Collaborative Assignment Sheet

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TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative


Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

My name: Amanda Nhek

Name of the tool Google Drive
Where to access this
tool (web address)
Brief instructions of Google Drive is an innovative tool created by Google that allows its users to create,
how to use the tool share, and collaborate with other users. This tool can store files and synchronize word
documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and photos across multiple devices. Google
Drive is accessible to all users that have a google account. Users have the option to
control privacy setting, which include sharing files with certain users or making content
public. The teacher would have to make sure that all students that are participating have a
Google account. By logging into a googles account, you will have the option to either
create a document, presentation, spreadsheet, or save photos. From there users can add
other google users to have access to the live document. Any user given access to the data
can now edit, change, and comment on the document.
Ideas for how the Elementary School Level
tool can be used in  I would use this tool in a fourth-grade class to study the water cycle. Students
PK-12 could work together and create a Google Side Presentation of the different parts
of the water cycle. I would share a document with all of them and ask that each
person in the group create one slide about a certain stage of the water cycle.
 In a fifth-grade class, I could use Google Drive to have a writing conference
with one of my students. By having the student share the document with me, I
could edit and give feedback to the student and watch the student make the
changing from my own screen.
 I could also upload elementary students work for their parent to see what they
have been doing over the course of the year.
Middle and High School Level
 In a middle school history class, students could take test and quizzes through
Google Drive. I would share a document with them, and they would be able to
edit it. Once they complete the assignment, they would place in a folder where I
would be able to grade it.
 In a High school PE class, students could complete a research paper on the
benefits of lifelong fitness. As a group, they could share a Google Document
and divide up the sections in which each person can complete individually.
 In a high school drama class, I could create a spreadsheet that would be shared
with entire class that includes a sign-up sheet for a skit presentation. The
spreadsheet would have times and days listed. The spreadsheet would update
instantly, so that not one picked the same time or day.

Positives and Positives

challenges of using  Google Drive is completely free to use for students. All they have to do is sign
the tool up for a free Google account.
 Files can be shared with any Google user. This includes documents,
presentation, spreadsheets, and pictures.
 Google Drive is user friendly. It is very easy to navigate and share media.
 Multiple students can be working on the same document at the same time.
Students can also leave comments on the document for their fellow classmates
to see and respond to.
 Google Drive automatically saves changes to the document. This prevents any
data from being unsaved by accident.
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative

 Google Drive can also be use on most hand-held devices. This makes it very
convenient to access while on the go.

 Google Drive can only be accessible with internet connection. Students will not
be able to use this tool unless they have internet connection.
 Downloading and sharing large files can be difficult. It usually takes an
extended period of time for large files to be downloaded or shared.
 Dysfunctional groups can have a hard time with other users writing incorrect
information or inappropriate comments on the document. This might be
challenge for younger students who don’t have the maturity to use the tool
 Google accounts can be hacked and thus documents might not be secure.
Peer’s name: William Raney
Name of the tool Now Comment
Where to access this
tool (web address)
Brief instructions of Now Comment is a website for students and teachers to collaborate over the internet.
how to use the tool Students can engage in conversations with other students and the teacher regarding
different articles posted by the instructor. Students can post comments without being
interrupting and collaborate or response to other posts. The discussion board feature
displays full transcripts of every post. The comments are private and in a “safe”
environment, so that students feel comfortable to voice their own opinions and ideas.
Ideas for how the Elementary and Secondary Level
tool can be used in
PK-12  This tool could be used at home for some of the younger elementary students.
Introducing them to online discussion group forum with the help and
supervision of parents and teacher is very important.
 This tool would be a great way to expose students to material that the teacher
might not have had time to do in the classroom. This would allow the students
to read and comment outside the classroom on material that equally important.
 The tool can be used to reinforce topics that have been covered in class. The
teacher could post a reading that is related to the topic in class and have the
students discuss at home through this website.
High School Level

 A high school lesson about drugs abuse among teens could be further discussed
by posting readings on this website. The students could be read multiple articles
and comment on ones that they relate to or find interesting.
Positives and Positives
challenges of using  Exceptional online discussion forum for students to collaborate and share their
the tool ideas and comments.
 The teacher is able to monitor the discussion group and see if they are
 This tool is a great way to cover topics explained in the classroom and then
reiterated outside the classroom using different examples.
 This online resource involves the whole class and allows everyone the
opportunity to express themselves.
 The younger students, especially the elementary students might find this
difficult to use. Additional parent and teacher help would be necessary.
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative

 Students might not read articles and just post in response to other students’
comments. It might be difficult to monitor students actually taking the time and
reading the articles.
 Some students might have difficulty using this website. For example, they might
not have access to computers or mobile devices at home. This would include
students in lower socioeconomic areas.
Peer’s name:
Name of the tool
Where to access this
tool (web address)
Brief instructions of
how to use the tool
Ideas for how the
tool can be used in
Positives and
challenges of using
the tool

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