form by clicking on the buttons at the top of
the form or using the commands on the View menu of the form.

Figure 1.3: Import log

Messages – these messages are for information purposes only and do not affect the imported model.
Typical messages tell the number of objects read or imported.
Warnings – these messages highlight items which should be reviewed after importing the model.
Typically these messages are related to assumptions made during the translation process where there
is not a direct one-to-one translation.

Errors – these messages highlight items which resulted in an error during the import process and
should be resolved before using the imported model. Typically these messages are related to incorrect
values in the StruCAD*3D file or an issue during the translation process.

The import log should be reviewed after the import process is complete and any issues should be resolved
before proceeding to use the imported model. It is also recommended that the imported model be
checked for accuracy.
2 Read the StruCAD*3D Input File

This chapter describes the process of reading the StruCAD*3D input file which is the first step
in the import process. The StruCAD*3D input file format is described in Chapter 5 of the Stru-
CAD*3D (ZenScad) User's Manual [GAI 2003].

2.1 Input File Format

The StruCAD*3D input file is composed of “cards”. Each input line (or “card”) consists of up
to 128 columns of data, starting with column 1 and ending with column 128. Each input line is
read individually and the content parsed into appropriate fields. The following sections define
which “cards” are read during the import.

2.2 “Cards” Read

The following list of “cards” are read in during the import process. The list is categorized ac-
cording to the StruCAD*3D (ZenScad) User's Manual. Details of the translation of the “card”
data are provided in the following chapters. It is recommended that the following chapters de-
Data Control Specification 3-1
scribing the translation be reviewed as some items on the “cards” may not be translated. For fur-
ther information about any of the “cards”, please refer to the StruCAD*3D (ZenScad) User's

Control Specification

Data Control Specification

TITLE Title of the analysis

LDOPT Load options
UNITI Input units specification
DLCASE Concrete design load conditions
TMPOPT Temperature options
SECLIB Section library hierarchy

Element Specification

Joint Specification

JOINT (COORD) Joint coordinates

JOINT (PERSET) Joint permanent settlements
JOINT (ELASTC) Joint elastic supports

Member Specification

SECT Cross section properties

GRUP Material and other properties
GRUPL Material and other properties – long label
CGRP Concrete material properties
MEMBER Member connectivities

Finite Element Specification

PGRUP Plate material and other properties

PLATE Plate connectivities

Load Specification

Weight (Mass) Specification

WGHT (UNIF) Member distributed weight specification

WGHT (CONC) Member concentrated weight specification
WGHT (JOIN) Joint concentrated weight specification

Static Load Specification

LOADCN Load condition specification

LOAD (UNIF) Member distributed loads
LOAD (CONC) Member concentrated loads
LOAD (MOMT) Member concentrated moments
LOAD (JOIN) Joint concentrated loads and moments
DEAD Dead and buoyancy loads

Load Combination Specification

LDCOMB Load combinations

3 Translate the Model to SAP2000

This chapter describes the translation of the StruCAD*3D model to SAP2000. Only the “cards”
defined in Chapter 3 as being read in are discussed in this chapter. Note that not all features on
each “card” type are imported, so it is important to review the following sections to determine
what parts of the model are imported.

The StruCAD*3D input file format is described in Chapter 5 of the StruCAD*3D (ZenScad)
User's Manual [GAI 2003]. For further information about a particular feature or capability of
SAP2000, refer to the SAP2000 manuals available from the Help menu > Documentation...
command or to the interactive help, available from the Help menu > Contents and Index...

3.1 Data Control Specification

This section describes the imported “cards” that are related to various options, unit settings, and
other control data.

3.1.1 TITLE “Card”

The TITLE “card” provides a description of the model and may contain multiple lines. All lines
are imported and stored in the Model Description field of the SAP2000 Project Information
which is accessible from the File menu > Modify/Show Project Information... command.

3.1.2 OPTIONS “Card”

The OPTIONS card provides analysis and reporting options. Only the code check options are
currently read and used to define the steel frame design code during translation.

Data Control Specification 3-1

Load Options
SAP2000 Usage StruCAD*3D Field
Steel frame preferences design code Code Check Options
Table 3.1: OPTIONS "card" translaiton

3.1.3 LDOPT “Card”

The LDOPT “card” defines global parameters used for defining loads on the structure. The op-
tions are not directly translated, but are used for other cards where specific values are not speci-
fied and these global defaults shall be used. Table 3.2 shows where the parameters may be used
during the translation.

Load Options
SAP2000 Usage StruCAD*3D Field
not translated Create Output File
not translated Flooding Option
not translated Water Density
GRUP and GRUPL steel density default Steel Density
not translated Mudline Elevation
not translated Water Depth
not translated Hydrostatic Collapse Analysis Option
Perform Hydrostatic Collapse Analysis on Flooded
not translated
CGRP concrete density default Concrete Density
not translated Enclosed Material Density
not translated Encasing Material Density
not translated Grout Density
not translated Marine Growth Density
Table 3.2: LDOPT "card" translation

3.1.4 UNITI “Card”

The UNITI “card” defines the default input units. All of the units are read in and used during the
translation process to convert the input data values to the SAP2000 model database units.

If a new SAP2000 model is created, the default database units are set based on the default unit
system defined in the UNITI “card” as follows.

'U' for U.S. converts to SAP2000 database units of kip, ft, F

'M' for metric converts to SAP2000 database units of kgf, m, C

'S' for S.I. converts to SAP2000 database units of kN, m, C

3.1.5 DLCASE “Card”

The DLCASE “card” defines the load combinations that are to be used for carrying out concrete
design. The specified load combinations are selected to be used for concrete design during the
translation and can be reviewed from the Design menu > Concrete Frame Design > Select De-
sign Combos... command.

3.1.6 TMPOPT “Card”

The TMPOPT “card” defines global parameters used for temperature loads on the structure. The
options are not directly translated, but are used for other cards where specific values are not
specified and these global defaults shall be used. Table 3.3 shows where the parameters may be
used during the translation.

Temperature Options
SAP2000 Usage StruCAD*3D Field
not translated Reference Temperature
Coefficient of thermal expansion for steel material Steel Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
properties generated from GRUP and GRUPL “cards”
Coefficient of thermal expansion for concrete material Concrete Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
properties generated from CGRP “cards”
Table 3.3: TMPOPT "card" translation

3.1.7 SECLIB “Card”

The SECLIB “card” defines the hierarchy of the standard section libraries. The section libraries
are used when importing the GRUP and GRUPL “cards”. Table 3.4 shows the relationship be-
tween the SAP2000 and the StruCAD*3D section libraries.

Section Libraries
SAP2000 Library StruCAD*3D Library AISC1 AISC2
not translated BRIT1
not translated JAPN1
not translated EURO1
Table 3.4: SECLIB "card" translation
3.2 Joint Specification
This section describes the imported “cards” that are related to joint locations and assignments to

3.2.1 JOINT “Card”

The JOINT “card” defines coordinates and restraints for point objects. Table 3.5 shows the map-
ping to the material properties.

Joint Properties
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
X X-coordinate larger + X-coordinate smaller value
Y Y-coordinate larger + Y-coordinate smaller value
Z Z-coordinate larger + Z-coordinate smaller value
Restraint Fixed in Translation Along the X-axis
Fixed in Translation Along the Y-axis
Fixed in Translation Along the Z-axis
Fixed in Rotation About the X-axis
Fixed in Rotation About the Y-axis
Fixed in Rotation About the Z-axis
not translated Exclude
Table 3.5: JOINT "card" translation

3.2.2 PERSET “Card”

The PERSET “card” defines permanent settlement conditions for joints. The permanent settle-
ments are applied as ground displacements in SAP2000. The Basic Load Case Id specifies the
load pattern to assign the displacement loads to. If no Basic Load Case Id is specified, the dis-
placements are applied to all load cases. Table 3.6 shows the mapping to the ground displace-
ment load.

Ground Displacement Assignment

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Label Joint ID
Translation Global X Settlement in Translation Along the X-axis
Translation Global Y Settlement in Translation Along the Y-axis
Translation Global Z Settlement in Translation Along the Z-axis
Rotation About Global X Settlement in Rotation About the X-axis
Rotation About Global Y Settlement in Rotation About the Y-axis
Rotation About Global Z Settlement in Rotation About the Z-axis
Load Pattern Name Basic Load Case ID
Coordinate System N/A – taken as Global
Options N/A – taken as Add to Existing Loads
Table 3.6: PERSET "card" translation

3.2.3 ELASTC “Card”

The ELASTC “card” defines spring supports for joints. Table 3.7 shows the mapping to the joint
spring assignment.

Joint Spring Assignment

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
N/A – joint to which the spring is assigned Joint ID
Translation 1 Spring Rate in Translation Along the X-axis
Translation 2 Spring Rate in Translation Along the Y-axis
Translation 3 Spring Rate in Translation Along the Z-axis
Rotation About 1 Spring Stiffness in Rotation About the X-axis
Rotation About 2 Spring Stiffness in Rotation About the Y-axis
Rotation About 3 Spring Stiffness in Rotation About the Z-axis
Coordinate System N/A – taken as Local
Options N/A – taken as Add to Existing Loads
Joint advanced local axes definition Joint ID defining spring local X-axis
Joint advanced local axes definition Joint ID defining spring local Z-axis
Table 3.7: ELASTC "card" translation

3.3 Member Specification

This section describes the imported “cards” that are related to properties and geometry of frame

3.3.1 SECT “Card”

The SECT “card” defines dimensions and properties for frame section properties. These cards
are read in but not directly imported. The data is used while importing the various group cards
for frame sections. Table 3.8 shows the mapping of the various section types.

Section Types
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
not translated Section Label
I/Wide flange WF – wide flange
Pipe TUB – tube section
Tube BOX – box section
Channel CHN – channel section
Double Channel DCH – double channel section back to back
not translated DCB – double channel section face to face
Angle ANG – single angle section
Double Angle DAN – double angle section
General PRI – prismatic element
Tee TEE – tee section
not translated CTB – concentric tube with grout
not translated CON – cone frustum tubular member
not translated PLG – plate girder
Rectangular RBM – uniaxial rectangular concrete beam
Rectangular RBB – biaxial rectangular concrete beam
Tee TBM – uniaxial concrete T-beam
Tee TBB – biaxial concrete T-beam
Circular COL – circular concrete column
Rectangular REC – rectangular concrete column
Table 3.8: SECT “card” shape translation

3.3.2 GRUP “Card”

The GRUP “card” defines section and material properties for similar steel frames. The GRUP
cards are converted to material properties and frame section properties in SAP2000. If material
properties are specified, they overwrite the values specified on the SECT “cards” or in global
definitions. Table 3.9 shows the mapping to the material properties.

Material Properties
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Material Name N/A – taken as “SCAD#” where # is a unique number
Material Type N/A – taken as Steel
Weight per Unit Volume Steel Density
Mass per Unit Volume N/A – automatically calculated by SAP2000
Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of Elasticity
Poisson's Ratio N/A – calculated from the elastic and shear moduli
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion N/A – taken from TMPOPT “card”
Shear Modulus Shear Modulus Elasticity
Minimum Yield Stress Minimum Yield Stress
Minimum Tensile Stress N/A – taken as 1.3*Fy
Effective Yield Stress N/A – taken as 1.1*Fy
Effective Tensile Stress N/A – taken as 1.1*Fu
not translated Minimum Yield Stress for Web of PLG
Table 3.9: GRUP "card" material properties translation

The section properties are used to define new frame section properties in SAP2000. Table 3.10
shows the mapping to the frame section properties.

Section Properties
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Section Name “SCAD” + Group ID
N/A – based on the name assigned to the material
properties on the GRUP or SECT “card”
Outside Diameter (Pipe Section) Tube Outer Diameter
Wall Thickness (Pipe Section) Tube Wall Thickness
not translated Segment Length
not translated Hot-rolled vs Built-up
Table 3.10: GRUP "card" section properties translation

Additional fields in the GRUP “card” are translated according to the mapping in Table 3.11.

Other GRUP Fields

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Member Design Overwrite Cb Cb Option
Member Design Overwrite Cm Cm Option
not translated Report Skip Designation
not translated Average Joint Thickness
Member Design Overwirte Effective Length Factor Ky Effective Length Factor
Member Design Overwirte Effective Length Factor Kz Effective Length Factor
not translated Compression Flange Brace Spacing
not translated Stiffener Spacing
not translated Flooded/Enclosed Option
Member Design Overwrite Unbraced Length Ratio Ly Length
Member Design Overwrite Unbraced Length Ratio Lz Length
not translated Nonlinear Group ID
not translated Stress-stiffening Override
not translated Ring Spacing
not translated Skip Local Buckling Check
not translated Exclude Bending Moment
Table 3.11: GRUP "card" other parameters translation
3.3.3 GRUPL “Card”
The GRUPL “card” is the same as the GRUP “card” except it allows a longer section label to be
defined. Refer to Section 3.3.2 for information on the GRUP “card”.

3.3.4 CGRP “Card”

The CGRP “card” defines section and material properties for similar concrete frames. The
CGRP cards are converted to material properties and frame section properties in SAP2000. If
material properties are specified, they overwrite the values specified on the SECT “cards” or in
global definitions. Table 3.12 shows the mapping to the material properties.

Material Properties
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Material Name N/A – taken as “SCAD#” where # is a unique number
Material Type N/A – taken as Concrete
Weight per Unit Volume Weight Density of Concrete
Mass per Unit Volume N/A – automatically calculated by SAP2000
Modulus of Elasticity Young's Modulus of Elasticity
Poisson's Ratio N/A – calculated from the elastic and shear moduli
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion N/A – taken from TMPOPT “card”
Shear Modulus Shear Modulus Elasticity
Specified Concrete Compressive Strength Compressive Strength of Concrete
Lightweight Concrete Concrete Type Flag
Shear Strength Reduction Factor N/A – taken as 1
Table 3.12: CGRP "card" material properties translation

The section properties are used to define new frame section properties in SAP2000. Table 3.13
shows the mapping to the frame section properties.

Section Properties
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Section Name “SCAD” + Group ID
N/A – based on the name assigned to the material
properties on the CGRP or SECT “card”
Depth or Diameter Diameter or Z-dimension (depth)
Width Y-dimension (width)
not translated Associated Rebar Label
Property Modifier – Torsional Constant Cracked Section Reduction Factor Ix
Property Modifier – Moment of Inertia About 3 Axis Cracked Section Reduction Factor Iy
Property Modifier – Moment of Inertia About 2 Axis Cracked Section Reduction Factor Iz
Table 3.13: CGRP "card" section properties translation
Additional fields in the CGRP “card” are translated according to the mapping in Table 3.14.

Other GRUP Fields

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
not translated Joint Thickness at Member Ends
not translated Skip Override Flag
not translated Interaction Curve
not translated Number of Element Segments
not translated Average Splitting Tensile Strength
not translated Member Location
Table 3.14: CGRP "card" other parameters translation

3.3.5 MEMBER “Card”

The MEMBER “card” defines frame connectivity and properties. The MEMBER cards are
translated to line objects in SAP2000. If properties are specified that also exist on the
GRUP/GRUPL “cards”, they overwrite the values specified on the GRUP/GRUPL “cards” or in
global definitions. Table 3.15 shows the mapping to the line objects.

Line Object and Assignments

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Start Joint (I) First Joint Id
End Joint (J) Second Joint Id
Section Property Group Id
Releases Release End Force in X-direction
Release End Force in Y-direction
Release End Force in Z-direction
Release End Torsional Moment about X-axis
Release End Bending Moment about Y-axis
Release End Bending Moment about Z-axis
Local Axes Angle assignment Chord Angle
Used to define local axes direction using advanced Joint Id for Local Z-axis
local axes assignment with two joints and a plane
Property modifiers on the weight and mass density are Steel Density
assigned to the line.
Table 3.15: MEMBER "card" object and assignments translation

Additional fields in the MEMBER “card” are translated according to the mapping in Table 3.16.

Other GRUP Fields

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
not translated Flooded/Enclosed Option
not translated Average Joint Thickness
not translated Report Skip Designation
Member Design Overwirte Effective Length Factor Ky Effective Length Factor
Member Design Overwirte Effective Length Factor Kz Effective Length Factor
not translated Compression Flange Brace Spacing
not translated Number of Member Segments for Output
Member Design Overwrite Unbraced Length Ratio Ly Length
Member Design Overwrite Unbraced Length Ratio Lz Length
Tension/compression limit assignment. If tension only, Tension or Compression Only
compression limit set to 0; if compression only, tension
limit set to 0.
Compression limit assignment Axial Compression Capacity
Tension limit assignment Axial Tension Capacity
not translated Exclude Member
Table 3.16: MEMBER "card" other parameters translation

3.4 Finite Element Specification

This section describes the imported “cards” that are related to properties and geometry of plate,
shell, and solid elements.

3.4.1 PGRUP “Card”

The PGRUP “card” defines material and section properties for area objects. The material prop-
erty values are used to define new steel material properties in SAP2000. The material properties
from all of the PGRUP “cards” are checked for duplicates before creating the required SAP2000
material properties. Table 3.17 shows the mapping to the material properties.

Material Properties
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Material Name N/A – taken as “SCAD#” where # is a unique number
Material Type N/A – taken as Steel
Weight per Unit Volume Structural Weight Density
Mass per Unit Volume N/A – automatically calculated by SAP2000
Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of Elasticity
Poisson's Ratio Poisson's Ratio
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion N/A – taken from TMPOPT “card”
Shear Modulus N/A – automatically calculated by SAP2000
Minimum Yield Stress Minimum Yield Stress
Minimum Tensile Stress N/A – taken as 1.3*Fy
Effective Yield Stress N/A – taken as 1.1*Fy
Effective Tensile Stress N/A – taken as 1.1*Fu
Table 3.17: PGRUP "card" material properties translation
The section properties are used to define new area section properties in SAP2000. Table 3.18
shows the mapping to the section properties.

Section Properties
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Section Name “SCAD” + Plate Group ID
Type N/A – taken as Shell-Thick
N/A – based on the name assigned to the material properties on
Material Name
the PGRUP “card”
Material Angle N/A – taken as 0
Thickness – Membrane Plate Thickness
Thickness – Bending Plate Thickness
Stiffness Modifiers N/A – not set, defaults assumed
Table 3.18: PGRUP "card" section properties translation

Additional fields in the PGRUP “card” are translated according to the mapping in Table 3.19.

Other PGRUP Fields

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
not translated Plate Group Z-Offset Designation
not translated Local Z-axis Offset
not translated Shear Panel Option
Table 3.19: PGRUP "card" other parameters translation

3.4.2 PLATE “Card”

The PLATE “card” defines three or four-sided plate elements. The joints are used to define new
area objects in SAP2000. The Plate Group Id specifies the area section property. If no Plate
Group Id is specified a material property and area section property are defined according to the
mapping for the PGRUP card. Table 3.20 shows the mapping to the area object.

Area Object
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Label Plate Name
Point 1 1st Joint ID
Point 2 2nd Joint ID
Point 3 3rd Joint ID
Point 4 4th Joint ID
Section Name Plate Group ID
Table 3.20: PLATE "card" object translation

If material properties are specified, they overwrite the values specified on the PGRUP “cards”
or in global definitions. Table 3.21 shows the mapping to the material properties.

Material Properties
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Material Name N/A – taken as “SCAD#” where # is a unique number
Material Type N/A – taken as Concrete
Weight per Unit Volume Steel Density
Mass per Unit Volume N/A – automatically calculated by SAP2000
Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of Elasticity
Poisson's Ratio Poisson's Ratio
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion N/A – taken from TMPOPT “card”
Shear Modulus N/A – automatically calculated by SAP2000
Minimum Yield Stress Minimum Yield Stress
Minimum Tensile Stress N/A – taken as 1.3*Fy
Effective Yield Stress N/A – taken as 1.1*Fy
Effective Tensile Stress N/A – taken as 1.1*Fu
Table 3.21: PLATE "card" material properties translation

Additional fields in the PLATE “card” are translated according to the mapping in Table 3.22.

Other PLATE Fields

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
not translated Report Skip Designation
not translated Plate Offset Option
not translated Shear Panel Option
Table 3.22: PLATE "card" other parameters translation

3.5 Weight (Mass) Specification

This section describes the imported “cards” that are related to applied masses.

3.5.1 WGHTCN “Card”

The WGHTCN “card” defines a weight condition. A SAP2000 load pattern is created for each
weight condition. Note that weights defined under a WGHTCN card are translated to equivalent
loads in these load patterns only. These load patterns are further used in mass source definitions
for defining the inertia load for dynamic analysis. Table 3.23 shows the mapping to the load pat-

Load Pattern Properties

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
WGHTCN#-X, Y, or Z, where # is the weight condition
Load Pattern Name number and X, Y, or Z is the direction under
Type N/A – taken as Other
Self Weight Multiplier N/A – taken as 0
Auto Lateral Load Pattern N/A
Table 3.23: WGHTCN "card" translation

3.5.2 WGHT UNIF “Card”

The WGHT UNIF “card” defines distributed weight for line objects. Table 3.24 shows the map-
ping to the uniform line loads.

Distributed Line Weight Assignment

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Taken as last most recent WGHTCN in input file plus a
Load Pattern Name
direction notation, such as WGHTCN1-X
Load Type N/A – taken as Forces
Direction N/A – taken as Global Z
Line Object Start Joint I 1st Joint ID
Line Object End Joint J 2nd Joint ID
Distance 1 Distance from 1st Joint to Start of Weight
Load 1 Distributed Weight at Start
Distance 2 – taken as Distance 1 plus load length Weight Distance
Load 2 Distributed Weight at End
Coord Sys N/A – taken as Global
Assumed to act in all directions Eliminate Weight in Global X-direction
Assumed to act in all directions Eliminate Weight in Global Y-direction
Assumed to act in all directions Eliminate Weight in Global Z-direction
not translated Comment
Table 3.24: WGHT UNIF "card" weight translation

3.5.3 WGHT JOIN “Card”

The WGHT JOIN “card” defines concentrated weight for point objects. Table 3.25 shows the
mapping to the joint weights.

Concentrated Weight Assignment

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Taken as last most recent WGHTCN in input file plus a
Load Pattern Name
direction notation, such as WGHTCN1-X
Point Label Joint ID
Force Global X Joint Weight in Global X-direction
Force Global Y Joint Weight in Global Y-direction
Force Global Z Joint Weight in Global Z-direction
Moment About Global X N/A – taken as 0
Moment About Global Y N/A – taken as 0
Moment About Global Z N/A – taken as 0
Coordinate System N/A – taken as Global
not translated Comment
Table 3.25: WGHT JOIN "card" weight translation

3.5.4 WGHT CONC “Card”

The WGHT CONC “card” defines concentrated weights for line objects. Table 3.26 shows the
mapping to the concentrated weights.

Concentrated Line Weight Assignment

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Load Pattern Name Taken as last most recent WGHTCN in input file plus a
direction notation, such as WGHTCN1-X
Load Type N/A – taken as Forces
N/A – three separate patterns are created, one for each
translational direction
Line Object Start Joint I 1st Joint ID
Line Object End Joint J 2nd Joint ID
Distance 1 Distance from 1st Joint to Weight
Load 1 Concentrated Weight Value
Coord Sys N/A – taken as Global
Assumed to act in all directions Eliminate Weight in Global X-direction
Assumed to act in all directions Eliminate Weight in Global Y-direction
Assumed to act in all directions Eliminate Weight in Global Z-direction
not translated Comment
Table 3.26: WGHT CONC "card" weight translation

3.6 Static Load Specification

This section describes the imported “cards” that are related to load cases and applied loads.
3.6.1 LOADCN “Card”
The LOADCN “card” defines a load case id. A SAP2000 load pattern and load case is created
for each load case id. Table 3.27 shows the mapping to the load patterns.

Load Pattern Properties

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Load Pattern Name Load Case Id
Type N/A – taken as Other
Self Weight Multiplier N/A – taken as 0
Auto Lateral Load Pattern N/A
Table 3.27: LOADCN "card" translation

When importing a LOADCN card that is followed by a CENTER card and optionally an AC-
CEL card, the SAP2000 loadcase is built-up based on various load patterns that are created
when importing the CENTER and ACCEL cards. NOTE: the scale factors used in a load case
that includes CENTER and ACCEL cards are length unit dependent and should always be con-
sidered and edited using kip-ft units.

3.6.2 LOAD UNIF “Card”

The LOAD UNIF “card” defines distributed loads for line objects. Table 3.28 shows the map-
ping to the uniform line loads.

Distributed Line Load Assignment

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Load Pattern Name Taken as last specified LOADCN in input file
Load Type N/A – taken as Forces
Direction Load Direction Axis
Line Object Start Joint I 1st Joint ID
Line Object End Joint J 2nd Joint ID
Distance 1 Distance from 1st Joint to Start of Load
Load 1 Beginning Load Value
Distance 2 – taken as Distance 1 plus Load Length Load Length
Load 2 Ending Load Value
Coord Sys Coordinate System
not translated Comment
Table 3.28: LOAD UNIF "card" load translation
3.6.3 LOAD CONC “Card”
The LOAD CONC “card” defines concentrated loads for line objects. Table 3.29 shows the
mapping to the concentrated line loads.

Concentrated Line Load Assignment

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Load Pattern Name Taken as last specified LOADCN in input file
Load Type N/A – taken as Forces
Direction Load Direction Axis
Line Object Start Joint I 1st Joint ID
Line Object End Joint J 2nd Joint ID
Distance 1 Distance from 1st Joint to Start of Load
Load 1 Load Value
Coord Sys Coordinate System
not translated Comment
Table 3.29: LOAD CONC "card" load translation

3.6.4 LOAD MOMT “Card”

The LOAD MOMT “card” defines concentrated moments for line objects. Table 3.30 shows the
mapping to the concentrated line moments.

Concentrated Line Moment Assignment

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Load Pattern Name Taken as last specified LOADCN in input file
Load Type N/A – taken as Moments
Direction Moment Direction Axis
Line Object Start Joint I 1st Joint ID
Line Object End Joint J 2nd Joint ID
Distance 1 Distance from 1st Joint to Start of Load
Load 1 Moment Value
Coord Sys Coordinate System
not translated Comment
Table 3.30: LOAD MOMT "card" load translation

3.6.5 LOAD JOIN “Card”

The LOAD JOIN “card” defines joint forces or moments for point objects. Table 3.31 shows the
mapping to the point loads and moments.
Point Load and Moment Assignment
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Load Pattern Name Taken as last specified LOADCN in input file
Point Label Joint ID
Force Global X or Force 1 Force in X-direction
Force Global Y or Force 2 Force in Y-direction
Force Global Z or Force 3 Force in Z-direction
Moment About Global X or Moment About 1 Moment About X-axis
Moment About Global Y or Moment About 2 Moment About Y-axis
Moment About Global Z or Moment About 3 Moment About Z-axis
Coordinate System Coordinate System
not translated Comment
Table 3.31: LOAD JOIN "card" load translation

3.6.6 WGHTIN “Card”

The WGHTIN “card” defines the weight (masses) to be used in load cases for inertia loading.
Up to 24 weight conditions are considered for each of these cards. A mass source definition is
created for each WGHTIN card with the naming convention LOADCN#_Mass, where # is the
load condition number that the WGHTIN card is associated with. The mass source definitions
are then used in the load case definitions associated with dynamic loading.

3.6.7 DEAD “Card”

The DEAD “card” defines the dead weight of structural members based on a specified gravity
direction. This is imported as frame or shell gravity loads using gravity multipliers in SAP2000.

3.7 Pitch, Roll, and Wave Force Specification

This section describes the imported “cards” that are related to pitch, roll, and wave forces.

3.7.1 CENTER “Card”

The CENTER “card” defines the center of rotation and angles of rotation used to determine the
translational and rotational accelerations in order to calculate inertia loads. Table 3.32 shows the
mapping of the center data.

Center Data
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Mass source used to define the weight/mass associated 'D' Consider Dead Weight
with this condition has the self-mass of the structure
Center of rotation coordinates for an auto-seastate load X-coordinate of Center of Rotation
Y-coordinate of Center of Rotation
Z-coordinate of Center of Rotation
Inertia load parameters for an auto-seastate load pattern Rotation Angle about X
based on rotations/translations.
Period of Rotation about X
Rotation Angle about Y
Period of Rotation about Y
Heave Amplitude
Heave Period
Table 3.32: CENTER "card" combination translation

3.7.2 ACCEL “Card”

The ACCEL “card” defines the translational and rotational accelerations and rotational veloci-
ties used to calculate inertia loads. Table 3.33 shows the mapping of the acceleration data.

Center Data
SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Inertia load parameters for an auto-seastate load pattern X-translational Acceleration
based on accelerations/velocities.
Y-translational Acceleration
Z-translational Acceleration
X-rotational Acceleration
Y-rotational Acceleration
Z-rotational Acceleration
X-rotational Velocity
Y-rotational Velocity
Z-rotational Velocity
Table 3.33: ACCEL "card" combination translation

3.8 Load Combination Specification

This section describes the imported “cards” that are related to load combinations.

3.8.1 LDCOMB “Card”

The LDCOMB “card” defines load combinations. Table 3.34 shows the mapping to the load
combinations. Only static, PEAK, and SRSS combinations are imported. Other combination
types are imported as linear additive.

Load Combination Definitions

SAP2000 Field StruCAD*3D Field
Load Combination Name Load Case ID for New Combined Load Case
Load Case Name Load Case ID
Scale Factor Load Case Percent
Load Combination Type Load Combination Type
Table 3.34: LDCOMB "card" combination translation
4 References

GAI 2003. ZenScad User's Manual. Guntur and Associates, Inc. 2003

References i

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