Speculation in Currency Is Not Going To Work Outtwitter4.12.19.1

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The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Friday, April 12, 2019

I'm surprised that you haven't heard that speculation in currency is not going to work out
when we are ending corruption in the world's money.

Sent: Wed 3/27/2019 11:12 AM
Subject: It’s seriously time

Message Body:
Many people are committing serious crime all for colorable money. I know it’s a better way to
help humanity see that reality. I want to know when will I be able to exchange zim bond notes
in US? I have No job because I want to invest in that country and help clean all water in the US.

It’s time the world moves to a new heightened sense of life.

I send All my love for all your hard work. May your eyes see it manifest

This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes http://kahudes.net/contact-us/

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Hudes
To: Leo [not their real name]
Sent: Thu, Mar 28, 2019 8:23 pm
Subject: Speculators

I have your email, and I'm surprised that you haven't heard that speculation in currency
is not going to work out when we are ending corruption in the world's money. The quick
answer to your question is not for awhile. You can see what I have tweeted on this
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstructiion and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666



The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
Friday, November 30, 2018
Dear Constance,
Thank you for your email, asking me about corruption in Canada. The corruption is very deep, and
extends to the money used throughout the world. It is the bankers, and a group of families at the
center called the Black Nobility, who are responsible for all this corruption.
I am attaching my response two years ago to a Canadian who was scammed by currency traders. I
included an article about Canada in Spotlight Magazine, as well as correspondence with the
Canadian government at the time.
In my response, I refer to a Canadian group called the Committee on Monetary and Economic
Reform. COMER is controlled opposition. They focus on paper currency, and do not acknowledge
the depth of the corrupt system. One of the people involved in Comer's leadership, Paul Hellyer, is
a former Minister of Defense. Hellyer refers to ET's, in order to mislead people about where the
corruption is coming from, and where the solution lies. The solution and the problem are to be
found here on Earth.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Kahudes Contact Details

[kahudes] <noreply@kahudes.net>
Thu 11/29/2018, 1:53 PM

Kahudes contact details are as follows:

Name: Constance
Subject: Government Corruption in The Country Of Canada

Message Body:
Ms Hudes, I've been one of your followers of quite some time and truly appreciate all you are
doing for Humanity. I faithfully read and research all that I can get access to that you provide
but some of the information I'm trying to access goes black and not all links I can access to
research. Ms Hudes, I am a Canadian Citizen, born and bred and very concerned about what
going on in our Country today.

As you maybe well aware our Country is in great turmoil because of our past and present
Governments! Especially with the Present. The reason I am contacting you are to see if you can
leed me in the right direction to get access to proof of the unbelievable corruption that our
Country is going through. The Government as went as far as to bailout all media and have them
spy on what people are saying. So if there is links or information you can provide for me to show
proof of the unbelievable corruption which we are facing so when I tell people around me of
this corruption, they don't look at me like I,m delusional. One again Thank You for all you do!!!

This mail is sent via contact form on kahudes http://kahudes.net/contact-us/


Karen Hudes Wed, May 18, 2016 6:52 AM
To: Ellen


AWAY FROM THE SCAMMERS. https://s3.amazonaws.com/Twitter3.25.16.1.pdf

From: Ellen
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 11:01 AM
To: Karen Hudes
Subject: Thank you

Good morning Ms. Hudes and I wish to sincerely thank you for your videos I have
watched so far and especially the one you presented of Canada. Very surprising for
sure and I will continue to view all your presentation while I take notes.
I also would like to get a clear response about the "RV". This has been around for a
very long time, perhaps 10 years and counting and would like to know if this will
become a reality. I have asked this question because, like myself, there are so many
individuals who have invested into this promise and have been waiting and the
messages we have been receiving fragments of hope that this is expected to happen
anytime now. I hope this will happen as for those of us who will give back to
humanity will be the most important experience of a lifetime, however, if this will not
be the case then we need to know.
Again, I wish to thank you for your honesty about everything you have spoken about
and I wish you the very best with your career and life in general.

Sincere regards,

( Alberta. Canada)

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000
March 25, 2016
To: Scott Cowan
Subject: Spotlight Magazine - Canada and the Global Currency Reset

Dear Scott,

Thank you for this opportunity. The Canadian government is just as complicit as the
United States in hiding corruption and state capture in the international financial system.
You can see from the correspondence at the foot of this email several of the many times I
contacted your representatives at the World Bank and your embassy in Washington to let
them know how they were abdicating their responsibilities.

I will never forget my meeting with Howard Isaac at the Canadian embassy, who told me
just to drop the matter. Meanwhile, since I knew that the probability was greater than 95%
that this corruption could be overcome, I just documented the Canadian government’s
betrayal of its people for future reference. I am going to publish this letter with the
attachments on the internet.

Concerning the Global Currency Reset

The paper currency is poised to crash and bring on another Dark Ages, just like what
happened when the metals were removed from the Roman coins in the 300’s.

Quantitative Easing is just fancy terminology for watering down the paper currency. Paper
currency is no longer backed by precious metals.

The reason why we are not going to have another Dark Ages this time around is because at
the end of World War II 44 nations, royalty, and the banks all agreed that the world’s
international monetary gold reserves and other wealth was going to be put into hiding for 50
years. At the end of this sequestration, nobody’s claims to the gold would remain valid. The
decision about how to benefit humanity would be taken by the world’s Ministers of Finance

and Development on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary

In 2014 the Board of Governors decided to use the world’s gold reserves to replace paper
currencies for currencies containing the exact gold value on the face of the bills. The Board
of Governors also agreed that villages and towns would use their own local currencies. This is
the Global Currency Reset.

Loss of Reserve Currency Status

The Federal Reserve Note is no longer the international reserve currency in the international
financial system. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which represent
over 25% of international trade, agreed to offset their currencies for trade among these
nations. The Group of 77 (134 developing countries) have also decided that they will not
recognize the Federal Reserve Note as the international reserve currency any more.

The 60 private central bank members of the Bank for International Settlements are dragging
their feet and trying to prevent an orderly phasing out of their worthless scam currencies,
that are not backed by the world's international monetary gold reserves administered by the
Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF in the Global Debt Facility.

Country Debt

The Federal Reserve bought up the elite's gold in the 1930's by issuing 270 trillion in Treaty
of Versailles bonds. The Global Debt Facility holds these bonds, which are now worth over 2
quadrillion with the compounded interest. Country indebtedness is offset against this debt
from the private central banks. In the meantime, the Global Debt Facility has placed a lien on
the Federal Reserve Banks. These private banks are in receivership in the Global Debt

The currencies that are held abroad are going to be redeemed through stocks and bonds that
were held by the banks and their bank holding companies. The corruption in the
international financial system was concentrated through interconnecting directors in a
conglomerate of control. This incestuous network was documented by three systems analysts
in the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland: Battiston, Glattfelder, and

Dinars, Dong and Zim

The currency speculators are not going to get rich during the Global Currency Reset. There
have been a flood of paper currencies printed from developing countries, including the
Dinars, Dong and Zim. Scammers have sold these currencies to people outside these
countries. These currencies are not going to be redeemed under the Global Currency Reset.

The people inside the countries are going to exchange the currencies issued by the private
central banks up to a limit for each person. The limit for US Dollars is $1 million. How and
when amounts above this limit can be exchanged is going to be decided by the residents of

each country. Other countries are going to establish the limits for their own national

The gold is going to stay in the currency, because the price of gold is very stable and it is
going to be calculated according to its historic value in the major currencies, by using a
basket of goods and services. People will exchange the currencies issued by the private
central banks first for currencies issued by their treasuries, and these currencies will then be
exchanged for the currencies out of gold.

Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform

A group of Canadians joined together in COMER and has sued the Bank of Canada in Federal
Court. Between 1938 and 1974 the Bank of Canada made interest-free loans. After that,
Bank of Canada borrowed money from private banks to create interest-bearing debt that
must be repaid by Canadians. The COMER lawsuit to end this boondoggle for the private
bankers is winding its way up to the Supreme Court.

Coalition for the Rule of Law on the Board of Governors of World Bank & IMF

There are alot of decisions that will need to be taken during the Global Currency Reset, and
these decisions will be taken at grassroots levels. It is going to take time for people to get
themselves into small groups and to establish clear communication. The media has been
complicit in the corruption, along with the journalists, accountants, lawyers, and other elites.
Now that the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
IMF has broken through the disinformation to a critical mass of people, the clean-up can

The misinformation is not just limited to current events. There has also been a great deal of
misinformation about our true history. There is a project at Moscow State University which
shows a deliberate attempt, starting in the 1600's, to obscure the ancient past. We have been
deliberately misinformed in order to create enmity and distrust among the nations and
peoples. The judges and lawyers are not capable of administering justice.

How can people rely upon the coalition for the rule of law in the Board of Governors of the
World Bank and IMF when there has been such deep corruption in the other institutions?
Pay special attention to the fate of whistleblowers -- persons who have been retaliated against
for disclosing wrongdoing. Because some whistleblowers have been intimidated or
corrupted, people must remain vigilant.

People are going to have a chance to clean up this systemic corruption, which has infested our
entire world, from its financial center, to our local communities. The urge to get even will be
very strong. The Global Currency Reset has been handed down from two men who endured
many wrongs to give us this chance: Jose Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos. The Global Currency
Reset is a gift of love that can only be accomplished through peace.

This is where you can find out more about the Global Currency Reset. Do not be intimidated
by some of the technical jargon when reading about how the Global Currency Reset came to

be. The experts have deliberately created this jargon to try and hide what they were doing.
Just laugh at the jargon, or treat it like the limericks in a silly song.



On Tuesdays at 6:00 pm EST http://dctv.org/Live




security-risk-to-the-world-order/ Asia Times refused to run it


http://geopolitics.co/2013/09/15/enron-at-the-world-bank/ 9.15.13 reprint of Takoa

Da Silva's article

collapse-confidence-in-the-dollar-as-an-international-currency-is-waning/ 5.2.13

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/veterans.pdf 3.24.13 Veterans Today; removed

from internet

world-bank-whistleblower-karen-hudes-2/ 6.2.13

http://canadafreepress.com/article/the-kiss-a-ladder-to-success 5.22.13

http://canadafreepress.com/article/the-kiss-a-ladder-to-success-part-ii 5.23.13

whist/#.Ua4J3L3grAg.gmail 6.2.13







karen-hudes/ 7.18.13

Videos - My Channel on YouTube is


YouTube censored my videos on military, gold, and secret societies, which can be viewed
on Archive.org at:

Others' Videos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DVMmRk3bto Alex Jones 5.28.13 starts at 30:00

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-2Rfuq8NBU#t=527 Bankster
transcript: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/691+-+The+Bankster%27s+Scene+-


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGCvZuzShSc Project Camelot 8.1.13
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huBVTLUvrPM Project Camelot 6.9.14

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHVgRgYdCsQ&feature=youtu.be Greg Hunter


https://youtu.be/av6bpIzvDvg 10.21.13 Greg Hunter

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5h1i -7qt88 Greg Hunter 2.11.14

http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/02/RIR -140221.php 2.21.14

http://radiooutthere.com/blog/2014/08/22/program-503/ minute 34

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKejRA60050&feature=youtu.be&a 8.14

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7E9SUwlooE 6.21.13 RTTV Abby Martin

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hgA9j-4dB0re 10.8.13 RTTV Sophie Shevardnaze

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/rttv.pdf transcript

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1vXhqO1_2A 29/10/13 RTTV Cross Talk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDieoG1kdXs&feature=youtu.be Article V

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKejRA60050&feature=youtu.be&a 12.23.14

http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2015/05/01/408943/ Asian-Infrastructure-
Investment-Bank- 1:53, 4:00, 5:20

PressTV 12.5.14

Other languages
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnnsQiMTh58 German 9.20.13

machenschaften-der-finanz-eliten-zerstoeren-die-welt/ translation at

http://nwnoticias.com/#!/noticias/la-cruzada-de-karen-hudes Spanish Newsweek en


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzGmggzmSIQ Spanish

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=26&v=5a3KFVLB8AM French

http://japaneselovenlightmessages.blogspot.pt/2015/03/blog-post.html Japanese

http://youtu.be/DzryeShUOAk Dutch

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npdbrah2jQY Greek

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij1NgsNA3WY&feature=youtu.be Hungarian

UK and European Parliament

House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the

inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7,
2012 available here:


House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry
into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here:


House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry
into Complaints Do They Make A Difference, published July 20, 2013, pages 186-7
(Elaine Colville, another World Bank Whistleblower's testimony is on Page 178)
available here


The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing

May 25, 2011 available here:


Press Releases

http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/12/prweb9010726.htm 12.6.11

http://presswire.com/pr/hudes/hudes_250714.html 7.25.14

announce-transition-asset-backed-currencies 3.9.15


From: Bradley Scott Cowan

Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 5:18:43 PM
To: karenhudes@hotmail.com
Subject: Media query

I have read some of your comments on websites and would like to ask you...1) If you would
write a guest column in Spotlight Magazine a local publication in Alberta Canada. We are a
"conservative leaning" magazine.Over 1,000,000 people see us on line. Several thousand in hard
copy. I think your insights regarding the return to gold backed currencies, and a general reset of
the worlds economies would be fantastic reading. The USA economy ...and the loss of world
reserve currency status would also be relevant. I wrote about this a couple years ago and was
laughed at in the media. You can see us at www.spotlightmagazine.ca I would love about
1000 word article, with a head shot, and bio of your credentials.

Spotlight Magazine | Southern Alberta's


Spotlight Magazine is designed and edited in Medicine Ha

community events, interesting stories, local culture and m

2) My articles as editor are the most controversial and less than politically correct. On a personal
note... could you give me your personal thoughts, and the truth, or other wise concerning the
GCR, currency exchanges, 800 #'s, regarding Zim, Dinar, and the Dong. I guess I would like to get
some comment directly from someone of your reputation and standing. I want to believe, but
sometimes we need a bit more than faith.

Thanking you in Advance, Scott Cowan

Background Information
When you understand why 187 countries ended Robert Zoellick's presidency at the World Bank, you
understand what a terrible choice Romney made when he appointed Zoellick as his national security

transition planning chief. Zoellick cooked the books at the World Bank:

The World Bank stonewalled four letters from Congress into my disclosure that the World Bank was out
of compliance on the world's bond market. The World Bank also stonewalled a Government
Accountability Office inquiry into transparency at the World Bank requested by Senators Richard Lugar,
Evan Bayh, and Patrick Leahy. http://citizenoversight.com/pdf/blwb.pdf Instead, there was an
investigation of the World Bank's Institutional Integrity Department by Paul Volcker. The Volcker Panel
report was discredited after "deliberate and substantial interference with this supposedly independent
commission" came to light. http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2010/04/06-3 I had warned
the Joint Economic Committee that without rule of law at the World Bank, the United States would lose
the Gentlemen's Agreement for the US to appoint the president of the World Bank. The 188 member
countries of the World Bank rescinded the 66 year old Gentlemen's Agreement in
2010. http://www.imf.org/external/np/cm/2010/042510.htm

-----Original Message-----
From: kahudes@aol.com
To: jzou@worldbank.org; mketsela@worldbank.org; jfamiliar@worldbank.org; jhagan@worldbank.org;
gmajnoni@worldbank.org; tshikibu@worldbank.org; swatson1@worldbank.org; hwijffels@worldbank.org
Sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:43 am
Subject: RE: CODE's Oversight Responsibility for Accurate Evaluations and Reporting of Supervision

To the Members of the Board Committee on Development Effectiveness:

The Committee on Development Effectiveness is required to satisfy itself that the Bank Group’s
operations evaluation and self-evaluation activities are adequate and efficient. It is now proposed that
staff should be prevented from reporting misconduct on evaluations to the members of CODE to enable
them to carry out their oversight responsibilities. Instead, the proposed whistleblower policy directs staff
to report cover-ups on evaluations to the Department of Institutional Integrity, (“INT”).

Bank staff lack confidence in INT’s independence. The Staff Association Newsletter reported in a May
2005 article entitled, Staff Want Grievances Handled with Due Process:

“INT has been controversial. Outside watchdog groups and staff have accused management of using
INT to perform punitive investigations on scanty evidence, or of doing the reverse—calling off a warranted
investigation. Victims have included staff who have revealed accounting or project facts embarrassing to

INT’s report to the Board concerning the cover-up of the Bank’s supervision mistakes on the Philippines
Banking Sector Reform Loan was unprofessional. INT did not correct an inaccurate evaluation of the
Bank’s supervision mistakes on the BSRL, which resulted in a $500 million banking failure, cancellation of
$200 million from the Bank loan, and cancellation of a similar amount from the Japanese cofinancing.
Instead, INT sought to discredit me through a vicious ad hominem personal attack that did not address
any of the issues that I had raised. Mr. Zutt has refused my February 1, 2008 request for INT to inform
the Executive Directors of INT’s mistake (attached).

In September 2007 the former President of the Philippines was found guilty of plunder and ordered to
repay the commissions that I had tried to prevent him from receiving for the corrupt sale of government

employee pension stock in violation of the conditionality on the BSRL and the banking laws in the
Philippines. The Bank’s supervision performance was rated as satisfactory, and I was fired on August 1,
2007 in retaliation for reporting this internal control lapse to the Board. The Staff Association tried to
inform the Administrative Tribunal that staff are intimidated from reporting misconduct as a result, but the
President of the Tribunal refused to provide the Staff Association’s attached statement of support to the
other judges on the Tribunal.

It is now proposed to establish a three person advisory board for INT, with a secretariat in the OPCS unit.
I request CODE to consider whether in view of INT’s unfortunate reputation for harassing whistleblowers,
staff should be prevented from reporting directly to CODE and whether INT’s proposed advisory board
would overlap the responsibilities envisaged for the Advisory Council established pursuant to Article V,
Section 6 of the Bank’s Articles.

February 14, 2008

Hon. Michael Wilson

Canadian Ambassador to the
United States of America
501 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001

Your Excellency,
There is a crisis in governance in the World Bank. Staff are prevented from
providing information to the members of the Board of Executive Directors to enable the
members of the Board to carry out their oversight responsibilities. The proposed
whistleblower protection policy conflicts with the World Bank’s COSO Audit framework
and removes access of staff to the Board of Executive Directors. Instead, staff are
directed to report to the Department of Institutional Integrity, (“INT”).

In 2005, at the request of the Government of the Netherlands, the Chair of the
Audit Committee requested INT to inform the Audit Committee about a failed project in
the Philippines. The World Bank’s evaluation of the Philippines Banking Sector Reform
Loan did not provide an accurate report to the Board about the World Bank’s
supervision mistakes on that project, which resulted in a $500 million banking failure,
cancellation of $200 million from the World Bank’s loan, and cancellation of a similar
amount from the Japanese cofinancing.

In September 2007 the former President of the Philippines was found guilty of
plunder and ordered to repay the commissions that I had tried to prevent him from
receiving for the corrupt sale of government employee pension stock in violation of the

conditionality on the Banking Sector Reform Loan and the banking laws in the
Philippines. INT’s report to the Audit Committee merely sought to discredit me through
a vicious ad hominem personal attack that did not address any of the issues that I had
raised with the Audit Committee.

The World Bank staff lack confidence in INT’s independence. The Staff
Association Newsletter reported in a May 2005 article entitled, Staff Want Grievances
Handled with Due Process:

“INT has been controversial. Outside watchdog groups and staff have accused
management of using INT to perform punitive investigations on scanty evidence, or of
doing the reverse—calling off a warranted investigation. Victims have included staff
who have revealed accounting or project facts embarrassing to managers…”

The evaluations of World Bank projects will not be credible so long as staff are
unable to inform the Committee on Development Effectiveness (“CODE”) of the actual
development results attained, or they are intimidated from correcting inaccurate
evaluations for fear of retaliation. I am enclosing for your information the view of
CODE’s former Chair, Pieter Stek, and the World Bank’s Staff Association on this
matter. Madames Zhu and Ketsela, and Messrs. Hagan and Wijffels, current members
of CODE, are also aware of the cover-up on the Philippines Banking Sector Reform

At the World Bank’s Annual meeting on October 21, 2007, Mr. James Flaherty,
Canada’s Minister of Finance, urged the World Bank’s shareholders to tackle
governance issues:

“In redefining and focusing its strategic direction, the Bank must recognize that
governance matters and it must evolve with changes in the international economy to
ensure a legitimate and credible World Bank. Shareholders must begin a serious
discussion on how to move this agenda forward, as well as a process with predefined

As a member of the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance, you must recognize
the urgent need to restore the World Bank’s internal controls. I would request you to
refer this matter to Mr. Watson so that CODE can consider this serious governance
problem at its next meeting scheduled on February 27th.


Karen Hudes


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Fwd: Out of Office AutoReply: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-
To: Christine.Hanson@international.gc.ca, Sean.Sunderland@international.gc.ca,
eds07@worldbank.org, Howard Isaac <howard.isaac@international.gc.ca>,

Joe Oliver is on the Development Committee. I am forwarding the exchange of emails with
China's Executive Director at the World Bank.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 11:05 AM
Subject: Fwd: Receivership of the Network of Global Corporate Control in the Global Debt
To: Mr Wang’s personal email address, because the emails to his official email were intercepted

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you very much for your call. The Global Debt Facility (containing the world's monetary
gold reserves) which is administered by the World Bank and IMF has placed the Bank for
International Settlements into receivership. I informed the four companies that own the Federal
Reserve System (State Street, Vanguard, Fidelity, and BlackRock) of this fact yesterday, and
then forwarded this information to the New York and Tokyo embassies. This email is attached.

We are now entering a global currency reset to replace fractional reserve fiat currency with gold
minted from the Global Debt Facility. Here is a draft of the Monetary Agreement for the United
States: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Monetary+Agreement-US.pdf All of the countries will be
replacing their paper currencies with currencies minted from Gold in the Global Debt Facility
too: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Alternative+to+WWIII.pdf Please let me know who will be
negotiating the Monetary Agreement on behalf of China, and I will forward a draft to them.

It is necessary for the Development Committee to decide on the outstanding issues in the Letter
of Intent: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Letter+of+Intent.pdf

I look forward to working with China and the other countries in the coalition for the rule of law
(consisting of the BRICS, Germany, the G-77 and the US minus the Federal Reserve) in a
peaceful currency reset.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Council Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes

Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 11:04 AM

Subject: Receivership of the Network of Global Corporate Control in the Global Debt Facility
To: Paul Jenkinson

Jacek Kugler <dquam@nga.org>, "dllr@dllr.state.md.us" <dllr@dllr.state.md.us>,

<ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov>, staff@cspoa.org, "oag@oag.state.md.us"
<oag@oag.state.md.us>, jmcpherson@naag.org, gyates@naco.org, JOE WOLFINGER
<jrwolfinger@va.metrocast.net>, info@afghanistan-
un.org, mission.newyork@mfa.gov.al, albania.un@albania-un.org, mission@algeria-
un.org, contact@andorraun.org, themission@angolaun.org, unmission@abgov.org, argentina@
un.int, armenia@un.int, australia@un.int, new-york-
ov@bmeia.gv.at, azerbaijan@un.int, mission@bahamasny.com, bahrain1@un.int, bangladesh
@un.int, bdpmny@gmail.com, prun@foreign.gov.bb, barbados@un.int, belmission.ny@gmail.c
om, belarus@un.int, newyorkun@diplobel.fed.be, blzun@belizemission.com, blzun@aol.com,
Benin Republique
<beninewyork@gmail.com>, bhutan@un.int, bolivia@un.int, delgaliviaonu@hotmail.com, bihun
@mfa.gov.ba, botswana@un.int, delbrasonu@delbrasonu.org, brunei@un.int, Bulgarian
Mission to the UN
NY<bulgaria@un.int>, ambabunewyork@yahoo.fr, cambodia@un.int, cameroon.mission@yaho
o.com, canada@un.int, capeverde@un.int, Mario De Gonzales BENGABO - GOMO
<repercaf.ny@gmail.com>, Chad Mission
<chadmission@gmail.com>, chile.un@minrel.gov.cl, chinesemission@yahoo.com, colombia@c
olombiaun.org, comoros@un.int, congo@un.int, mpcongo_onu@hotmail.com, Mission of Costa
Rica to the UN
<contact.costaricamission@gmail.com>, cotedivoiremission@yahoo.com, cromiss.un@mvp.hr,
cuba_onu@cubanmission.com, pmccyprus.un@verizon.net, un.newyork@embassy.mzv.cz, dpr
.korea@verizon.net, drcongo@un.int, nycmis@um.dk, djibouti@nyct.net, domun@onecommon
wealth.org, Dominica Mission
<dominicaun@gmail.com>, drun@un.int, ecuador@un.int, egypt@un.int, cgarcia@rree.gob.sv,
elsalvador@un.int, equatorialguineamission@yahoo.com, mission.newyork@mfa.ee, ethiopia@
un.int, mission@fijiprun.org, sanomat.yke@formin.fi, france@un.int, dsatsia@gabon-
un.org, gambia_un@hotmail.com, geomission.un@mfa.gov.ge, info@new-york-
un.diplo.de, ghanaperm@aol.com, mission@greeceun.org, grenada@un.int, guatemala@un.int,
onupnud@minex.gob.gt, missionofguinea@aol.com, guineabissaupmun@hotmail.com, guyana
@un.int, haiti@un.int, honduras_un@hotmail.com, hungary@un.int, unmission@mfa.is, india
<india@un.int>, indiaun <indiaun@prodigy.net>, ptri@indonesiamission-
ny.org, iran@un.int, iraqny@un.int, iraqimission@live.com, ireland@un.int, info.italyun@esteri.it
, archives.italyun@esteri.it, jamaica@un.int, p-m-
j@dn.mofa.go.jp, missionun@jordanmissionun.com, kazakhstan@un.int, info@kenyaun.org, ku
waitmission@msn.com, kyrgyzstan@un.int, lao@un.int, mission.un-
ny@mfa.gov.lv, contact@lebanonun.org, lesotho@un.int, remongar.dennis@yahoo.com, libya_
mis_us@foreign.gov.ly, mission@nyc.llv.li, lithuania@un.int, newyork.rp@mae.etat.lu, reperma
d@verizon.net, Malawi UN Mission

<malawiu@aol.com>, malawinewyork@aol.com, malnyun@kln.gov.my, maldives@un.int, malio
nu@aol.com, malta-
un.newyork@gov.mt, malta@un.int, marshallislands@un.int, mauritania@un.int, mauritius@un.i
nt, onuusr1@sre.gob.mx, fsmun@fsmgov.org, monaco@un.int, mongolia@un.int, un.newyork@
mfa.gov.me, info@morocco-
un.org, mozambique@un.int, myanmarmission@verizon.net, namibia@un.int, nauru@un.int, na
uru@onecommonwealth.org, nepal@un.int, Nepal Mission
<nepalmissionusa@gmail.com>, netherlands@un.int, nzmissionny@earthlink.net, delun@mfa.n
o, un.newyork@mfa.no, oman@un.int, pakistan@un.int, mission@palauun.org, emb@panama-
un.org, paraguay@un.int, onuper@unperu.org, newyorkpm@gmail.com, nowyjork.onz.sekretari
at@msz.gov.pl, portugal@missionofportugal.org, qatar-
e@qatarmission.org, korea@un.int, unmoldova@aol.com, misiune@romaniaun.org, romania@
un.org, rusun@un.int, ambanewyork@minaffet.gov.rw, sknmission@aol.com, slumission@aol.c
om, svgun@aol.com, samoa@un.int, sanmarinoun@hotmail.com, embstpusa@verizon.net, sau
mission@un.int, senegal.mission@yahoo.fr, info@serbiamissionun.org, seychelles@un.int, sierr
aleone@un.int, singapore@un.int, un.newyork@mzv.sk, slovenia@un.int, somalia@un.int, pmu
n.newyork@dirco.gov.za, rep.nuevayorkonu@maec.es, mail@slmission.com, sudan@sudanmi
ssion.org, suriname@un.int, swazinymission@yahoo.com, sweden@un.int, nyc.vertretung-
un@eda.admin.ch, Syrian Mission
<exesec.syria@gmail.com>, tajikistan@un.int, tajikistanun@aol.com, thailand@un.int, newyork
@mfa.gov.mk, timor-
leste@un.int, togo@un.int, togo.mission@yahoo.fr, tongaunmission@gmail.com, tto@un.int, tun
isnyc@nyc.rr.com, turkdel.un@mfa.gov.tr, turkmenistan@un.int, tuvalu@onecommonwealth.org
, ugandaunny@un.int, uno_us@mfa.gov.ua, uae@uaemission.com, uk@un.int, tzrepny@aol.co
m, usunpublicaffairs@state.gov, uruguay@un.int, Ashraf Khodjaev
<ashraf.uny@gmail.com>, vanunmis@aol.com, venezuela@un.int, ymiss-
newyork@mofa.gov.ye, david.boyd@iowacourts.gov, gerald.marroney@judicial.state.co.us, zyg
mont.pines@pacourts.us, Richard Mack
<sheriffmack@hotmail.com>, countysheriffproject@admospheres.com, contact@oathkeepers.o
rg, sheriff@rc.mt.gov, ken.blackburn@bighorncountywy.gov, John MacHaffie
<johnmachaffie@gmail.com>, drudge@drudgereport.com, Austria_Fin Min Maria Fekter

From: karenhudes@hotmail.com
To: mmohieldin@worldbank.org; ssuleymanov@worldbank.org; jjacobson@worldbank.org
CC: sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl; whistleblower@finra.org; ombuds@finra.org; eds01@worldbank.org
; eds02@worldbank.org; eds03@worldbank.org; eds04@worldbank.org; eds05@worldbank.org
; eds06@worldbank.org; eds07@worldbank.org; eds08@worldbank.org; eds09@worldbank.org
; eds10@worldbank.org; eds11@worldbank.org; eds12@worldbank.org; eds13@worldbank.org
; eds14@worldbank.org; eds15@worldbank.org; eds16@worldbank.org; eds17@worldbank.org
; eds18@worldbank.org; eds19@worldbank.org; eds20@worldbank.org; eds21@worldbank.org
; eds22@worldbank.org; eds23@worldbank.org; eds24@worldbank.org; eds25@worldbank.org
; pressguy@ntu.org; ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov; hiroshi@fit.ac.jp; auscitzreg.tokyo@
dfat.gov.au; infoconsul.tokyo-
amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr; brasemb@brasemb.or.jp; info@afghanembassyjp.com; embassy@a
ngola.or.jp; ejapo@mrecic.gov.ar; armembjapan@mfa.am; tokio-

ob@bmeia.gv.at; info@azerbembassy.jp; consulate@bahrain-
embassy.or.jp; bdembjp@yahoo.com; japan@belembassy.org; tokyo.consular@diplobel.fed.be;
tokyo@diplobel.fed.be; embassy@belize.jp; embjp@embassyofboliviainjapan.org; bih8emb@g
ol.com; botjap@sepia.ocn.ne.jp; tokyo.japan@mfa.gov.bn; contact@bruemb.jp; embassy.tokyo
@mfa.bg; faso-amb@khaki.plala.or.jp; camemb.jpn@mfa.gov.kh; info@cameroon-embassy-
jp.org; echile.japon@minrel.gov.cl; info@china-
embassy.or.jp; embajada@emcoltokyo.or.jp; etokio@minrelext.gov.co; drctokyo@ambardcongo
.com; embajadacr@embassyofcostarica-
japan.org; embajadacostarica.japon@gmail.com; ambacijn@yahoo.fr; croemb.tokyo@mvep.hr;
embajada@ecujapon.jp; tokyo@embassy.mzv.cz; consular_tokyo@embassy.mzv.cz; tyoamb@
um.dk; djibouti@fine.ocn.ne.jp; timor-
leste77@yahoo.co.jp; fumiko.kitagawa@mnec.gov.tl; eecujapon@mmrree.gob.ec; info@ecuad
embassy.or.jp; egyptemb@leaf.ocn.ne.jp; embesaltokio@gol.com; embassy.tokyo@mfa.ee; inf
mb.or.jp; info@fijiembassy.jp; sanomat.tok@formin.fi; tokio.emb@mfa.gov.ge; info@tokyo.diplo.
de; gremb.tok@mfa.gr; greekembassy@tokyo.email.ne.jp; honduras.embassy.tokyo@gmail.co
m; huembtio@gol.com; icemb.tokyo@utn.stjr.is; indembjp@gol.com; indonembsatu@hpo.net; t
okemb@iraqmofamail.net; info@tokyo.mfa.gov.il; ambasciata.tokyo@esteri.it; isa@isa-
africa.com; mail@jamaicaemb.jp; jjor-
emb@mc.kcom.ne.jp; jpdiplomemb@gmail.com; general@kenyarep-jp.com; info@kuwait-
embassy.or.jp; chancery@kyrgyzemb.jp; embassy.japan@mfa.gov.lv; ambaliba@cronos.ocn.ne
.jp; info@lithemb.or.jp; amb.jp@urm.lt; ambtyo@r5.dion.ne.jp; malawi@luck.ocn.ne.jp; malawi
@mxl.ttcn.ne.jp; maltokyo@kln.gov.my; ambmalijp@gol.com; maltaconsul.tokyo@gov.mt; rmito
@din.or.jp; embamex@mexicoembassy.jp; fsmemb@fsmemb.or.jp; hiroharu.okamoto@mitsubi
shicorp.com; sifamato@circus.ocn.ne.jp; mozambiq@tkk.att.ne.jp; contact@myanmar-
met@twics.con; nepembjp@big.or.jp; nzemb.tky@mail.com; emb.tokyo@mfa.no; info@pakista
nembassyjapan.com; pareptokyo@hotmail.com; eroptj@pastel.ocn.ne.jpo; palestine@paltsts-
jp.com; panaemb@gol.com; png-tyo@nifty.ne.jp; embajada-
consulado@embapar.jp; embtokyo@embperujapan.org; phjp@gol.com; info@philembassy.net;
tokio.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl; tokyo@mofa.gov.qa; rosconsl@ma.kcom.ne.jp; ambatokyo
@minaffet.gov.rw; jpemb@mofa.gov.sa; embassy@embassy-serbia-montenegro.jp; contact@r-
o-seychelles.jp; singemb@gol.com; emb.tokyo@mzv.sk; vto@mzz-
dkp.gov.si; visa@rsatk.com; buzon.oficial@tokio.ofcomes.mcx.es; tokyojp@lankaembassy.jp; in
fo@sudanembassy.jp; ambassaden.tokyo@foreign.ministry.se; teco-tky@www.roc-
taiwan.or.jp; embassy@turkey.jp; iwatani@nbk.co.jp; ugabassy@hpo.net; emb_jp@mfa.gov.ua;
ukremb@rose.ocn.ne.jp; info@uaeembassy.jp; embavene@interlink.or.jp; vnembasy@blue.oc
n.ne.jp; info@yemen.jp; infoemb@zambia.or.jp; zimtokyo@achive.ecn.ne.jp; brasemb.toquio@it
amaraty.gov.br; massyabedini29@gmail.com; ysaadon@worldbank.org; shlomosand@gmail.co
m; giladatzmon@mac.com; fink2@post.tau.ac.il; neil.silberman@gmail.com; rfriedma@uga.edu
; jacek.kugler@cgu.edu; dquam@nga.org; dllr@dllr.state.md.us; staff@cspoa.org; oag@oag.sta
te.md.us; jmcpherson@naag.org; gyates@naco.org; jrwolfinger@va.metrocast.net
Subject: Receivership of the Network of Global Corporate Control in the Global Debt Facility
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 10:40:49 -0400

Dear Mr. Mohieldin,

This is to follow up on my email to you of April 19, 2015 placing the 60 central bank members of
the BIS into receivership in the Global Debt Facility. As you are no doubt aware, after this
foreclosure, I am the senior authorized signatory to go before the interbank screens, since the
remaining officers take instructions from me.

Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston of ETH Zurich

http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf A systems analysis of the financial
markets reveals that the world's finances are in the hands of just a few mutual funds, banks, and
corporations. The eight largest U.S. financial companies (JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of
America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan
Stanley) are 100% controlled by ten shareholders and we have four companies always present in
all decisions: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. In addition, the Federal Reserve is
comprised of 12 banks, represented by a board of seven people, which comprises representatives
of the “big four,” which in turn are present in all other entities. In short, the US Federal Reserve
is controlled by four large private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and
Fidelity. Allied Barton, the World Bank and IMF's security firm, is owned by Black Rock.

Allied Barton has been refusing to follow the instructions of the Board of Governors of the IMF
and World Bank. Allied Barton is now also obligated to take instructions by virtue of the fact
that its corporate owners are in receivership under the Global Debt Facility. I have informed
the legal officers of BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity of these facts.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666
This is to Mr. David C. Phelan. Mr. Trace Rakestraw, Assistant Vice President and Associate
Counsel, did not provide me with an email address as he said that he would do following our
telephone conversation yesterday. I am also in contact with Fidelity, Black Rock, and Vanguard
per the following:

From: karenhudes@hotmail.com

To: carol.gerard@fmr.com
Subject: FW: Per my discussion with your representative
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:10:18 -0400

Dear Ms. Gerard,

Thank you for taking my call. Per our conversation, this is the power transition model that is 90-
95% accurate, and predicts that a coalition for the rule of law will coalesce for a global currency
reset. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf

As I mentioned, I will do whatever I can to ensure there is a smooth process without violence
and retribution.

Best, Karen Hudes

From: karenhudes@hotmail.com
To: online@vanguard.com
Subject: Per my discussion with your representative
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 11:52:25 -0400

I am also contacting Fidelity and State Street on this matter.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

From: karenhudes@hotmail.com
To: matthew.mallow@blackrock.com
Subject: Re: Our telephone conversation
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 10:33:05 -0400

Dear Mr. Mallow,

This is the information on the internet :

Karen Hudes @KarenHudes ·

The dawn of ethics in the District of Columbia http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-04-


also at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.20.15.pdf

and: https://www.facebook.com/karen.hudes.10/

and: http://www.frank-webb.com/karen-hudes---updates.html

For our purposes, this is the dispositive

document: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/lucc2.pdf cleared with all 187 Ministers of
Finance (since the US is subject to state capture, and in interregnum, there was no point in
contacting Jack Lew) https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Alternative+to+WWIII.pdf The
positions of Executive Director and Alternate Executive Director for the US at the World Bank

are vacant after Sara Aviel violated the Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666

Karen Hudes @KarenHudes 5h5 hours ago

Where does Canada stand in all this?

https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.25.15.pdf … pic.twitter.com/hYW3kaGZEw

View photo 13 retweets 5 favorites

@KarenHudes Joe Oliver, the finance minister for Canada can be reached on
Twitter @MinJoeOliver. Ask him his stance on: #GoldOutOfHiding

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:33 AM

Subject: Fwd: Out of Office AutoReply: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-
To: Christine.Hanson@international.gc.ca, Sean.Sunderland@international.gc.ca, eds07@worl

I spoke with the National Bank of Poland today, and learned that they have been in
communication with the World Bank about me. I am requesting Canada to intervene on this
matter since we are rapidly running out of time.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: <Howard.Isaac@international.gc.ca>
Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:07 AM
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-
To: Karen Hudes

I will be away from March 25 until April 3, 2013. Je serai absent d3 25 mars au 4 avril. Please
call Christine Hanson at 202 448-6539 or Sean Sunderland at 202 682-7735. SVP, telephonez
Christine Hanson a 202 448-6539 au Sean Sunderland a 202 682-7735.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes <
Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:07 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-hello-bric/
To: deanna.horton@international.gc.ca, howard.isaac@international.gc.ca

A former Canadian colleague from the World Bank, Deane Jordan, contacted me yesterday.
Please let me know whether the Canadian embassy will receive me today.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:15 AM
Subject: Fwd: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-hello-bric/
To: dnj32609@yahoo.com

Dear Deane,

It was good to run into you yesterday. Here's how things look on paper.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes >
Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 7:46 AM
Subject: Fwd: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-hello-bric/
To: anna.wojcicka@nbp.pl, "sekretariat.gp" <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>
Cc: kimberly.gardner@alliedbarton.com
Dear Ms. Wojcicka,

Per our conversation this morning, I would appreciate if Governor Belka on behalf of the
Development Committee could ensure that I am promptly reinstated in order to resolve internal
control lapses at the World Bank and bring the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development and the International Finance Corporation into compliance with US federal
and state securities laws and the securities laws of other jurisdictions. This will also permit the
World Bank to qualify for the US contribution to the IBRD and IFC capital increase under §7082
of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74) with results eliminating the
effects of retaliation.

I informed NATO and Secretary Hagel that the attached stakeholder analysis, with a 90-95%
track record, calls for an irreversible gold stampede and weakening if not dissolution of NATO if
there is no rule of law in the international financial system. The following shows that we are
running out of time.

Karen Hudes
Law Offices of Karen Hudes

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes

Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:35 AM
Subject: Fwd: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-hello-bric/
To: "hfac.whistleblower@mail.house.gov"
<hfac.whistleblower@mail.house.gov>, kerry.kircher@mail.house.gov, thomas_caballero

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:34 AM
Subject: Fwd: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-hello-bric/
To: "axel.wannag" <axel.wannag@arbeidstilsynet.no>

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes
Date: Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:29 AM
Subject: Fwd: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-hello-bric/
To: "dquam@nga.org"
<dquam@nga.org>, andrew.lippstone@state.de.us, rbaldwin@ncsc.org, dllr@dllr.state.md.us, j
mcpherson@naag.org, kevin.eichinger@mail.house.gov, laura_minor@ao.uscourts.gov, myron.
"sekretariat.gp" <sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>,
bcc: mhasan <mhasan@worldbank.org>,

And all it will take is a simple telephone call to Commander Michael E. Reese of the DC Second

From: karenhudes@hotmail.com
To: hfac.whistleblower@mail.house.gov; kerry.kircher@mail.house.gov; thomas_caballero@legal.
Subject: Restoring the Rule of Law
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 07:41:32 -0400

I suggest that you contact Commander Michael E. Reese on this grave risk to democracy in the
United States:

Second District Station

3320 Idaho Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: (202) 715-7300
Fax: (202) 715-7382
Email: michael.reese@dc.gov

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: James Fetzer <>
Date: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 8:46 PM

Subject: Re: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-hello-bric/
To: Karen Hudes

Unbelievable! The situation is laid out with unmistakable clarity. I am dumbfounded! Jim

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Karen Hudes <
Date: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/03/31/bye-bye-banksters-hello-bric/
To: James Fetzer <>
NATO PA <press@nato-pa.int>,

Dear Jim,

There is, and none of it is any good. I emailed NATO and DOD to warn that the

stakeholder analysis, with a 90-95% track record, calls for an irreversible stampede

if there is no rule of law in the international financial system.

The situation is growing increasingly serious by the day.

Australia and China plan to trade directly in their own currencies


and this:

Swiss To Vote On Gold Repatriation



The Board of Governors of the World Bank is fully informed; I am unable to to tell them

the US will play by the rules when, as you stated in our article, President Kim is refusing to

"adhere[] to the principles of the rule of law, reinstate[] me and implement[] appropriate accounting


NATO and DOD haven't gotten back to me, and as you so astutely noted, Jim Kim will not

me without being forced. The World Bank Spring Meetings begin April 19, 2013.



On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 5:07 PM, James Fetzer wrote:

What kind of feedback are you getting? There should be a lot going on about this out there in
the real world. Jim

Second District Station

3320 Idaho Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: (202) 715-7300
Fax: (202) 715-7382
Email: michael.reese@dc.gov

From: karenhudes@hotmail.com
To: hfac.whistleblower@mail.house.gov; kerry.kircher@mail.house.gov; thomas_caballero@legal.senate.
Subject: Restoring the Rule of Law
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 07:41:32 -0400

I suggest that you contact Commander Michael E. Reese on this grave risk to democracy in the United

Second District Station

3320 Idaho Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: (202) 715-7300
Fax: (202) 715-7382
Email: michael.reese@dc.gov

From: karenhudes@hotmail.com
To: Jim Fetzer
CC: sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl; press@bis.org; bryan.whitman@osd.mil; laura_minor@ao.uscourts.gov; andrew

.lippstone@state.de.us; jmcpherson@naag.org; dquam@nga.org; thomas_caballero@legal.senate.gov; dllr
@dllr.state.md.us;norbergj@sec.gov; novitsky7@aol.com; kerry.kircher@mail.house.gov; kimberly.gardner
@alliedbarton.com; oag@dc.gov; scheduler@mikulski.senate.gov; mhasan@worldbank.org; rtreffers@worl
dbank.org; ihoven@worldbank.org;afayolle@worldbank.org; mmorin@worldbank.org; rstudart@worldban
k.org; pcipollone@worldbank.org; npinto@worldbank.org; jwhitehead@worldbank.org; abrandt1@worldb
ank.org; jfrieden@worldbank.org; syang@worldbank.org;vgrishin@worldbank.org; emiagkov@worldbank.
org; ialturki@worldbank.org; hsuzuki@worldbank.org; ytakamura@worldbank.org; aalkaffas@worldbank.o
rg; snanu@worldbank.org; saviel@worldbank.org; iansolomon@worldbank.org;wrissmann@worldbank.or
g; jjulia@worldbank.org; ghines@worldbank.org; jstewart@worldbank.org; mpamuksuz@worldbank.org; j
bravo@worldbank.org; jharris@worldbank.org; rtan@worldbank.org; icho@worldbank.org;mprasad@worl
dbank.org; mtareque@worldbank.org; wszczuka@worldbank.org; obougara@worldbank.org; mminhas@
worldbank.org; gbalcytyte@worldbank.org; bhan@worldbank.org; sannamalai@worldbank.org; dabgboha
n@worldbank.org;cforcieri@wordbank.org; rraineri@worldbank.org; mmuhtar@worldbank.org; alourenco
@worldbank.org; dkalyalya@worldbank.org; llarose@worldbank.org; amendesdias@worldbank.org; mkay
ad@worldbank.org; michael.reese@dc.gov;mpd@dc.gov
Subject: RE: Avoiding a Currency War
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 17:40:58 -0400

Dear Jim,

Today I reported to the World Bank, informing Allied Barton's security personnel that I was duly reinstated
by the shareholders of the World Bank.

Allied Barton illegally denied me a security badge. An Allied Barton officer raised his voice to me. The
World Bank, under Dr. Kim's presidency, called the DC police on a legal officer of the World Bank whose
reinstatement was necessary in order to qualify for the US contribution to the World Bank's capital

Notwithstanding that the World Bank refused to confirm any request to the police in writing in an attempt
to evade accountability, I left the premises at the request of the DC police. However, I did report to the
2nd District Precinct that the DC police had been derelict in their duties.

It is incumbent on DC police to respect the authority of the World Bank's shareholders. Captain Michael
Reese needs to direct his officers to comply with District of Columbia securities laws, and not perpetuate
illicit corruption by failing to provide accurate financial statements to World Bank bondholders who reside
in DC. This abuse of authority is driving down US and World Bank credit ratings, weakening if not
dissolving NATO, and preventing the World Bank's shareholders from fulfilling their responsibilities in the
Bretton Woods institutions to avoid an impending currency war.

The podcast of your March 6, 2013 interview is up on my website's home page. www.kahudes.net I am
looking forward to your call tomorrow.

[Veterans Day took the article down when I showed how that rag was shielding the Knights of Malta in the
US military who are betraying their country and trying to surrender the US unilaterally through a crash of
the US dollar you can see a draft here:

Thanks again for helping me to end the cover-up of corruption to US citizens,


Law Offices of Karen Hudes


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

> From: Karen Hudes Date: Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 10:33 AM
> Subject: Correcting Clerical Error in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals
> To: mrchun21@gmail.com
>Cc: laura_minor@ao.uscourts.gov, jacek.kugler@cgu.edu, jmcpherson@naag.org, andrew.lipp
stone@state.de.us, dquam@nga.org,
> dllr@dllr.state.md.us, rbaldwin@ncsc.org, AskDOJ@usdoj.gov, "sekretariat.gp"
<sekretariat.gp@nbp.pl>, thomas_caballero
> <thomas_caballero@legal.senate.gov>, kerry.kircher@mail.house.gov, CAB-ASHTON-
ARES@ec.europa.eu, abrandt <abrandt1@worldbank.org>
> Dear Ms. Swanson,
> Thank you for your request via Linked-In, through which I have learned that you were
manager of a Department of Defense project on the Sentia stakeholder analysis. Jacek Kugler
ran an analysis of rule of law at the World Bank in 2004 (http://kahudes.net/wp-
content/uploads/2012/05/board-of-governors.pdf, commencing with page 16). In 2007 I warned
the Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose the Gentlemen's Agreement
to name the President of the World Bank if the US did not bring the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development into compliance on the capital markets. In 2010 the US lost
the Gentlemen's Agreement http://www.imf.org/external/np/cm/2010/042510.htm (see
paragraph 6)

I warned the 50 state governors, Chief Justices of state Supreme Courts, state and federal
attorneys general, as well as the Judicial Conference, that the Sentia analysis is now predicting
a currency war with 90-95% accuracy because the clerk in the District of Columbia Circuit Court
of Appeals refused to recognize the settlement of my bondholder lawsuit by the 188 Ministers of
Finance on the Board of Governors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and
> http://kahudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ljudicialconference1.pdf

The UK wants to know why it is taking so long to correct this simple clerical error. Once the UK
and European Parliaments published my statements,
3.htm ,
http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmintdev/writev/402/icai02.htm an
the Sentia analysis predicted resolution of the problem in favor of the rule of law.



On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST http://dctv.org/Live


interviews: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Bibliography1.pdf

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