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Advanced Thermodynamics: Lecture 3

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Moving Boundary Work: Closed systems
Moving boundary work is the primary form of work involved in
automobile engines. During their expansion, the combustion gases
force the piston to move, which in turn forces the crankshaft to

Also called PdV work.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Moving Boundary Work: Closed systems
We analyze the moving boundary work for a quasi- equilibrium

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

The initial pressure of the gas is P, the total volume is V, and the
cross- sectional area of the piston is A. If the piston is allowed to
move a distance ds in a quasi-equilibrium manner, the di↵erential
work done during this process is

Wb = Fds = PAds = PdV

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Moving Boundary Work: Closed systems
The total boundary work done during the entire process as the
piston moves is obtained by adding all the di↵erential works from
the initial state to the final state

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Z 2 Z 2
Wb = Area under curve = A = dA = PdV
1 1
Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661
Work: Path Function

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Work: Cycle

The net work done during a cycle is the di↵erence between the
work done by the system and the work done on the system.
Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Boundary Work for constant volume process
A rigid tank contains air at 500 kPa and 150o C. As a result of heat
transfer to the surroundings, the temperature and pressure inside
the tank drop to 65o C and 400 kPa, respectively. Determine the
boundary work done during this process.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Boundary Work for constant pressure process
A frictionless pistoncylinder device contains 10 lbm of steam at 60
psia and 320o F. Heat is now transferred to the steam until the
temperature reaches 400o F. If the piston is not attached to a shaft
and its mass is con- stant, determine the work done by the steam
during this process.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Polytropic process
For a polytropic process the pressure and volume are related by the
PV n = C
Where n and C are constants.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Work done during a Polytropic process
Z 2 Z 2
Wb = PdV = CV dV
1 1

V1 n+1 V2
For and ideal gas PV = mRT , this equation becomes

mR(T2 T1 )
Wb = for n 6= 1
1 n
For special case of n = 1, boundary work is
Z 2 Z 2 ✓ ◆
1 V2
Wb = PdV = CV dV = Cln
1 1 V1

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Isothermal compression of an Ideal gas
A pistoncylinder device initially contains 0.4 m3 of air at 100 kPa
and 80o C. The air is now compressed to 0.1 m3 in such a way that
the temperature inside the cylinder remains constant. Determine
the work done during this process.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Expansion of a Gas against a Spring
A pistoncylinder device contains 0.05 m3 of a gas initially at 200
kPa. At this state, a linear spring that has a spring constant of 150
kN/m is touching the piston but exerting no force on it. Now heat
is transferred to the gas, causing the piston to rise and to compress
the spring until the volume inside the cylinder doubles. If the
cross-sectional area of the piston is 0.25 m2, determine (a) the
final pressure inside the cylinder, (b) the total work done by the
gas, and (c) the fraction of this work done against the spring to
compress it.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Unrestrained Expansion of Water
A rigid tank is divided into two equal parts by a partition. Initially,
one side of the tank contains 5 kg of water at 200 kPa and 25O C,
and the other side is evacuated. The partition is then removed,
and the water expands into the entire tank. The water is allowed
to exchange heat with its surroundings until the temperature in the
tank returns to the initial value of 25O C. Determine (a) the
volume of the tank, (b) the final pressure, and (c) the heat transfer
for this process.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Specific heats
The specific heat is defined as the energy required to raise the
temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree.
It depends on how the process is executed.

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Specific heats
The specific heat is defined as the energy required to raise the
temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree.
It depends on how the process is executed.
Two kinds of specific heats: specific heat at constant volume
cv and specific heat at constant pressure cp .
cv can be viewed as the energy required to raise the
temperature of the unit mass of a substance by one degree as
the volume is maintained constant.
The energy required to do the same as the pressure is
maintained constant is the specific heat at constant pressure
cp .

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Consider a fixed mass in a stationary closed system undergoing a
constant–volume process. The conservation of energy principle for
this process can be expressed in the di↵erential form as

ein eout = du

The left–hand side of this equation represents the net amount of

energy transferred to the system. From the definition of cv , this
energy must be equal to cv dT , where dT is the di↵erential change
in temperature.

cv dT = du at constant volume

✓ ◆
cv =
@T v
cv is defined as the change in the internal energy of a substance
per unit change in temperature at constant volume.

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Similarly for a constant pressure process, the energy balance can
be written as
ein eout = dh
From the definition of cp , this energy must be equal to cp dT ,
where dT is the di↵erential change in temperature.

cp dT = dh at constant pressure

✓ ◆
cp =
@T p

cp is defined as the change in the internal energy of a substance

per unit change in temperature at constant pressure.

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Joule’s experiment

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

u = u(T )

For an ideal gas the internal energy is a function of temperature


Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Using the definition of enthalpy and the equation of state of an
ideal gas, we have
h = u + Pv

Pv = RT

h = u + RT

) h = h(T )
Since u and h depend only on temperature for an ideal gas, the
specific heats cv and cp also depend, at most, on temperature
only. Then the di↵erential changes in the internal energy and
enthalpy of an ideal gas can be expressed as

du = cv (T )dT

dh = cp (T )dT
Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661
The change in internal energy or enthalpy for an ideal gas during a
process from state 1 to state 2 is determined by
Z 2
u = u2 u1 = cv (T )dT
Z 2
h = h2 h1 = cp (T )dT

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

The change in internal energy or enthalpy for an ideal gas during a
process from state 1 to state 2 is determined by
Z 2
u = u2 u1 = cv (T )dT
Z 2
h = h2 h1 = cp (T )dT
If variation of specific heats are smooth and approximately linear,
the integrations can be replaced by

u2 u1 = cv ,avg (T2 T1 )

h2 h1 = cp,avg (T2 T1 )

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Specific Heat Relations of Ideal Gases
Di↵erentiating the relation,

h = u + RT

dh = du + RdT
Replacing dh by cp dT and du by cv dT and dividing the resulting
expression by dT , we obtain
✓ ◆
cp = cv + R
kg · K

in Molar basis
✓ ◆
c¯p = c¯v + Ru
kmol · K

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

We introduce another ideal gas property called specific heat ratio
k defined as
For monatomic gases, its value is essentially constant at 1.667.
Many diatomic gases, including air, have a specific heat ratio of
about 1.4 at room temperature.

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Evaluation of the u of an Ideal Gas
Air at 300 K and 200 kPa is heated at constant pressure to 600 K.
Determine the change in internal energy of air per unit mass, using
the functional form of the specific heat

c¯P (T ) = a + bT + cT 2 dT 3
where a = 28.11, b = 0.1967 ⇥ 10 2 ,c = 0.4802 ⇥ 10 5 and
d = 1.966 ⇥ 10 9

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Heating of a Gas in a Tank by Stirring
An insulated rigid tank initially contains 1.5 lbm of helium at 80F
and 50 psia. A paddle wheel with a power rating of 0.02 hp is
operated within the tank for 30 min. Determine (a) the final
temperature and (b) the final pressure of the helium gas.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Heating of a Gas by a resistance heater
A piston–cylinder device initially contains 0.5 m3 of nitrogen gas at
400 kPa and 27C. An electric heater within the device is turned on
and is allowed to pass a current of 2 A for 5 min from a 120-V
source. Nitrogen expands at constant pressure, and a heat loss of
2800 J occurs during the process. Determine the final temperature
of nitrogen.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Heating of a Gas at Constant Pressure
A pistoncylinder device initially contains air at 150 kPa and 27C. At
this state, the piston is resting on a pair of stops and the enclosed
volume is 400 L. The mass of the piston is such that a 350-kPa
pressure is required to move it. The air is now heated until its
volume has doubled. Determine (a) the final temperature, (b) the
work done by the air, and (c) the total heat transferred to the air.

Image source: Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 7th edition

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

Specific heats for solids and liquids
The specific heats of incompressible substances depend on
temperature only.
Enthalpy change for a solid or an incompressible liquid.

h = u + Pv

dh = du + vdP + Pdv
h= u + v P ⇡ cavg T + v P

Constant–pressure processes, as in heaters

( P = 0) h = u = cavg T
Constant–temperature processes, as in pump
( T = 0) h = v P

Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan ME 661

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