Creating Assignment

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Amanda Nhek

TPACK Template

Subject Physical Education

Grade 10

Learning 10.3 The student will demonstrate the ability to apply basic principles of
Objective training and scientific concepts and principles to evaluate current fitness
behaviors and identify strategies needed for health-enhancing fitness for
the present and into adulthood.
a) Create a fitness and activity plan for the present and a potential plan

for the future (postsecondary education, college/career) to address

the health-related components of fitness.

Complete this sentence:

In this activity, my students are going to use Google Calendar to create a personal
Pedagogy Planning

fitness plan.

For this activity, students will be creating a personalized fitness plan using
Google Calendar. Based on their fitness testing scores, they will choose one of
the five components of fitness to focus their workout plan on.

For example, if a student scored low on the pacer test which is a cardio based
test, they will devise a plan based on cardiovascular endurance.

The teacher will provide students will the tools to help create a fitness plan. For
example, the teacher will explain how to incorporate the FITT ( Frequency,
Intensity, Time, Type) principles into their workout routine. The teacher will also
display Google Calendar examples of fitness plans. This will help student become
more comfortable with navigating Google Calendar on their own.

Once students remember, understood, apply, analyze, and evaluate the

material, then they will be required to create their own individual Google
Calendar with their workout plan.

The students will be using the technology to plan, track, and record their
workouts. Using Google Calendar, they will write descriptions of their workout
for each specific day. They will also label when their rest days will be and how
long they will spend working out. They will create a four-week fitness plan using
Google Calendar.

Technolog The students will be using Google Calendar to create and follow a personal

y fitness plan.

Link to the

example 9t
The Calendar starts on January 21 and ends February 15.

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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