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MTL411 - Functional Analysis

Tutorial Sheet - 2
1. Let n ≥ 2 and 0 < p < 1. For x ∈ Rn , let kxkp = ( ni=1 |x(j)|p ) p . Show that k · kp is
not a norm on Rn .
2. Give an example of subspaces of infinite dimensional space which is not closed.
3. Let E := x ∈ `2 : |x(j)|2 ≤ 1 . Then show that E is closed and bounded, but not

4. Show that the Hilbert Cube K := x ∈ `2 : j|x(j)| ≤ 1 ∀j ∈ N is compact.

5. Let K be a compact subset and F be a closed subset of a normed space X such that
K ∩ F = φ then (K + U (0, r)) ∩ F = φ for some r > 0, where U (0, r) denotes ball of
radius r center at 0 vector.
6. A normed space (X, k · k) is strickly convex if k(x + y)/2k < 1 whenever x, y ∈ X,
kxk = 1 = kyk and x 6= y. If a norm k · k on a linear space X is induced by an inner
product, then show that (X, k · k) is strickly convex.
7. Show if p ∈ {1, ∞} then the norm k · kp in `p is not induced by any inner product.
8. Let X be a normed space. Suppose for every two dimensional subspace Y of X, there
is an inner product h , iY such that hy, yiY = kyk2 for all y ∈ Y . Then show that there
is an inner product h , i on X such that hx, xi = kxk2 for all x ∈ X.
9. Show that {e1 , e2 , . . .} is a Schauder basis for c0 and also {e0 , e1 , e2 , . . .} is a Schauder
basis for c, where e0 := (1, 1, . . .). Define un := e2n−12+e2n and vn := e2n−12−e2n for n ∈ N
then show that {u1 , v1 , u2 , v2 , . . .} is a Schauder basis for `1 .
10. Show that `∞ does not have any Schauder basis.
11. Let {u1 , u2 , . . .} be an orthonormal basis for Hilbert space H. Then show that an
orthonormal set {v1 , v2 , . . .} in H is an orthonormal basis for H if and only if

|hvm , un i|2 = 1

for each n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
12. Justify the following:
(a) The space c00 is not a Banach space with respect to any norm.
(b) The space P[a, b] of all polynomials defined on [a, b] is not a Banach space with
respect to any norm.
(c) Every infinite dimensional space has a subspace which is not a Banach space with
respect to any norm.
(d) Let X be a Banach space. Then X is finite dimensional if and only if every subspace
of X is closed.
13. For k ≥ 1, let X = C k ([a, b]), the linear space of all k times continuously differentiable
functions on [a, b]. For f ∈ X, let
kf k = kf k∞ + kf (1) k∞ + · · · + kf (k) k∞ .
Then X is a Banach space in the norm k · k. The subspace C k+1 ([a, b]) of C k ([a, b]) is
not a Banach space in the induced norm.

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